Disboutiquers Part 21 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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LOVE IT! I am planning a somewhat similar outfit for our trip in September and I want that black on black swirl fabric. Do you remember where you got it?

Thanks so much!


I got all 4 of the fabrics from Joanns right before I started the dress.... I know mine still has a ton of it if you can't find it I can grab some more.



Ok, so I'm finally trying to figure out how to post a few pictures of things I have made.

The first is a little dress for Epcot, then I did a Minnie Skirt and I am going to order a Christmas Minnie long sleeve top for in in the fall and the last is just a little dress I just love! My daughter was trying out a ballet pose while modeling:rotfl:

Yeh!!! It worked!!! My order got mixed up but you get the idea-haha!!!

These are fantastic! Where did you find the material for the Epcot dress?
I got all 4 of the fabrics from Joanns right before I started the dress.... I know mine still has a ton of it if you can't find it I can grab some more.

Thanks so much! I'll check it out tomorrow and let you know.

These are fantastic! Where did you find the material for the Epcot dress?

The bodice material is pretty hard to find. I got mine on Ebay a while back. It's Alexander Henry Smiles Around the World. It looks like there is some on the site.

The skirt material is Alexander Henry You & Me, Good Earth, and Hello. It's a whole line that's really great. You can search for it online (it's on Etsy too).
These are fantastic! Where did you find the material for the Epcot dress?

Thank you:)
I found it on that auction site it is from Alexander Henry, love it. I also got some by Timeless Treasures that has kids singing that is sooo cute, but I thought three fabrics with kids on it would be too much:rotfl:...so I have to figure out what to do with that one.
Ok, so I finally finished the karate uniform. Now I need to do something with lots of color and ruffles to counter all the white seams I have been doing. Here is a pic of dd mid "hiyah!" If anyone else is looking for a karate uniform for kids McCall's is the only place I could find that has a current one in print and it isn't in the book! I had to call my mom so she could tell me the number...it is in with the uniforms too not the costumes like I would have thought.
LMBO!! Since you asked...


I STILL LOVE IT!!! :rotfl: Thanks!!

Ok I've about finished Taylor's villian dress (just need to top stitch and get any loose strings, but I wanted to try it on her before she went to bed) The bodice is still a lil big, but our trip isn't until November and I didn't want her to outgrow it. She will be wearing this to see Villians Tonight! on the Disney Magic. I still need to make some matching bows, I'm just waiting on Taylor to pick her 2 favorite villians.


And here is a picture of Dee and Taylor at my BIL's wedding this weekend.... She was the flower girl and he was the best man.

Wow, that looks great!!!! I love her explanation for wanting a villains dress!! She is too cute!

Duh! I am such a dork....
Am I the only one who didn't know that Heather's shop has a RSS feed? All this time I have been moaning to her about notification of new stuff and there it was all the time....

Sorry Heather - I am officially computer stupid. :lovestruc:worship::lovestruc

I didn't realize that either! Heather is locked away in her digitizing cave working on more TS3 designs. I hope she comes out sometime soon!

This is SOOOO COOL!!!! Is this a simply sweet dress? I think I need to get this pattern? Then I will work on the embroidary machine:) Love Love Love all your daughter's dresses!!!

Yes, You NEED the Simply Sweet!!! It is such a wonderful pattern. EASY and VERY versatile!!! Carla has several strap options as well as a halter option. It is like getting at least two patterns in one!

Your daughter is precious!!! What a little cutie! They are all great, but I really love this little mushroom dress!

As promised....I have a ton of Sea World pics and as much as I would love to share them all, I will spare you. The girls didn't get around to wearing their Nemo outfits I made but we go back next month (yay for season passes)...so they will wear them then.

Here are the Shamu/whale outfits I made them in action. Thanks Heather....we got so many compliments!!

And last but not least ...I just have to share this picture because I love it and it makes me smile every time I look at it....:)

Thanks for letting me share.

I was wondering how I would like shorts with the easy fit top. I love this! It looks adorable!

And, I LOVE that last picture!!! :lovestruc

Doing the happy dance today!!! :banana::banana::banana: My SIL is in labor with my first niece!!! Another little girl princess: to sew for! (not that I am not excited about having a boy this time around).

WOO HOO!!! I hope she has a quick and easy labor!

I need to apply to join the "dork patrol" I did my first heather applique. the first one i forgot to change the thread, so it was in all white. I proceeded to spend 4 hours trying to seam rip it off to no avail and decided to just start over on a new shirt. Bought the new shirt and started over last night just to realize that i put the design on UPSIDE DOWN! UGH!! so now Buzz lightyear is standing on his head and I have to start over again!!! good news is, it turned out adorable and stitched really well. Hopefully the third time is the charm for me!:rotfl2:

Good for you for not giving up! (See Stephres, you can mess up a few times and STILL have things work out ok... :rolleyes1 ) I can't wait to see your final one! If you haven't started yet though, you could just cut the Buzz off of the shirt you sewed him on upside down and sew it on like a patch to another shirt.
Ok, so I finally finished the karate uniform. Now I need to do something with lots of color and ruffles to counter all the white seams I have been doing. Here is a pic of dd mid "hiyah!" If anyone else is looking for a karate uniform for kids McCall's is the only place I could find that has a current one in print and it isn't in the book! I had to call my mom so she could tell me the number...it is in with the uniforms too not the costumes like I would have thought.

My goodness, she looks so cute!!!! You did a great job on the outfit and your DD is ADORABLE!!!!

Corey had a little teensie tiny karate outfit when he was a few months old. It was so cute! Of course, he wasn't really taking karate at 3 months old! ;)



Ok, so I'm finally trying to figure out how to post a few pictures of things I have made.

The first is a little dress for Epcot, then I did a Minnie Skirt and I am going to order a Christmas Minnie long sleeve top for in in the fall and the last is just a little dress I just love! My daughter was trying out a ballet pose while modeling:rotfl:

Yeh!!! It worked!!! My order got mixed up but you get the idea-haha!!!

Love the dresses. Funny I have the same material for an Epcot dress, and also have the mushroom material. I actually made two dresses with the mushroom material, and the animal print that coordinated with it.

I haven't ever posted this one, you reminded me. This is my second one with the mushrooms.


Can you tell Ash is trying to sew while I took pictures?
In case you ladies missed the newsletter there is a 15% discount code out for YCMT, I just grabbed quite a few patterns I had been meaning to get for awhile. The code is DAD15 and it lasts for 7 days. You also get a set of applique patterns automatically with a purchase of $15 or more.... they are hand applique patterns though, so I doubt I will ever use them.
Awhile back, I thought I saw an underwear pattern that didn't use elastic, or the elastic was covered. Now, I can't figure out where I saw it. I'm thinking someone on here sewed some up. Can anyone help me find it?

ETA: That is so weird! Right after I posted this I searched YCMT again, and there it was!
You look like you had a great time, adorable outfits, super cute girls and love the smooch picture too!

The girls are adorable and your work is great as always!!

did you have a fun trip? The whale outfits are adorable and love the cover ups.

Oh, I guess I didn't grab the pictures of Anita and the girls at Sea World. The outfits look even better on those cute models! Love the kissing picture, it captures so much.

Nicole - glad you had a nice trip.

Really cute, and I love that last pic.

I STILL LOVE IT!!! :rotfl: Thanks!!
I was wondering how I would like shorts with the easy fit top. I love this! It looks adorable!

And, I LOVE that last picture!!! :lovestruc

Thanks everyone. We got a ton of compliments on their outfits and I think we only saw one other family with little girls in customs but didn't get close enough to ask.

We had a great time. We spent 2.1/2 days at Sea World (1.1/2 in park on rides and shows and the other day strictly in the water park). It was around 93-94 degrees each day with a heat index in the afternoon of 103-105 degrees....can we say HOT??!!

....she said, "Mommy, isn't lady tremaine a villian....well she is normally mean but she was very nice to me because she liked being on my outfit....if I wear all the villians they will all probably be nice, and then there will be no one to be mean or scary to me"

That makes perfect sense to me!! She's a smart little girl.
Ok I've about finished Taylor's villian dress (just need to top stitch and get any loose strings, but I wanted to try it on her before she went to bed) The bodice is still a lil big, but our trip isn't until November and I didn't want her to outgrow it. She will be wearing this to see Villians Tonight! on the Disney Magic. I still need to make some matching bows, I'm just waiting on Taylor to pick her 2 favorite villians.


And here is a picture of Dee and Taylor at my BIL's wedding this weekend.... She was the flower girl and he was the best man.

Very cool dress, I love the colors!! And I love the pic with Daddy, she's a precious little girl!

Duh! I am such a dork....
Am I the only one who didn't know that Heather's shop has a RSS feed? All this time I have been moaning to her about notification of new stuff and there it was all the time....

Sorry Heather - I am officially computer stupid. :lovestruc:worship::lovestruc

Oh no my dear, you're not a dork...a dork would be someone who has not a clue what an RSS feed even is >ME<!




Ok, so I'm finally trying to figure out how to post a few pictures of things I have made.

The first is a little dress for Epcot, then I did a Minnie Skirt and I am going to order a Christmas Minnie long sleeve top for in in the fall and the last is just a little dress I just love! My daughter was trying out a ballet pose while modeling:rotfl:

Yeh!!! It worked!!! My order got mixed up but you get the idea-haha!!!

Very cute!!

As promised....I have a ton of Sea World pics and as much as I would love to share them all, I will spare you. The girls didn't get around to wearing their Nemo outfits I made but we go back next month (yay for season passes)...so they will wear them then.

Here are the Shamu/whale outfits I made them in action. Thanks Heather....we got so many compliments!!


And this is the best picture I got of them in their swim suit coverups....


And last but not least ...I just have to share this picture because I love it and it makes me smile every time I look at it....:)

Thanks for letting me share.

The last picture makes me smile too. Grandma's are the best gift on earth if you ask me :cloud9:

Ok, so I finally finished the karate uniform. Now I need to do something with lots of color and ruffles to counter all the white seams I have been doing. Here is a pic of dd mid "hiyah!" If anyone else is looking for a karate uniform for kids McCall's is the only place I could find that has a current one in print and it isn't in the book! I had to call my mom so she could tell me the number...it is in with the uniforms too not the costumes like I would have thought.

LOVE IT!! My oldest is really showing an interest in Karate, and it never occurred to me I could sew a uniform- DUH!! Could you PM me the pattern number please? Thanks!!

In case you ladies missed the newsletter there is a 15% discount code out for YCMT, I just grabbed quite a few patterns I had been meaning to get for awhile. The code is DAD15 and it lasts for 7 days. You also get a set of applique patterns automatically with a purchase of $15 or more.... they are hand applique patterns though, so I doubt I will ever use them.

SWEET!! I have a few patterns bookmarked that I'd love to have!! :banana::banana::banana:
OK, ladies, I pulled up enough courage to get some nice Sulky thread with my 50% Joann's coupon today. I'm going back this weekend to get the stabilizer so I can try a simple hand/machine applique. Printed off Heather's tutorial to have handy next to me, and I'm going to give it a try next week. Wish me luck! I'm making DD new summer nightgowns and the first one looked so plain without anything on the bodice, I'm going to see what I can put on the other one to jazz it up a bit. I haven't decided what to applique yet, but I'm looking for something easy - would a heart be too hard to try?

Oh, and I found some really neat jungle fabric today to make my nephew's quilt. I've done one for every nephew/niece when they are born, but haven't been able to find anything I like for him until today. Walmart had it as a remnant, enough to do the block centers, and I was able to find some other nice fabrics to go along with it. I'm really excited about this one, and I hope it comes out as good as I am envisioning. Poor kid is 6 months old already and I haven't made him anything except a couple of crib sheets!
I love the villains dress, the killer whale outfits, the mushroom dress and the karate uniform! Great!

I got Revrob to make me two shirts using Heather's designs without the material underneath - they turned out great and I got a lot of compliments on them -
but how do you actually make them with the material?

I don't want to do it, I just want to know how. I've done machine embroidery before and I know once you load the thing, you don't want to move it because it might not end up in the same spot.
If you put the material down first, how do you make sure you got the placement right?

Hand applique question: I did my first round of practice using Heather's directions - they worked great! The results are so much better than when I tried to wing it back in 2007.
But I do have a problem. I did not use any stabilizer on my base fabric, so that might be the cause, but my machine doesn't want to pull the fabric along. When I help it along by hand, the stitches get too far apart.
If I leave it alone, it stays in one place and breaks the needle (two so far!).

Is it my machine, me or the lack of stabilizer?

Also - if you make a mistake, is there anything that can be done? I can't imagine ripping out all the zig zag stitches and I noticed my needles left holes in the fabric - I also imagine the edges of the applique would be frayed after you ripped it all out.
beeknees - Good luck! We can be in applique heck together!
I decided to start with balloons because it was the only shape I could think of last night that would use more than one fabric and I could draw on my own.
It looks good now, but I haven't started sewing on it yet - I've just been using scraps I bonded together.
Hand applique question: I did my first round of practice using Heather's directions - they worked great! The results are so much better than when I tried to wing it back in 2007.
But I do have a problem. I did not use any stabilizer on my base fabric, so that might be the cause, but my machine doesn't want to pull the fabric along. When I help it along by hand, the stitches get too far apart.
If I leave it alone, it stays in one place and breaks the needle (two so far!).

Is it my machine, me or the lack of stabilizer?

Also - if you make a mistake, is there anything that can be done? I can't imagine ripping out all the zig zag stitches and I noticed my needles left holes in the fabric - I also imagine the edges of the applique would be frayed after you ripped it all out.

You should use stabilizer. What is your stitch length set at? It sounds like your thread is bunching up. Could just be the lack of stabilizer, or your stitch length might be too close together.

Yes, you can pull the stitches out. I've done it a few times. If your applique is fused down, the edges shouldn't fray. The holes mad by your needle should be small, and kinda shrink back after you hit it with a little heat. If you are leaving noticable holes, you probably need a different type of needle :)
Finally today, after much thought and deliberation, finished making all of our ADR's for upcoming trip. We will be dining at Whispering Canyon Cafe, Sci-Fi, LeCellier, 1900 Park Fare, Chef Mickey's, T-Rex, Donald's Safari Breakfast, Lilo And Stitch Ohana Breakfast and for DH a trip to the AKL to eat at Boma. Also called and ordered our MNSSHP tickets today, going on 10/26. So now to work on outfits.

Also question for any of you disbou's in the Mobile Alabama area, any good fabric shops. My DH has been there for about 4 weeks now working on the oil spill, DD and I are going to go down for a week in July to visit. We will probably be going to Pensacola, FL. Talked DH into taking DD and I to see Michael Buble there !! Any suggestions for fun things to do !!
Finally today, after much thought and deliberation, finished making all of our ADR's for upcoming trip. We will be dining at Whispering Canyon Cafe, Sci-Fi, LeCellier, 1900 Park Fare, Chef Mickey's, T-Rex, Donald's Safari Breakfast, Lilo And Stitch Ohana Breakfast and for DH a trip to the AKL to eat at Boma. Also called and ordered our MNSSHP tickets today, going on 10/26. So now to work on outfits.

Also question for any of you disbou's in the Mobile Alabama area, any good fabric shops. My DH has been there for about 4 weeks now working on the oil spill, DD and I are going to go down for a week in July to visit. We will probably be going to Pensacola, FL. Talked DH into taking DD and I to see Michael Buble there !! Any suggestions for fun things to do !!

Whoohoo!! Nothing like booking those ADR's! We're going to do MNSSHP on the 26th too!!
I wasn't going to change my ADR's after I booked them, but last night I just had to change my plans. I really didn't want to go to MNSSHP on Friday Oct. 8th. I managed to get Akershus without much trouble for another day and now we can go to the party on Monday Oct. 11th. I think it should be less crowded.
I wasn't going to change my ADR's after I booked them, but last night I just had to change my plans. I really didn't want to go to MNSSHP on Friday Oct. 8th. I managed to get Akershus without much trouble for another day and now we can go to the party on Monday Oct. 11th. I think it should be less crowded.

That sounds like a great call. Columbus Day weekend is pretty busy, but by Monday night it should have cleared out.

I made my ADR's for our December trip this week. I'm a huge fan of the 180 day thing, but for some reason I'm finding it harder than usual to plan that far out this time.
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