DH got another woman pregnant

Wow. I'm so sorry :grouphug:

All I can say is you're a better woman that I'd ever be. There's no way I'd ever be able to continue in a relationship where my DH had got someone else pregnant. An affair I could probably mentally comprehend and forgive (but not forget) but I'm not sure I could go through life knowing there was a child around that is going to be a major part of your lives from now on, who through no fault of his/her own would constantly remind me of what he did :sad2:

I hope you figure out what's best for you and your DD. Your husband is lucky that you're taking this so well and even considering saving the relationship you once had. :grouphug:
He just needs to stay away for a little while. We can attend counseling and do the whole shebang but he needs to stay away right now. He was here yesterday but I couldn't stop taking jabs at him and making him feel lower than he already is. So he needs to go because, right now, all he is to me is a punching bag and we can't live like that. Especially not around our DD.

I commend you for trying to look at this objectively. If you do decide to try to try to save this, you're absolutely right about damage control. It's not that he doesn't deserve to be treated badly (because he does) or that you don't have the right (because you surely do), but you're very right about it not being for the best to live like that or it being in your DD's best interests.

I also admire you for recognizing that right now the pain is still very fresh and for not making any decisions that you might regret later. You obviously recognize that "revenge" is not what this is about.

I wish you the best in counseling. I've already prayed for your family and will continue to do so.

(And you're right, what a stupid comment about the baby's hair.. :sad2: )

You have to do what is best for that little girl. And what's best for her right now is to take care of yourself. Don't beat yourself up - nothing is your fault. Don't forget that you can always love your husband, but you don't necessarily have to stay with him. If that is the best thing for you to save your own sanity, you can love him but not let him hurt you again. Remember that your daughter has two parents and always let him be a part of her life. But you don't have to let him mess up yours. I wish you the best.
First and foremost, you must react to your husband as if he is someone who cannot be trusted, because he can't. Don't ever think to yourself "Oh, he would never do that no matter what" because you don't know that. You never thought he'd cheat and impregnante someone else either, so essentially, all bets are off with regard to what he is capable of. I don't mean to be harsh, but I cannot impress that upon you enough. I have known too many people, both men and women, who have been taken to the cleaners during times of marital strife because they gave their spouse the benefit of the doubt, or gave them too much credit for what they would or would not be "capable of". Assume that he is capable of anything at this point.

Go to a doctor and get tested for STDs, HIV...the whole range of possibilities that can occur with having unprotected sex with someone who is of questionable morals. Your husband and his girlfriend are people of questionable morals.

Go to a lawyer for information. I am not saying that you need to do anything other than gain information. Tell the attorney your situation. You want information about child and spousal support, and how this out-of-wedlock child is going to impact the support you could potentially receive for your child.

Get a handle on your entire financial situation. Make sure you know what you have in savings, retirement savings, credit and other debt. Make dated copies of everything so you will know that on "X" date we had this financial picture.

Watch your credit card statements closely, if you have joint cards. I would almost consider taking my name off the ones I held jointly with him and starting new ones in my own name with the notation that he DOES NOT have access to them.

Start saving separately from your husband, and in someone else's name if possible...your mother, your sister, a trusted friend. I worked with a woman at a previous job (back in the late 80's/early 90's) who had an unfaithful husband. She also had an ill child, so she had to stay with her husband for a period of time to utilize his health benefits for the treatment their child required. Once that was all set, she left him. However, the entire time she was staying with him, she would buy a savings bond every week with some of the household money. She would put the bond in her mother's name. She would also ask him for a little extra money every week because "meat was on sale" or "the kids needed new sneakers" or whatever. Since he knew he was a cheating scum, he didn't hesitate to give her what she asked for. She made a full time job out of shopping sales so her kids never wanted for a thing, but she was able to always "skim" money off the top of everything. She also made sure that when he told her to "go pick out something nice" for her birthday, Christmas, aniniversary etc., that she picked an expensive piece of jewlery that could be sold later for a good price. When she finally left him, she had quite a bit of $$ in savings bond & also sold a lot of the jewelry, since, as she said, it held no sentimental value...between the 2 things, she had enough to build a very nice home for her and her mother down in Florida. Very good planning on her part.

These days, I'd probably look into the AMEX or VISA gift cards as a way to "hide" some funds. Take the cash, buy a GC. Just make sure they GC doesn't have a service fee or something after so many months of not using it or whatever.

Think long and hard about this, and don't make a rash decision. Some things to think about:
~Will your life and your child's life be better with or without this man? Granted, as your child's father, he will still be part of your life to a certain extent, but you don't have to be tied to him maritally.
~What will he have to do to regain your trust? Will he be willing to do it? Will he be able to do it?
~Will you be able to deal with the other woman and their child? Remember, their child is an innocent victim in this saga, just like you and your child are. But the child will be a part of your life in some capacity, even if it is just knowing that he/she is "out there" somewhere.
~As someone else said, you are young, so really, really think long and hard to determine if you want to continue to tie yourself to this man, and possibly be going through this same thing again in 10 years. As someone else said "A zebra doesn't change its stripes". My mother always used to say "A leopard doesn't change its spots". Same essential message. I have yet to meet anyone that I know who has cheated, worked through it, been forgiven, yadda, yadda, yadda who eventually doesn't cheat again. It sometimes takes years, but it usually happens. A one night stand can be a "mistake", a "bad decision", an "error in judgement" a "bad choice"....a long-term relationship that produces a child is just that...a long-term relationship. It's not one stupid mistake one time. It's a choice he made daily...to continue the relationship, knowing he had a wife and child at home. Big difference.
~The other woman. Yes, she is scum. Yes, she is a piece of trash for going with your husband. I am not giving her a pass, by any means. But, the fact remains that you need to concern yourself with your husband and his behavior, because if he wasn't accepting her attention, she would have turned it elsewhere. That old excuse "Well, they're men. What can we expect?" doesn't fly with me. We do men a grave disservice by thinking that they are unable to control their animal urges and just "have to" give in. Mature, committed men of morals do not behave this way, no matter what kind of "things" they are "going through". Period. "I was going through some things" is a cheap excuse and a lousy explanation for being pissed at getting caught, which I think your husband ultimately is...pissed at getting caught. If he did tell his girlfriend to get an abortion and threaten her and so on, and that's a big "if" since you heard it from her, I think even less of him. But again, I wouldn't deal with the girlfriend at all, since the issue is him.

Take your time, take a breath, get all your ducks in a row,
know your rights, know the information you need to know to make the best decision for you and that beautiful litle girl of yours.

I wish you well in the difficult times you have ahead. :grouphug:

I couldnt have said it better.

I am so sorry he did this to you and you DD.:grouphug:
OP, I think you're doing such a great job handling this.
Protect yourself and your beautiful child. Consult a lawyer and then you have the info if need be. But above all, you seem like a wonderful, caring and reasonable women. To sit and talk to him must have been difficult. You possess class and dignity and strength. Don't ever forget that. God bless you and let us know where your heart takes you.:grouphug:
I am so sorry and I have no idea what I would do in your situation. However, I think that you are handling this rather well.

Please take good care of yourself and know that we are here to listen whenever you need to vent.

:grouphug: I have been there and done that many many years ago.
My heart is going out to you during this very difficult time.

I do want to caution you.. be wise in your doings... meaning you want him to 'pay' the price for what he has done, but if you aren't careful he will never believe you will truly forgive him and with that said, he may feel it is best to move on.. I know your heart doesn't want that...

Also you both need to communicate well enough to find out the "WHY" what was he 'missing' or thought he was missing to make him go elsewhere?

keep your faith, hold on tight and I will keep you in my prayers.

You are a strong woman don't forget it!
"Also you both need to communicate well enough to find out the "WHY" what was he 'missing' or thought he was missing to make him go elsewhere?" :sad2: How about common decency, morals, empathy. respect...There is no excuse or "good" reason why he did this and asking him this question in my opinion is just an opening for him try and justify what he's done.
You are not alone. In 1993, while putting away clean clothes I came across dna test in his sock draw that said "my boyfreind of 10 years and father of my daughter" was 99.9% the FATHER of someone elses child! I freaked! What a way to find something like this out. Then he told me that the morning a sheriff came to our house to serve him papers to have the DNA test I laid asleep and never even new. I didn't waste anytime leaving him. To this day he has still never acknowledged or told our daughter that he has another child and either did his parents when they were alive. However, I did tell her. I felt that my daughter had every right to know that she has a sibling out there and just because her father doesn't acknowledge her it doesn't mean that she couldn't meet and have a relationship with her. Granted we were not married but we did have a house and other assets that needed to be split. I have never regreted leaving him. My love for him was turned off in a flash. Still to this day, my daughter now being 22 years old, her father has still never ever told her he has fathered another child and she has never told him that she's known all this time. This is only what I needed to do when I found out. You will make the right choice for both you and your child but take time to think about all that has happened and really put YOURSELF first. Your daughter will understand whatever you choose once she gets older just be honest with her.
You are not alone. In 1993, while putting away clean clothes I came across dna test in his sock draw that said "my boyfreind of 10 years and father of my daughter" was 99.9% the FATHER of someone elses child!

What a nightmare! I'm so sorry you went through that.
I'm not saying that it was alright to cheat , but are you sure she is pregnant? She might be telling you'll this hoping you will leave him. Then she will try to take him from you. I wouldn't put it past anybody to do this. Even if she wasn't pregnant I would still leave his a _ _!!! I'm a man and would never cheat on my girlfriend/wife.

I haven't read the rest of this thread yet, but this is a good question. My husband's ex-wife (we think) did this to her now second ex-husband. The affair she had was real, and he called us and said he was filing for divorce and why. But surprise, surprise, it's now 8-9 months later and no baby. She also claimed to have a miscarriage not long after my husband got his vascetomy... while this is technically possible, since there is some fertility left for several weeks after the procedure, he never quite knew if she was telling the truth, or looking for drama/sympathy. She never had to go to the doctor, she just had a long cycle and then a heavy period (so he tells me she told him)

Long story short, don't discount the fact that this woman may be lying in order to play games. It doesn't change your husband's behavior however :(
my recent post to the original poster was not meant to SPARK a debate.
He was wrong and there is nothing more to it, BUT when people do things they have a reason... I am sure she is a great mom and wife but something was lacking I don't know, but it is a start and a little forgiveness goes a long way especially if she is the one who really wants her marriage to work out.

He really doesn't have to have a "reason" either but it is a start to communication and forgiveness. NO one knows really what she is going through unless you have been there and even then we are IN her shoes.

I will no longer be discussing this subject unless I do so privately with the original poster. I am NOT about Chaos and apparently, when someone shares their thoughts they are blasted for it.

I will keep the poster in my prayers.
Praying for a reconciliation.
Everything is just so weird now and ironic. We're taking our space and everything and things are getting a little better everyday. He calls everyday to check on his daughter and to ask if I need anything which is all good, but I'm starting to feel like he's smothering me. He called at least 15 times yesterday. Everytime it was like "What are you doing?" and than a phone call full of silence and him telling me how much he loves me. And now HE wants to be jealous. When I don't pick up the phone it's like "Where were you?" "What were you doing?" "You're going to the store? Well, call me soon as you get back."

I mean, it's guilt at it's best. He thinks that I'm going to go out and cheat on him now. Even though he might deserve it, two wrongs don't make a right and that is the farthest from my mind. I just want to be happy and cheating won't get me there. I don't want him thinking that we're even now so it'll be easier to live with. Sorry, you're on your own buddy.

Anyway, I plan on going out with friends this weekend to a Labor Day BBQ and he thinks he's going. Ha! I told him that he should take that time to have some Daddy-Daughter fun and leave me to have some "me" time.

Plus, I think he just wants to make sure that I'm not with another man.
You are absolutely right, two wrongs don't make a right! He's paranoid that you will do the same thing he did. :sad2: You need this time for you and your DD. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and BBQ. Some time away from things will hopefully help.
He wants to go to counseling and try to work through this but I still need time. In all honestly, this IS worth saving, but it's gonna be a long hard road in order to do so. I believe him when he says that it was just this time, but that doens't make it any better because it was still a relationship that he had with her. I just..... I don't know.

What you do is completely your decision. But I agree with the other posters who say he's only devistated now that you know about the affair...

There's also some truth to "once a cheater, always a cheater".... It's like they don't even recognize that what they're doing is wrong!!

If he was the breadwinner in your relationship, I'm fairly sure the courts will set up some kind of alimony agreement for you (which is seperate from child support, to the best of my knowledge). DO NOT let his finances sway your decision! You can make it on your own.

Do everything you can to try and get primary custody (or whatever it would be in your state) of your daughter. My husband and his ex-wife have pretty much 50/50 everything, and it can be a real nightmare. Don't try to remove him completely from your daughter's life (it's wrong to her and the courts won't allow it anyway) but the more control you have, the better.
He tells me how deeply devastated he is and how he can't believe he let something like this happen. He tells me how frustrating and embarrassing this is for him (duh! how do you think I feel?) and that he would do anything humanly possible to get me back.

Read this bit again.

Now read it from the perspective of "Sh*t! She found out" rather than "I had an affair and I want to reconcile"

He can't believe that he let this get to the point where YOU FOUND OUT.
He's frustrated and embarassed... THAT YOU FOUND OUT ABOUT IT.
He'd do anything humanly possible, not to get you back, but to make sure you NEVER FOUND OUT.

That's my two cents, take 'em or leave 'em.
I admire you for the way you are handling this. I know I couldn't. I have told my Df that I could forgive anything except for cheating. I would be out of the whole situation so fast, even if children were involved.
He should be so ashamed of himself for what he is putting your family through.
Good luck. It sounds like you are thinking clearly given the situation.
I think you need to tell him that he needs to back off and not be trying to dictate your every move right now.

I think you need to tell him that even though he cheated, you aren't going to, because you are better than that and have more integrity, so he needs to stop calling you every 5minutes to find out what you are doing, and he needs to stop trying to control your time and life right now.

I think you need to tell him that he has to live with his behavior and bad choices, and his behaving as if YOU are going to cheat just because HE did is both insulting and annoying.

I think you need to pay very close attention to all this behavior right now because it could be very telling with regard to the kind of man he is and what you might expect to have to deal with in the future.

Keep your eyes WIDE open and pay very, very close attention. I cannot emphasize this enough.

I am so, so terribly sorry that you have to go through this right now. You seem like such a good person, and you have such a beautiful little girl. My goodness, isn't this man stupid to risk losing what he has for a cheap fling???:sad2:


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