Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I always send her a both an e-mail and a pm and she hasn't responded to me either this time. She has very spotty internet so I'm willing to bet that's the case this time. I hate it hough b/c I love seeing what everyone created -- we have such fabulous projects all the time that it's very inspiring.

No response for me yet either, so probably her internet.

Thanks! I sent mine yesterday morning.
In a effort to move this post along here are some of the outfits I made for dd. I am going to have to take in the sides a little of some of them.
She was going to wear this Saturday night, but since I changed the reservation, now I am not sure.

I am almost finished with this one. Worked on it all day yesterday. It is not exactly what I wanted to do, but I am happy with it. She loves it.

and the back

She told me Roo was her favorite, so I put him on here. Too bad we won't see him. This is one I need to take the sides in.


This one is for MK. I loved the material, and didn't want to do to much with it to break it up.


Her AK outfit

okay I did my part to move this along. I need to get ds to try all of his on, but he is at school. I think I have posted most of my other outfits already. Now to finish the rest.

I love all your outfits but I especially love the pillowcase dress. I have that fabric and have been wondering what it could be used for.
Her AK outfit

okay I did my part to move this along. I need to get ds to try all of his on, but he is at school. I think I have posted most of my other outfits already. Now to finish the rest.

I love all the outfits, I will be on the lookout for you!
In a effort to move this post along here are some of the outfits I made for dd. I am going to have to take in the sides a little of some of them.
She was going to wear this Saturday night, but since I changed the reservation, now I am not sure.

I am almost finished with this one. Worked on it all day yesterday. It is not exactly what I wanted to do, but I am happy with it. She loves it.

and the back

She told me Roo was her favorite, so I put him on here. Too bad we won't see him. This is one I need to take the sides in.


This one is for MK. I loved the material, and didn't want to do to much with it to break it up.


Her AK outfit

okay I did my part to move this along. I need to get ds to try all of his on, but he is at school. I think I have posted most of my other outfits already. Now to finish the rest.

I really think you did a fabulous job on all of them! The AK is my favorite -- I love the colors in it.
She told me Roo was her favorite, so I put him on here. Too bad we won't see him. This is one I need to take the sides in.


I wouldn't take the sides in. It looks fine in the picture. I made all of my niece's dresses larger so that she can get at least two years out of them. She will be wearing some of the ones I made last year.

That's the Winnie the Pooh fabric I almost bought for my niece's dress. I already had the fabric I used but when I saw that one I really wanted to buy some.

All of the dresses look great. The skirt is cute. I haven't made a skirt yet-my niece loves dresses so that's what I have made her.
WOW I am so far behind again.:confused:

Enabler Alert: I was just at Target and they still had some girls short sleeve tshirts for $2.44 Some were in the clearance rack and some were mixed in with the long tshirts.

DD has a party today and it's a new classmate so I had no clue what she liked. When I e-mailed my rsvp I asked her interests and was told: Superheroes, Pirates and Scooby Do! What about princesses :confused3 She also likes arts and crafts and reading. I was going to make her an eye spy and get her some books, but for some reason I was so not in the mood to do an eye spy bag. So I came up with this:

Here is the pencil roll (npt thrilled with the red binding but didn't feel like making my own and had this on hand -- red is in the fabric too):

What a wonderful gift. Did she enjoy it?

Thanks to everyone for all the comments on the camera strap I made. I basically used this tutorial to make my strap:

Thanks for the links.

My DD's outfit for animal kingdom. She picked the baby simba for the skirt. She has loved Baby Simba and Baby Nala for a long time (she was really into them when I found the disboards, thus my disname). I bought this fabric and pattern a LONG time ago with the intention of making this set for our next trip. Andrea's recent give outfit inspired me to get it done and I cased her shirt design.



Love it all!

Here is an outfit I made my daughter last week. I tested a pattern from a designer I found on Facebook! It was very simple and easy to make...reminds of the simply sweet. The strap isn't wonky in the back...it just from the way she has her arms I guess.... My daughter's pose is courtesy of her kindergarten teacher who has all of these really cute chants they do to celebrate each other...this one is called "Lookin' Good!"
Thanks for looking! Erica


That came out great. What is the name of the designer?

okay so talking about ponchos. I am about 100% sure we are going to have rain while we are there. I have used the cheapo ponchos in the past, but they aren't the best. Good to throw away though. Has anyone see ponchos for children? I have also heard of people using a shower curtain liner to cover their stroller. We are taking the double and I need something to cover it.

We have a HUGE double jogging stroller and I used an adult poncho cover that I had purchased on Walmart. It covered the whole stroller and more and the boys got a kick out of it because they felt they were in their own little fort.

I've been missing for a little while, but I've found me, and I'm still here. I've been reading along, and things are just flying by! Everything has been so incredible! I want to make so many things, I just don't have the time.
I have managed to make a few things lately though...

reversible sewing machine cover with pockets!!!

Cute cover and the little itty baby skirt is adorable

What is the website -- my old bookmark doesn't direct me to it. And I read what Chiara posted and I think it's absurd that you have to have made a purchase in order to view characters. I haven't made anything from Bows and Clothes though I know she has some designs that others don't.

Andrea after you register on her site just send her an email that you want to view characters. I believe she is doing it this way because someone tried blackmailing her about her Disney designs.

okay here is what I did today.

The Monster Hight Shirt for the girl, she is going to wear it with the pirate skirt I made for our trip.



My whole family (Mom, Dad, brother, Heather, cousins, aunts, uncles, and their families) went camping this weekend. We had such fun (although, I froze my tushy off in the tent on Friday night!).

So, we are sitting around the campfire and talking about the pictures that people take of themselves in the mirror and post on Facebook. My cousin and I both said that we had never posted a picture like that, so my cousin said, "Let's go in the (public) bathroom and take our picture!" So, I said, "Ok, let's go!" We jumped up and grabbed all the ladies and girls that would come with us (from our group) and proceeded to take this lovely picture:


Love that picture.:goodvibes

I bet that really had an impact! LOL!

My son has several issues having to do with his accident, and some that predate the accident involving his bio mom. One very strong one is darkness. He will not ride in a car at night unless he has a small flashlight... His shoes are special orthodic shoes that if not put back on properly can really hurt his feet. He has no idea why they take off his shoes and socks and belt...we told him it is so he can't run away..he has no need to know it is in the event he attempts suicide...but the simple thought that they feel it necessary to do that lets me know they must realize it is NOT a good thing to do to a special needs child that is highly medicated! (and both of his meds list suicide as a side effect!)

Sorry to go off on another rant!

Glad that your class was the best behaved class around! I promise...no more negativity! I am about to go to the Happiest Lace on Earth!


So sorry that you have to go through that.

Warning: lots of pictures (and they are not the greatest shots)

My daughter's skirt for Hoop Dee Do review. I wanted to make her a Jessie shirt but she said no. :sad1: A few days later I asked her if she wanted a Bullseye shirt and she looked at me like I was crazy. She thought I meant a shirt with the Target logo. I guess I'm the only one who has Disney on their mind 24/7. Any other ideas for a cute shirt to go with this skirt?

Thanks for all the inspiration. I enjoyed making the Insa skirt and never would have attempted it with out all the cheerleaders on this site. I also cut a little hole in the Marie shirt that I still need to fix but that might not happen until the car ride to WDW.

Love the cowboy skirt. What about a Mickey/Minnie cowboy head. I saw some on Bows&Clothes. And I love the Maria outfit.

I LOVE my 4x4 when doing the small onesies...truthfully that is the only thing I really use it for, but I can't imagine trying to do a small onesie on a 5x7.

Of course, when I bought my 4x4 it also came with a 5x7, a 2x2 and a large ginormous thing that I still haven't figured out how to use!

LOL are you talking about the reposition hoop. Actually it is great for doing a design and them moving the hoop and adding a name too.

K, got a couple more things done on the weekend.

First an upcycle for a co-workers daughter. And it's Disney related, something I very rarely have. It's a Marie cutie.

IMG_7947 by tricialee22, on Flickr

Great upcycle. Did you give your mom's friend the quilt yet? Just wondering how she liked it?

I have decided that it would really help speed things along if I have a second 5x7 hoop and since I'm having another little girl in January, maybe a 4x4. I also have the PE 770. Where did you guys find good, compatible hoops for this machine. Thanks!

I purchased mine from MrVacMrsSew. My 5x7 hoop actually got warped after using it. I sent them an email and before I even talked to anyone they sent a brand new hoop the next day. I was very impressed with their customer service.

Sorry, I haven't posted in awhile. I have been so busy w/homeschooling starting up again, being pregnant, hving migraines, etc.

I did find out we are having another girl! We r excited but have been amazed at how people act like it is a disappointment since it is not a boy and we already have 2 girls....kind of hurtful. I will need even more sewing time now.

Congrats! And now you don't have to worry about changing your disname:lmao:

Okay need a suggestion. Saturday night we had reservations at a non themed restaurant. My dd was just going to wear a minnie simply sweet. Now we are doing 1900 Park Fare. I really don't thing I have time to make another dress, but it is bugging me. I just changed the reservation today. What would you do? Also what do you all think of this restaurant. We have never been there.

Just saw your minnie dress and I think it will be fine to wear there. And we love 1900 PF for dinner and breakfast.

We're home and finally settled. I have missed so much! It is going to take me forever to get all caught up. Everything I've seen so far is just precious.

We had a great time but boy did it go fast and we missed out on a lot due to time constraints. But that just means that I'll have to plan another trip in a couple of years. Our BibbidiBobbityBoutique appointment was an HOUR! behind so we lost so much time in MK which made me super sad. :(

Hope everyone is doing well.

Welcome Back!

I guess it is time I finally get my shirts posted...how else are you going to find me at the parks...since I don't let people take my picture too often!

Next is our shirt for Friday night at DHS.
[/url] 100_3612 by ninimorris, on Flickr[/IMG]

Loving all your shirts. I see you went with the Sorcerer Mickey head for your DHS night! Make sure you get a picture with Mickey inside the animation bldg.:wizard:

[/url] 40 inches by ninimorris, on Flickr[/IMG]

Again, one of Heather Sue's designs. I got the idea from Jessica. So it is a total CASE! My only personal touch was the ruler ribbon I found on Etsy.


That is so cute! I may have to do that for DS next year.

Here is the one set of shirts I made for our upcoming trip. My brother in law insisted he wanted a tinkerbell shirt, so I couldn't resist making it happen for him.


Great job. Make sure you get a picture with him and Tinkerbell.

[/url] Photo0164FourBySix by ninimorris, on Flickr[/IMG]

:goodvibes That is a sweet picture!

Those are really cute shirts. Hope you enjoy your trip! I'm new to the board and I'm really impressed with all the beautiful clothes all of you are creating.


In a effort to move this post along here are some of the outfits I made for dd. I am going to have to take in the sides a little of some of them.
She was going to wear this Saturday night, but since I changed the reservation, now I am not sure.

Loving all the outfits you posted. I am so jelous of everyone going:rolleyes1
thanks everyone for the compliments. It has been alot of fun to make all the clothes. I also thought of making a sash to take the dresses in a little.

Nini I lovew the family picture. The kids expressions make me laugh. We may see you before we leave park fare. I have heard the waits can get bad. Who knows.

Here is a picture of us. Apparently all the family pictures of us are on the laptop which my dh has. I did find these from last summer. We haven't changed that much.

He is dh with the kids

And here I am with the kids.
I just got my first email reminder from Disney about my ADR coming up on Friday! How cool is that!

:cool1: If I miss you before you leave I hope you guys have a great trip. Enjoy your time at WDW and I'm glad your DH doesn't have to go to court and miss the trip.

In a effort to move this post along here are some of the outfits I made for dd. I am going to have to take in the sides a little of some of them.
She was going to wear this Saturday night, but since I changed the reservation, now I am not sure.
I hope your DD gets a chance to wear that dress, it is really cute. I love all the outfits you made. The princess ones are adorable. I'm just curious if you made anything for your DS. I have not made a thing for my DS yet.

I think it is so cool that so many folks will be in Florida at the same time. I hope you run into each other. safe travels to everyone heading down to DW. We will be missing you and waiting for reports when you get back!
Yes I have made stuff for ds. He would be upset if I made for dd and not him. His stuff is all t-shirts though.

I am very excited, but a little overwhelmed at the moment. I really wanted to make their autograph books, but I don't think it is going to happen.
Here is my last outfit :cool1: I still have at least 3 t-shirts to embroidery, 7 if I have the time. I want to get te boys shirts done first before my husband and mine.



Only one more week until our trip!! :yay::woohoo::cheer2:
thanks everyone for the compliments. It has been alot of fun to make all the clothes. I also thought of making a sash to take the dresses in a little.

Nini I lovew the family picture. The kids expressions make me laugh. We may see you before we leave park fare. I have heard the waits can get bad. Who knows.

Here is a picture of us. Apparently all the family pictures of us are on the laptop which my dh has. I did find these from last summer. We haven't changed that much.

He is dh with the kids

And here I am with the kids.

:goodvibes What a cute family.

I'm just curious if you made anything for your DS. I have not made a thing for my DS yet.

Since I have two boys who would be very upset if I never made anything I made them lots of easy fit shorts with different Disney fabrics and Tshirts with appliques that fit the theme of the day.

Good luck on finishing everything.:goodvibes
Which sounds shorter? 2 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes or 60 hours and 45 minutes?

I think I like the 60 hours better.

A good family friend, and a good friend of my late mother died this morning after a long battle with cancer. It is really hard for me to think about being happy at Disney at the moment.

I so seriously need this vacation!

PS...don't you think it is about time to get a little more chatty?
thanks everyone for the compliments. It has been alot of fun to make all the clothes. I also thought of making a sash to take the dresses in a little.

Nini I lovew the family picture. The kids expressions make me laugh. We may see you before we leave park fare. I have heard the waits can get bad. Who knows.

Here is a picture of us. Apparently all the family pictures of us are on the laptop which my dh has. I did find these from last summer. We haven't changed that much.

He is dh with the kids

And here I am with the kids.

Great pictures! You guys are cute!
Here is my last outfit :cool1: I still have at least 3 t-shirts to embroidery, 7 if I have the time. I want to get te boys shirts done first before my husband and mine.



Only one more week until our trip!! :yay::woohoo::cheer2:

I really love this set!!! Your daughter is just gorgeous!
Which sounds shorter? 2 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes or 60 hours and 45 minutes?

I think I like the 60 hours better.

A good family friend, and a good friend of my late mother died this morning after a long battle with cancer. It is really hard for me to think about being happy at Disney at the moment.

I so seriously need this vacation!

PS...don't you think it is about time to get a little more chatty?

Generally, at this point before our vacation I'm going for whatever sounds LONGEST, because of all the stuff I still need to get done! I think 60 hours sounds shorter.
Just stopped in for a little inspiration to get finished with the kids' things for our trip next week!! Well, it's next Saturday, but that totally counts as next week. ;) LOVING all the great things! This thread is always just the thing I need to get me motivated. :)

I am still thinking of ordering the Vida pattern, and then I was thinking I might like the Olivia too (after seeing that cute Marie upcycle!)

I have the Jule pattern already, but have never made it. How different is the cut of the Olivia from the Jule? I'm just wondering if I would need both, or if I could just use the Jule for a similar look. I have such a hard time telling with those patterns what they really look like on.
thanks everyone for the compliments. It has been alot of fun to make all the clothes. I also thought of making a sash to take the dresses in a little.

Nini I lovew the family picture. The kids expressions make me laugh. We may see you before we leave park fare. I have heard the waits can get bad. Who knows.

Here is a picture of us. Apparently all the family pictures of us are on the laptop which my dh has. I did find these from last summer. We haven't changed that much.

He is dh with the kids

And here I am with the kids.
Your family is adorable!
Here is my last outfit :cool1: I still have at least 3 t-shirts to embroidery, 7 if I have the time. I want to get te boys shirts done first before my husband and mine.



Only one more week until our trip!! :yay::woohoo::cheer2:
Beautiful as always!

Which sounds shorter? 2 days, 12 hours and 45 minutes or 60 hours and 45 minutes?

I think I like the 60 hours better.

A good family friend, and a good friend of my late mother died this morning after a long battle with cancer. It is really hard for me to think about being happy at Disney at the moment.

I so seriously need this vacation!

PS...don't you think it is about time to get a little more chatty?
I don't want to chat too much -- we are going out to dinner tonight and I don't want the move to happen while I'm gone. Let's save it for tomorrow morning around 6am please.


I am still thinking of ordering the Vida pattern, and then I was thinking I might like the Olivia too (after seeing that cute Marie upcycle!)

I have the Jule pattern already, but have never made it. How different is the cut of the Olivia from the Jule? I'm just wondering if I would need both, or if I could just use the Jule for a similar look. I have such a hard time telling with those patterns what they really look like on.
I have the Olivia and have two fabrics that I ordered so I am going to make the underdress for my dd (probably without the pocket but not sure yet -- I'll have to ask her). I have the pattern all traced out and once I get the dress made I will post pics of dd modeling it. Don't hold your breath though. While it will be my next project for my dd, I first have to do a set for a BG that SOMEONE (no names mentioned) posted. And I forgot about Halloween costumes too ... dd is back to wanting to be a seal and not a vet :eek:

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