DDC XXII - End of Summer Bash

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Evenin’ All…

Loooong day…
Long tomorrow in the forcast…

But I get to head out on an adventure this Friday,
So I got that going for me… which is nice.

Congratulations on the added responsibility. :headache: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 <-- Not Thumbs (intended for your management, not you)

Well that just sucks...I hate this workplace trend, to get people to do more jobs rather then hire someone else. It'd be nice at least for you to get a raise...

Additional responsibility without additional compensation sinks. (that reminds me of a revolutionary war slogan)

I’d be happy for a couple of percentage points. I make less then half of what they will now be “saving” (and I know this to be so because I’m the one that consolidates and loads the budget figures each year :sad2: )

Hey guys! Aaron posted this up on FB... and thought I'd pass it along here. Southwest is having a 40% off sale today for dates in the DDC Convention timeframe. I just saved over $200 by booking today!

Cool! Oh wait…
Sowthwest doesn’t fly out of any airport within a couple hundred miles of me. :mad:


Well, it's Tuesday morning and I'm still trying to recover from the weekend. And no, Andy, the Packers blowing a 21-3 lead wasn't the worst part. (But it was a nice little salt in the wound)

I had planned to take the van into the shop on Saturday morning because it was leaking coolant from a place that I didn't want to try to have to reach to fix by myself. Turns out that problem was a small hole in the radiator. The bigger problem was badly corroded coolant lines that supply heat to the back of the passenger compartment. The shop told me that Mazda issued a recall on this for states that put salt on the roads in the winter (Hello Wisconsin!). We bought it used, and I'm sure Mazda sent a post card to the original owner who promptly threw it away. The kicker is that, that recall expired in 2010 and we were on the hook for $900 for some dealer-only parts to get it fixed. Has anyone ever heard of recalls expiring? :mad:

The bigger issue was when we woke up on Saturday the house was cold, and the furnace was blowing cold air. I couldn't get it running, so I called a service guy. We knew when we bought this house 10 years ago that we were on borrowed time with that furnace, and it chose this weekend to kick the bucket. $3200 for a new one. :headache:

Then, to top it all off, our mainframe system at work decided to freak out Sunday night and lose connection to half of it's disks. So I had to deal with all of that mess Sunday evening and all day yesterday.

I could really use a Dole Whip about now.

Whoa… you win. Your weekend was far worse then my work week has been.
I hope things start looking up. Quickly…

Thanks Don...Good Luck Randall.

Oh...and Hi Guys:wave2:

All the folks up here in the Piedmont say: Hay!
Barry - that sucks about the van...

But I'd rather pay that, then for my refrigerator that broke last week...


i told you to bring it down to me i could most likely fix for you..... cheep.:rotfl:
i didnt think they had refrigerators in canada, how do you get them through the door????
Brian, at all gift shops. Phone cases for

Samsung infuse.
HTC evo.
HTC droid.
Attention all members. Excuse me while I drag over this dilapidated, beer-stained soapbox for a moment. I have an announcement to make. :mic:

For the last 3 years I have been privileged to be the man to coordinate the opening of new DDC threads and to officially welcome new members to the club. I still find it hard to believe that I have been performing these tasks for so long... through 19 threads! Flew by, actually. It's been a great honor! :thumbsup2

Over the past few months I have found less and less time and energy to spend keeping up with the boards. I found myself wondering if there is someone else that could be enlisted to help or take over the responsibilities I have enjoyed thus far. This leads me to the announcement. I hope you will all agree with me that this person will more than adequately take these tasks and make it more than I could imagine :) Commencing with the end of the current thread, the man who will henceforth announce the reception of new members and create new threads is....

:goofy: Cinderella's Fella (Randall) :goofy:

I will continue to add new members through the end of this thread... but please start referring new members to Randall once the new thread opens. It's been a pleasure fellas!! Oh... and no, I'm not going anywhere! Just need to take a load off for a little bit. :surfweb:

Here's the soapbox, Randall.


Big announcement ownage

You've done a great job, Don. Thank you! And congrats Randall on the promotion! You've big shoes to fill!

Does this mean we should race to the finish?
i told you to bring it down to me i could most likely fix for you..... cheep.:rotfl:
i didnt think they had refrigerators in canada, how do you get them through the door????

We install them in the supper... and bring it through the roof... then we ice it over for the next 9 months...
Well, it's Tuesday morning and I'm still trying to recover from the weekend. And no, Andy, the Packers blowing a 21-3 lead wasn't the worst part. (But it was a nice little salt in the wound)

I had planned to take the van into the shop on Saturday morning because it was leaking coolant from a place that I didn't want to try to have to reach to fix by myself. Turns out that problem was a small hole in the radiator. The bigger problem was badly corroded coolant lines that supply heat to the back of the passenger compartment. The shop told me that Mazda issued a recall on this for states that put salt on the roads in the winter (Hello Wisconsin!). We bought it used, and I'm sure Mazda sent a post card to the original owner who promptly threw it away. The kicker is that, that recall expired in 2010 and we were on the hook for $900 for some dealer-only parts to get it fixed. Has anyone ever heard of recalls expiring? :mad:

The bigger issue was when we woke up on Saturday the house was cold, and the furnace was blowing cold air. I couldn't get it running, so I called a service guy. We knew when we bought this house 10 years ago that we were on borrowed time with that furnace, and it chose this weekend to kick the bucket. $3200 for a new one. :headache:

Then, to top it all off, our mainframe system at work decided to freak out Sunday night and lose connection to half of it's disks. So I had to deal with all of that mess Sunday evening and all day yesterday.

I could really use a Dole Whip about now.

Bright Side - I was able to use that 40% at Southwest to book some sweet airfare for the DDC! :woohoo:
Even though you are my nemesis, I must say that was a peanut buttery weekend for you.

Don't forget when you buy that Dole Whip you owe me one too. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Update on the van - it wasn't actually a recall. It showed up in the shop's computer as a recall, but it was actually a 7 year warranty extension. So even if this problem would have happened while it was still in the extension period, it may not have been covered since I'm not the original owner. Whatever. It's done, and the cooling system is working again. Which is good, because when those afterburners kick in, it starts getting pretty hot. :thumbsup2
That is a crock of garbage. They knew there was an issue but they get out of it by doing that warranty crud.

Hello Commish. pirate:
Sorry to hear about the repair work. You and Tim have any money on your marathon race? If you think you can win it, now may be the time to get some coin on it.
Bambi won't let him bet with me anymore.

Maybe we can get you guys to place some bets. :scratchin

i told you to bring it down to me i could most likely fix for you..... cheep.:rotfl:
i didnt think they had refrigerators in canada, how do you get them through the door????
Dave! You are on a roll! Welcome back! :rotfl2:
Hey all.

Had a scare with DS over the weekend. Everything seems to be fine now, but saturday morning he woke with what appeared to be bug bites all over his tummy and his legs. We treated as such with some anti-itch cream, and went to work cleaning his bedding, mattress, and room to try and find whatever got at him during his sleep.

The next morning, he was covered from head to toe in the same bite-like marks, and his hands, feet, and face were all swollen. Pediatrician was not open, so we took him to the ER, concerned about the possibility that the swelling could spread.

At the ER, we're told it's most likely an allergic reaction to Augmentin, the antibiotic he was on for an ear infection. There's no way to be sure that this is the cause, but we've stopped giving it to him and the reaction seems to be lessening in severity over the last couple of days.

It's just so frustrating to not be able to do more to help him deal with the pain and discomfort he is going through. Hopefully he is feeling better sooner rather than later.

In other news, work is good, and DW and DD are doing okay. Halloween approaches, and I've yet to get the decorations out. Maybe this upcoming weekend?? :confused3

Well...tomorrow is the day of the alledged pest-controll visit, and I've busted my butt over the past 5 days to get ready....and fell short
. :sad1:

Basicly got it all done, and went to do the kitchen, they basicly wanted it emptied right out. Ummm...as I got into it I realized there is NO WAY to do that. I'd have needed the 5 days to figure where the hell to put everything. I gave up a couple of hours ago and put things back where they belong, with the sole exception of the cutlery drawer, too noisy a job. :rotfl2: Still got rid of a ton of stuff, old glasses, mugs etc, mostly stuff we've never used in the past 12 years now. Found McDonalds etc Branded Mickey and Disney Movie glasses in the "cupboard of unaccessabilty" in perfect shape.

Still got this "I failed" feeling about me, I stressed and sacrificed all weekend, for nothing, other then got this place the purge and cleaning it's needed for a year now. Been ill half of it and got little sleep. My best wasn't quite good enough.

On the other hand, the place is in beautiful shape now, but not really sure how much good the pest contoll will be, most of our neighbors are refusing service, so what will it accomplish? See what they do, I never handed in the permission form.

I hope, I really hope that in a month or so, the point will be moot, because I'll be looking for a new place. I need to get out of this building, and this city for that matter. Yes, I am firm on putting in for manager's position.....see what happens.

Thanks for the latest venting. After tomorrow I might starrt feeling better as it is put behind me and I move forward.

Hey all.

Had a scare with DS over the weekend. Everything seems to be fine now, but saturday morning he woke with what appeared to be bug bites all over his tummy and his legs. We treated as such with some anti-itch cream, and went to work cleaning his bedding, mattress, and room to try and find whatever got at him during his sleep.

The next morning, he was covered from head to toe in the same bite-like marks, and his hands, feet, and face were all swollen. Pediatrician was not open, so we took him to the ER, concerned about the possibility that the swelling could spread.

At the ER, we're told it's most likely an allergic reaction to Augmentin, the antibiotic he was on for an ear infection. There's no way to be sure that this is the cause, but we've stopped giving it to him and the reaction seems to be lessening in severity over the last couple of days.

It's just so frustrating to not be able to do more to help him deal with the pain and discomfort he is going through. Hopefully he is feeling better sooner rather than later.

In other news, work is good, and DW and DD are doing okay. Halloween approaches, and I've yet to get the decorations out. Maybe this upcoming weekend?? :confused3

Yikes! Hopefully the little guy will be okay....what a frustrating time not knowing what will do more harm then good. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Hey all.

I've been a bit busy lately with work, and work after work, and house work, and Skyrim work. So I haven't had too much time to post.

In any case, I don't do this often, but if you guys could send prayers our way, it would be greatly appreciated.

DW and I went in for a check-up on Saturday and everything with the twins was normal, but Soon Ae's blood sugar level was pretty high. She went in again today for some more blood work. I just got off the phone with her and it wasn't any better. So tomorrow (Thursday), she has to go to a normal hospital (we've been going to a women's hospital for all of our check ups) and spend four days there. I don't know any more than that right now, I was only on the phone with her for a couple minutes.

Thanks in advance.
Hey all.

I've been a bit busy lately with work, and work after work, and house work, and Skyrim work. So I haven't had too much time to post.

In any case, I don't do this often, but if you guys could send prayers our way, it would be greatly appreciated.

DW and I went in for a check-up on Saturday and everything with the twins was normal, but Soon Ae's blood sugar level was pretty high. She went in again today for some more blood work. I just got off the phone with her and it wasn't any better. So tomorrow (Thursday), she has to go to a normal hospital (we've been going to a women's hospital for all of our check ups) and spend four days there. I don't know any more than that right now, I was only on the phone with her for a couple minutes.

Thanks in advance.

Prayers for you and your wife :grouphug:
Good morning guys. I hope everyone is well. Did you guys see the article regarding the RFID bracelets Disney is going to? A co-worker saw some people wearing them last week when he was there.
Morning... came....awfully....fast....:faint:

Hey all.

I've been a bit busy lately with work, and work after work, and house work, and Skyrim work. So I haven't had too much time to post.

In any case, I don't do this often, but if you guys could send prayers our way, it would be greatly appreciated.

DW and I went in for a check-up on Saturday and everything with the twins was normal, but Soon Ae's blood sugar level was pretty high. She went in again today for some more blood work. I just got off the phone with her and it wasn't any better. So tomorrow (Thursday), she has to go to a normal hospital (we've been going to a women's hospital for all of our check ups) and spend four days there. I don't know any more than that right now, I was only on the phone with her for a couple minutes.

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like gestational diabetes, DW had it with both kids. She'll likely have to monitor and take insulin during the pregnancy. Prayers to you both..
Hey all.

I've been a bit busy lately with work, and work after work, and house work, and Skyrim work. So I haven't had too much time to post.

In any case, I don't do this often, but if you guys could send prayers our way, it would be greatly appreciated.

DW and I went in for a check-up on Saturday and everything with the twins was normal, but Soon Ae's blood sugar level was pretty high. She went in again today for some more blood work. I just got off the phone with her and it wasn't any better. So tomorrow (Thursday), she has to go to a normal hospital (we've been going to a women's hospital for all of our check ups) and spend four days there. I don't know any more than that right now, I was only on the phone with her for a couple minutes.

Thanks in advance.
You got it Casey!
If it makes you feel better, it may be as simple as Gestational Diabetes, which is somewhat common.

Good morning guys. I hope everyone is well. Did you guys see the article regarding the RFID bracelets Disney is going to? A co-worker saw some people wearing them last week when he was there.

Morning David! And no I didnt see the article on the RFID bracelets. I will see if I can find a link.

Morning guys! Half way thru the week. Swimming upstream thru the peanut butter, lots of stupid things that need corrected. Mostly because people only half way do what their responsibilities are.

Hey all.

Had a scare with DS over the weekend. Everything seems to be fine now, but saturday morning he woke with what appeared to be bug bites all over his tummy and his legs. We treated as such with some anti-itch cream, and went to work cleaning his bedding, mattress, and room to try and find whatever got at him during his sleep.

The next morning, he was covered from head to toe in the same bite-like marks, and his hands, feet, and face were all swollen. Pediatrician was not open, so we took him to the ER, concerned about the possibility that the swelling could spread.

At the ER, we're told it's most likely an allergic reaction to Augmentin, the antibiotic he was on for an ear infection. There's no way to be sure that this is the cause, but we've stopped giving it to him and the reaction seems to be lessening in severity over the last couple of days.

It's just so frustrating to not be able to do more to help him deal with the pain and discomfort he is going through. Hopefully he is feeling better sooner rather than later.

In other news, work is good, and DW and DD are doing okay. Halloween approaches, and I've yet to get the decorations out. Maybe this upcoming weekend?? :confused3


Now that doesn't sound good at all...

Hopefully he feels better soon.

Sounds more like an allergic reaction to me, then bug bites... maybe hives?

Well...tomorrow is the day of the alledged pest-controll visit, and I've busted my butt over the past 5 days to get ready....and fell short
. :sad1:

Basicly got it all done, and went to do the kitchen, they basicly wanted it emptied right out. Ummm...as I got into it I realized there is NO WAY to do that. I'd have needed the 5 days to figure where the hell to put everything. I gave up a couple of hours ago and put things back where they belong, with the sole exception of the cutlery drawer, too noisy a job. :rotfl2: Still got rid of a ton of stuff, old glasses, mugs etc, mostly stuff we've never used in the past 12 years now. Found McDonalds etc Branded Mickey and Disney Movie glasses in the "cupboard of unaccessabilty" in perfect shape.

Still got this "I failed" feeling about me, I stressed and sacrificed all weekend, for nothing, other then got this place the purge and cleaning it's needed for a year now. Been ill half of it and got little sleep. My best wasn't quite good enough.

On the other hand, the place is in beautiful shape now, but not really sure how much good the pest contoll will be, most of our neighbors are refusing service, so what will it accomplish? See what they do, I never handed in the permission form.

I hope, I really hope that in a month or so, the point will be moot, because I'll be looking for a new place. I need to get out of this building, and this city for that matter. Yes, I am firm on putting in for manager's position.....see what happens.

Thanks for the latest venting. After tomorrow I might starrt feeling better as it is put behind me and I move forward.

Good like with the potential move... you deserve it.
Hey all.

I've been a bit busy lately with work, and work after work, and house work, and Skyrim work. So I haven't had too much time to post.

In any case, I don't do this often, but if you guys could send prayers our way, it would be greatly appreciated.

DW and I went in for a check-up on Saturday and everything with the twins was normal, but Soon Ae's blood sugar level was pretty high. She went in again today for some more blood work. I just got off the phone with her and it wasn't any better. So tomorrow (Thursday), she has to go to a normal hospital (we've been going to a women's hospital for all of our check ups) and spend four days there. I don't know any more than that right now, I was only on the phone with her for a couple minutes.

Thanks in advance.

:wave2: Casey...

Good luck with DW
You've done a great job, Don. Thank you! And congrats Randall on the promotion! You've big shoes to fill!

Does this mean we should race to the finish?

Don would like you to! :lmao:

James, Brent and Casey, will be praying for you and your families.

Paul, you still crack me up! :rotfl2:
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