Communities with an HOA

I live in an HOA and utterly despise them. They should be banned, IMO. Yes, we chose to live here because it was best for the kids, but will be leaving as soon as we're empty nesters.

OP, just IMO, but you're being trivial. Let the poor soul try to make a living. Sorry you don't like the truck, but c'mon. We have a few neighbors here who park their commercial work trucks on their property. I'll be darned if I'm going to make a stink over it, I've got better things to do. Nor would I want to make their lives more difficult if it's simply against the HOA "rules", but otherwise isn't an issue...even the beeping the truck makes isn't a big deal, IMO. This is one of the reasons I despise HOAs. I don't need nosy neighbors trying to whine about anything I do on the property I purchased and paid for. Especially if it's something like complaining about the type of vehicle I drive.
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Especially when it's things like a work truck. How pathetic that you can't even have a job if you live in an HOA.

So not one person living in the neighborhood, including the OP works?

I am not a fan of HOA's and would never live in one, but rules are rules and if they are being broken then that is what the HOA is supposed to fix.
I'm not really sure what you can do OP, but I totally understand your frustration about having to live next to that.
This is my issue with HOAs. They either over enforce or under enforce. I hadn't thought about local laws on commercial trucks. Not something that I am aware of here that would be a law. If it is on the private driveway, it would be allowed. And it would be allowed on the public street as long as it moved every 72 hours.
We've lived in a HOA community for 16 years now. There are a variety of regulations in the bylaws, but like others have said, they're nearly impossible to enforce anything, aside from constant warnings and possibly liens. The neighbors across the street from us parked their mostly dead car on the street for weeks at a time without moving it, even in the winter when the plows would end up having to try to maneuver around it. It was even against city law to park it on the street overnight and from time to time we'd see tickets on the car, but nothing ever happened. It was even worse for our next door neighbor, since it made it hard for them to back out of their driveway, as they were right across the street from them.

Fortunately, they sold the house last year and hauled the car away with them.
We had to rewrite our rules on an HOA board I was on due to someone having a F150 with a drywall business on the side. It was nicer than either of his neighbor's trucks (so no basis for an "eyesore" or "property value" complaint) but technically violated the rules. We were a reasonable bunch of people though and changed the rule because it clearly was not the intent.

Just curious, but under the new rules would the truck I'm describing in our neighborhood be covered under your new rules? If our HOA board got together and decided to rewrite the rules and it was then okay for anyone to park commercial vehicles in their driveways, then I wouldn't have the right to complain about it. I wouldn't vote for such a change and if it happened, I wouldn't like it, but I would have to live with it, and I understand that.

I live in an HOA and utterly despise them. They should be banned, IMO. Yes, we chose to live here because it was best for the kids, but will be leaving as soon as we're empty nesters.

OP, just IMO, but you're being trivial. Let the poor soul try to make a living. Sorry you don't like the truck, but c'mon. We have a few neighbors here who park their commercial work trucks on their property. I'll be darned if I'm going to make a stink over it, I've got better things to do. Nor would I want to make their lives more difficult if it's simply against the HOA "rules", but otherwise isn't an issue...even the beeping the truck makes isn't a big deal, IMO. This is one of the reasons I despise HOAs. I don't need nosy neighbors trying to whine about anything I do on the property I purchased and paid for. Especially if it's something like complaining about the type of vehicle I drive.

I'm getting the sense from a lot of the posts on here, that MY family is the one that shouldn't live in a community with an HOA. Not because we DON'T believe in following the rules, but because we DO believe the rules are meant to be followed. Since we've never had any issues in other HOA communities, I guess I always thought that if someone received a violation, they promptly took care of the problem so it was no longer an issue. But after reading a lot of the replies here, I'm learning that no matter what an HOA tries to do to remedy a situation where someone is violating the rules, there really isn't much they can do. I guess I didn't realize this. Again, what is the point of having rules and bylaws if nothing is enforced? So, all of you that say you'd never live in a community with HOA rules, I guess you'd be fine, since it seems it's okay to ignore the rules anyway.
OP sounds like the HOA is doing what they can.

The only other thing I can think of is the HOA taking the homeowner to court. I don't know if the offense being talked about is one that would go far through the courts though.

There's a large court case in my area that's been going on for several years over landscaping (think retaining walls and the like) for the most part though originally there was an issue with a satellite dish. Anyways whoever wins out in the end (as it's been decided then appealed) is going to be paying a ton of court fees though.
Just curious, but under the new rules would the truck I'm describing in our neighborhood be covered under your new rules? If our HOA board got together and decided to rewrite the rules and it was then okay for anyone to park commercial vehicles in their driveways, then I wouldn't have the right to complain about it. I wouldn't vote for such a change and if it happened, I wouldn't like it, but I would have to live with it, and I understand that.

I'm getting the sense from a lot of the posts on here, that MY family is the one that shouldn't live in a community with an HOA. Not because we DON'T believe in following the rules, but because we DO believe the rules are meant to be followed. Since we've never had any issues in other HOA communities, I guess I always thought that if someone received a violation, they promptly took care of the problem so it was no longer an issue. But after reading a lot of the replies here, I'm learning that no matter what an HOA tries to do to remedy a situation where someone is violating the rules, there really isn't much they can do. I guess I didn't realize this. Again, what is the point of having rules and bylaws if nothing is enforced? So, all of you that say you'd never live in a community with HOA rules, I guess you'd be fine, since it seems it's okay to ignore the rules anyway.

It will come back to bite them - most people sell their house eventually. But they won't be able to until they settle the sky high pile of liens and attorney fees (plus escalating interest). The only way they can get away with ignoring the rules forever is if they pass away while still living there...then the heirs deal with the mess. Small comfort to neighbors now, but it's not like the liens and fees go away or are written off at some point.
Have you considered ignoring it and going about your life? Why get so worked up over what a neighbor is parking in their driveway?
The beeping, regardless of whereever the house is located at, would drive me bonkers. That would be hard to ignore IMO. Maybe it's like trains to some people though where they get used to it, where they end up really liking the sound but for me personally HOA neighborhood or not that would be annoying.

Does the neighbor have to back the vehicle in? Even if you ignore the HOA rules.
Check to see whether it's also against the city ordinances in your town. In my town, it IS against City code to park vehicle greater than 12 tons in any residential area, even on private property. There are two reasons. 1, trucks of that side driven consistently do damage to city residential roadways, which are not rated for consistent use by vehicles of that size. This leads to maintenance be required more often, which adds to city expenses for everyone. 2, it diminishes the property values of the neighborhood. Don't believe it? Ask ANY real estate agent. There are limits to personal property rights, and that is where your "right" to do something interferes with the "rights" of others. There is no unfettered right to do whatever the heck you want when you live as part of a community. You want to make a trash heap out of your property, move out into the country where you bother no one but yourself.
Our main home and our lake home both have HOAs and we love them. No lawn maintenance, road maintenance, trash issues, show removal, and a multitude of other plusses make our lies easier.

I would be annoyed if neighbors were not following the rules. If you need a large truck to do your job then you need to live somewhere that will accommodate you, or park it someplace else and drive to it daily. If the beeping work me up at night I would be really annoyed.

There are plenty of non-HOA neighborhoods. You don't have to live in one if you don't want to follow the rules.
Does the neighbor have to back the vehicle in? Even if you ignore the HOA rules.

No, but then they'd just beep when they back out of the driveway. Six of one, half dozen of the other, huh? :D

I'm so thankful that our HOA is relatively lenient and I haven't had a lot of issues with them. I still would love to see them go away as a whole and I've ignored a letter or two they've sent, but on the grand scheme they're not as militant as others I've seen.
I live in an HOA community and I like it. Our rules are pretty strictly enforced but also very reasonable. Just basic maintenance, really. We would keep our property neat and tidy anyway and are glad our neighbors are expected to as well. I'd certainly be understanding in the case of extenuating circumstances but what the OP is describing would bother me. I don't see it as a "live and let live" situation when it's clearly affecting the OP and they shouldn't be expected to have to put up with it according to the HOA rules. They aren't the ones in the wrong.
No, but then they'd just beep when they back out of the driveway. Six of one, half dozen of the other, huh? :D

I'm so thankful that our HOA is relatively lenient and I haven't had a lot of issues with them. I still would love to see them go away as a whole and I've ignored a letter or two they've sent, but on the grand scheme they're not as militant as others I've seen.
I guess it depends on when they are leaving. The OP says the neighbor sometimes leaves and returns during the night (I'm assuming because he's a tow truck driver)..yeah if it's 11pm, 1am, 2am, etc and it's waking me up that is worse than if it's 9am,10am, etc for me personally. Tow truck driving is normally unpredictable times so I really do feel for the OP there.

It would also depend if there was an issue with parking on the streets and like the PP mentioned the weight and wear and tear on residential roads (not all tow trucks are the same size). I don't really like when people park on the streets here because while the road is a bit wider it's still not wide enough to safely have 2 cars going and a car parked on the street much less a commercial vehicle but that would take care of the beeping. It probably would create another annoyance though.
Even if I did live in a community with an HOA and my next door neighbor had a large truck that fit in their driveway that violated the HOA bylaws, I wouldn't say a peep about it.

My husband was injured in 2012. At that time, I was several months into a pretty rough pregnancy and we already had 2 children under 5. My brother would come over and do our yard work for us occasionally, but it went several weeks in between mowings.

Thank God I didn't live in an HOA where we would have had to add hefty fines to our list of problems at a time where we lost our primary source of income and nearly lost our home.

Have you considered why your neighbor may be bringing his work truck home? Does his company maybe pay for gas? Is it quicker and he wants to get home to spend time with his family. Is he coming a different direction from the garage and just coming home until his next shift?
The HOA isn't responsible for knowing nor should they consider people's personal issues. People are people though and it happens that sometimes things are doled out without impartiality.

Keep in mind it's not always the immediate neighbors or even the neighbors at all making complaints.
The HOA isn't responsible for knowing nor should they consider people's personal issues. People are people though and it happens that sometimes things are doled out without impartiality.

Keep in mind it's not always the immediate neighbors or even the neighbors at all making complaints.

I'm talking about this specific case. It is the immediate neighbor making complaints and I have no reason to assume the OP wouldn't have complained about our tall grass.

And no, it isn't the HOA's responsibility to know people's personal issues. But that would have been devastating to our situation, just because a neighbor was worried about some inconsequential issue that was outside of our control.

I'm just really grateful I don't live in that type of community, honestly. Unless my neighbor is doing something illegal, I don't think it is my business, but I choose not to live in a community with an HOA, so I am fortunate that I have freedom with what I choose to do with my property.
Just curious, but under the new rules would the truck I'm describing in our neighborhood be covered under your new rules? If our HOA board got together and decided to rewrite the rules and it was then okay for anyone to park commercial vehicles in their driveways, then I wouldn't have the right to complain about it. I wouldn't vote for such a change and if it happened, I wouldn't like it, but I would have to live with it, and I understand that.

I'm getting the sense from a lot of the posts on here, that MY family is the one that shouldn't live in a community with an HOA. Not because we DON'T believe in following the rules, but because we DO believe the rules are meant to be followed. Since we've never had any issues in other HOA communities, I guess I always thought that if someone received a violation, they promptly took care of the problem so it was no longer an issue. But after reading a lot of the replies here, I'm learning that no matter what an HOA tries to do to remedy a situation where someone is violating the rules, there really isn't much they can do. I guess I didn't realize this. Again, what is the point of having rules and bylaws if nothing is enforced? So, all of you that say you'd never live in a community with HOA rules, I guess you'd be fine, since it seems it's okay to ignore the rules anyway.

OP, most people in HOA's follow the rules. So, having them is a good idea. Unfortunately, there will always be those that don't. The HOA only has so much power under the law, but I like my HOA. Most of my neighbors follow the rules, which I feel are reasonable.

It's like people who pay a small fortune to buy a nice home and then let it go to pot. I've never understood why people spend so much on something and not take care if it. They know when they buy that it will require maintenance. They just don't care. It's the same for some people buying in an HOA. They know there are rules to be followed. They just don't care.
I'm talking about this specific case. It is the immediate neighbor making complaints and I have no reason to assume the OP wouldn't have complained about our tall grass.

And no, it isn't the HOA's responsibility to know people's personal issues. But that would have been devastating to our situation, just because a neighbor was worried about some inconsequential issue that was outside of our control.

I'm just really grateful I don't live in that type of community, honestly. Unless my neighbor is doing something illegal, I don't think it is my business, but I choose not to live in a community with an HOA, so I am fortunate that I have freedom with what I choose to do with my property.
I'm not saying it wouldn't have sucked. It would have sucked for me if people complained when the grass was a bit taller because I was the one cutting the grass while my husband was away on his several field assignments he's done over the years. But I am aware of the both the HOA rule and the City's ordinance related to grass height.

The thing is people all have their own things--what is considered inconsequential to you may not be to someone else. But really that just goes back to knowledge. Your neighbors aren't responsible either anymore than the HOA in knowing your personal circumstances OR for taking that into consideration as much as we would appreciate when they do.

People also move so what is one way for a while may not be that way forever and sometimes that's a positive :)

Also you don't necessarily have the freedom to do what you want there may still be city, county or state ordinances or laws that prevail. Not living in an HOA doesn't mean it's a free for all.
This is my issue with HOAs. They either over enforce or under enforce. I hadn't thought about local laws on commercial trucks. Not something that I am aware of here that would be a law. If it is on the private driveway, it would be allowed. And it would be allowed on the public street as long as it moved every 72 hours.
Definitely wouldn’t be allowed in driveways in my town, no commercial vehicles, RV’s or boats. No overnight parking on the streets, no front yard fences, need a variance for backyard fences over 4 feet, need a permit to take down trees... Once a new neighbor started parking her car on her lawn, that ended quickly. No HOA’s here, just laws.

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