Crowds the Sunday AFTER Thanksgiving-PLEASE HELP-need to give my time at work


Been around since before the disboards 90s crash
Jan 18, 2000
My mom (karensi) will be taking my family of 4 to WDW. We have been before but never while the Christmas decorations have been up. If we arrive the Saturday after Thanksgiving and stay in WDW the full week after Thanksgiving, do you think we will encounter still the crazy crowds? Is it also true that the only way we will be able to experience the Christmas Parade during the week after Thanksgiving is to go to the MVMCP. We would like to see Santa and the snow on Main Street. But, we are really more concerned with not having too much of crowds! I would like to know as soon as possible, so I can give my vacation time in at work.
Thank you very much. :) :) :earsgirl:
From a crowd standpoint, right after Thanksgiving and into the first week of December is a great time to go. But yes, you will probably need to book MVMCP if you want to see the Christmas Parade and see the snow and all. But everything else -- Candlelight Processional, Holidays Around the World, Tree Lightings, etc -- starts the day after Thanksgiving.

I've been this same time, in 2000 and 2003. This year the crowds were not overwhelming at all. The parks weren't empty, but they weren't packed, either.It's a great time to go and see all the Christma decorations. I went to MVMCP for the 1st time this year and really enjoyed it.

If you want to see the Candlelight Processional, either pay for the dinner package for the reserved seats or plan on spending at least an hour waiting in line for general seating - and even then not be guaranteed a seat. I ended up standing at the back of the theatre for the whole performance as I'd seen it before, but it's much more enjoyable if you can sit.

Just try to see the Wishes fireworks at MK - either at MVMCP or another night. That made my whole trip!
If we arrive the Saturday after Thanksgiving and stay in WDW the full week after Thanksgiving, do you think we will encounter still the crazy crowds? Is it also true that the only way we will be able to experience the Christmas Parade during the week after Thanksgiving is to go to the MVMCP. We would like to see Santa and the snow on Main Street. But, we are really more concerned with not having too much of crowds! I would like to know as soon as possible, so I can give my vacation time in at work.

I've arrived the Friday after Thanksgiving on my last 2 trips, so I think I can help you here. Be prepared that the weekends tend to be busier than during the week, with the Thanksgiving weekend being quite crowded (especially the Magic Kingdom).

I did EPCOT my first night (I have an AP) and did the Candlelight Processional dinner package. This was great, since you pre-pay your meal and you get to enter the pavilion before non-package guests. If you have never seen this before, it is FANTASTIC!!!! This is a great way to start your vacation. The guest speaker on the first weekend was Andy Garcia and he did a great job. One piece of advice is to sit under the canopy. I was told I would get a better view farther back and it ended up raining 3/4 of the way through the presentation. Also, plan on hitting the 6:45pm one, rather than the 5pm one. I found seeing this production when it was dark out more enjoyable then while it was still light out. A great place to dine after the CP would be at the Rose & Crown. Make sure to request a patio table. This way you can sit, enjoy a great meal, then have dessert while watching Illuminations from the comfort of your table.

I would probably avoid the Magic Kingdom that weekend and hit it during the week. Spectro was shown only on the weekends, so make sure to be aware of this. I will go through the park hour schedules that I brought home with me and e-mail you them this week. This is not definite hours, but at least a ballpark. Also, plan on heading down to Downtown Disney during the week, since it gets pretty crowded during the weekends. I did MGM the Saturday after Thanksgiving & Animal Kingdom on Sunday and both these parks were decent regarding crowds.

You can view MVMCP fireworks either from the beach at the Polynesian or Floridian, or make a PS at the California Grill for around 7-7:30pm and you can view it either from your table (if you are seated at the window or outside on the balcony. As far as the actual Christmas parade, it depends on when they are taping the Christmas Day parade there. Last 2 trips, it was the weekend after Thanksgiving and the MVMCP parade was shown at 3:30pm, instead of the Share parade on that Sunday. Other than that, then it's only on party nights. If I had to choose between MVMCP or CP, I would have to vote for CP hands down. Also, don't miss the Arch of Lights at EPCOT. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Also, be prepared for any kind of weather. When I went in 2002, it was warm 2 days, ok for a few days and down right cold some days (all day and even some frost at night). My last trip in 2003, it was in the mid-high 70's to low 80's most days, except the last weekend I was there (the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend). It got to a high of 60 both days and was quite chilly in the morning & evening. Bring a sweatshirt, pants, gloves & a hat. Even if you never take them out of your suitcase, it will save you alot of $$$ in having to buy all that in the parks.
If we arrive the Saturday after Thanksgiving and stay in WDW the full week after Thanksgiving, do you think we will encounter still the crazy crowds? Is it also true that the only way we will be able to experience the Christmas Parade during the week after Thanksgiving is to go to the MVMCP. We would like to see Santa and the snow on Main Street. But, we are really more concerned with not having too much of crowds! I would like to know as soon as possible, so I can give my vacation time in at work.

I've arrived the Friday after Thanksgiving on my last 2 trips, so I think I can help you here. Be prepared that the weekends tend to be busier than during the week, with the Thanksgiving weekend being quite crowded (especially the Magic Kingdom).

I did EPCOT my first night (I have an AP) and did the Candlelight Processional dinner package. This was great, since you pre-pay your meal and you get to enter the pavilion before non-package guests. If you have never seen this before, it is FANTASTIC!!!! This is a great way to start your vacation. The guest speaker on the first weekend was Andy Garcia and he did a great job. One piece of advice is to sit under the canopy. I was told I would get a better view farther back and it ended up raining 3/4 of the way through the presentation. Also, plan on hitting the 6:45pm one, rather than the 5pm one. I found seeing this production when it was dark out more enjoyable then while it was still light out. A great place to dine after the CP would be at the Rose & Crown. Make sure to request a patio table. This way you can sit, enjoy a great meal, then have dessert while watching Illuminations from the comfort of your table.

I would probably avoid the Magic Kingdom that weekend and hit it during the week. Spectro was shown only on the weekends, so make sure to be aware of this. I will go through the park hour schedules that I brought home with me and e-mail you them this week. This is not definite hours, but at least a ballpark. Also, plan on heading down to Downtown Disney during the week, since it gets pretty crowded during the weekends. I did MGM the Saturday after Thanksgiving & Animal Kingdom on Sunday and both these parks were decent regarding crowds.

You can view MVMCP fireworks either from the beach at the Polynesian or Floridian, or make a PS at the California Grill for around 7-7:30pm and you can view it either from your table (if you are seated at the window or outside on the balcony. As far as the actual Christmas parade, it depends on when they are taping the Christmas Day parade there. Last 2 trips, it was the weekend after Thanksgiving and the MVMCP parade was shown at 3:30pm, instead of the Share parade on that Sunday. Other than that, then it's only on party nights. If I had to choose between MVMCP or CP, I would have to vote for CP hands down. Also, don't miss the Arch of Lights at EPCOT. BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Also, be prepared for any kind of weather. When I went in 2002, it was warm 2 days, ok for a few days and down right cold some days (all day and even some frost at night). My last trip in 2003, it was in the mid-high 70's to low 80's most days, except the last weekend I was there (the weekend after Thanksgiving weekend). It got to a high of 60 both days and was quite chilly in the morning & evening. Bring a sweatshirt, pants, gloves & a hat. Even if you never take them out of your suitcase, it will save you alot of $$$ in having to buy all that in the parks.

Make sure to take some time and view the decorations, especially in the resorts. The deluxe resorts also include gingerbread displays (AKL's is located outside of Boma's). These are magnificant and are not to be missed.
You will not be disappointed going to WDW this time of year. Actually, I don't think ya can be diappointed any time of year, but thats another thread!!! ;)

We flew in on Thanksgiving day this last year. Fri and Sat. was a little busy, but nothing like spring break busy. On Sunday the crowds drop to nothing. I think the most we waited all week was 15 minutes, but that was at our 2nd MVMCP and it was on a Friday night. FYI Tuesday nights MVMCP was less busy.

Some highlights of your trip was:

MVMCP - Well worth the money. Had so much fun we did it twice!! We had a PS at CP for 4:45, worked out perfect. Grab a MVMCP Park map on your way in, it has all the show times on it. We looked it over at dinner and circled times and shows we wanted to see so we had a game plan. Left CP and walked right into tomorrow land and was the 3rd in line for pictures. FYI: The picture station in tomorrowland had 3 or 4 booths set up, Photo station at IASW only had one, someone commented the line moved really slow.

Candlelight Processional-We saw this twice, once with dinner package, once without. I would recommend the package if you can swing it. It was amazing both times, but with the package we had second row seats. FYI: Buy the CD (20.00) while your there, you'll be happy you did.

Sleigh Ride at the Wilderness Lodge. A great bargin for 30.00. John was our driver. Very nice and had alot of info about WDW. 2 nights later we saw him driving the carriage in the MCMVP Parade. We shouted his name and he turned and smiled. MY 10 yo DD was in awe to say the lest. We gave him a 10.00 tip and he seemed shocked that we would tip him. I thought is was no different than tipping the fireworks cruise. We took drinks and snacks and the moonlight comming down thru the trees was really neat.

I've just spent the weekend crunching numbers to squeeze in a trip back again this year, same time 11/25-12/04.

Have a great trip!!
Thank you all very much for the detailed responses! :)
We plan on arriving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and do our customary ride the monorail around once or twice, dinner at Chef Mickey's and maybe DDT. We will be staying at the Contemporary. We plan on hitting the parks on Sunday with either Epcot or AK.
Your detailed responses have really helped us plan and know what we should be doing. I will try to also do the MVMCP on a weekday rather than Friday. We did MNSSHP one year and it was very crowded but it was a few days prior to Halloween (the part not the waits). Hopefully, going the week after Thanksgiving I will see a difference. Thank you again and if you have any other hints or things you want to add, please let me know. Thank you.
Anyone else that has been during this time :sunny:
Thank you!:tongue:
We went the Friday after Thanksgiving 2002. Did AK Friday afternoon (got quite chilly after the sun went down). I think we did MGM Saturday, and Epcot Sunday (with CP dinner package). Monday we did downtown Disney, hung out at the resort, and more Epcot. Tuesday we did MK and MVMCP. I think that was the most crowded thing we did the whole trip. We really enjoyed all the Christmas stuff - Osborne lights, storytellers in Epcot, and MVMCP. We usually go in summer, and I thought the crowds were similar until Sunday, when they dropped off. MVMCP was more crowded than I expected, but still a lot of fun.
Not that I want to give away my secrets.;) , but the week after Thanksgiving is a great time to go.. Crowds are lighter, the weather can sometimes be "iffy" but it is certainly than the Northeast so we love it then.. Good luck.
My goodness! We usually go in Oct. and never between a holiday (ie., Thanksgiving and Christmas). Although I was aware there was a lot to do in the parks at Christmas, I wasn't prepared for how much LOL
I think I need to be realistic in what we want to do/see and we have been many times before.
My mom (karensi) is taking my family which includes my two children 10 and 6.

We know we want to do the MVMCP. I also know I want to do that during the week, only once, and it will have to be a day I have scheduled for the parks (I will have hopper passes). I also just read I will need to purchase these tickets when they go on sale, approx. end of April. I will be coming back from a cruise and a week in Florida so I will have to keep on top of the ticket sales while I am away LOL :)

Now, what is this I hear about the CP. Is this in Epcot? I know if we go to it, I want to purchase the package with the dinner included (although I really can't even tell you what it is but I know I should purchase the dinner to get the seating LOL)

Did I quickly read about Characters doing Christmas readings? Maybe. I don't remember LOL If so, is that something we would just show up for, for instance, when we were at MK and went to hear Belle read us a story?

Of course, I am not complaining about all the planning. That is what most of us on the DIS love to do but I do need to know where I am going to be, I still can't remember or find the thread, what parks what days and where EE (oops, Early Magic Hour) is and from there can formulate our plans. No, I'm not leaving next week :) we're going in November LOL

Thank you all and please let me know what are the highlights. Since the crowds, hopefully, will be low when we go this year and we haven't been this time of year, we are hoping to try to experience things we don't usually get a chance to do.
Thank you all again.
Is Night of Joy also a Christmas show to see :confused:
Can anyone else help with above? Thank you VERY much
:earsgirl: :wave: ::yes:: :wave2: :hyper:
Night of Joy isn't a Christmas event, it's a Christian Music event that takes place in the fall
I packed those thin knit stretchie type gloves and headbands for the 4 of us. They take up little room in the suitcase and was well worth it. It can get quit nippie at night and we were glad we had them. Just enough to take the chill away. :)

Thank you! :)
I LOVE all the ideas and hints. PLEASE keep them coming! :)
I was searching for this information for our upcoming trip, so I thought I would

BUMP:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

This back up & see if anyone else has comments.



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