Cons to tickets from Undercover Tourist?

Tickets from 3rd parties can't be upgraded from home.

Tickets purchased directly from disney, even if not part of a package, can be upgraded online
I’m glad I read this thread. I’m a new convert to UT, having used them once for Disney and once for Universal. I agree that they are excellent, and they do exactly as advertised. But it is nice to see the potential draw-backs explained. Like adding days to tickets requires in-person visit to add days. But in most cases, they will still be my go-to choice.
I always opt for actual physical tickets when they are available, and always buy well in advance. That's why I had to return some to UT last year; I had bought Universal buy 2 days get 1 free tickets, then the buy 2 days get 2 free promo came out, so I returned them all for the new deal.

Tickets bought from Disney as part of a package can be upgraded or downgraded as often as you want until check-in. Any third-party tickets can only be upgraded once you're there.

You can upgrade current-issue tickets purchased from UT in MyDisneyExperience in advance online or in the app. I just did it today.

Now, older Magic Your Way tickets can't be upgraded online or in the app, and I don't think it matters where you purchased them. I have some old MYW tickets I purchased from UT years ago and haven't yet used, and those don't show the option to change them in MDE.


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