DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

The main con I had with MP was I used it after using FP+ and at WDW with FP+ I could modify and could select from a time that worked for me. With MP it was still next available with the caveat that you could pick up cancelled passes.
Yeah that I agree with somewhat. I did like picking my own time and planning my day around the passes but I rode WAY more per day with Maxpass than I ever did with Fastpass+. I wasn't even a power user or anything; it was just me casually using the system.
I know it was mentioned early in the thread, but I really wish there was some way to do a VQ for every standby line. They could still sell Genie+ and have actual "lightning" lanes (maybe aim for 10-15 minutes) and the VQ "regular" line could be 20-30 max. I suspect that would cut down on a TON of people from applying for DAS. They would have to do a much better job of line management though to ensure both lines moved at the right speed. They could maybe tweak it to allow certain small DAS subset to be able to not make the exact VQ timeslot. I know there is a potential "room in the park" issue for all those extra people not standing in line, but I think two lines of Genie+ and VQ would eat up a lot of people. Just spitballing. As I'm reading this thread, I just don't see how Disney can win. If DAS is a slice of pie and not the whole pie, there is only so much to go around.
I did mention I wanted to specify that Make a Wish is the extreme case, my brother went through that process so I know all about it, what I'm saying is a person with a disability in some degree is a smaller dose over a much longer period of time and yet people are so quick to point the finger and say why do they get more than me. These people suffer every day, it affects the way they live, they have real pains, altered plans, extra costs, mentally/physical/emotional exhaustion. If we as a society can give just a little bit to their day to make it a bit more happy for a few hours, then I think they deserve that. Now on the flip side, there has to be a way to properly rule out the abusers from ruining programs like DAS, because as we're seeing, DAS is significantly getting weaker and weaker from what it was before and people with genuine disabilities are the ones losing out in the long term.
I was born in a "third" world country. It cost me a lot more money, a lot more mental, physical AND emotional exhaustion to get where I am today than anyone born in a "first" world country. Should I, and other's in my circumstances (or in worst circumstances) get extra benefits at the expense of other guests? If society can give just a little bit of their day to make up for it.....

The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DAS as an accommodation specifically.
These are *not* behaviors! What appears to be behaviors is a child’s form of communication. I agree completely with the others that have posted their description of the differences. You are not the parent of a child with a DD, so you will never fully understand although you have relatives of varying levels. You’re not with them 24/7/365 to see how it all compounds. My family does not fully understand either, and that’s fine, I don’t want anyone to have to live this life.

The difference is in the duration, intensity and frequency of the “behaviors”. They may look the same, but they don’t end the same.

Also people don’t see how even when someone with ASD appears to be fine, that they may be using all of their abilities to mask and seem okay, but are actually very stressed. Like a lot of people with ASD, he also has co-morbid anxiety and other mental health issues. With my own son, I can tell from how his voice sounds, or when he starts blinking excessively, that these are signs he’s getting stressed and he can’t mask it anymore. As a young child, this could progress to a total meltdown, as an adult he has techniques he can use to try and calm himself, but they don’t always work, especially in places like Disney where there is so much sensory input. When we’re on a line, especially in close quarters, he’ll have his earbuds in listening to music, or he’ll try and keep focused on a game on his phone. But that doesn’t always work, and he never knows when it will work or not. Sometimes it doesn’t, and he just has to get out of there RIGHT NOW. And he’s not even the one with the DAS when we go. I’ve also qualified for one and I get it because it’s easier for me to talk to people than him and to explain why a DAS is needed.

When you live with disabilities, it’s so hard, and it makes me angry to think that because of some people faking it, that it’s going to make it that much harder for us. It’s already hard enough as it is.
Make a Wish really should not be brought into this discussion -- it is a completely separate program, run by a separate organization, requires proof and a lot of medical documentation. It is not DAS or anything comparable to DAS.

I think you may have mentioned you live in Canada. The US laws are different. The ADA only requires "equal" and in no way expects any business to give "more" to "make up for a harder life." People have a harder life in very many aspects and for very many reasons, not just disabilities. I understand the sentiment expressed by many here who have mentioned it, and it is awesome if folks can find a way to do that in their every day life, but DAS is not intended to accommodate for anything other than access to queues/attractions.
agreed, and I do feel like DAS does give equal and in some cases, a bit extra, and I was trying to get the point across, that when used for the appropriate people in the appropriate way, that people shouldn't be mad or say it's unfair if that is happening. The biggest problem and will always exist in some form is that there are abusers who are enjoying the same program for no reason but for personal gain. That's when it becomes unfair, that there are people enjoying a program that should have nothing to do with it, the program itself is actually fairly good at allowing disabled people to have a chance at riding attractions appropriately for their situations (the pre bookings offered through online in the last year or so IMO is overkill though). Every option you can come up with, will be met either with neglecting the people that need it, or it allows the option for abusers to be present, or isn't allowed according laws set in place, or is too vastly complicated. What ends up happening, May 2024, a strip down and they go with the easy route and remove a lot of features and qualifications.
I know it was mentioned early in the thread, but I really wish there was some way to do a VQ for every standby line. They could still sell Genie+ and have actual "lightning" lanes (maybe aim for 10-15 minutes) and the VQ "regular" line could be 20-30 max. I suspect that would cut down on a TON of people from applying for DAS. They would have to do a much better job of line management though to ensure both lines moved at the right speed. They could maybe tweak it to allow certain small DAS subset to be able to not make the exact VQ timeslot. I know there is a potential "room in the park" issue for all those extra people not standing in line, but I think two lines of Genie+ and VQ would eat up a lot of people. Just spitballing. As I'm reading this thread, I just don't see how Disney can win. If DAS is a slice of pie and not the whole pie, there is only so much to go around.
The app would crash. They need to limit attendance

Regarding the personal gain from abuse, that happens despite DAS hence the crackdown on tickets and start of MBs (easier tracking). People still try to attend the special events like the Halloween/Christmas parties without purchasing tickets.
I was born in a "third" world country. It cost me a lot more money, a lot more mental, physical AND emotional exhaustion to get where I am today than anyone born in a "first" world country. Should I, and other's in my circumstances (or in worst circumstances) get extra benefits at the expense of other guests? If society can give just a little bit of their day to make up for it.....

The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DAS as an accommodation specifically.
It's feeling that way because there are people exploiting a program and it's putting the strain on everyday goers. Disabled people are not trying to make it harder for you, they just want a chance to enjoy something like everyone else. Not to say my life specifically is harder than yours (I wouldn't know and won't judge), but let's not compare your life compared to someone of a disability, that's a huge can of moral worms and you can seriously offend someone with that statement. I'm not offended, but others on here could be. Just keep that in mind
I was born in a "third" world country. It cost me a lot more money, a lot more mental, physical AND emotional exhaustion to get where I am today than anyone born in a "first" world country. Should I, and other's in my circumstances (or in worst circumstances) get extra benefits at the expense of other guests? If society can give just a little bit of their day to make up for it.....

The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DAS as an accommodation specifically.
The mods will probably remove your post because they specified not to minimize or attack those with disabilities
These are *not* behaviors! What appears to be behaviors is a child’s form of communication. I agree completely with the others that have posted their description of the differences. You are not the parent of a child with a DD, so you will never fully understand although you have relatives of varying levels. You’re not with them 24/7/365 to see how it all compounds. My family does not fully understand either, and that’s fine, I don’t want anyone to have to live this life.

The difference is in the duration, intensity and frequency of the “behaviors”. They may look the same, but they don’t end the same.
Because of the content of this thread and the request to not share personal information on a detailed level I cannot adequately convey what goes on in my family. I can give snippets but not fully. For as much comments are "you will never fully understand" it would appear that is not being utilized for every poster even when it should. You're correct I don't understand your (personal you) life but you don't of mine nor my family (both sides) or other families. My comments are meant to convey we shouldn't be making assumptions either way about each other or any one else, it's not going to get us anywhere either to do so.
I am confused, where did I minimize or attacked those with disabilities???
The last paragraph; mods will clarify and they can impose a 10 day ban (guess how I know - I got into a legit argument when someone said something offensive about my kids)
The last paragraph; mods will clarify and they can impose a 10 day ban (guess how I know - I got into a legit argument when someone said something offensive about my kids)
The last paragraph; mods will clarify and they can impose a 10 day ban (guess how I know - I got into a legit argument when someone said something offensive about my kids)
I guess I’m missing something - the paragraph that starts with of course not? I don’t see anything there that denigrates those with disabilities.
I guess I’m missing something - the paragraph that starts with of course not? I don’t see anything there that denigrates those with disabilities.
The paragraph:

“The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DASas an accommodation specifically.”

Starlite used being raised in a third world country as an example to say that guests with disabilities are getting extra benefits at the expense of other guests

I would seriously edit and remove that
Last edited:
I have a 29-year-old son with autism and developmental delays. We have been going to WDW since he was 5 months old. We started out with GAC when he was around 5. And now we use DAS of course. I am a little confused about the new rules. In one announcement that Disney put out they said "adjusting DAS party size to include no more than four, except for immediate family members" On the Disney website I read today it says 4 total. So I guess my question is do they count immediate family members as part of the 4 or not?
We are arriving on May 20th, the first date the new DAS starts. It will be me, my husband, my son who the DAS is for and my mother who lives with us. She has mobility issues and uses a scooter and we have never used DAS for her, so no changes there. We will also have my son, daughter-in-law, and 2 grandchildren ages 2 and 4. I read somewhere else that little kids that are family members would not be part of the "count." I am so confused.
The paragraph:

“The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DASas an accommodation specifically.

I would seriously edit and remove that
That isn’t minimizing disabilities. It may be conjecture since we don’t have the data available to prove that DAS use significantly increases standby wait times, but it isn’t saying any disabilities aren’t valid or aren’t “that bad”.
I was trying to get the point across, that when used for the appropriate people in the appropriate way, that people shouldn't be mad or say it's unfair if that is happening.
I still disagree. It is not for you to decide that people shouldn't be mad or feel unfairly treated. When random pixie dust happens, that's random. When one group of individuals consistently getting "more" -- that's not OK. That said, I don't think any program can be created to fully create "equal" but it also should not be designed or intended to give extra.

What ends up happening, May 2024, a strip down and they go with the easy route and remove a lot of features and qualifications.
There will continue to be accommodations. What features other than the Advanced Selections will be removed? Unless you also mean delaying the ability to book another DAS for 10 minutes, which in the grand scheme isn't really all that much of a feature.

Qualifications for one accommodation are changing. Accommodations will continue to exist in various forms, hopefully tailored more closely to the needs. Are folks so locked into the name "DAS" that they prefer to identify by that? I personally would be glad to not have my family labeled as "disability" and instead have something with a less negative or obvious connotation. Rider switch, return to queue, both are much less labeling.
The paragraph:

“The answer of course is no. Guests at a theme park should not have to compensate for those issues at their own detriment. Which is what is happening currently with DASas an accommodation specifically.”

Starlite used being raised in a third world country as an example to say that guests with disabilities are getting extra benefits at the expense of other guests

I would seriously edit and remove that
They are getting extra benefits at the expense of others. The benefits are very much needed in many cases, and should be offered and utilized when needed, but that doesn’t make the statement false nor insulting.
It's feeling that way because there are people exploiting a program and it's putting the strain on everyday goers.
Absolutely. Which is why I am very happy Disney is starting to take measures to combat it so guests who truly need DAS can get it.

Disabled people are not trying to make it harder for you, they just want a chance to enjoy something like everyone else.
Where did I say that?

Not to say my life specifically is harder than yours (I wouldn't know and won't judge), but let's not compare your life compared to someone of a disability, that's a huge can of moral worms and you can seriously offend someone with that statement. I'm not offended, but others on here could be. Just keep that in mind
You are the one that said that folks with disabilities have it harder than everyone else. That's just untrue. I am not saying that folks with disabilities have it easy or shouldn't get accommodations. I am saying that DAS is not meant to compensate for real life hardships. It's simply meant to help guests make Disney possible for them.
I have a 29-year-old son with autism and developmental delays. We have been going to WDW since he was 5 months old. We started out with GAC when he was around 5. And now we use DAS of course. I am a little confused about the new rules. In one announcement that Disney put out they said "adjusting DAS party size to include no more than four, except for immediate family members" On the Disney website I read today it says 4 total. So I guess my question is do they count immediate family members as part of the 4 or not?
We are arriving on May 20th, the first date the new DAS starts. It will be me, my husband, my son who the DAS is for and my mother who lives with us. She has mobility issues and uses a scooter and we have never used DAS for her, so no changes there. We will also have my son, daughter-in-law, and 2 grandchildren ages 2 and 4. I read somewhere else that little kids that are family members would not be part of the "count." I am so confused.

If approved for DAS, you will likely be at a max of 4 for your party, all-inclusive. So, yes, part of your traveling party will not be included on the DAS and you will have to adapt under Disney's new stated policy.
They are getting extra benefits at the expense of others. The benefits are very much needed in many cases, and should be offered and utilized when needed, but that doesn’t make the statement false nor insulting.
From Disney’s perspective legit DAS users are not getting extra benefits but are being reasonably accommodated and that’s why they will continue to allow DAS accommodations for them.

I think we both agree DAS abusers should be stopped and that is why the change is happening and is good for those of us that use it as well.


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