Cheerleader Overload

Bathrooms at American Pavilion at Epcot. Every stall had a cheerleader in it changing her clothes ... we were lined up out the door waiting for these girls to come out ... not sure why it takes 10+ minutes to change your clothes but it did.
Just got back from a week at CBR. Vacation started out nice enough, but by mid-week the cheerleaders began pouring in for some sort of National competition and I felt like I was unwillingly thrust into the middle of Spring break. Loads of people milling around in the food court when you wanted to grab a quick bite, and the pool areas were much busier.

Earlier in the week we had usually 8 to 10 people on the Disney park buses. By Friday they were full to standing capacity. It's not that the kids were causing's just the situation when you suddenly have hundreds of kids in a resort having fun. The noise level and crowd level increases, our ability to enjoy the amenities decreases. If it was peak season we'd expect that, but we specifically attempted to go during off-season for a peaceful quiet resort experience as we had in October a few years back. Oh well, live and learn.
We went at the same time last year and it was the same. We stayed at CBR and the girls were everywhere. None of them were rude or anything, like other groups we've encountered, but yes, waking up at 7 am to hear them screaming and practicing cheers, or trying to get kids to sleep at 10 pm and hearing the same, or them laughing and giggling around the rooms, was less than pleasant lol.
hoosll said:
Bathrooms at American Pavilion at Epcot. Every stall had a cheerleader in it changing her clothes ... we were lined up out the door waiting for these girls to come out ... not sure why it takes 10+ minutes to change your clothes but it did.

I need more coffee. At first I read that as "bathrooms of America pavilion". Lol.
I've never been when I noticed any school groups or tour groups being a problem! I guess anytime their are large groups(whatever the age) over the top it does become harder to make your way to the buses, thru the parks, to the lobby, pool or whatever. It can just be expected! I can't imagine anything any worse though than when I was at MK over the 4th! I was packed in like a sardine! LOL! Or trying to get through Epcot during their wine and dine! I know alot are going to disagree but instead of enjoying it that kind of ruined Epcot for me. I couldn't see the countries for the crowd of people standing or sitting around in front of the vendors eating and drinking from one end to the other! LOL! They never moved! I don't know what I expected! You couldn't see or even take a picture of anything! LOL! I enoy Epcot more on a normal crowd day of people! LOL!
With these situations, it is always a balance. Last year at the mnsshp we attended, there was a large foreign camp group or something that decided to literally stop in middle of hub in front of castle (and spilling into main street) and do some sort of cheer right after the first set of fireworks, just as all of the parents of younger kids (like us) were trying to leave park. They created a total (and unnecessary) bottleneck for several minutes, and simply would not move- and then even their group photographer decided they should start posing for pics, so they started additional poses/cheers/etc. That was last straw. My wife said-we need to get out of here- i am normally pretty patient, but i agreed. So i simply scooped up our toddler, told my wife to hold on (to my belt), and i literally plowed a path- other dads followed suit after seeing me take lead. My son thought it was super fun!
I don't understand....why do these sort of competitions have to be held at Disney World? Aren't there other places with a substantial venue that can house these events? Like at city arena's surrounded by lots of hotels or more places like (if it has to be a park atmosphere) Great
Adventure or something? Why do they have to bombard the resorts at a prime vacation destination where ppl don't want to deal with all the chaos ?! :confused3 It surely does make it unpleasant and uncomfortable and shouldn't be so since it costs such a huge amount of money for these vacations. Disney should set aside 1 resort, pref AS's as the host resort and especially not any of the mod's should be an option. And inform people when they call to make reservations that the All Star resort will be hosting the competitors this week and that week so that you have the decision as whether on not you want to be surrounded by all the chaos. At least keep them all in one place. :thumbsup2
I don't understand....why do these sort of competitions have to be held at Disney World? Aren't there other places with a substantial venue that can house these events? Like at city arena's surrounded by lots of hotels or more places like (if it has to be a park atmosphere) Great
Adventure or something? Why do they have to bombard the resorts at a prime vacation destination where ppl don't want to deal with all the chaos ?! :confused3 It surely does make it unpleasant and uncomfortable and shouldn't be so since it costs such a huge amount of money for these vacations. Disney should set aside 1 resort, pref AS's as the host resort and especially not any of the mod's should be an option. And inform people when they call to make reservations that the All Star resort will be hosting the competitors this week and that week so that you have the decision as whether on not you want to be surrounded by all the chaos. At least keep them all in one place. :thumbsup2

WDW welcomes large groups during off seasons to fill up the resorts.

It'd be nice if they'd let guests know, the way they do when pools are being refurbished, but even then rarely give much notice and people have plans in place.

we've run into various groups over the years, just the tipping point i needed to convince the mr to let me buy into DVC.;)

imo it's not the 'sometimes' loosely supervised kids but the fact that they tend to swarm the amenities en masse (especially the food court where i've observed them sitting at tables not eating, while other guests with trays can't find tables).

my DSs have gone on school trips to Orlando parks too, i just hoped they remembered their rearing and didn't run amuck. Kids tend to act far differently in a group situation, they need chaperones to do their job to keep them on track.
Cindie-rella said:
Disney should set aside 1 resort, pref AS's as the host resort and especially not any of the mod's should be an option. And inform people when they call to make reservations that the All Star resort will be hosting the competitors this week and that week so that you have the decision as whether on not you want to be surrounded by all the chaos. At least keep them all in one place

This!! I know they've paid to be there too and I'm happy for them all having fun and celebrating their competitions. I don't even mind people cheering and being loud. But a gigantic group all cheering and being loud at once, is just as disruptive as it would be in any other context. Imagine being on a bus and someone got on with 30 elementary school kids who were all shrieking and screaming and no-one made them be quiet - total nightmare. Its no different if it's teenagers chanting and screaming.... just don't encroach on other people's vacations needlessly.
As a cheer mom I can tell you it is PEEK CHEERLEADING COMPETITION season. From February to April, there are going to be dance teams, cheer teams, etc in Orlando. College Cheer, High School Cheer, All-Star Cheer, Recreation Cheer. They will all have their turn. <3 We love it! The HP Field House is one of several prime locations for cheer competitions. Along with the Silver Spurs Arena (Kissimmee) Orlando Convention Center, Gaylord Palms, and the Peabody Hotel. We live 45 minutes away in Tampa and are always going to Orlando area for competitions.

What you see there now is nothing compared to the Cheerleading Worlds Competition to be held April 27-29 2013. They HP Field House fills to capacity so they have to have one of those jumbo screens outside for all the late arrivals who can't make it inside. We started taking DD 9, there to watch for the first time last year, will go back again this year. You have teams fro all over the world and people coming from all over the world to watch. It is the Olympics of cheerleading.

We will be at WDW when the Worlds are on. I read that the finals will be at World Showcase. Do you know what date/time and where?

Edited to say, I just saw your reply you weren't a cheer mom, so modified my response of asking what gym in the Tampa area you were from. :-)

The Finals on Monday is at the HP Field House (ESPN/WWS). The Dancers are at the World Showcase.
I don't understand....why do these sort of competitions have to be held at Disney World? Aren't there other places with a substantial venue that can house these events? Like at city arena's surrounded by lots of hotels or more places like (if it has to be a park atmosphere) Great
Adventure or something? Why do they have to bombard the resorts at a prime vacation destination where ppl don't want to deal with all the chaos ?! :confused3 It surely does make it unpleasant and uncomfortable and shouldn't be so since it costs such a huge amount of money for these vacations. Disney should set aside 1 resort, pref AS's as the host resort and especially not any of the mod's should be an option. And inform people when they call to make reservations that the All Star resort will be hosting the competitors this week and that week so that you have the decision as whether on not you want to be surrounded by all the chaos. At least keep them all in one place. :thumbsup2

Because they want a vacation too! It is partly what draws the large groups of schools, cheer, dance, etc. to the area to combine with a trip to Disney. The competition companies want to make money, this is the way. Also, the Worlds competition has a 10 year contract with ESPN. It is shown on ESPN as well. It's that big. Disney has these venues for a reason. My daughter's team gym won the Spirit Award two weekends ago at a Disney Competition and it was special having Mickey and Minnie come out to present the award and take a photo.

Also the Worlds competition has outgrown the ESPN HP Field House and Josten Center. However, because of the ten year contract with Disney/ESPN, they have to continue to have it here. They had jumbotrons outside the venues last year and many people could not even get inside (unlimited tickets sold but once max capacity reached they had to watch from outside). People were really mad, so this year they changed it to a 3-day competition. Monday being the most desirable day, they have three sessions where we have to pay separate for each session. Many people are upset now that the prices have increased and say they may not go (spectators, not teams.)
OP, I feel your pain! Honestly there are hardly any slow times at the World anymore. They fill the slow times with something, in the slower winter times now they must market to South America because there are a lot of tour groups from there. They always have something going on, after the cheerleaders is was the marathons.

I have seen it on this board, put nicely the time I saw it, that some tourists wish that FL residents would not clog the parks on week ends. We wish tourists would not clog them in what used to be the times we would go, in the off season!:) Bottom line is that Disney is in business to make money and they market in such a way to keep the place full. I wish they were not so successful but it is what it is.

If you do some investigating though the information is online as to what special events may be going on and that may help you in your future trip planning.

I personally am evaluating renewing annual passes though, it is just to crowded to be enjoyable to me. When I am there I feel sorry for the people who only have a week or a few days to try to do everything. It would be no fun to HAVE to wait in line for 80 minutes or not see Test track or another popular ride. I am tired of having to wait in line to get in because half the entrances are empty because they have been changed over to RFD, then wait in line to eat, wait in line to ride or get a fast pass at a not convenient time and shuffle through the walkways because they are all full of people. I still get that happy feeling when I walk in the park every time but by the time I leave I am so ready to leave!

Thanks for letting me vent!
Found this online about the Dance and Cheer schedules for Worlds:

It might impact ME riders who are arriving late the last week of April, when the competitors and families are arriving. Also, I think we will change our plans and NOT go to Epcot on Monday 4/29 as planned, since that is where the Dance Finals will be that day. Also, note that there is an after party at DHS the evening of Monday 4/29. Not sure how that impacts anything but thought I would mention it.
Found this online about the Dance and Cheer schedules for Worlds:

It might impact ME riders who are arriving late the last week of April, when the competitors and families are arriving. Also, I think we will change our plans and NOT go to Epcot on Monday 4/29 as planned, since that is where the Dance Finals will be that day. Also, note that there is an after party at DHS the evening of Monday 4/29. Not sure how that impacts anything but thought I would mention it.

Well thank goodness I decided to use a town car service instead of ME. Although we aren't arriving until the 27th-late evening though. We had planned on Epcot Monday...changing and going to AK now. We will be at HS on Sunday though for extra magic hour.....hmmm. That's probably going to be a packed mess that night too b/c of EMH. Maybe change those plans around now too. Have an ADR at 50's that evening. :confused3 what to do... Maybe alot of ppl won't go Sunday to DHS since their party will be there Monday.(?)

I know these kids want and deserve a vacation too. I would never want to begrudge them the joys of Disney. And I'm really not saying that they don't belong there. It's just that it put a bad taste in my mouth when we were at POR for the POP Warner thing. As another poster said, kids are kids, and when away from home and parents and just being around so many others on top of the excitement of WDW, well, they become louder even more boisterous. But man....after spending what will be almost $8000. on this trip I really look forward to a pleasant experience. If I wanted pushing, running, yelling, screaming and cheering in large groups of tweens and teens I'd hang out at the local mall on Fridays ! :rotfl: It probably won't be bad at the parks, just wouldn't want to be staying at the hosting resorts.
ALL TEAMS are assured to have an incredible competition as well as
a great time at the world’s most magical place, the
Resort! The USASF/IASF is pleased to offer a convenient and discounted
travel package to all teams, family members and friends.
Travel packages include the following:
• Hotel accommodations on the
Walt Disney World
Resort property
• A
Walt Disney World
Resort 3, 4 or 5 Day Disney Park Hopper
(dates limited from April 20 through May 5, 2013):scared1: all week????!!!! Thats my entire trip !
• 3 days admission into
ESPN Wide World of Sports
Roundtrip airport transfers provided through
Disney’s Magical Express
(Orlando International Airport ONLY!)
• Transportation to all USASF/IASF events
• Free
Walt Disney World
Resort transportation to anywhere on the
Walt Disney World
Resort property
• Private Celebration Party at
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
Theme Park,
complete with thrilling rides!!
-See you there!

This was what was on the site "twodogs" posted. I wonder what kind of a package deal they get?
I wish there was a way they could shrink the size of these groups. We had just finished eating breakfast at Pop when we watched about 100 of them march into the food court.

We were lucky that we already had our food, but when such a large group swarms in, it just overwhelms the place. We were at Sweet Tomatoes once that was taken over by a group of girls from Brazil. These food places just can't keep up.
OP, I feel your pain! Honestly there are hardly any slow times at the World anymore. They fill the slow times with something, in the slower winter times now they must market to South America because there are a lot of tour groups from there. They always have something going on, after the cheerleaders is was the marathons.

I have seen it on this board, put nicely the time I saw it, that some tourists wish that FL residents would not clog the parks on week ends. We wish tourists would not clog them in what used to be the times we would go, in the off season!:) Bottom line is that Disney is in business to make money and they market in such a way to keep the place full. I wish they were not so successful but it is what it is.

If you do some investigating though the information is online as to what special events may be going on and that may help you in your future trip planning.

I personally am evaluating renewing annual passes though, it is just to crowded to be enjoyable to me. When I am there I feel sorry for the people who only have a week or a few days to try to do everything. It would be no fun to HAVE to wait in line for 80 minutes or not see Test track or another popular ride. I am tired of having to wait in line to get in because half the entrances are empty because they have been changed over to RFD, then wait in line to eat, wait in line to ride or get a fast pass at a not convenient time and shuffle through the walkways because they are all full of people. I still get that happy feeling when I walk in the park every time but by the time I leave I am so ready to leave!

Thanks for letting me vent!

Great post! I also have reduced my time at Disney because I don't want to deal with the crowds.

I have to drive 3-hours on Friday/Sat and Sun/Mon on I-75 from Valdosta, GA to Tampa, FL. If I want to vent it would be all of the out-of-state cards who don't know how to drive! Most of these people are headed to Disney. Can you please drive in the far right lane if you want to cruise slower than the flow of traffic. I am tired of having to pass on the right because 95% of the-of-state cars are in the far left or middle lanes! Also stop riding side-by-side to another car for an hour blocking anyone else from passing. I am counting down the time until I get pass the turnpike and away from the Disney tourists on the road! If your kid likes to make ugly faces at the cars around them, I hope you don't get offended when I make faces back at them! It often shocks them and I see them "tattling" on me to their parents afterwards. LOL.
I wish there was a way they could shrink the size of these groups. We had just finished eating breakfast at Pop when we watched about 100 of them march into the food court.

We were lucky that we already had our food, but when such a large group swarms in, it just overwhelms the place. We were at Sweet Tomatoes once that was taken over by a group of girls from Brazil. These food places just can't keep up.

Unfortunately, many of us from the "cheerleading side" of the issue have also been complaining that Disney is too small for certain competitions like the Cheerleading Worlds. In the cheerleading discussion forums there were many angry people after the 2012 Worlds. The HP Field House only holds 5,000 people. The Josten Center seats 1,200 people. Between these two venues, they reached max capacity, the Fire Marshall was called to the event because of the capacity limits. Parents could not get into see their own kids compete because max capacity was reached. Once max capacity was reached, the only option was to watch the event outside in the heat on the jumbotron. Because of the issues from 2012, 2013 they revised to a 3-day instead of a 2-day in hopes to spread out the crowds more. The increase in the overall prices is causing some spectators to select few days or not go at all.

For us, instead of paying $40 per person on Saturday and Sunday for me, DH, and DD... we will just go Monday only and pay $30 per person, per session. Monday has the teams we want to see the most!

Not all of the spectators may decide to go to the parks. Some just go to the competition only.

Keep in mind this is also a "world competition" as in international event. When I was re-reading the cheer boards yesterday it was brought up that Disney capabilities for handling international teams who do not speak a lot of English. The teams from Asia and Europe also love to come to Disney. The international teams are awesome to watch. If you have the time, watch/youtube the Bangkok team from 2011. Here is the link to their youtube video: ESPN Clip with commentary: Full Routine:
Cheer mom here. It was our 1st time at the nationals. We always stay DVC but for competition we stayed @ Sports. I must say that the resort was filled to the brim with cheerleaders. I felt so sorry for anyone staying there who wasn't their for nationals. The parks weren't bad though. Wide world of Sports was crowded. I look forward to returning to our calm, quiet DVC in July.
Unfortunately, many of us from the "cheerleading side" of the issue have also been complaining that Disney is too small for certain competitions like the Cheerleading Worlds. In the cheerleading discussion forums there were many angry people after the 2012 Worlds. The HP Field House only holds 5,000 people. The Josten Center seats 1,200 people. Between these two venues, they reached max capacity, the Fire Marshall was called to the event because of the capacity limits. Parents could not get into see their own kids compete because max capacity was reached. Once max capacity was reached, the only option was to watch the event outside in the heat on the jumbotron. Because of the issues from 2012, 2013 they revised to a 3-day instead of a 2-day in hopes to spread out the crowds more. The increase in the overall prices is causing some spectators to select few days or not go at all.

For us, instead of paying $40 per person on Saturday and Sunday for me, DH, and DD... we will just go Monday only and pay $30 per person, per session. Monday has the teams we want to see the most!

Not all of the spectators may decide to go to the parks. Some just go to the competition only.

Keep in mind this is also a "world competition" as in international event. When I was re-reading the cheer boards yesterday it was brought up that Disney capabilities for handling international teams who do not speak a lot of English. The teams from Asia and Europe also love to come to Disney. The international teams are awesome to watch. If you have the time, watch/youtube the Bangkok team from 2011. Here is the link to their youtube video: ESPN Clip with commentary: Full Routine:
ITA that Worlds needs to go to a larger venue. There is just not enough room for everyone. I don't undertand why they don't go the Cheersport route and use a venue like the World Congress Center.


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