Dis Breast Cancer Survivors Part IV - GAGWTA

Cheryl, glad the new treatment is helping. Stay positive and enjoy the fuzz!
Cheryl - so glad the shots are helping you. I hope the fluid issues can be worked out for you and fuzz is definitely wonderful! Enjoy!

Well this will be a :yay::yay:post. Ds2 got a job offer. He only applied to the one place and got called back for the 2nd interview yest. He starts Tues. Its about a 40 min commute which is not too bad. Now we only have ds1 to get a new job but he is happy that some of the basketball teams appealed due to some issues with some biased refs and now his team is in the playoffs and so is another team I think. So he is happy about that and the biggest news..

my endo visit went very well today. Good bp, good weight - I think I lost more, strange since I am not even trying. All my blood tests were good and the cancer umber is undetectable. She said my bone scan was good so she is not going to give me another osteoporosis med and I still have to get a sono of my neck and a consult with a gastroenterologist because the one med I take can cause tumors in the stomach. I see her in 6 months.

Dh was sweet and took the afternoon off work so after the dr. I had to go to my meeting. The school is holding its own. That is an answer to prayer for sure. One day at a time right now.

Dh said he has to go back to Calif. in about 2 weeks. We are celebrating his b day this sun. hopefully. Its suppose to snow but its the only time the ds can make it so we shall see.

GAGWTA. Thinking of you all.
Cheryl!! Hurray!!!!! such good news!!! We are back home and brought the sun with us, it's been sunny and warm feels like spring! crocuses and daffodils and primroses and some rhododendrons blooming. It was such a good trip but we spent far too much money!! the extra 30% because of the exhange rate added up to quite a bit :( like about enough to have done another shorter trip, so that's too bad. Came home to an issue to deal with involving our property taxes.... blah!!! oh well there will always be something! lol.... Dear daughter is hanging in there.... she is in early labour, her actual due date is march 2 so she may be a little early but everything is looking really good. I have barely unpacked from our trip, and now have an overnight bag packed for when they called, so we can go stay to look after our grand sons! I am actually getting tired of living out of a suitcase! Tomorrow will be officially one full month since I experienced rain!! I do love that!! lol.... It's been too busy since we got back, only been home 3 days, and I am already getting cranky! had an ultrasound on monday see dr tomorrow for results. our youngest daughter and her boyfriend are off to Mexico for 2 weeks, she was hoping to be home in time to see her new niece right away, but I don't think that will happen! Congrats on the book Peg! that is amazing!!! and LMP that is good news re the sons jobs! :)
smiley - welcome home. I am sure you are anxiously awaiting the birth of your new grand daughter. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I am sure the rest and relaxation did the both of you good.

Peg - I think that it is wonderful that you are taking those classes. Oldest ds needs to do something like that. It seems everyone is wanting you to do and know everything these days at the jobs.

Linda - I am sure you are having snow- itis for sure!

Laurie - dont know if you are still in NY on your trip, but hope you are having fun

Cheryl - hope you are doing well

Dh b day dinner was ugh. I dont know why we had to pay money to cook our own food??? lol. I left hungry and so did 2 of the ds. Lets just say I wont be going there again. He has to go to Chicago now on Friday instead of Calif.

Did I ever mention how ds3 was chosen to be on the front cover magazine of his old college representing the new face of nursing or something like that. This magazine will go to all the high school guidance counselors and I think be given out at the college fairs too. They are printing 450K of them!! I saw the first draft and the lady said he and the other girl looked marvelous. I have to agree!! Proud mom brag.:) Linda - he has his Littman cardiac steth around his neck too, lol!! I think it wil be published around May he said.

I wish the weather will get better so I can schedule all the medical stuff I need to get done.

GAGWTA - thinking of you all

I have seen this thread before, however it may be much more relevant to me soon. A loved one is to have a biopsy on a mass tomorrow and it is really making her and all of us very anxious. It was an ultrasound that revealed the mass and she said that their reaction was very unsettling. I don't know that they can know anything from just the ultrasound, but that reaction really shook her. For the last few days I have only been moderately concerned, but as tomorrow approaches, I find it hard not to think about. It is very worrying, as I am sure many of you know. I'm still hoping for it to turn out to be nothing, but I don't know if that's realistic. I don't even know if they'll tell her tomorrow or if it takes a few days. It's really difficult just waiting.
I have seen this thread before, however it may be much more relevant to me soon. A loved one is to have a biopsy on a mass tomorrow and it is really making her and all of us very anxious. It was an ultrasound that revealed the mass and she said that their reaction was very unsettling. I don't know that they can know anything from just the ultrasound, but that reaction really shook her. For the last few days I have only been moderately concerned, but as tomorrow approaches, I find it hard not to think about. It is very worrying, as I am sure many of you know. I'm still hoping for it to turn out to be nothing, but I don't know if that's realistic. I don't even know if they'll tell her tomorrow or if it takes a few days. It's really difficult just waiting.
It's in large part why this thread was started in the first place - just because it's so nerve wracking to go through. We are pretty good at cyber hand-holding. :hug: Just to answer your question - sometimes masses are nice and evenly shaped; round, well-defined, etc. Those are often the ones where they say they think it's fine to "wait and watch", etc. (I had this happen and the mass was jelly bean shaped; turned out to be a node, even though I pushed for biopsy.) And sometimes you run across a mass that's not; those can be dark, splotchy, undefined and ugly. (My cancer was like that.) Many may fall somewhere in between. Cancer also has a decent blood supply. These can be the things that people react to. Please, it's not to say for sure your loved one has cancer, just trying to explain.

Keep in mind that 80% of solid lumps are benign. Also, if your loved one does have cancer (which I certainly hope she does not), many who've had it feel that the worst part is now, i.e. the waiting and worrying and not having any answers. Once you meet with doctors and have a plan in place, and the shock has worn off, it sometimes feels a little better. Many of us here are many-year survivors, as are most people who get breast cancer today, thanks to lots of funding for research, early detection, etc. Advances occur frequently. I mean, it sucks to have it, but there is life for most of us after breast cancer, too. My advice would be to not look up a lot of stuff on the internet. (It can be really scary - more scary than when doctors explain it. I basically considered burning every book I'd bought when my treatment was over, and I am a nurse.) Read what you must to prepare for biopsy, then put the reading down. If and when the time comes, you can read more. (There are many variations in BC.) Try to find distractions while you wait for results. (It's good it's the beginning of the week - mine was on a Thursday and I had to wait until Tuesday following a holiday weeekend. Uggh.) HTH. Ask if you have more ?s
Thanks. She already had to wait many days since the ultrasound. I'm hoping the biopsy can give an answer right away. You're right that the not knowing is very hard. I really don't know anything about the shape (rectangular-ish I think) or all that. Obviously it was such that they want to do a biopsy. I am trying not to read too much, but I'm the type who will. I know 80% of these things do turn out to be benign, but it doesn't feel like that's what we're going to hear. I don't know why. I guess we'll know soon.

Good morning, Brian. As you have said, this is a great support thread for many folks here on the dis. Linda, in her post above, states it so well. So I won;t attempt to embellish on that. I will say that my wife Marie (Lady M here on the dis, but certainly not a frequent participant anymore) had breast cancer back in early '98. This month is the 17th anniversary of her diagnosis. And it was serious, stage III. But here she is, 17 years later, doing great, other than some creaks and groans that come with getting older. Back then, and still today, as tests are run, and then she/we wait, and wait, and....the time goes much too slowly. And then the results come back...you are okay, we just wanted to check further. And certainly that is smart. Once the wait is over, generally, most always, relief. And if not, time to get down to business, and make it well again.

In any case, come back here to this wonderful thread, started many years back for just these circumstances, support. And your loved one also, if she so desires. I continue to check in every so often, to say hello to the wonderful folks here, and for periodic support also, as tests have been done over the years, or to just keep up with those who are here. Not always posting, but reading, staying aware of the folks here.

Hang in there, Brian, you are not alone. :hug: And best wishes, with prayers, for your loved one and good results.
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Well, while we don't know anything for certain, the biopsy was completed and the Doctor is encouraged by the fact that the extracted samples float (I guess cancer cells don't). The doctor said it is strange though and that it looked like cancer on the ultrasound and mammograms. We won't really know what it is until the lab does all the tests. They may still want to remove the object even if it isn't cancerous. We're feeling a little more hopeful than last night.
I once had my breast surgeon stand in front of me and told me, looking at a mammogram, that "it looked like I had a new cancer". Well weeks and biopsies and lots of running around and worry later, it wasn't. So sometimes even the best guess isn't exact. Like Dan says, hopefully you'll get the results and be able to breathe a big sigh of relief, like most do. :grouphug:
A little birdie told me that Laurie is having a great time in NYC - despite all the snow! :cold: :rotfl2:

lmp, what is your DS3 doing now for work?

Ann it was so nice of you to stop in recently! Nice to "see" you! You too, Dan!

Thinking of everyone else - Cheryl, smiley, Peg, Barbara and all our regulars and old friends! GAGWTA
Brian - wishing your loved one all the best and hoping for great results.

Laurie - I hope you can endure all this cold we are having here.

Linda - ds is now officially on the med surg/telemetry floor. He has to be with someone for the next 3 months. He was so exhausted when he came home he fell asleep on the couch. He even had 2 lunches that day, so actually a 2 hour break, his own lunch and his mentor nurse. His shift is 7am - 7:30 pm. He said he doesnt like that they cant sit and chart so he finds a place.

Well now dh is going to chicago thurs and friday, coming back sat and leaving for Calif. on sunday. I cant keep up with him sometimes, sigh.
Everyone, I'd like to thank you all so much for the well wishes. The lab called, and it is not cancer. It is something called a radial sclerosis, a benign tumor. They do still want to remove it, but they said it was nothing urgent. It was a very tearful breath of relief when we got the call!

Best wishes to everyone here who have fought through the disease. We all support you!
I hope this is the right place for hand holding. I could use it right now. My DSIL was a 12 year breast cancer survivor. One month ago she was told the cancer was back but in her lungs, liver and spine. She was dehydrated so hospitalized and the cancer came back with a vengeance, having spread everywhere in a short time. She is on hospice and isn't expected to last more than a week or two. I feel so helpless watching my DH prepare to lose his only sister. This news came on the heels of my dad being diagnosed with bladder cancer but there is a good chance he will be OK after his treatments.

I just needed a place to vent some feelings. I hope it's OK because being strong for my DH and kids while waiting for my dad's surgery next week and hoping that we get positive results there is so hard. I feel like my dad surviving is a betrayal to my DH if you know what I mean.
Brian - so glad for the good news
Dan - nice to see you visiting. Maybe dh and I will see you again if you are planning a dec. trip?
Tazdev - You have way too much on your plate. Prayers for your family.

Well one meeting down and 2 to go. And after I got home last night my aunt called me and said that my cousins 17yo dd was tragically killed in a car accident. It was her fault because she didnt yield, but they also said this road needs a stop light as there have been many accidents. I feel so bad as my cousin(her mom) died when she was 9 and she was adopted from Korea as an infant. She never had an easy life. They arent my blood relatives but I always grew up with her as my cousins.

I am going to check dh schedule when he comes back for calif and now that the weather is getting a little warmer etc. I will try to schedule the stuff I need to get done. They even mentioned the high 30's next week. So I am happy!

I hope this is the right place for hand holding. I could use it right now. My DSIL was a 12 year breast cancer survivor. One month ago she was told the cancer was back but in her lungs, liver and spine. She was dehydrated so hospitalized and the cancer came back with a vengeance, having spread everywhere in a short time. She is on hospice and isn't expected to last more than a week or two. I feel so helpless watching my DH prepare to lose his only sister. This news came on the heels of my dad being diagnosed with bladder cancer but there is a good chance he will be OK after his treatments.

I just needed a place to vent some feelings. I hope it's OK because being strong for my DH and kids while waiting for my dad's surgery next week and hoping that we get positive results there is so hard. I feel like my dad surviving is a betrayal to my DH if you know what I mean.
That is very sad, tazdev. (And hits home to me as a 12 yr survivor myself how one can never assume they'll be fine with this disease.) Condolonces to you and your brother. :hug: (Didn't you post here at one time about her?)

lmp, also sorry about your cousin's daughter. Again, another kick in the pants having two 17 yr olds myself.

Sorry, don't mean to mean hearing these are a bad thing, just had an emotional day myself yesterday. A patient I'd gotten close to was dying, and wanted to hold my hand (for a a long time) before I left. I held it together for quite a while, but finally began to cry a little, and his wife saw me (which was fine, I just didn't want to add to her burden). Just prior to going into his room a friend at work had confided in me that her fiance had died suddenly; she'd lost her husband to cancer several years back. We both cried. Life gets so hard at times, doesn't it?
Good news, Brian, excellent!!

tazdev, so sorry to hear this, good wishes and prayers are with you all.

Mary, if I am there in early Dec (hoping), would love to see you guys again.

Everybody, have a good weekend.
Brian, I am so happy you got good news! There is never enough of it!
Tazdev, I am so sorry to hear your news. You will be in my thoughts and your family in my prayers. We are a family here brought together by a common enemy. We are always ready to hold the hand of another fighting the good fight!
Tazdev - You have way too much on your plate. Prayers for your family.

Well one meeting down and 2 to go. And after I got home last night my aunt called me and said that my cousins 17yo dd was tragically killed in a car accident. It was her fault because she didnt yield, but they also said this road needs a stop light as there have been many accidents. I feel so bad as my cousin(her mom) died when she was 9 and she was adopted from Korea as an infant. She never had an easy life. They arent my blood relatives but I always grew up with her as my cousins.

I am going to check dh schedule when he comes back for calif and now that the weather is getting a little warmer etc. I will try to schedule the stuff I need to get done. They even mentioned the high 30's next week. So I am happy!


Thank you it has been a tough month.

So sorry for your families loss.

That is very sad, tazdev. (And hits home to me as a 12 yr survivor myself how one can never assume they'll be fine with this disease.) Condolonces to you and your brother. :hug: (Didn't you post here at one time about her?)

Thank you. I may have posted before, I honestly don't remember.

tazdev, so sorry to hear this, good wishes and prayers are with you all.

Thank you

Tazdev, I am so sorry to hear your news. You will be in my thoughts and your family in my prayers. We are a family here brought together by a common enemy. We are always ready to hold the hand of another fighting the good fight!

Thank you.

I appreciated all your kind words and support. Sadly my sister in law lost her fight this morning. It seems so surreal that just a month ago we heard that the cancer came back and today she is gone. She was a truly wonderful person. When DH and I became engaged she was the only person who accepted me immediately no questions asked. I was looking at pictures and realized my youngest daughter looks so much like she did when she was younger. My kids and my grandson took it very hard as she was their favorite aunt. At least she is out of pain and at peace.

My dad goes back for another surgery this week to see if his treatments worked. I really hate cancer.
My condolences, tazdev. God speed for your sister-in-law, prayers for your husband, you and family. :hug:'s


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