Debt Dumpers 2024

So, ds adopted 2 kittens today. They are around 7 weeks old and so adorable. It's really brought a lot of joy to us already, just seeing them play together and being so curious about everything. They played so much that at some point they got tired and each one climbed onto dh and I and slept for a good half hour. So sweet.
Today was a happy day. If I never get grandchildren, at least I'll have grandcats.
How sweet. We have never had a cat. I almost had my father convinced to get me one when I was 10, but he said no when he discovered it was a male. When I got married it turns out my husband and children were allergic. My oldest son has a very sweet one that we can visit
Does anybody have any recommendations for a free alternative to YNAB? I specifically love that with YNAB I can view my money both as a budget overview but I also have the check register option and can reconcile as things clear the bank. I'm trying to avoid paying the renewal in a couple of weeks. Thanks!
I use EveryDollar. I don't know how it compares to YNAB.
Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!
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Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big unexpected expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!

Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!
Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!

Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!

if you can't tell-i'm happy for you!!!!!
Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!
Yay!!! Congrats!!!!
Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!
Woo hoo!! Congratulations!! Makes you want to shout it from the rooftop. :laughing:
Big post- WE ARE DEBT FREE!!!!! IT HAPPENED!!!!!!

We had some big expenses (a car repair, Mother's Day, etc.) so we were $400 short to paying off the car. I keep a small savings account with a few thousand in it as my "slush fund" separate from my E-fund. I decided to borrow the $400 from there so we can be DONE and I'll put it back in next month.

So. Here we are- DEBT FREE!!!!!!
Congrats!! That's a HUGE accomplishment that I also hope to achieve one day :) Enjoy it!
It's been a while, so it's time for an update! This is all since the last time I posted., and the totals are with my updates included.

1. Put an extra $2000 on my mortgage. $1150/$2000

2. Put $2000 in savings to help pay for yearly bills (comes out in November). $1315/$2000
Trying hard but it's been rough!

I earned $150 in gift cards since the last update. Not cash, but helps to pay for things.

1. Clean out 500 items of junk. 153/500
This one isn't going well. I'm going to have to get on it!
2. Make an "in case of death" folder (containing will, important info). 1/1 DONE
3. Get 60 minutes of exercise per week. 19/52
+3. Still on track
4. Read at least 1 non fiction book related to professional development. DONE
Had to read for work:
The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less
As an aside, do NOT recommend
5. Do 12 hours of skills development (example, take a course). 20.5/12 DONE
-Working on an online course. +5.5hrs. Technically done the goal, but not done the course
-I also spent 5hrs learning the basics of a skill that a specific job was looking for
6. Find a new job! (carryover from previous year). 0/1
Oh, how I've been busy...
-Checked job sites, applied for 8 jobs.
-I managed to get an interview through a contact, and spent several hours learning a skill that would be required for the job (see above). I think if I'd been willing to relocate they'd have hired me, but I wasn't able (for many reasons) to move halfway across the country for a job that wasn't THAT good.
-My current job is getting more toxic by the day, and I'm not getting anxiety attacks and have wound up sick from stress. I'm tough, but I don't know how much more I can take. To that end:
-I contacted a government organization who deals with helping people find new jobs. They help with resumes, interview skills and so on, and they're 100% free. I've already had the first meeting with them, and my next one is scheduled. I feel absolutely ashamed asking for help, even though I know there's no reason for it, but that's just how it is.
7. Finish some of the partially done craft projects I have (carryover from previous year). 1/2
-Nothing since last update
8. Organize my "stuff". 3/10
-I did a bit of electronic file cleanup, but that doesn't really count
9. Do at least 1 home improvement project. 1/1 DONE

This wasn't on my list, but I'm thinking I need to take care of myself a bit more. I do get benefits, so I went and had my eyes checked, and I'll see what else I can do that might be covered.

I'm completely burned out, but my to-do list keeps getting longer so on we go. Any chance anyone has some suggestions about what you can do in this position? I have very little "free" time, and I'm desperate for a vacation. Since I know that can't happen at all, is there anything anyone could suggest that might take the edge off of that "I want a vacation" itch?
I'm completely burned out, but my to-do list keeps getting longer so on we go. Any chance anyone has some suggestions about what you can do in this position? I have very little "free" time, and I'm desperate for a vacation. Since I know that can't happen at all, is there anything anyone could suggest that might take the edge off of that "I want a vacation" itch?
Maybe an at home spa day? Could you take a day trip somewhere? Or even a couple hours trip somewhere (a beach, the mountains, somewhere nice to have a picnic).
-I contacted a government organization who deals with helping people find new jobs. They help with resumes, interview skills and so on, and they're 100% free. I've already had the first meeting with them, and my next one is scheduled. I feel absolutely ashamed asking for help, even though I know there's no reason for it, but that's just how it is.
This is not meant as criticism, please don't take it that way.

If you broke your leg you would go to the hospital, right? You could try splinting it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

If your car broke down you would get a mechanic to fix it, right? You could try fixing it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

If your electricity at home went out you would get an electrician in to fix it, right? You could try resolving it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

Obviously assuming you are not a doctor, mechanic or electrician.

Would you feel ashamed about any of those? No - you would use the right specialist to resolve a problem.

So your job is broken. You are not in a position to get your job fixed so you are using the right specialist to achieve the best outcome in finding a new job. You could write your resume yourself but someone who does that sort of thing all the time is likely to write a version that fits with the current buzzwords, layouts and the info that employers want without providing a host of extra "stuff" for them to wade through.

When was the last time you had a successful job interview? The way they work seems to change on a regular basis as things come in and out of fashion so why not tap in to knowledge of what is the current vogue?
This is not meant as criticism, please don't take it that way.

If you broke your leg you would go to the hospital, right? You could try splinting it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

If your car broke down you would get a mechanic to fix it, right? You could try fixing it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

If your electricity at home went out you would get an electrician in to fix it, right? You could try resolving it yourself but the outcome would be unlikely to the best.

Obviously assuming you are not a doctor, mechanic or electrician.

Would you feel ashamed about any of those? No - you would use the right specialist to resolve a problem.

So your job is broken. You are not in a position to get your job fixed so you are using the right specialist to achieve the best outcome in finding a new job. You could write your resume yourself but someone who does that sort of thing all the time is likely to write a version that fits with the current buzzwords, layouts and the info that employers want without providing a host of extra "stuff" for them to wade through.

When was the last time you had a successful job interview? The way they work seems to change on a regular basis as things come in and out of fashion so why not tap in to knowledge of what is the current vogue?
It's true, and you're absolutely right. But I was brought up in an environment where asking for help was something to be ashamed of. In a lot of ways I'm still very much in that environment. I busted up my knee a few years ago, and "walked it off". As it turns out, there was long term damage.

I hadn't had an interview in well over 10 years before this recent one. And if I was able to relocate there was a good chance I'd have had that job. But that was mostly because of my qualifications and that I was willing to work for much less money than they'd have paid someone from that area.

I have another meeting today, so we'll be working on the resume I believe.
Mid (maybe end) of May update:

2024 Financial Goals:
  • Add at least $2000 to my main emergency savings on top of my auto contributions - Added $100 with my husbands last paycheck $200/$2000
  • Increase my contributions to my other savings goals by at least $25/each pay period - This has now been completed.
  • Look into a living will/trust (We have friends that keep telling us to do this and with everything going on in my life at the moment, I feel like I should actually look into this more.) - My dad had to postpone his signing as he woke up the morning of and was having problems breathing. New date is the beginning of June. While I still want to get it done for my DH and I, I don't think it will happen this year.
  • **New goal** Get our home equity loan down to $20k (currently at ~$26.5k) - Threw an extra $75 at this on top of my minimum due.
2024 Personal Goals:
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes - Ever since I got sick and then started feeling better, this goal hasn't happened. So over the last month or so, unfortunately this goal has not been met. I don't see myself meeting it through the end of the month as I have a lot going on before vacation.
  • Travel as much as possible - Concert weekend this weekend and then leaving on our cruise next weekend!
  • Replace the patio cover in our backyard - No progress.
  • Finally do something with our side yard - not sure exactly what at the moment - No progress.
It's been a busy week for me and will continue to be busy until we leave next weekend. My dad ended up back in the hospital last night/today because he was having problems breathing. Not sure what exactly is going on, but they plan to do a bunch of tests today. The only thing I've heard so far is they are wondering if he maybe has a blood clot in his lung. Really crappy timing since we're going out of town this weekend, but such is life. If anything to too serious were to happen, we could easily be home within a few hours.
Next week I will be getting everything ready for us to leave on our cruise. Need to clean up the house and make sure everything is good to go for our cat/house sitter. Usually when we take trips my dad would be the one to come stay at our house while we're gone, but unfortunately I don't see him being able to do that again any time soon, if at all. Luckily we have friends with adult children who could use some extra money.
I probably won't have an update again until sometime in June. Keep pushing on those goals everyone!
1715963110741.png <---was supposed to be a gif, but I guess it's just a weird image now 😂
It's true, and you're absolutely right. But I was brought up in an environment where asking for help was something to be ashamed of. In a lot of ways I'm still very much in that environment. I busted up my knee a few years ago, and "walked it off". As it turns out, there was long term damage.
I was brought up with a similar mindset and even had a knee injury that I 'walked off' as well. I really wish I'd had the bravery at the time to take care of myself. I think you're being brave to acknowledge that you need some help and are seeking it out and accepting it. It's nothing to be ashamed of at all :hug:
our utility bill went DOWN by $43 per month :scared1: :thumbsup2 we are on balanced billing and this is the month it re-sets for the next year. i thought for sure that despite having a credit sitting there that the amount would at minimum hold steady due to the announced increases in cost our co-op has published. nope, decreasing and when i pay the new bill i will still be sitting on a $350 credit balance.
May I make a suggestion? When huge tasks feel too overwhelming to even get started, try breaking them down into small bite size pieces. Set a reminder on your cell phone for a time that works well in your schedule, not late when you're tired, or early morning when you need to get ready for work. List the task you'd like to attack in your reminder such as "Organize Bathroom Countertop."

Take a "before" picture. Then set a timer for only 10 mins. Devote only 10 mins to that task.
Do whatever you can in that timeframe with upbeat music. Something that makes you want to move, or at least tap your feet or sing along with. It will probably be about 3 songs.

When the time is up, take an "after" picture, forgive yourself for what didn't get done and reset your reminder for the same time next week. Eventually it will all get done.
Apologies, I realized I never responded to this. I've tried so many apps and techniques at this point. Right now I'm trying the Liven app for procrastinators. I'm a habitual procrastinator in addition to having OCD and I'm so tired of dealing with it. I'm also just starting the Happier app which does have a photo component to it. I'm diving into that this weekend.

Thank you for taking the time to suggest some strategies, I appreciate it!
So, demonstrate to yourself that you have grown & developed as a person since by utilising help when it is available now :-)
It's not a character flaw, it's a lifetime of conditioning.

I spent 2hrs in a ball crying on my bathroom floor because of the shame asking for help caused. This is what I'm up against. There was an entire generation of us trained to be this way (at least, where I'm from). I shudder to think of what my parents generation have been hiding.

I only mention this here, in the hopes that those people with kids may read it and learn something. Maybe the next generation can be better adjusted.


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