Crazy cats


<font color=red>Guess I will be eating crow tonigh
Jan 1, 2007
I have 2 crazy cats. Well, I have more than that, but these 2 take the cake.

One of them keeps bringing me dead animals. In fact, she met me Wednesday morning with a dead bird, as I was returning from taking kids to school. This is the 3rd animal in probably a month. I wish she would stop.

My other cat, he is in love with my new Coach purse. I don't know why, but he does. I have caught him on several occassions "loving" it (rubbing it with his chin and side of his face) and teice now, I have caught him sleeping with it in Dh's recliner. I sure wish he would leave it alone, that thing cost me a fortune and will probably be the only one I ever own.

One of the others isn't quite as crazy, but he will stand up and put his feet on the arm of my recliner and pat my arm with his paw :lmao:

Come on and share your crazy cat stories, mine can't possibly be the only ones.

Well my bosco cat plays fetch and is my bano cat. He runs into the bathroom ANY time Im near it. I can be going on the front door and hes sitting on the sink. He can also turn on the kitchen sink (glad i dont pay for water).
My bandit cat has acne. Shes in love with my tool box cause she pulls out the sandpaper and pops her zits lol.
1. Be glad they're bringing home DEAD animals.

We bought a house with an existing "kitty door" to the garage. Great idea - litterbox in the garage! Cats quickly learned the garage door opener sound, ran for freedom, and brought home 2 LIVE mice, 1 LIVE bird and invited the neighbor cat for a sleepover...before the "Freedom Portal" was blocked forever.

2. Don't get a breed described as intelligent, inquisitive and active (namely, bengal cats).

You will have to change all interior door latches to knobs.

3. Your cat loves your Coach bag?

Our early neutered male hybrid bengal is seriously in love with my cotton thermal blanket covered right leg. NEVER the left leg...and synthetic blankets won't do. He's faithful. :rotfl:

It's a good thing he's cute.
Well, the one that loves the Coach bag is one of those they call a Mau mix and he looks sorta bengal like. I don't know why he like that purse, but he does. He doesn't do that with any of my other purses, just that one and I have many many purses.

oh, I am so glad she doesn't bring me live animals, I would have a heart attack. She has brought 2 mice and a bird al were dead. As soon as she realized I was going in the house, she dropped the bird for the canned food, but went back out to it later, now there is a small pile ofr bird feather in the flower bed :rotfl2:

Mine do all kinds of weird things, but these two happened last week:

DH came home from work one day and the TV was turned on and the cats had done it. No one was watching it though!

DH had surgery last week and we slept in the living room as he had to sleep in the recliner. We forgot to turn the alarm off in the bedroom so it wouldn't go off in the morning on Saturday at 5am. So I hear it go off at 5am and one of my cats...don't know which one...went in and turned it off!

We have to leave the bathroom door closed or they shred the TP. Last week we went through 3 rolls of TP as someone forgot to close the door a few times!

As I sit here typing in my office....the psycho one sits on the back of my chair with his front paws around my neck. He rubs his head into the back of mine and nibbles at my hair. If I don't shoo him away quick enough, he takes a bite out of my neck or ear. (hasn't drawn blood yet!)
Mine do all kinds of weird things, but these two happened last week:

DH came home from work one day and the TV was turned on and the cats had done it. No one was watching it though!

DH had surgery last week and we slept in the living room as he had to sleep in the recliner. We forgot to turn the alarm off in the bedroom so it wouldn't go off in the morning on Saturday at 5am. So I hear it go off at 5am and one of my cats...don't know which one...went in and turned it off!

We have to leave the bathroom door closed or they shred the TP. Last week we went through 3 rolls of TP as someone forgot to close the door a few times!

As I sit here typing in my office....the psycho one sits on the back of my chair with his front paws around my neck. He rubs his head into the back of mine and nibbles at my hair. If I don't shoo him away quick enough, he takes a bite out of my neck or ear. (hasn't drawn blood yet!)

That reminds me, my little red one or LittleRed as we call him, he like to open the towel closet and mess up the wash clothes and lay on them. He also like to lay on the laptop and if you are on it, he will come lay with his body behind it nad curl his head around and lay it on the edge of the keyboard.

When my wife and I were first married we had a kitty, that when she was ready to get up and go in the morning and thought we should be up as well (obviously this was before kids), she would get on top of the headboard of the bed and intentionally knock things down on us. I finally wised up and cleaned off the headboard when I got nailed in the head by a “boom box” at 6 AM one morning (oh, sure it’s funny now, but at the time…..).
my one cat is a hair nibbler. Hes also a back of the couch sleeper who often falls down on me when Im sleeping. my cat watches me set the alarm then will get up before the alarm and bat my head (like a golfball) intill I get up.
Try putting a bell on a break-away collar for your hunting cat --it might give some warning to her prey.

I think your purse loving cat is actually flattering you!! It is probably your scent on the purse that is attracting him.

Our cats are fun but don't really have any crazy tendencies. Maybe it's because we have a mother and her son & daughter and she keeps them in check, just like a good mommy cat!
unless you have a dumb male cat like mine whos figured out that he can get his foot between his neck and collar and POP its on my floor. My sweet girl cat (bandit) finds it and brings it back to me. Such a good girl.
my one cat is a hair nibbler. Hes also a back of the couch sleeper who often falls down on me when Im sleeping. my cat watches me set the alarm then will get up before the alarm and bat my head (like a golfball) intill I get up.

I wonder how they know? Our alarm is set for 5am and at 4:59 they are on me crying for me to get up and feed them!
Well, you should be "Happy" with your one bringing you the "dead animals". That is a show of pride to you. Trust me, I know it's not the most proud moment, but they do it to show you PRIDE in themselves.
my Ragdoll can open doors-too darn expensive to change back to round doorknobs. He can also open cabinet doors and drawers. I had to put a baby latch on the "snack" cabinet because he would eat anything he could get into. Guess no one told him cats are picky eaters.

My tortie will chew on anything plastic, for HOURS. Bring a case of water bottles into the house, and she is happily chewing on the plastic cover. All Day. She will also only eat from one bowl, and it has to be in a certain place or she will not eat.

My calico, she's the normal one. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. She falls asleep sitting up, and will fall over. She also makes this slurping noise when she grooms herself, that I swear you can hear all over the house. She also has an annoying and terrifying habit of watching me sleep. With her face about an inch from mine. All I feel is this slight puff of breath and then I open my eyes and there are two enormous green eyes staring at me. :scared1: Not fun at 4am.
Mine do all kinds of weird things, but these two happened last week:

DH came home from work one day and the TV was turned on and the cats had done it. No one was watching it though!

DH had surgery last week and we slept in the living room as he had to sleep in the recliner. We forgot to turn the alarm off in the bedroom so it wouldn't go off in the morning on Saturday at 5am. So I hear it go off at 5am and one of my cats...don't know which one...went in and turned it off!

We have to leave the bathroom door closed or they shred the TP. Last week we went through 3 rolls of TP as someone forgot to close the door a few times!

As I sit here typing in my office....the psycho one sits on the back of my chair with his front paws around my neck. He rubs his head into the back of mine and nibbles at my hair. If I don't shoo him away quick enough, he takes a bite out of my neck or ear. (hasn't drawn blood yet!)

Our cats must be related, LOL.
I have two older ones left and three of my dd that passed away I kept. They had a difficult time adjusting. But are better now.
I have two boys from when she was at home, and she had 2 girls and a boy.

The boy will hide all the time. Still skitzy. When he comes out he will also sit on the back of the chair, hug my neck, head butt me and nip at the hair. He will also find the brush and sneak hair out of it.

Her younger girl will sleep on me, crawls on the chest, out stretches her paws one on each side of my face and reach out and hold my chin or cheeks.

To the original poster,
That is a sign the cats loves you and is brining you presents. dead or alive I always have to praise my Tigger cat what a good boy, brave hunter he is.:laughing:

But I draw the line when he also wants to bring in a live chipmunk for the younger boy cat to play with.
He has a pet squirrel and pet Black Bear too.

The squirrel came a few winters ago on the rail to the deck in the kitchen window with his little paws up and ice drips frozen on him during a bad ice storm. I told the silly creature he really wants to commit hairy cairry to come in with 5 cats!

So every morning the silly thing comes up on the deck in the French door windows teasing the Tigger cat....
I let Tigger out and the two of them go chasing aroung the mountain and through the woods, come back up on the deck.

The bear, will take the garbage bags out and root for the sugar cereals. One night puttin out trash, Tigger got out and as I went around the side to the back and get him, he is digging chicken wing bones out of the bottom of the bag as the bears is tearing his claws into the box shreding it and eating Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries!

I had to laugh about the sleep overs, that is a good one! My cat use to sleep over at the dogs next door when I was a kid....:cutie:
Thanks for sharing

OMG, I forgot about the plastic chewer, My Samson the sketzy one. He can find the tiniest piece and then hack it up.
I thought all cats crew plastic!

One of mine does. Loves to lick plastic bags and the plastic from the case of water bottles. All my cats love to crawl under the plastic and sit in the cardboard box. I'll have to get that picture and post it here. Hilarious!


And here they are having a Boxfest!
One of mine does. Loves to lick plastic bags and the plastic from the case of water bottles. All my cats love to crawl under the plastic and sit in the cardboard box. I'll have to get that picture and post it here. Hilarious!


And here they are having a Boxfest!

That is hilarious!! Mine like boxes too!
I have one cat that will hide under my car in the morning and when I go outside to leave for work he'll jump out and pounce my feet.
My Diva likes to crawl into the water bottle boxes as well. She also likes to chew paper! Its funny she always seems to know the important ones and chews them. I can give her a post-it and she will sit like a little squirrel holding it in her front paws and chews at it!

Sarah can be afraid of her own shadow at times. She must have been spooked by something falling in the small pantry closet at one time...she goes through phases when she will leap over the floor in front of the closet as she goes down the hall!
I swear my cat takes the stupid award. Heres why;
I start doing laundry. I stop off at my closet for a tee shirt (so I can wash mine). Well I shut the doors and go about life (these are sliding pannel doors). Well two hours latter I hear a thud, and another, then I see a paw. Stupid cat got locked in the closet and managed to push open the door. He was stuck in a half open closet. WOW!
why are they so darn cute when your mad
I swear my cat takes the stupid award. Heres why;
I start doing laundry. I stop off at my closet for a tee shirt (so I can wash mine). Well I shut the doors and go about life (these are sliding pannel doors). Well two hours latter I hear a thud, and another, then I see a paw. Stupid cat got locked in the closet and managed to push open the door. He was stuck in a half open closet. WOW!
why are they so darn cute when your mad

How did you get my red kitty (that looks exactly like my Cinnamon, stripes and all in the same places) and how did you get him to stay still? His new thing is straws, he will take them out of your cup or out of the garbage and bat them all over the house, running into walls and the tv cabinet along the way.



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