Debt Dumpers - 2015

Sorry, I was getting lost in the explanation and all of your numbers seemed higher than our trips to WDW even with a family of 4. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty; it just seemed overwhelming. :faint: Then at the end you asked "or does anyone have a better idea."
I'm just being honest. Your ADR/souvenir budget is 1/3 of our Disney cruise fare for 3 passengers, all inclusive x 4 days..
I don't know. I guess it's my frame of mind right now. I've been in super pay-down mode since the holidays and making great progress. (DR would call it gazelle intensity.) You've been doing so well and hope you can keep up your good progress. :goodvibes

Yeah, I went on the DisneyLand forum several weeks ago and asked for recommendations on where to eat. Based on those recommendations, I made 6 dining reservations. Then about a week ago, I went back and checked menus to see how much to estimate for the meals. The way I did that was took the most expensive appetizer, the most expensive entree, the most expensive dessert and added all those prices, then added $10 for drink and tip, then rounded up to the nearest $10 amount.

That gave me estimates for 4 places at $100 each, and the other 2 at $50 each. (Total = $500) I really don't eat that much, but figured that if I planned the estimate that way, I would definitely have extra funds to pay for the other quick service meals I may eat, and (hopefully) actually buy most (or all) of my souvenirs. Since I'll be staying in a resort with a kitchenette, I figured I'd stop and get food for breakfast and dinners, and based on my eating pattern at home that would be about $50 for the week.

Separately, for souvenirs I always get my mom a Mickey Nutcracker for Christmas on my visits (they run in the $50 - $75 range at WDW) and my standard souvenir for myself is a beach towel (WDW prices in the $35 range, figured one from DL and one from DCA = about $70) Taking the high end, total souvenir budget would be $150, and I doubled that to $300, cause you know prices are higher in California. ;-)

My actual anticipation plan is that IF I keep all the dining reservations, I don't really see me eating more than about $200-250 at the restaurants, but wanted to keep the higher amount in case prices change. That would really let me use the rest of the "dining" fund to buy my anticipated souvenirs, assuming they are similar prices as at WDW.

I guess the real question I had was if other people had a suggestion for balancing the cash on-hand versus the credit card since I wasn't going to have enough cash to cover all the expenses. Yes, reducing the number of ADR's and/or souvenir estimate would help, but going by the numbers reducing those only works if I don't eat for the week or buy anything at all.

On another topic, when I go to WDW, my food budget is usually about $200 ($50 for food at the resort, and $150 for 3-5 TS meals) for a full week (8 days and 7 nights). My souvenir budget is about $100.

And thanks for the compliment on my progress. I think the best progress I've made is getting rid of the ex-roommate. ;-)

Here's hoping your laser-like focus gets you where you want to be!
After having a pretty crappy day yesterday, I got the best news this morning! A few months ago my mom did a search for unclaimed funds and she found I was owed over $800 from the escrow account I had with my ex husband. I sent in the paperwork and they paid the claim!!!! I should have a check for over $800 in the next 10 days. Yippee! This will go straight to paying off debt since it literally is found money.

I've also decided to try auto-pay on the bills that I pay each month like cable, electric, and cell phones and put them on my credit card. I'd rather it not come straight out of my checking account but I almost always forget to pay them on time so I'm hoping this works. This way I'll just pay the credit card off when I get my first paycheck of the month. I feel so grown up and prepared for life.

Keep up the good work everyone!
After having a pretty crappy day yesterday, I got the best news this morning! A few months ago my mom did a search for unclaimed funds and she found I was owed over $800 from the escrow account I had with my ex husband. I sent in the paperwork and they paid the claim!!!! I should have a check for over $800 in the next 10 days. Yippee! This will go straight to paying off debt since it literally is found money.

I've also decided to try auto-pay on the bills that I pay each month like cable, electric, and cell phones and put them on my credit card. I'd rather it not come straight out of my checking account but I almost always forget to pay them on time so I'm hoping this works. This way I'll just pay the credit card off when I get my first paycheck of the month. I feel so grown up and prepared for life.

Keep up the good work everyone!

That is great news!! I wish I could find some unclaimed money owed to me!! Lol. That will put a great dent into your debt! Way to go mom!!!!
After having a pretty crappy day yesterday, I got the best news this morning! A few months ago my mom did a search for unclaimed funds and she found I was owed over $800 from the escrow account I had with my ex husband. I sent in the paperwork and they paid the claim!!!! I should have a check for over $800 in the next 10 days. Yippee! This will go straight to paying off debt since it literally is found money.

I've also decided to try auto-pay on the bills that I pay each month like cable, electric, and cell phones and put them on my credit card. I'd rather it not come straight out of my checking account but I almost always forget to pay them on time so I'm hoping this works. This way I'll just pay the credit card off when I get my first paycheck of the month. I feel so grown up and prepared for life.

Keep up the good work everyone!

Congrats on the found money!! It's always a great feeling.

I've been doing the autopay for years like that. I have a couple of bills (gas for one) that I have deducted from my bank account because they charge a processing fee if it on a credit card but not if it is on a debit card. :confused3

But I loved having all the bills on my credit card (when I was able to pay it off each month) because of the rewards I got. Mine is linked to my hotel rewards account, so every dollar is a point, and those monthly points add up quickly to free stays. Especially when it is for stuff I'm having to pay for already. Just be careful that you make sure you pay it off every month, cause otherwise the balance can sneak up faster than you realize.
I have been doing the auto pay on each payday for my 3 credit cards. I started out the year with 4 cards totalling $9500.00. Paid one off with my commission check. Another one should be paid off by the end of March. And one by the end of May. Then the other at the end of the year. I pay something on them all every two weeks with auto pay set up on the days I get paid. Since I have started doing this I have been more motivated to paying this off than ever. We haven't used the cards in a long time just weren't very motivated about putting more money towards them. Now I am down to $7100 owed. Not bad for not quite two months into the year. We want to be able to add an addition later this year so this needs to be paid and off our credit file as something owed.
I have been doing the auto pay on each payday for my 3 credit cards. I started out the year with 4 cards totalling $9500.00. Paid one off with my commission check. Another one should be paid off by the end of March. And one by the end of May. Then the other at the end of the year. I pay something on them all every two weeks with auto pay set up on the days I get paid. Since I have started doing this I have been more motivated to paying this off than ever. We haven't used the cards in a long time just weren't very motivated about putting more money towards them. Now I am down to $7100 owed. Not bad for not quite two months into the year. We want to be able to add an addition later this year so this needs to be paid and off our credit file as something owed.

That is what really motivates you - when you see that balance going down! Way to go! You are doing a great job - especially just 2 months in 2015!!
Well, good news?

The PetSmart that I shop at for supplies for my girls is moving across the shopping center. Starting Sunday, everything remaining in the old location will be marked 75% off. So, I'm thinking get there before the store opens and stock up on food, bedding, and kennels (if they have any left).

Wasn't planning on spending any extra right now, but I'm thinking this may be a deal I can't pass up. (Normal bag of food I have to get runs $60 after tax. If I just spend the normal amount, I'll have food for 6 months)

So, with upcoming trip, still good idea?
Well, good news?

The PetSmart that I shop at for supplies for my girls is moving across the shopping center. Starting Sunday, everything remaining in the old location will be marked 75% off. So, I'm thinking get there before the store opens and stock up on food, bedding, and kennels (if they have any left).

Wasn't planning on spending any extra right now, but I'm thinking this may be a deal I can't pass up. (Normal bag of food I have to get runs $60 after tax. If I just spend the normal amount, I'll have food for 6 months)

So, with upcoming trip, still good idea?
I never had a dog so I have no idea how often bedding & kennels need replacing but I would at least stock up on some food. Only you can decide if it's worth cutting $ from your trip to shop more, if that's what you'd have to do. We usually leave some wiggle room in our monthly budget, around $400, for misc. shopping that is not part of our weekly grocery store trips.
I never had a dog so I have no idea how often bedding & kennels need replacing but I would at least stock up on some food. Only you can decide if it's worth cutting $ from your trip to shop more, if that's what you'd have to do. We usually leave some wiggle room in our monthly budget, around $400, for misc. shopping that is not part of our weekly grocery store trips.

I've had the same kennel since 2006, it is still in fair condition, but I can see needing to replace it in the next couple of years. Just that they run $70+, so it is hard to pass up that 75% sale.

Bedding varies, a couple of years ago I got them a $40 pillow bed in an after Christmas half-off sale that lasted a week! Then in February, I got them a $60 mattress that is just now wearing out. :confused3

I'm really hoping that there will be a couple of beds and lots of food, the kennel would be gravy. And yeah, if I can get anything, it will come out of my food budget for the month. I had just bought food right before my ex-roommate moved out, so I kind of have a surplus of most of my staples right now. Added to that that I will be gone a full week next month, and I actually think I have enough food to get me to the middle of April (mostly, I know there are a few things I'll have to get, but I think I can get by on about $13/week instead of my normal $60).

I think long term it is worth getting, I'll just need to restrain myself and not overdo it. I do have the trip coming up. :-)
I've had the same kennel since 2006, it is still in fair condition, but I can see needing to replace it in the next couple of years. Just that they run $70+, so it is hard to pass up that 75% sale.

Bedding varies, a couple of years ago I got them a $40 pillow bed in an after Christmas half-off sale that lasted a week! Then in February, I got them a $60 mattress that is just now wearing out. :confused3

I'm really hoping that there will be a couple of beds and lots of food, the kennel would be gravy. And yeah, if I can get anything, it will come out of my food budget for the month. I had just bought food right before my ex-roommate moved out, so I kind of have a surplus of most of my staples right now. Added to that that I will be gone a full week next month, and I actually think I have enough food to get me to the middle of April (mostly, I know there are a few things I'll have to get, but I think I can get by on about $13/week instead of my normal $60).

I think long term it is worth getting, I'll just need to restrain myself and not overdo it. I do have the trip coming up. :-)
Then I would stock up if available taking funds from food budget & souvenir budget. I
personally wouldn't consider that frivolous spending.
Sounds like a great sale! Keep in mind that some foods may not last for 6 months or more if you plan to stock up on those at the pet store. I would be all over that sale though since I have two cats and a large dog!
I've had the same kennel since 2006, it is still in fair condition, but I can see needing to replace it in the next couple of years. Just that they run $70+, so it is hard to pass up that 75% sale.

Bedding varies, a couple of years ago I got them a $40 pillow bed in an after Christmas half-off sale that lasted a week! Then in February, I got them a $60 mattress that is just now wearing out. :confused3

I'm really hoping that there will be a couple of beds and lots of food, the kennel would be gravy. And yeah, if I can get anything, it will come out of my food budget for the month. I had just bought food right before my ex-roommate moved out, so I kind of have a surplus of most of my staples right now. Added to that that I will be gone a full week next month, and I actually think I have enough food to get me to the middle of April (mostly, I know there are a few things I'll have to get, but I think I can get by on about $13/week instead of my normal $60).

I think long term it is worth getting, I'll just need to restrain myself and not overdo it. I do have the trip coming up. :-)

If everything is 75% off I would most definitely get the kennels and beds. And a couple bags of food. You won't find a deal like that again! I wish my petsmart was having it because I would be all over that sale!!!
Yeah, it is an awesome sale. They are doing it solely to limit how much they will have to transport from shelf to new store. And it is only on what is currently in stock when the doors open on the day the sale begins.

And I'm not too worried about the food going bad. I checked last week when I was there, and all the food that I buy had expiration dates of a year away or more. lol. So as long as I don't open the food bag, it should be good. I don't think I'll be able to buy enough food to last past what they'll be able to eat before it goes bad. Limitations on both the size of my car and the size of my budget. :-)

On a totally different note ...

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! The ex-roommate called today and wants to know if I will let him move back in again. AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I just got rid of him, why would he thinks I want him back? Other than the fact that I tend to be a softie and a pushover. But I don't think that him moving back will ever in any sense be a good thing. I just don't want to have to be rude and tell him that.
The ex-roommate called today and wants to know if I will let him move back in again. AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I just got rid of him, why would he thinks I want him back? Other than the fact that I tend to be a softie and a pushover. But I don't think that him moving back will ever in any sense be a good thing. I just don't want to have to be rude and tell him that.

I don't know a lot about your situation, but it sounds like this person was basically using you. You have to put your foot down and not let him do it again!
Yeah, it is an awesome sale. They are doing it solely to limit how much they will have to transport from shelf to new store. And it is only on what is currently in stock when the doors open on the day the sale begins.

And I'm not too worried about the food going bad. I checked last week when I was there, and all the food that I buy had expiration dates of a year away or more. lol. So as long as I don't open the food bag, it should be good. I don't think I'll be able to buy enough food to last past what they'll be able to eat before it goes bad. Limitations on both the size of my car and the size of my budget. :-)

On a totally different note ...

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! The ex-roommate called today and wants to know if I will let him move back in again. AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I just got rid of him, why would he thinks I want him back? Other than the fact that I tend to be a softie and a pushover. But I don't think that him moving back will ever in any sense be a good thing. I just don't want to have to be rude and tell him that.

I sure hope you said no. Look at the debt that your in carrying him.
it may sounds simplistic but today I, following the whole knowledge is power philosophy, tallied up all of the money I sent to credit card companies in the month of February and compared it against the amount my credit card debt went down.

GASP! Is all I have to say.

If facing down those numbers aren't a kick in the butt - I don't know what is.
it may sounds simplistic but today I, following the whole knowledge is power philosophy, tallied up all of the money I sent to credit card companies in the month of February and compared it against the amount my credit card debt went down.

GASP! Is all I have to say.

If facing down those numbers aren't a kick in the butt - I don't know what is.

Yeah, that can be pretty discouraging. I transferred what I could of my cc debt to cards with 0% offers but still have a 3k balance on a card with a pretty high interest rate. I'm planning to get rid of that one once I sell my house and that will be a huge help. It's depressing to think of how much I've wasted on interest for that one. I don't plan to use it again once it's paid off but will keep it open since it has a higher limit and I need to keep my credit utilization ratio in better shape.
I sure hope you said no. Look at the debt that your in carrying him.

I told him to stay where he was til I had a chance to think it over. I would like to find a tactful way to say "Oh H3LLZ NO!!"

I'm leaning toward pointing out all the ways I've already carried him, and his subsequent multiple failures to meet his end of the bargain, and then tell him no.


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