child sexually molested in orlando

What a shame....

This is the second posting today though were I am asking where are the parents!!!!!!
Where are the parents? Especially at a place like Disney where it is a haven for such sick people! Parents do not realize that they need to be even more careful at these places. Never take your eyes off your children - they are so precious!
I am not even going to click on that link because I am parinoid enough but WDW is sacred or atleast to me, what is this world coming too?
I, for one, don't hold the parents fully responsible. The child was 12 years old, and he was just in the elevator. You have to let them be independent eventually, and I'm in the camp that slowly lets them build confidence by going out on their own.

It's tragic, it could happen anywhere, and I hope the child gets some quality counseling.
I know, where are the parents?? I have a 11 and 8 year old girls and we are always right there with them, at the store, parks everywhere! You never know ! I got into a fight with a nasty old man once in a store, he was a nasty pig, my little girl she was 10 back then and she was walking around with me and her sister right next to me, they were asking me to go see the shoes and i didn't let them go alone, so i notice this guy everywhere we were he was there "looking" women's dept, kids, kitchen and i was just keeping eye on him.
My 10 year old had a skirt/shorts a normal little girls kind, and she was standing on the front of the shopping cart like most kids do and she bend over to reach something, and the pig was right there watching her and smiling at her, he didn't know i was watching him the whole time, i asked him what %@$#$ he was looking at, i was so upset!! You don't want anybody looking at your children "like that", we ignored me and keep walking around, so i went to the CS and told them about it, they ask him to leave since he wasn't buying anything, then a teenage girl told me that he was following her and her boyfriend had said something about it too, the cops came and they checked the surveillance tapes, the pig was there wondering around all day looking at little girls!

Please be so careful with all children, these monsters are everywhere.
Good for her! Glad to see that she took a self defense course, and it paid off. (Not good that she was molested by some scum bucket).
I am glad she had some skills to deal with the situation. I agree with whoever said that you gotta let them go sometime. I would let my 12 year old run out to the car for something. It is too bad that they didn't stress not putting yourself in harms way a bit more in her class.

I find it amazing that people have a need to post this on this board, however. It has nothing to do with Disney. It didn't even occur on Disney property. I could have happened in any hotel in the country.
I agree that in this day and age you really need to be more protective of your children. When I was growing up, it wasn't an issue. I am only 23 though. I was watching myself at home and walking home from school regularly from the age of 12 on. I would never let my children do that now if I had any children. The pervs out there are everywhere. Parents need to take more responsibility. I am not saying anyone here is like that though! I know none of us would let our children out of our sight at that age! ;)
meandtheguys2 said:
I I agree with whoever said that you gotta let them go sometime. I would let my 12 year old run out to the car for something.

My DD is 10 and ok, I am a little overprotective. I would let her run out to the car if we were home or somewhere (a realtive, school, etc.) where I could see her the whole time. I will not however, at the age let her do so in a strange place

meandtheguys2 said:
I find it amazing that people have a need to post this on this board, however. It has nothing to do with Disney. It didn't even occur on Disney property.
The negative live on and on and on.......
umaangel00 said:
I agree that in this day and age you really need to be more protective of your children. When I was growing up, it wasn't an issue. I am only 23 though. I was watching myself at home and walking home from school regularly from the age of 12 on. I would never let my children do that now if I had any children. The pervs out there are everywhere. Parents need to take more responsibility. I am not saying anyone here is like that though! I know none of us would let our children out of our sight at that age! ;)

I don't agree. Pedophiles were always a problem. People are just more aware of it now.

The child was 12. I don't see anything inappropriate about letting a 12 year old go short distances by themselves in certain situations. You do what you can to teach your child how to be responsible and stay safe. At some point you have to start letting them go out on their own. It is part and parcel of growing up into an adult.

Also, each child is different. One 12 year old may be very mature and responsible for their age, another may not be. You make decisions based on the individual child.

It seems like many people on these boards are so quick to berate "the parents" whenever there is a situation with a minor. Nobody is a perfect parent and nobody raises a perfect child. You do what you can. You make mistakes along the way. Life isn't black and white. (I'm not talking about situations in which parents are obviously negligent)
"I find it amazing that people have a need to post this on this board, however. It has nothing to do with Disney. It didn't even occur on Disney property. I could have happened in any hotel in the country"

I posted this because many people stay offsite. I just returned from staying a few nights offsite and let my ds13 walk to the ice machine by himself because it was one of those hotels that you need a card to get in. I figured what harm could there be. I just wanted to remind people that just because you are visiting Disney, on and offsite, you still have to remain cautious. I am sorry I offended anyone by posting this.
Just to clarify, the young girl was NOT sexually molested, she was assaulted and escaped her assailant. He did not rape her as she was able to fend him off.
She was wondering around looking for her mom when he spotted her and followed her into the elevator. He was out looking for someone to approach and just happened to see her. I'm not sure I would let my 17 year old wonder around alone at a hotel on I-drive, let alone a 12 year old. Fortunately, she handled the situation well.

I just heard on local news that the girl finished a self-defense class two weeks ago and this is what probably saved her.
I thought that it was common knowledge. I know it was pounded into my head at a very young age (and let me tell you that was YEARS ago). You DON'T get on an elevator with one person. If the door opens and someone is standing there waiting to get on, YOU get OFF. If the door opens and one person is in the elevator, YOU STAY OFF. If you are standing at the elevator and one person walks up to get on with you, WALK AWAY! I can't believe I am the only person who knows this.
This guy was arrested once before for trying the same thing on an elevator, but there wasn't enough evidence and he was released. The police have been watching him. The scary part is that he was a middle school music teacher up until he was arrested the first time.
I believe that the Enclave is in the I-Drive area which to me seems a little more adult inclined than Disney area. Don't get me wrong it is a touristy area but not at all like the Disney area. That being said I would never let my girls out of sight like that especially in a hotel.They are pre-teens also as this girl is. How easy would it be for someone to snatch a child as they were walking by a room. Sends chills down my spine.I am so glad all turned out ok but have to agree with the other posts ..where were the parents..


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