Confronted the noisy neighbors tonight...


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Jul 29, 2005
I've lived in my apartment for about a month and a half now. I live downstairs and there is a family of I believe 4 upstairs, 2 adults (& I use that term loosely) and two children. I requested downstairs because the age of my dog. Little did I know, that choice would haunt me.

I've tried to be really patient, but now I'm beyond pissed off. From the first week I moved in their child or children have run from one end of their apartment, stomping, and often running up and down their stairs usually above my bedroom and/or directly above my living room.

The first time I knew I was in trouble, I was awakend on a Sunday Morning by the shaking of my lights in the other room and the vent on my bedroom wall which upset my dog too. I did call and file a complaint with my landlord who agreed to make a courtesy call. My stance was maybe they don't realize they have a new downstairs neighbor, trying to be nice, although knowing I know they know I live down here now.

I've since just tried to just ignore it best as possible. That is until last night and tonight. Last night their precious demon child ran all around their apt. above my head in my bedroom and out in to the living room until midnight and sometimes while yelling/screaming. I work and like to get my sleep as I have to get up at 20 after 6.

Tonight, I once again tried to ignore it, but after an hour or so I had it. I will say I did lose my cool a little and yelled a few times from inside my apartment.

When I couldn't stand it anymore being after office hours, I did confront them. I was calm, but to the point. Friendly wasn't in me at this stage and I can tell they were going to be defensive from the get go now matter how I worded it. When they did answer, as it took a while, I told them I've tried to be really patient, but I'm getting really upset. I asked them if they realized that my bedroom is right below where there child runs and even pointed to my bedroom window. I should tell you when the lady opened the door her child was running up and down the stairs. I then told her that her I heard her child until midnight last night to which she replied he's 3. I bit my tongue and replied you know I do live here too. They basically just slammed the door in my face. That is after they told me they don't appreciate my dog barking all night. I know for a fact he does not bark all night because I'm here all evening and all night. I can tell you the only time he's barked at night is because their kid stomped on the ceiling and shook the lights which bothered him.

The other things that really bother me is their kids throw their trash over the balcony which I've had to pick up. The man that lives there smokes and throws his cigarette butts on my patio which at the moment has leaves all around it because of the woods nearby. This is obviously not only rude but a fire hazard.

So tonight I sit looking up tenants rights and reading my lease.

Yes, I plan on calling first thing in the morning to the leasing office. I am beginning to document as well.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this? I can't enjoy any peace and quiet until the little brats go to bed, that is if they go to bed. I know some of it is yes they are kids, but I don't think it's acceptable to let your kid run wild above your neighbors head all evening or night long. It honestly just seems that the parents have no respect for anyone else and just think their children are little angels and have the kids will be kids attitude.

From my search so far, there is something in my lease that says residents shall not annoy, obstruct or interfere with the peaceful occupancy of other residents.

Any ideas on how the leasing office will handle this?

I'm not typically the type to complain, but this is getting on my last nerve and I'm a little beyond my wits end.
Good luck. We live in a townhouse with one neighbor below us. I know they can hear us at times because we can hear them sometimes too. They are in no way extremely loud or wild, but we can often hear their tv or radio at night. So I'm sure that if they were home during the day that they'd hear my kids running around too, but they work so all is well. Both of my kids do go to bed by 7:45 though, so even if they are home while my kids are up, it's still early enough that it shouldn't bother anyone.

The previous neighbor, however, was extremely loud all the time. He was a single guy who would play 80s girly music to pump himself up before going out clubbing. The music was so loud that you felt like you were right there with him. It was not only every night, but he also worked from home often and had his radio blaring then too. Plus, he used the radio on the cable channels for his music, so he would play it not only in his living room (which is under ours) but also his bedroom (which is under my kids room). This meant you could hear it all through our house. And he had a dog that barked all the time. Drove me nuts.

But then one Thanksgiving, when my then 2.5yo daughter was excited that my mom had just arrived and ran to the front door to greet her, he banged on his ceiling with a broom!!! That was when we finally went downstairs to tell him that was unacceptable because we put up with his crap all the time. He blamed it on being in a bad mood because his dog spilled a bottle of wine, but whatever.

Fact of the matter is that we just have some crappy insulation between the units and there's nothing either of us can do about it. Our neighbor now never complains about us and we never complain about him. I know we hear him simply cause the builder did not do a good job, not because he's exceptionally loud. So even though I know it doesn't seem to be the case with you, part of it might just be shoddy building and unavoidable. Maybe get a white noise machine and see if that helps you sleep a bit better?
I realize some of it is apartment living, but I just don't think allowing your child to run, stomp, scream and play on the stairs is acceptable.

Now on the other hand: I realize I'm going to hear the t.v., the occasional loud nice, but this is getting excessive and is just blantant disrespect.

Sounds like you have a fun one too.
sorry to hear you got some bad apples above you. DFi and I are in an apt and know the feeling all to well. If the landlord doesn't do much you can always file a noise complaint with the police. Just try to keep in mind that by the way you described them they don't sound like the most cooperative people and they may retaliate. We moved to a new apt building this year because in our old place we had about 13 adults (in a 2 bedroom) who didn't speak English who would scream and play POLKA until about 3am every other night. We tried to be nice and explain we were trying to sleep, but when we finally found the one guy who spoke some english he was totally drunk and refused to lower the music so we called the cops. It was better for a little while (it sounded like there was several less people down there....maybe they had been illegal) but then it started up again and out landlady didn't care so we moved.

At our new place we are pretty lucky with the people downstairs, they only blast their music once a week and and will lower it if we ask.

Sorry I couldn't be much help, sadly not all Apt places really care. All I can say is if you have trouble don't hesitate to file a police report. At least then you might be able to switch to a different apt in the complex if one opens or if its really that bad you might be able to breake the lease.

Last option, buy headphone and earplugs :(

Good luck!!! I hope it turns out well for you

sorry to hear you got some bad apples above you. DFi and I are in an apt and know the feeling all to well. If the landlord doesn't do much you can always file a noise complaint with the police. Just try to keep in mind that by the way you described them they don't sound like the most cooperative people and they may retaliate. We moved to a new apt building this year because in our old place we had about 13 adults (in a 2 bedroom) who didn't speak English who would scream and play POLKA until about 3am every other night. We tried to be nice and explain we were trying to sleep, but when we finally found the one guy who spoke some english he was totally drunk and refused to lower the music so we called the cops. It was better for a little while (it sounded like there was several less people down there....maybe they had been illegal) but then it started up again and out landlady didn't care so we moved.

At our new place we are pretty lucky with the people downstairs, they only blast their music once a week and and will lower it if we ask.

Sorry I couldn't be much help, sadly not all Apt places really care. All I can say is if you have trouble don't hesitate to file a police report. At least then you might be able to switch to a different apt in the complex if one opens or if its really that bad you might be able to breake the lease.

Last option, buy headphone and earplugs :(

Good luck!!! I hope it turns out well for you


Believe me I'm considering ear plugs. Just one problem: How do I put ear plugs in Elvis' ears? He won't like that at all.
Ah, noisy neighbors. I have very little tolerance for those that blatantly have no respect for anyone else. Much to my husband's chagrin/embarrassment, I have been known to go out in my pajamas on more than one occasion to yell at the neighbors shooting off bottle rockets in the street at 3am. :eek:

At our last apartment, the unit across the hall had a commune of young kids living there. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, and there were regularly 7-10 of them in and out. There were even couches and mattresses on the balcony! Not only did I have to have the "knock off the fireworks in the parking lot 2 feet from my car" conversation in my pj's, we had a cop knock on our door one night as one of the occupants reported a man with a gun breaking into their screen window. Funny, that screen was slit before they moved in... hmmm? Anywho, the day after we closed on our house, I was awakened to the sounds of "Open up - Police!" and a loud bang as their door was broken down with a battering ram. I had no idea the cops really say that other than on TV! Well, next I heard the drug-sniffing German Shephards barking. Then I saw the 7 cop cars blocking my parking lot driveway. When you have to call your job to tell them you'll be late because there is a drug bust going on next door, it's time to go! I told my husband it's a good thing we had closed on our lovely dream townhouse the day before, because we would have made an offer on whatever was on the market that weekend!

I would definitely look at your lease and see what rights you have. No one's habits or family dynamics trump your right to enjoy yourself in your own home. You've taken the high road and confronted them, giving them the opportunity to make the changes on their own. If it continues, let your leasing office know you'll be calling the police for noise ordinance violations. I'm guessing they'd rather take care of this before the cops are called to snoop around. Good luck!
You just reminded me of why I hated being in an apt. I feel for you and wish you luck. People can be so hard to live around, especially so close.

I am not sure of what can be done, as far as the neighbors. You can document until the cows come home, but that will only help if the landlord has the backbone to enforce a 'quiet hours', type of thing.

I am not sure you would get any relief with 'noise ordinance' laws, because the noises that seem to be bothering you are from normal activities (children running across the room and up and down stairs). Even if you can get the police to come, over and over that really going to make a difference? I'm not sure, some people just don't care.

What you are hearing is the result of zero insulation, not necessarily neighbors who are doing something out of the ordinary to cause excessive noise (like playing loud music, having a party, running loud machinery). That being the case, it may be a good idea to look into what you can do to reduce what you hear.

My best advice is to look into and find out if you are allowed to install some sound proofing materials. Just Google 'soundproof apartment' and there are lots of idea (some obviously not practical, but some that may help you)

I wish you luck, it's a tough situation to be in.
As if on cue, just after I got done reading this thread, my upstairs neighbors did what I can only assume is jump off of the kitchen counters. It was dead silent and then, without warning, there was an enormous BOOM. It always startles the hell out of me and I hate it. Thankfully, their precious little angels must've retired early this evening; at least one night a week, they spend at least half an hour running back and forth on the wood decking-type walkways on the floor above me, usually around midnight.

They're nothing compared to some of the other people who've lived in this building since I moved group (similar living arrangements as one PP described-- 8-10 non-English-speaking people living in 1 apt. :rolleyes2 ) who seemingly did nothing other than work on their cars in the parking lot and/or stand around and talk in the parking lot and leer at female residents and make lewd comments (in Spanish) about us as we walked from the parking lot to our apts. (I knew what they were saying because I speak Spanish, but never got the nerve to fire off a retort at them.) Management finally posted a notice on everybody's doors that basically prohibited everything I described above, but specifically mentioned auto repair and congregating in the parking lot.

The group before them used to have insanely loud parties at least once a week, but they were always at weird times, like 2 am on a Tuesday. Who does that?! I never wanted to confront them directly (for fear of reprisals), but instead relied on County PD to handle it. I think I still have their # programmed in my cell phone, actually.

Best of luck with your situation. Hopefully, if nothing else, the management can find you a new place in the complex (I know, giant PITA to move again, but if it means peace and sanity, it might be worth it.) I feel for ya.
Young children should be in bed by 8pm or so. It is also really unnecessary to allow them to be running back and forth or up and down stairs, for any reason. It is also unsafe. I believe with enough documentation they should allow you out of your lease and I would find another place to rent. I have lived below, above and beside people and there is no way you can't hear at least some noise. Heck, I live in a house now and we can sometimes hear the neighbor practice his drums even in the winter. Not loud enough or late enough to bother us. :confused3

I wouldn't wait for them to make them leave, you should just find yourself a better place. Try to check it out carefully ahead of time.
Well, spoke to the leasing office this morning. They were very responsive as usual and agreed to speak to them again. So far, it's fairly quiet except for the to be expected noice. Now that I've said that, please not let that bite me in the but! Honestly, the leasing office was very empathetic if not agreeable with me that the behavior of my upstairs neighbors is unacceptable.

We'll see how things go. Cross your fingers. The only alternative I see is somebody is going to have to move or at least move apartment buildings. Hopefully not me because yes it would be a huge pain in the but.

I do plan on doing some research online tonight. Maybe being in the legal field will come in handy. Real Estate law was one of my specialties.
I can't get over the fact that a 3 year old was running around past MIDNIGHT!!! That child should be in bed! And did you say the child was also running up and down the outside stairs? That late at night? Was he/she being supervised? Cause if I saw a 3 year old running around outside unsupervised that late at night I think I would be calling CPS.

Just saying.
I feel your pain. I have lived in places like that where you can basically hear a mouse fart in the next unit.
I consider myself so fortunate to now live in a building that was built in the 1940's as a building to house families and is very well constructed and insulated. It's an 18 unit building, and if one of us is having a party, we inform the other residents ahead of time to let them know there might be a lot of noise.
We just all live normal, sometimes kind of noisy, but regular day to day lives though. I know I've sometimes cranked my music up pretty loud, and I'm sure the other residents of the building have too, but it's so well constructed, that it never gets intrusive.
Although I know it is awlful for you, and I don't understand a child being up past midnight.... I just have to let you know what it is like forthe family upstairs. I was the family upstairs when my oldest was 2 and my second was an infant. First of all, what sounds like a herd of elephants to you, is not even noticeable to them. If my 2 year old got up from a nap and came into the kitchen for a snack, my neighbors (who were lovely, patient, kind, churchgoing people) would be banging on the ceiling with a broomstick. I was always like :confused3 , but he just quietly came into the kitchen! But a two year old "hops" out of bed and runs into a kitchen (toddlers know 2 speeds, run and stop). We used to joke and say that he was over the "30 pound dog rule" because apts. usually have a rule about no dogs over 30 lbs. because their trotting and "hopping" off of furniture is loud downstairs. On my carpet, it was not noticable at all, but downstairs it was. I didn't have any idea how to stop it, I couldn't tell him he could no longer walk, that he would have to call to me when ever he wanted to move about and I would carry him from bed to table to couch. It was awlful, I wanted to be a good neighbor, and I wouldn't have allowed him to jump on the floor needlessly, on on the bed etc, but I had to be a good mother too, and I wasn't going to scold him for getting up from a nap and coming into the kitchen with enthusiasm. when my second was born and would wake to nurse in the middle of the night, sometimes her cries would wake my toddler, and he would get up to go to the bathroom. He would do the toddler run/trot in there, and I'm sure the neighbors downstairs were wondering why a 2 year old was up in the middle of the night (and yes they would pound the broomstick, which to them sounded like tapping and to me sounded like a jackhammer was coming through the floor). Also, some families just have different schedules. I know a family that works odd shifts, and they keep their little ones on their schedule so they can spend time with them. Being up at midnight is like dinner time for them, but they all sleep later in the morning before having to go to work/daycare.

So anyway, none of that makes it better for you, and you should try to see if you can be moved to a quieter apt, but I just wanted to let you know, that the family upstairs is not trying to make you go nuts, they are just being a family with young kids.
I wish I could give you some useful advice other than talking to management to see if they can put in carpeting in the room above your bedroom. Maybe they have it already. :confused3

We had our share of obnoxious, noisy, disruptive neighbors like clothes flying out a window during an argument, children screaming they're going to help mommy while she physically fought with her boyfriend, smashing fists through windowpanes, pot smoking etc. All the while we lived upstairs and heard all the drama going on.

We had it and moved to a single family home which we rented for 5 years before we purchased our own. I hope you can get out of that living situation soon if it's giving you grief and there's no other solution.
I completely understand how annoying noisy neighbors can be.
I live in an apartment complex that is only for college students and the only quiet hours here are between 8am-11am when they are still sleeping and I have made this my study/homework time. There is always a party, loud music, doors slamming, people running upstairs, yelling, the smell of pot coming through air vents, cell phones ringing, cabinets slamming, people talking loudly, and some other noise I really don't want to hear. :rolleyes1

The people above us like to have parties and one time they assumed we were the ones who called the cops on them; therefore, they decided to start dumping their trash in front of our door to get us fined and do their "business" off the second floor balcony:eek: :eek: And of course the landlord is still making us pay the fines for their trash because they can't prove it's not ours.:sad2: We're still trying to catch them on camera, but no luck yet. I seriously wonder how these students even got into a university.
At least you don't have it as bad as I do :thumbsup2
I feel for you. We lived in an apartment while we waited for your house to be built. We had little kids, so we chose the ground floor and since it was a new complex, we chose an apartment where noone lived above. Things were great until someone moved in. It was only a couple of people, but we could hear every step and the TV. It drove us crazy! From what you described, it sounds like your apartment is not insulated for sound. I can't imagine a 3 year old running up and down the stairs is any louder than a large adult running up and down the stairs.

I know it would be a pain, but wouldn't it be easier to move to an upstairs unit than be miserable for a year! Good luck!
I live in a 2 family house.. I know we can be loud with 4 kids running around... but next door is worst. fighting, cursing, music blasting... I make my kids go to the back yard if the foul mouth one is the front yard., f-bombs up and down. They have their bedroom in the attic which is above my bedroom and there 6 yo jumps on the bed and I can hear in throughout the whole house.Bad thing is they are related to me.. good thing.... Its been quiet since the loud one was taken out in handcuff Sunday:rolleyes1

A friend of mine had it bad in one apt... She could the couple up stairs doing the deed and clear as if they were in her apt... than they would continue it onto the floor and roll around. SHe kept her brrok stick close by.
I can't get over the fact that a 3 year old was running around past MIDNIGHT!!! That child should be in bed! And did you say the child was also running up and down the outside stairs? That late at night? Was he/she being supervised? Cause if I saw a 3 year old running around outside unsupervised that late at night I think I would be calling CPS.

Just saying.

No, the stairs are interior. The issue is their entrance/stairs start at my bedroom and our apartments run parallel from the front of their apartment and my bedroom window forward to their balcony and my porch. Their stairs share the wall along my bedroom and living room where I obviously spend most of my time.

As I post, the Elephants live again. Either that or the bowling alley is open for business. It's been intermittent so far tonight. I believe him to have jumped off the furniture onto the floor and has drug some loud heavy object down the stairs and did a little bit of running around back and forth and banged my light fixtures once again and again. It's a little Irritating, but tolerable since it's not nonstop.
I think you need a new apartment. Seriously, it sounds like there will be no common ground between you and these people, no matter what your lease says, there will never be peace in your home, maybe you can get out of your lease.
Although I know it is awlful for you, and I don't understand a child being up past midnight.... I just have to let you know what it is like forthe family upstairs. I was the family upstairs when my oldest was 2 and my second was an infant. First of all, what sounds like a herd of elephants to you, is not even noticeable to them. If my 2 year old got up from a nap and came into the kitchen for a snack, my neighbors (who were lovely, patient, kind, churchgoing people) would be banging on the ceiling with a broomstick. I was always like :confused3 , but he just quietly came into the kitchen! But a two year old "hops" out of bed and runs into a kitchen (toddlers know 2 speeds, run and stop). We used to joke and say that he was over the "30 pound dog rule" because apts. usually have a rule about no dogs over 30 lbs. because their trotting and "hopping" off of furniture is loud downstairs. On my carpet, it was not noticable at all, but downstairs it was. I didn't have any idea how to stop it, I couldn't tell him he could no longer walk, that he would have to call to me when ever he wanted to move about and I would carry him from bed to table to couch. It was awlful, I wanted to be a good neighbor, and I wouldn't have allowed him to jump on the floor needlessly, on on the bed etc, but I had to be a good mother too, and I wasn't going to scold him for getting up from a nap and coming into the kitchen with enthusiasm. when my second was born and would wake to nurse in the middle of the night, sometimes her cries would wake my toddler, and he would get up to go to the bathroom. He would do the toddler run/trot in there, and I'm sure the neighbors downstairs were wondering why a 2 year old was up in the middle of the night (and yes they would pound the broomstick, which to them sounded like tapping and to me sounded like a jackhammer was coming through the floor). Also, some families just have different schedules. I know a family that works odd shifts, and they keep their little ones on their schedule so they can spend time with them. Being up at midnight is like dinner time for them, but they all sleep later in the morning before having to go to work/daycare.

So anyway, none of that makes it better for you, and you should try to see if you can be moved to a quieter apt, but I just wanted to let you know, that the family upstairs is not trying to make you go nuts, they are just being a family with young kids.

I understand that side of it too. I also know a family very much on a 2nd shift schedule. The live in a house and it doesn't inconvenience anyone else. It works for them and that's totally fine.

If all this child did was run/make noise occasionally it probably wouldn't bother me. However, running nonstop from one end to the other, up/down stairs incessantly, banging, stopping is just not the same thing.

I do fully understand construction/insulation plays a part and that kids have energy, but the blatant disrespect from the parts and their immediate reaction last night, tells me they lack good parenting skills and have no respect for their neighbors.


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