Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. Feb 09 wk 4 page 31 post 461

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I usually weigh today but what with the snow and disruption, I haven't.
I've had really bad day today - lots of snacking between meals and far too many roasties with dinner tonight, I'll try and post this weeks result tomorrow.
It's the first time since the first of Jan that I've really let my guard down and strayed from the diet, I feel really bad about it, just got to get over it, move on and make more effort.
Good luck everybody and well done to those that have lost and STS:cool1:
I usually weigh today but what with the snow and disruption, I haven't.
I've had really bad day today - lots of snacking between meals and far too many roasties with dinner tonight, I'll try and post this weeks result tomorrow.
It's the first time since the first of Jan that I've really let my guard down and strayed from the diet, I feel really bad about it, just got to get over it, move on and make more effort.
Good luck everybody and well done to those that have lost and STS:cool1:

Don't beat yourself up too much, start afresh again tomorrow x x
...I've had really bad day today - lots of snacking between meals and far too many roasties with dinner tonight, I'll try and post this weeks result tomorrow.
It's the first time since the first of Jan that I've really let my guard down and strayed from the diet, I feel really bad about it, just got to get over it, move on and make more effort.
Same here, Joanne. With DH home, there were Pringles and choccie biscuits in abundance - how could I refuse??!!! I kinda hope he goes to work tomorrow so I can get back on the straight and narrow... :rolleyes:

Good luck everyone... :goodvibes
its really hard dieting with the family around, ive involved the whole family in my meal planning this time around and its so much easier not having to cook seprate meals ;) We are all eatng low calorie bread, crisps,spread etc and so there are less temptations in the way.
I got my fella doing the point system with me and he loveeees it bless him, We actually eat more than before, we used to go without all day then get takeaways at least 4 times a week x
Don't beat yourself up too much, start afresh again tomorrow x x

Thanks Natalie.

Same here, Joanne. With DH home, there were Pringles and choccie biscuits in abundance - how could I refuse??!!! I kinda hope he goes to work tomorrow so I can get back on the straight and narrow... :rolleyes:

Good luck everyone... :goodvibes

Good luck getting back on the wagon, Karen.

its really hard dieting with the family around, ive involved the whole family in my meal planning this time around and its so much easier not having to cook seprate meals ;) We are all eatng low calorie bread, crisps,spread etc and so there are less temptations in the way.

True, and this is the same for me, I refuse to cook seperate meals. DH and I have entered an excercise "pact" to support each other, and I would usually go swimming friday night, but I was out and with all this snow I can't go for my Monday night swim either. Doesn't help.
Wow Nat that breakdown is very impressive - thank you so much for taking the time to do it.

Kiera's Nana well done that weight loss is fantstic!
Just checking in again guys...

Well done everyone on the losses :thumbsup2

Anyone who's had a bad day or is sturggling, keep those chins up and hop back on board the healthy eating (as I don't like the word diet) wagon asap! You can do it!! It'll be worth it in the end and you'll feel great about yourself! Don't forget, we all have bad days/weeks, sometimes it does us good and gives us another little nudge to carry on!!

I've been to my aerobix class tonight and boy was she hard on us all, I think I covered every inch of the sportshall floor in an hour :rotfl: That's what it felt like anyway!!

Weigh in only on Sunday for me - keep it up everyone!

Thanks to Nat for keeping all our stats, keeps me going to see what I've lost! Brilliant work!!
Oops, I forgot to post my own result - I lost 3 lbs this week, bringing my total to 13 lbs in 4 weeks :cool1:

:cheer2: Well done Joh, you must be chuffed to bits

well done you :thumbsup2

I have lost 7lbs since begining of the New Year. Been so busy at work that I haven't had the time to Dis :crazy2:

:cool1: That's great Andrea, well done

I usually weigh today but what with the snow and disruption, I haven't.
I've had really bad day today - lots of snacking between meals and far too many roasties with dinner tonight, I'll try and post this weeks result tomorrow.
It's the first time since the first of Jan that I've really let my guard down and strayed from the diet, I feel really bad about it, just got to get over it, move on and make more effort.
Good luck everybody and well done to those that have lost and STS:cool1:

I know how you feel Joanne, our house has been full of goodies this weekend, and thankfully Kerry has just finished off her birthday cake. I really hope we both get back on track tomorrow ~ Good Luck pixiedust:
i don't know,how to multi quote,but i would like to thank you all,for, your kind words,support & congratulations.:)
i am so pleased,with my 33lb weight loss,but i feel like,i am taking a shortcut,
because i have so much to lose,does that make sense:confused3
i think this thread,has also inspired me,because everyone,gives each other,great support & it has spurred me on,week after week.
i would also like to say,what a great job,nat has done,always giving people such encouragement:thumbsup2
here's to a lighter february.
good luck everyone
well done Kieras Nan, i know you think youre cheating but i dont agree.
youve got a hard plan to follow, i admire you for being able to do it :thumbsup2

Nat, youve done a fantastic job.
well done.

i knew id missed my weigh in on here 1 week, my results for this year so far are
Diet SW, goal lose 2 stone by 1st may
8/1 = -4
15/1 = -2
22/1 = -3
29/1 = sts

cant wait for weigh in on thur, hoping for a good week. :cheer2:
Weigh in days are exciting for me :rotfl2: i loveee it
Deep breath here goes.... I put 1lb on
Lets sigh out.... thankyou for your words of encouragement :flower3: , i feel a bit more positive -tomorrow is another day!
well done Joh on losing 3lbs, your doing so well!:)
and to everyone else who has lost this week, well done!!! :)
kieras nana - you havent cheated doing it that way, we all trying for the same goal-losing weight, doesnt matter how we get there as long as we do!
reminder to myself- give myself a pep talk!!!!
i knew id missed my weigh in on here 1 week, my results for this year so far are
Diet SW, goal lose 2 stone by 1st may
8/1 = -4
15/1 = -2
22/1 = -3
29/1 = sts

cant wait for weigh in on thur, hoping for a good week. :cheer2:

i will add that for you x

Deep breath here goes.... I put 1lb on
Lets sigh out.... thankyou for your words of encouragement :flower3: , i feel a bit more positive -tomorrow is another day!
well done Joh on losing 3lbs, your doing so well!:)
and to everyone else who has lost this week, well done!!! :)
kieras nana - you havent cheated doing it that way, we all trying for the same goal-losing weight, doesnt matter how we get there as long as we do!
reminder to myself- give myself a pep talk!!!!

:grouphug: thats better than you thought i bet x x good luck Hun
hi everyone :wave2:
would i be able to join in? i have finaly got my bum in gear and got back on the diet wagon. i have gained so much weight and got so desperate that i have joined cambridge diet, i didnt want to do this kind of diet again but i feel i need to quick boost it gives me. i dont know how long i will be able to do it for because its not cheap but if it helps give me the boost then i can keep going.
i started last friday and i weighted 15st 4lb :sad: i weigh in again on thursday so i will let you know how i get on. forgot to say that im doing sole source plus which means that i can have my milkshakes plus im allowed 200mls of skimmed milk so i can have a cup of tea which i find hard to go without (hubby calls me the teapot)

everyone is doing so well, keep going

good luck for this week
I've just weighed and I lost 2lb so that's 8lb in total for me since 1st Jan.
I'm more than happy as I had a boozy night out on Friday (although I didn't touch the lovely party food) and too many roast potatoes and snacks yesterday....phew!
I've just weighed and I lost 2lb so that's 8lb in total for me since 1st Jan.
I'm more than happy as I had a boozy night out on Friday (although I didn't touch the lovely party food) and too many roast potatoes and snacks yesterday....phew!

:cool1: your willpower at the party paid off !well done x
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