DHS: is my plan realistic?


Jul 13, 2008
We'll be in WDW for 12 days at the beginning of August. It's our 3rd time (once over the X-mas holidays (2008-09) and once in summer (2011)... I know how crowded it will be).

Cast is me, my mom, DD15 and DS5. We are early risers but can't go open-to-close, so we usually do open-4/5PM, or 3/4PM to close (but no PM EMH).

My planning was going great until the Frozen stuff at DHS came out. DD15 is a huge Frozen fan and doesn't want to miss the parade, the sing-along and the fireworks. We don't care much for the winter fun stuff... we get more than enough snow where we live.

I actually booked a package on Aug. 10, but I don't feel it's necessary if the plan below is realistic. Right now I have 2 days planned for DHS: an EMH-5PM day planned, and a 3PM-close (after fireworks) planned.

IS THIS REALISTIC? ANY SUGGESTIONS? I already have my FPs booked at the times indicated. I'm also not really sure where to put the Jack Sparrow thing (we have never done it and we like PotC).

08-02 Saturday (EMH)
8:00-8:15 Toy story
8:20-8:50 Great Movie Ride
9:00-9:15 Woody and Buzz meet
9:30-10:00 Mermaid
10:05-10:25 Toy Story FP+ 10:05-11:05 (DD & DS)
10:25-11:25 Frozen parade
11:25-11:50 Star Tours FP+ 11:20-12:20 (DD & DS)
11:50-12:10 grab lunch at backlot express
12:10-13:10 Indiana Jones (12:30)
13:20-14:05 Disney Animation
14:10-14:50 Disney Junior Live (14:20) FP+ 14:00-14:15 (DS and I - mom and DD will do the drawing class twice at Disney animation)
14:50-15:15 RnRC FP+ 14:20-15:20 (DD and I)
15:20-15:45 ToT FP+ 15:20-16:20
15:45-16:45 Beauty and the Beast (16:15)

08-07 Thursday
Get sing along tx as we walk in for the 7PM show
15:00-15:30 Toy story with FP 14:55-15:55
15:30-16:15 Backlot Tour/ Grab dinner at Studio Catering
16:15-17:10 LMA (16:30) FP 16:00-16:20
17:25-17:50 Muppets with FP 17:25-18:25
17:50-18:45 HISTK/Cars/ Phineas&Ferb?
18:45-19:30 Frozen Sing-Along (19:00)
19:30-20:30 Jack Sparrow/dance party
20:30-21:30 Fantasmic! (21:00)
21h45 Frozen Fireworks

To me, it looks do-able with two exceptions: the meal breaks on both days.

Are you thinking of getting food to-go from both Backlot Express and Studio Catering Company? I've tried that once from Pizza Planet, and the food isn't really packaged up in a way that's easy to carry.

It's true that both Indiana Jones and Lights Motors Action allow food in the stadium, but I think trying to eat an actual meal there as the show starts will be awkward. And it's possible that it might take you long enough to order and get your food that you won't even make it in time for the start of show.

If you're planning to eat either meal in the restaurant, then I would say there is NO WAY you can make it to the show. We always need 45-50 minutes from the time we enter a counter-service restaurant until the time we leave.
- Bring Tupperware
- Grab lunch while kids are doing Star Tours
- Grab dinner while kids are doing TSMM

Problem solved ;-)
08-02 Saturday (EMH)
8:00-8:15 Toy story
8:20-8:50 Great Movie Ride
9:00-9:15 Woody and Buzz meet
9:30-10:00 Mermaid
10:05-10:25 Toy Story FP+ 10:05-11:05 (DD & DS)
10:25-11:25 Frozen parade
11:25-11:50 Star Tours FP+ 11:20-12:20 (DD & DS)
11:50-12:10 grab lunch at backlot express
12:10-13:10 Indiana Jones (12:30)
13:20-14:05 Disney Animation
14:10-14:50 Disney Junior Live (14:20) FP+ 14:00-14:15 (DS and I - mom and DD will do the drawing class twice at Disney animation)
14:50-15:15 RnRC FP+ 14:20-15:20 (DD and I)
15:20-15:45 ToT FP+ 15:20-16:20
15:45-16:45 Beauty and the Beast (16:15)
It looks close, but I would submit that your early morning schedule might get crunched. You have planned only 15 minutes to finish TSMM. You really would have to be first in line at a turnstile, walk quickly to the ride, and be among the first people to ride the ride to finish by 8:15. If the gates open at 8:00 and you get behind a family that has tapstile issues (which seems to happen to us 100% of the time), you may not even get in to the park by 8:05. And there are people who line up for Rope Drop in theory, who are actually lined up past the bag check tables. They don't even enter the park unitl 8:15. So when you say that you plan to be at the park for opening, and that you plan to finish TSMM by 8:15, you really have to commit to being super early and getting to a tapstile right up front. And remember that the walk to the ride and the walk through the queue, and the boarding process can take close to 10 minutes. Finally, there will be people with 8:00 FPs. This is a phenomenon that you have never encountered before. So even if you are an early arriver, there will be people in the FP line who will cut you off at the boarding area. I'm not saying that you can't be done by 8:15. But there are several variables that will make 8:25 a more realistic scenario.

The other pinch point early in the day is allocating only 15 minutes for a Buzz and Woody meet and greet. It could happen. Or it could take 20-25 minutes depending on the crowds. So if there is a 9:30 Mermaid show and you are dead set on making that show, you don't have a lot of margin for error with your timing. A few extra minutes at TSMM and a few extra minutes at the meet and greet and your plan to get to the Mermaid show by 9:30 could be in jeopardy. Again, I am not saying that it can't be done. But you should plan ahead in case you don't make it to the park as early as you think you will. All it takes is for your bus to load an ECV or two and instead of being the first person at the tapstile, you might be 20 people back. That little delay can set your plan back since it is so crunched and precise.
You sure have a lot scrunched in there! I don't see how you can do all of that. :( Looks like you are planning on walking right on to everything with no wait at all. It will be busy and even with FP you can't just walk right on to everything. Have you considered doing what you can at rope drop into the early afternoon and then taking a break for a few hours in the afternoon and then returning in the evening for a couple of hours? After you use your 3 FP's in the early part of the day, you could schedule one for that evening before you leave the park. It sounds like that would give you more breathing room to enjoy. It's HOT in August and that would get you out of the heat of the day as well. Good luck!pixiedust:
It looks close, but I would submit that your early morning schedule might get crunched. You have planned only 15 minutes to finish TSMM. You really would have to be first in line at a turnstile, walk quickly to the ride, and be among the first people to ride the ride to finish by 8:15. If the gates open at 8:00 and you get behind a family that has tapstile issues (which seems to happen to us 100% of the time), you may not even get in to the park by 8:05. And there are people who line up for Rope Drop in theory, who are actually lined up past the bag check tables. They don't even enter the park unitl 8:15. So when you say that you plan to be at the park for opening, and that you plan to finish TSMM by 8:15, you really have to commit to being super early and getting to a tapstile right up front. And remember that the walk to the ride and the walk through the queue, and the boarding process can take close to 10 minutes. Finally, there will be people with 8:00 FPs. This is a phenomenon that you have never encountered before. So even if you are an early arriver, there will be people in the FP line who will cut you off at the boarding area. I'm not saying that you can't be done by 8:15. But there are several variables that will make 8:25 a more realistic scenario.

The other pinch point early in the day is allocating only 15 minutes for a Buzz and Woody meet and greet. It could happen. Or it could take 20-25 minutes depending on the crowds. So if there is a 9:30 Mermaid show and you are dead set on making that show, you don't have a lot of margin for error with your timing. A few extra minutes at TSMM and a few extra minutes at the meet and greet and your plan to get to the Mermaid show by 9:30 could be in jeopardy. Again, I am not saying that it can't be done. But you should plan ahead in case you don't make it to the park as early as you think you will. All it takes is for your bus to load an ECV or two and instead of being the first person at the tapstile, you might be 20 people back. That little delay can set your plan back since it is so crunched and precise.

Doesn't DHS normally let people through the turnstiles around 7:45?
Doesn't DHS normally let people through the turnstiles around 7:45?

When it comes to opening times, there is no "normal". Last time I was there, DHS opened right on the button and not a minute early. Went to Epcot (Int'l Gate) twice. Once it opened 10 minutes before official start time and once it opened 5 minutes after. The point being, one should never count on an early opening in order to make a plan work. Plan on regular opening hours, and if the park opens early, consider that "found time".
If you are staying onsite have you considered doing RD, stay till noonish, go back to your hotel to rest/nap/swim and then go back to the parks for the evening? I find this FAR more enjoyable, and less exhausting. Onsite transportation makes this easily manageable. You get the benefit of less crowds at both open and close, you miss the very worst of the midday heat, your feet get a break and you can freshen/change sweaty clothes. I can't imagine my family doing it any other way!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but your timetable is WAY to regimented. We were at DHS on 7/6/14 and 7/10/14, and here is list of some things you aren't accounting for -

1) The Summer afternoon rain showers. These close some attractions, overwhelm the indoor ones, and make walking from one location to another move a whole lot slower.

2) Granted, not a DHS meet & greet, but we had FP+ for Cinderella & Rapunzel and I am positive it took at least 30 minutes.

3) The Frozen Sing-a-long show line is LONG due to the venue. Plan on getting there early, if you want a seat with a back.

4). Every counter service experience we had, even when we just wanted drinks, took forever. Those lines were slow moving, so I would double your allotted time.

5). The Frozen parade means they start roping things off early, making getting from point A to point B a bit challenging.

6). You mentioned that two in your party plan on attending Animation
Academy twice. Not sure how well that will work. Right now they are drawing Olaf, and there is a LINE.
No disrespect, but my first thought was "When do you go to the bathroom????" :lmao:

These kind of to-the-minute plans never work out. Something comes up. You don't know how long lines will be anywhere. You don't know what crowds will be like getting from A to B. What if someone sees a street performer you want to stop and watch? What if you want Photo Pass pictures done anywhere? Stopping for a snack or a drink? Taking a rest from the heat?

It just seems like it's on such a tight schedule, there's no room for just "enjoying". I would be so stressed out trying to follow a schedule like that. Nice to go with a plan, but you need some wiggle room in there somewhere!
These kind of to-the-minute plans never work out. Something comes up.

Nice to go with a plan, but you need some wiggle room in there somewhere!

I agree on this, but at the same time, I always draw up an "ideal" plan just like the OP has done.

Then when the inevitable throws the plan off schedule, we just modify it with what seems like the best alternative at the time.

I agree that flexibility is paramount, but I like to start the day with a definite course of action in mind, designed to achieve all group members' top priorities with the least amount of frustration for any of us. The later into the day, the more likely we are to deviate (voluntarily or by necessity) from the "timetable" for the day.

Have never had a day go exactly as planned (some are close, though), but have never been disappointed with the way things actually turned out.
I can not plan down to every detailed minute like you can so I can't/won't comment on your plans much.

OP, I do have two questions though.Why not go straight to the Woody and Buzz M&G after TSMM and then do The Great Movie Ride?

Others, We have not been to EMH at DHS since before TSMM has been there. Is it really fathomable to ride TSMM and meet Woody and Buzz within 30 minutes? My thoughts are no but idk?
Thank you all for your input. I made quite a few changes to my plan already, including changing days so we're not doing EMH anymore.

Like a PP said, I like to have a very detailed plan but we know things get switched around. I've been doing this kind of planning our last 2 trips and we've always beaten crowds and had a fun time touring.
We'll be in WDW for 12 days at the beginning of August. It's our 3rd time (once over the X-mas holidays (2008-09) and once in summer (2011)... I know how crowded it will be).

Cast is me, my mom, DD15 and DS5. We are early risers but can't go open-to-close, so we usually do open-4/5PM, or 3/4PM to close (but no PM EMH).

My planning was going great until the Frozen stuff at DHS came out. DD15 is a huge Frozen fan and doesn't want to miss the parade, the sing-along and the fireworks. We don't care much for the winter fun stuff... we get more than enough snow where we live.

I actually booked a package on Aug. 10, but I don't feel it's necessary if the plan below is realistic. Right now I have 2 days planned for DHS: an EMH-5PM day planned, and a 3PM-close (after fireworks) planned.

The package isn't necessary, but it is very nice. Keep in mind that if you cancel the package, you may not be able to change your mind and rebook. Most dates are reported as sold out.

IS THIS REALISTIC? ANY SUGGESTIONS? I already have my FPs booked at the times indicated. I'm also not really sure where to put the Jack Sparrow thing (we have never done it and we like PotC).

08-02 Saturday (EMH)
8:00-8:15 Toy story

You may need to be flexible with rope drop. It's a bit different with the Frozen stuff. There is an opening "show" on the hat stage with Olaf on the big screen. Then a count down. And off everyone goes. Someone on another thread likened it to a stampede.

You may want to check out Josh's touring plan on easywdw.

8:20-8:50 Great Movie Ride
9:00-9:15 Woody and Buzz meet
9:30-10:00 Mermaid
10:05-10:25 Toy Story FP+ 10:05-11:05 (DD & DS)
10:25-11:25 Frozen parade

Assuming you do the package, you will not get a front row view for the parade arriving at 10:25 am. You can plan to be in the 2nd or 3rd row viewing. The snacks end promptly with parade start. The parade is only 4 minutes long with a very short welcome. By 11:10, you'll be done with the parade and welcome and free to be on your own.

Now if you don't do the package, the viewing area gets roped off before the parade. So you'll need to be somewhere to view the parade by 10:50am. If you don't care about seeing Anna and Elsa on stage for the welcome, my suggestion is finding a spot on the opposite side of the road from Sounds Dangerous. We stood by the Backlot Express restaurant in the shade. Stayed in the airconditioned restaurant til we heard the parade music then got in place.

11:25-11:50 Star Tours FP+ 11:20-12:20 (DD & DS)

So if you viewed the parade between Sounds Dangerous and the Backlot Express, you'll be right there at Star Tours for your 11:20 FP.

11:50-12:10 grab lunch at backlot express
12:10-13:10 Indiana Jones (12:30)
13:20-14:05 Disney Animation
14:10-14:50 Disney Junior Live (14:20) FP+ 14:00-14:15 (DS and I - mom and DD will do the drawing class twice at Disney animation)
14:50-15:15 RnRC FP+ 14:20-15:20 (DD and I)
15:20-15:45 ToT FP+ 15:20-16:20
15:45-16:45 Beauty and the Beast (16:15)

You have so many things so jammed packed. It may work out perfectly, but at the same time, you may need to be flexible.

08-07 Thursday
Get sing along tx as we walk in for the 7PM show
15:00-15:30 Toy story with FP 14:55-15:55
15:30-16:15 Backlot Tour/ Grab dinner at Studio Catering
16:15-17:10 LMA (16:30) FP 16:00-16:20
17:25-17:50 Muppets with FP 17:25-18:25
17:50-18:45 HISTK/Cars/ Phineas&Ferb?
18:45-19:30 Frozen Sing-Along (19:00)

Having tickets for the Frozen Sing-Along will get you in the theater. Arriving 15 minutes before show time, will probably get you bleacher seating. Unless not many people see the last show. Also the rain clouds might chase people away. It's rained the last few night around this time.

19:30-20:30 Jack Sparrow/dance party
20:30-21:30 Fantasmic! (21:00)
21h45 Frozen Fireworks

You'll have to be speed demons to catch the fireworks after Fantasmic. The fireworks cannot be seen from Sunset BLVD. You'll need to get to Hollywood BLVD or the Echo Lake surrounding area. Half the show is on the stage and half is in the sky. There are large screens on Hollywood BLVD and at Idol broadcasting the stage portion.

On the tips thread, there is a tip in the first post about how to exit Fantasmic and get to the fireworks that has worked for one of the DISers.

Doesn't DHS normally let people through the turnstiles around 7:45?

With the Frozen summer thing its back to everyone being herded in together like cattle and held at a rope to see the 'opening show'.
We don't plan our days to the minute like you have, but if we were going to, I would overestimate times. It seems as though you've underestimated times which would cause stress IMO. By overestimating (10+ minutes overestimation), you may become ahead of schedule allowing for it to be more relaxed and possibly do more.

I think LMA is worth skipping if needed. Also for the animation class, they do them every 30 minutes. If I were you, I'd show up about 5-10 minutes after one starts. We go during low crowd times and have seen people turned away when it was still 10 minutes until the next class, which is what you currently have yourself scheduled to show up at.
If this is your plan instead of doing the Frozen package, there is no way to get it all done. Without reserved seating, you will have to get to spots early and wait for the parade and fireworks. And wait for the shows. At SWW I think we got a parade spot an hour, maybe an hour and a half before it started. We didn't go this year, so I'm not sure about the fireworks. As for the show, I would still get there early.

Also, unless you have a gap with nothing to do (which you don't) or completely obsessed with Capt Jack and there is no line for it, skip it. It's really not worth your time, there's not much to it. And I definitely wouldn't wait long to do it
If this is your plan instead of doing the Frozen package, there is no way to get it all done. Without reserved seating, you will have to get to spots early and wait for the parade and fireworks. And wait for the shows. At SWW I think we got a parade spot an hour, maybe an hour and a half before it started. We didn't go this year, so I'm not sure about the fireworks. As for the show, I would still get there early.

Also, unless you have a gap with nothing to do (which you don't) or completely obsessed with Capt Jack and there is no line for it, skip it. It's really not worth your time, there's not much to it. And I definitely wouldn't wait long to do it

We've seen the Frozen parade 4 times. The opening day, an hour ahead was needed for the wait. But since then we've only needed 30 minutes before for curb seating in the shade on Hollywood BLVD or down by the Cross Road Mickey sign. And 5 to 10 minutes before down by the Backlot Express.

But the waiting for the show has looked like that for any SWW show. The first day resembled the wait for the MH show.


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