Characters vs. Pin Traders: It's Heated War! A Pixie-Dusted Nerdventure (COMPLETE)

Yay FINALLY! It's absolutely magical, isn't it. The lockers are incomprehensible to the Muggles and they just create a boondoggle for those of us who know the right spells to open the lockers.

I can tell you were immersed in the beauty of it all. Darn the Muggle apparatus called a camera. I know you would have used your magic rather than that camera but didn't want to scare the poor souls there, right?
My favorite part of WWoHp was simply sitting in the Owl Post area listening to the score from the movie playing in the background. So amazing. Can't wait for more.:thumbsup2

(as for the Matterhorn in Disneyland, I know SB castle was designed to appear somewhat like Neuschwanstein castle, in Bavaria, and every castle needs a good mountain I guess it's 'Alpish' enough . It did make for an excellent spot for Tinkerbell (moi) to fly down to light the fireworks over the castle) It just seems odd, to see it on the Tomorrowland side (also as I'm sure you know it is faster and more intense on one side than it is on the other?)
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YAAAAAAAAAAAS TO HARRY POTTER WORLD!!!! I want to go back so badly.

I also watched "OVERLOOKED MAGIC: Disney's Hollywood Studios" today, liked the vid, all that good stuff. Your vlogs are everything.
Yay FINALLY! It's absolutely magical, isn't it. The lockers are incomprehensible to the Muggles and they just create a boondoggle for those of us who know the right spells to open the lockers.

I can tell you were immersed in the beauty of it all. Darn the Muggle apparatus called a camera. I know you would have used your magic rather than that camera but didn't want to scare the poor souls there, right?
My favorite part of WWoHp was simply sitting in the Owl Post area listening to the score from the movie playing in the background. So amazing. Can't wait for more.:thumbsup2

(as for the Matterhorn in Disneyland, I know SB castle was designed to appear somewhat like Neuschwanstein castle, in Bavaria, and every castle needs a good mountain I guess it's 'Alpish' enough . It did make for an excellent spot for Tinkerbell (moi) to fly down to light the fireworks over the castle) It just seems odd, to see it on the Tomorrowland side (also as I'm sure you know it is faster and more intense on one side than it is on the other?)

It is! And OMG those lockers. The worst. Too many muggles. Too many wizards. Luckily, I am of the wizard crowd because we are efficient

I totally would've. Even then I wouldn't be able to encapsulate all the wonderful magic that is WWoHP.

Oh that sounds perfect! Next time I'm there, I'm definitely going to find an area where a score just gives me life and sit there for awhile. After spending time in Diagon Alley, of course. :teeth:

Oh interesting. I didn't know that's what Sleeping Beauty's Castle's design was based off of. I know that some castle in Spain is what Cinderella is based off, but I wasn't sure where SB's was. But that is weird how Matterhorn Mountain does cross over into two lands. I didn't really think about that. I really want to go ride it. I've heard some things about the updates they made and OMG like get me there right now. Disneyland is the place to be and yet I am at home writing this update with nothing better to do. :/

YAAAAAAAAAAAS TO HARRY POTTER WORLD!!!! I want to go back so badly.

I also watched "OVERLOOKED MAGIC: Disney's Hollywood Studios" today, liked the vid, all that good stuff. Your vlogs are everything.


YAY!!! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I am in the process of posting another one today so you should check it out along with my EPCOT one from last week. :thumbsup2
I just wanted to let you all know that I have officially finished writing the entirety of the trip aspect of this trip report! WOOT WOOT!!! Yeah, I am officially set to post regularly up until the last day. I have just started working on the wrap-up and will hopefully have that done ASAP. My goal is to have everything finished by this weekend, but that may be a bit ambitious even with how productive I have been this past week.

In other news, I am in the process of uploading my Overlooked Disney vlog on the Magic Kingdom right now and have since before uploaded one on EPCOT. You will be able to find them both and my other two on Resorts and Hollywood Studios at this link:

Okay, enough of the self-promotion and such, let's get on with the update, shall we?

That Awkward Moment When Your Butterbeer Upsets A God
June 27th, 2014

As we walked out... ermm... narrowly escaped Mrs. Norris before Filch got back, we happened upon the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic...

...And some of those Proud Brothers of Durmstrang!

We turned around to see if the wait had changed considering the sorting had now gotten underway quicker.

Oh those muggles with their (in)accurate wait times! No matter with that though, we were parched and where did you go when you need a refreshment? The Butterbeer cart!

And what do you buy at the Butterbeer cart?

Butterbeer, of course!

Yes, 'tis my first Butterbeer so I couldn't get my first without having to buy the nice little muggle mug (hehe) to commemorate the occasion.

My thoughts? It was DELISH. Not sure it beat my love of another magical muggle drink from a far off kingdom, but it was very good and definitely helped when it came to the Florida weather.

I took my time drinking through the Butterbeer as we walked back through Hogsmeade, enjoying the delicious drink alongside the remarkable atmosphere:



Now would've been the optimal time to go visit Diagon Alley for some last minute school shopping but...

They had set a protective charm, which we couldn't get through. Oh well, b-bye Hogsmeade! We'll be back after a little jaunt in the muggle world.

*apparate to the Lost Continent*

That was a lot smoother than I expected! I should try apparating more often... just not in Muggle eye.

Anyways, we continued along and happened upon Poseidon's Fury. It was the only attraction in The Lost Continent so we said "why not?" and got in line.

Again, that detail. Wow. Disney is really being given a run for their money at these places.

I was still finishing my butterbeer when we got in line as did Nate. Nate only had a plastic cup and was able to throw his out. Me on the other hand was trying to figure out a way to hide the cup because, as far as I'm concerned, carrying a recently drunk or eaten anything is a big no-no on attractions. My bag was the only option so I put it in there, balancing it to ensure that there was no excess fluid leaking on my stuff.

Although the queue was long and there wasn't really anyone in line, we had to wait a little bit and started talking this couple who were visiting from outside the United States. I believe they were from Scandinavia. I'm positive after this interaction that foreign visitors are just like bees to honey when it comes to Nate. They were super nice. We talked about what we had done on our trips and such until we finally were let into the attraction.

I always heard mixed reviews on this attraction/show, but I really liked it! It was super cool and immersive. Our guide was hysterical and really brought the experience full circle. The effects and sets were amazing and unlike anything I've seen before. If you are kinda left wandering in Islands of Adventure trying to find something to do with a short line, check this out. It's a lot better than people make it out to be. Or it might've been just the fact that Poseidon noticed I was balancing an illegal Butterbeer in my bag and got even angrier putting on a grander fury. We'll never know.

After we had finished in the final scene (which is EPIC), we decided to go get this Butterbeer situation fixed and headed to the bathroom. Nate helped me wash it out since it had gotten pretty sticky in the time it took to go through Poseidon's Fury, the prior queue and the walk to the bathroom. Eventually, it was spotless and we could continue on. We didn't really have anything else that we could think of doing so we made a slow exit out of The Lost Continent, probably saying goodbye for the last time already.

But don't be sad yet. We still had a lot more of IoA (and subsequently Universal) to cover. Where to next?

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Alert received!
Oh no I can't believe it's almost ending! You MUST return so we can have another report, better yet whenever you are accepted into the DCP in the future you should do a report on your adventures, like Jess did. :thumbsup2
Butterbeer, brings back memories, I still fix it in the mug I got(my version which is pretty close) AND I was drinking mine WHILE listening to the score in Hogsmeade (forgot that little tidbit). The UK accents really made the village seem even more real. Poseidon's Fury was pretty neat but my blisters were killing me by then so I probably didn't enjoy it as much, glad you liked it and survived the Butterbeer debacle. It's possible Poseidon sensed a 'magical' presence:hyper:

Can't wait to hear more:banana: and I'm impressed you did so much when it was so crowded. When I return it will be around the same time as before, in early NOV. School is going on so the grands can't go but they aren't big HP fans (well at least not like their gram, who will NEVER grow up):rotfl2:
It just wasn't crowded then, cold but not crowded. It did make for a bit of a chill on the water rides in IoA but they were still lots of fun. We didn't do Universal since we were in a time crunch (a business trip for my travelmate) but my main focus was on WWoHP, even though we did do most everything in IoA.
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I must say I don't really get the Harry Potter references (I know, I know... shameful) but ya know it's cool, I'm still enjoying the updates! Hahah

Sounds like the Universal day was a success so far! Woo!
You literally can't end this trip report... you just... can't.... go back to WDW and write a new one ASAP :rotfl:

The Beauxbatons girls look so pretty in their little powder blue dresses and hats!!!!

How great is butterbeer? Now I want one :drinking1

I must admit, I didn't explore much of IoA when my family went... after we finished up the HP stuff, my parents insisted on going straight to Universal :scared1: next time I go, I'll have to explore the rest of it!!!
Alert received!
Oh no I can't believe it's almost ending! You MUST return so we can have another report, better yet whenever you are accepted into the DCP in the future you should do a report on your adventures, like Jess did. :thumbsup2

Haha, I hope to, hopefully before my DCP. And I'm not sure I will do a report on that since I want to vlog it, but we shall see. :)

Butterbeer, brings back memories, I still fix it in the mug I got(my version which is pretty close) AND I was drinking mine WHILE listening to the score in Hogsmeade (forgot that little tidbit). The UK accents really made the village seem even more real. Poseidon's Fury was pretty neat but my blisters were killing me by then so I probably didn't enjoy it as much, glad you liked it and survived the Butterbeer debacle. It's possible Poseidon sensed a 'magical' presence:hyper:

Haha, that's awesome! I'll probably be bringing my mug with me whenever I go back so I won't just be stuck with the disposable cups.

That stinks about Poseidon's Fury. That is definitely not the ride to come on with blisters, too much standing. Ouch! And yeah, maybe he did. ;)

Can't wait to hear more:banana: and I'm impressed you did so much when it was so crowded. When I return it will be around the same time as before, in early NOV. School is going on so the grands can't go but they aren't big HP fans (well at least not like their gram, who will NEVER grow up):rotfl2:
It just wasn't crowded then, cold but not crowded. It did make for a bit of a chill on the water rides in IoA but they were still lots of fun. We didn't do Universal since we were in a time crunch (a business trip for my travelmate) but my main focus was on WWoHP, even though we did do most everything in IoA.

I'll be updating in a sec so there's more to come soon. :thumbsup2 That's awesome! I hope you have a great time!

Oh, well I guess you'll HAVE to go to Universal now because DIAGON ALLEY. You CANNOT miss out on Diagon Alley!!

I must say I don't really get the Harry Potter references (I know, I know... shameful) but ya know it's cool, I'm still enjoying the updates! Hahah

Sounds like the Universal day was a success so far! Woo!

*gasp* *tosses entire HP book and movie series to Marissa* Read It. Watch It. And Weep.

It definitely was and we've just barely gotten started. :teeth:

You literally can't end this trip report... you just... can't.... go back to WDW and write a new one ASAP :rotfl:

Haha, I will try! I really will try.

The Beauxbatons girls look so pretty in their little powder blue dresses and hats!!!!


How great is butterbeer? Now I want one :drinking1


I must admit, I didn't explore much of IoA when my family went... after we finished up the HP stuff, my parents insisted on going straight to Universal :scared1: next time I go, I'll have to explore the rest of it!!!

Definitely! IoA is the better half IMO. The theming is better and there are a lot more attractions. Universal doesn't have such a diversity of theming so you definitely must next time. After going to Universal to see Diagon Alley though :thumbsup2
My Spidey Senses Are Tingling!
June 27th, 2014

As we exited the Lost Continent, we magically ended up in the colorful land of Seuss Landing!

Our plan was to head to Superhero Island to cover some more of the big named rides, but we happened upon this:

And with almost no wait! Of course, we weren't going to pass up this golden opportunity. Let's go!

Nate had told me the last time he was in Universal with his family, this ride had the most ridiculous wait and he actually had never been on it before. In that respect, we were doing pretty good in terms of our ride choices thus far. I also was really enjoying the theming of Seuss Land. Like most, I grew up with the books and their subsequent movie adaptations so this was just extra cool, not to mention I'm a color fiend and it was all so dang colorful! I LOVED IT.

A Seuss-y selfie for good measure

As we got to the top, we kept on hearing some really enthusiastic voice come over the speakers at times. We were a bit confused by this until we saw this guy.

This train operator was having the time of his life. It was such a shame we had to load on the opposite side where the girl who was operating it on our side looked like she needed multiple cups of coffee even if it was well into daytime, but we still could listen to the aforementioned guy having a grand ole time. Honestly, I think the girl could really get something out of that. Yeah, ride operating is redundant, but you can make it fun like any job. If you make it fun, you'll probably do a much better job at your job and like it more.

Anyways, we were loaded on eventually and were off. The ride wasn't anything spectacular. It was more of a not-as-comfortable and less-relaxing version of the PeopleMover. It really just made me miss one of my faves more and I don't remember much else about it except the story of the Sneeches was a part of the voice-over.

After we got off, which was complicated (once again) by the rope on my bag, we decided to explore more of Seuss Landing for a bit...

"The one feathered tail of Miss Gertrude McFuzz..."

"Come one! Come all! To the Circus McGirkus, the world's greatest show on the face of the Earth or wherever you go!"

As we exited Seuss Landing, Nate called Mears to let them know of when we wanted to be picked up. We were moving at a pretty quick pace and it wasn't even really afternoon yet so we both decided 6:30 sounded like a good time. We confirmed that and were on our way.

Next stop: Superhero Island!

Nate tried to get me to do the Hulk, but that was a big NO from me. It really was not happening with me with new thrills this trip.

I had gotten a lot of recommendations to ride the Spiderman ride so that was where we headed first. Unfortunately, the line was already pretty long. Luckily, we found the single rider line and decided that was our best route. The wait was still long and Universal sets up the worst queues for single riders so it was kinda crammed, but we eventually made it to the front. I snagged a picture of the cool glow-in-the-dark spidey web they had on the wall. Sadly, the glow-in-the-dark aspect does not translate well to camera.

We thought for a sec, we'd be riding together, but we ended up just one car away from one another, which was fine and it didn't hinder our experience in the slightest.

How so?

Because Spiderman was AWESOME! Another big win for Universal! Not nearly as fun as Forbidden Journey, but still really fun and thrilling. The 3-D was unreal and really felt like you were in the midst of those scenes especially when things like a rising platform were added. Those recommendations were not done in vain on this one. Spidey definitely lived up to expectations. Did I mention he's my favorite superhero btw? No? Now you know.

Nate photobomb

The theming of Superhero Island was pretty good, but seemed very generic when compared to a few of the other lands around Universal. It didn't blow me away like Hogsmeade or the Lost Continent, it was just decent. And it didn't cater to my sensibilities like Seuss Landing so... yeah, not very memorable. Reminded me of Six Flags a bit, except semi-cleaner.

We didn't stay much longer and headed to this lovely land (pictured below) for all the other fun that was in store for us.

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Seuss Landing looks so cute and whimsical, love it!!

Ooh, the Spider-Man ride sounds so cool! Sounds like yall were having a VERY successful day. ::yes::
Spiderman is so awesome! It was awesome before it was refurbished and is even better now. The Transformers ride next door is much like it, but I just like the character Spiderman more.
Seuss Landing looks so cute and whimsical, love it!!

Ooh, the Spider-Man ride sounds so cool! Sounds like yall were having a VERY successful day. ::yes::

It was a very successful day thus far. And yeah, both Seuss Landing and Spiderman are lovely! Especially Spiderman. ::yes::

Spiderman is so awesome! It was awesome before it was refurbished and is even better now. The Transformers ride next door is much like it, but I just like the character Spiderman more.

I'm so glad I rode it and didn't do Transformers because I have heard they are pretty much the same and Spidey is my fave superhero while I could careless about Transformers lol
Popeye Gave Us A Major Soakin' And It Was All Over From There Part I
June 27th, 2014

Toon Lagoon was laid out perfectly before and we were only a land away from completing the Islands of Adventure loop.

I've heard a lot of people say that this area is outdated. I strongly disagree. Yes, there are many people who might not recognize some of these iconic cartoon figures (when they really should), but it's not like the area presents them in a tacky way. It's all nicely painted and designed. It feels like you really are walking into a land overrun by the cartoon world. Also, the whimsy of classic cartoons like Popeye or Betty Boop is so timeless and it was impossible to stop smiling while I looked around and snapped photo after photo after photo.

We had two rides to choose from, directly across from each other. They both were water rides so the first one I could remember the full name of popped into my head and we hopped in line for...

I mean, why not?

The theming for the Popeye queue was so on-point. The photos I took of it were a lot a lot.

"You're gonna get WE-ET!"


There were also some cool interactive parts. I don't remember specifics, but Nate got really into this one involving a window and a rope.

That was fun. Back to the rest of the queue.

Werking that Goof swag today!

The wait was long, but luckily we had a lot of entertainment and the inevitability of a "cooling off" made it go much quicker. At the time, we didn't exactly pay attention to the signs about "Prepare yerself for the soaking" or something along those lines because... they were almost an understatement. The ride itself is kinda meh, but it makes sure you get pretty saturated, which kinda was what made it not such a fun experience for me or Nate. Especially when it came to how soaked our socks and shoes got. Like, we barely got washed over by a wave or whatever, instead, our raft just kept on getting flooded with water and added ten extra pounds to the footwear. I totally picked the wrong moment to just close my eyes and point on this attraction. Never. Again.

We ended up sitting outside of the exit of the ride for about twenty minutes drying off (part of which involved taking off our shoes and socks so they could dry out in the sun (and believe it or not, we weren't the only ones)) :

Here is a how I felt about that:

Not cool, Popeye and Bluto. Not cool.

After we felt as if we were dry enough (read: damp enough), we picked up our stuff and headed back through Toon Lagoon to get back to Hogwarts. Not sure why we didn't go through the Jurassic Park area and kinda regretting it because unfortunately this is where our Islands of Adventure loop ended *sigh* Yeah, but it wasn't like we were done with IoA, there still was a LOT more to enjoy. Come along!

It says in my notes "Nate was enjoying dampness." I don't know what I meant there.

We went through one of the gift shops just to get out of the heat for a second.

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Popeye Gave Us A Major Soakin' And It Was All Over From There Part II
June 27th, 2014

Then, right back out into the sun...

...And back through Superhero Island!


I had to get a selfie with my friendly neighborhood Spiderman!

Nate asked if we could check out the arcade. My initial reaction was a "No, why in the world would we go to an arcade at Universal? There is so many other better things we could be doing with our time." But I've been kinda a control freak over this whole trip so I obliged for a sec and we took a moment to walk around the Superhero Island arcade for a moment.

Then, we were outta there!

Sorry, Mr. Hulk. Not today. Not today.

We meandered past through the entrance area whose proper name escapes me...

They're everywhere now. Nobody is safe.

And found our way back to Seuss Landing!

We saw that the line for The Cat in the Hat had died down a bit so we hopped in to wait for that!

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Popeye Gave Us A Major Soakin' And It Was All Over From There Part III
June 27th, 2014

As much as Universal can be right on-point with Disney with their theming, Disney always manages to figure out a way to cover up the scaffolding and warehouse aspects of their attractions. Even though there are many neutral colored ceilings to be found, they do not detract in the slightest from the experience, but Universal seems to miss things like that sometimes. C'mon Universal, get your game up!

Aside from that, the attraction was still super cute. I will agree it did seem outdated, but it brought me back to another point of my non-Disney related childhood that I loved. I remember having my mom read our extensive collection of Theodore Geisel's (Dr. Seuss for any of you not up on your Seuss trivia) iconic picture books to me when I was still learning how to (along with some of my favorite Sesame Street books). I remember when I was a little older, I would read them on my own and the special affinity for the Tongue Twister book he wrote as well as the Cat in the Hat series. Let's not forget how much my family enjoyed the awful Cat in the Hat movie with Dakota Fanning and Spencer Breslin and watching the heck out of that! Let's not forget when I was in the weirdest production of Seussical Jr. ever. Yup, Dr. Seuss you forever have a place in my heart.

Unfortunately, I did not realize how much I hadn't really dried off when we got on the ride and was trying my hardest to not saturate the seat too much or at least without the Universal Team Members from noticing so a lot of the reminiscing came post ride where we passed by the street from my favorite Seuss tale of all-time (well second, depending on the time of year)!

My family has kept our copy of this book so pristine, it's beautiful. Funnily enough, I haven't even seen the animated film they made of this one.

Anyways, onward to Hogsmeade!

Yay, we're back!

I wasn't really interested in going on any more readers or acquiring a Butterbeer as much as I loved it, but just walking through and seeing what merch I'd be getting out of this Universal trip. First though, a nice little walk through...

Does anyone remember when on Celebrity Apprentice the women's team at the time basically created the concept for the Ollivander's experience? My fave episode of my fave season ever!

I realized I had yet to get a selfie with the awe-inspiring Hogwarts Castle. I immediately remedied that situation.


Then, we headed into Filch's Emporium to do some retail therapy (well, for me to do some retail therapy).

I ended up not getting a new wand as I thought I would, but bough myself a Ravenclaw T-Shirt and a Gryffindor mug for my mom since she is probably the biggest Harry Potter fan in the family next to me. It's the only YA series aside from Twilight that she managed to get through (and this is HANDS DOWN our favorite). She wants to go to WWoHP so I couldn't just not get her something and this mug seemed perfect. I got my stuff, I think Nate bought a keychain or something and we left. When we got back out, we decided that this would be the end of our IoA adventures and that it was time to head over to the Universal Studios park.

As we were heading out, we noticed the Hogwarts choir was having a nice little jam and stopped a moment to watch:

They're no Voices of Liberty, but they're good and we continued on out.

I think my camera was starting to die, earlier than normal for some reason so I only got some last photos of IoA from our exit.

Goodbye Islands of Adventure! It was wonderful finally getting to visit you. It was definitely a very satisfactory visit.

Now, onward to Universal Studios!

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So loving your TR and all your enthusiasm!! I haven't even made it a third of the way through yet, but I just had to tell you how much I like it! I'm sure I'll be back with more comments later, but I'll definitely be following along!
Well I started reading about a week ago and just got caught up! I'm really enjoying your writing style. You seem so enthusiastic and genuinely excited about everything you've done. I'm a huge HP fanatic too and enjoyed your visit through Hogsmeade. It stinks you guys went just before the opening of Diagon Alley. It really is remarkable.
So loving your TR and all your enthusiasm!! I haven't even made it a third of the way through yet, but I just had to tell you how much I like it! I'm sure I'll be back with more comments later, but I'll definitely be following along!

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! And :welcome: :)

Well I started reading about a week ago and just got caught up! I'm really enjoying your writing style. You seem so enthusiastic and genuinely excited about everything you've done. I'm a huge HP fanatic too and enjoyed your visit through Hogsmeade. It stinks you guys went just before the opening of Diagon Alley. It really is remarkable.

Thank you! And :welcome: I really was very enthusiastic about everything. This trip was a long time in the making. It's sad I wasn't able to visit Diagon Alley, but Hogsmeade was fantastic and now I have so much to look forward to for a return trip. :thumbsup2
Just wanted to put in a plug here for Jurassic World because it is fantastic and although I somehow never went to Jurassic Park at Universal, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I had high expectations for this reboot and it was awesome! So so so good. I'm also going to be seeing Inside Out at an early screening tonight EEEPPP So pumped about it and I will give a thorough review of that for my next update! Hope everyone is having a great summer so far! Wishing you all a magical rest of your day too!

On to the update...

June 27th, 2014

On our way over to Universal Studios, we passed by CityWalk's own Hard Rock Cafe. My dad and I have this thing about sending pics to each other whenever we see a Hard Rock Cafe. Whenever he would be on business trips to Philadelphia, he would send me some pics or just let me know. I tried to return the favor, but my phone wasn't really cooperating. My camera had finally taken its last breath so I was completely reliant on my phone for photos, which was another reason I didn't worry too much about getting the picture to my dad since I probably would have to put my phone on airplane mode sooner or later. I still managed to get a photo of the Cafe nonetheless:

We walked right on into Universal Studios without any problems. As soon as we got in, I told Nate I had to check out this one particular ride so we grabbed a map and started heading off in that direction.

The heat was starting to get to Nate so we detoured into the Universal Studios shop to cool off a bit. At this point, we had definitely gotten rid of those last few droplets from Popeye's.

I was really eyeballing all that Minion merch! Love me some minions and look, it's the FLUFFY Unicorn!! Gahhh, Despicable Me... That movie. Why you make me pull my allegiance away from Disney sometimes?

Anyways, Nate was feeling a little better so we kept on trekking.

The Blues Brothers decided to take their little party by our way.

We kinda creeped behind them, but eventually they veered off to a backstage area and we found Universal's own Hollywood Walk of Fame!

The movie buff in me was starting to come out big time about now.

And right at the end of the Walk was our destination...

Yup, I confess it! I LOOOOOVEEE E.T.!!! It was also the movie that kinda introduced me to this little theme park known as Universal. My mom was a big fan and when she was able to get her fingers on a copy of the VHS, we watched it and I fell in love. Yeah, it definitely scared me a little at whatever age, but I thought it was the most adorable thing in the end and watching it now, I love it even more. Steven Spielberg truly knows how to make a Sci Fi film into so much more than about the action and fiction behind it.

Needless to say, I was so excited to finally fly with the little alien!

Speak of the devil...

It definitely lived up to expectations. I was upset though because we weren't able to give our names so E.T. could say them to us, but that was only a minor detail. The ride was super enjoyable and really encapsulates all the film's best assets. I actually ended up sitting in the bike with E.T., which added a lot to the experience. Also, the fact that when we walked up, the time written was 45 minutes and the time it took us to wait and get on the ride was probably more like 35 minutes. I've heard a lot that people would rather this ride wouldn't exist any longer, but I disagree. Yeah, E.T. may not be as popular as it probably was when the park originally opened, but it's such a classic. My mom still singularly remembers riding this attraction and the fact that Jaws no longer exists kinda puts Universal way too far into the future to rid themselves of one of the original attractions. I really hope it sticks around for many years and I'll definitely be a returning fan in that time.

After exiting E.T., Nate said he wanted to go find Men in Black. The kid was in desperate in some game type of atmosphere and it was an attraction either way so we continued on further into Universal, when we happened upon...


I've never been a huge Simpsons fan nor has Nate so we planned to just stroll on through. I guess the bitter taste of the Simpsons Ride replacing Back to the Future made this stroll a lot more satisfying. I still got pictures since the theming is actually pretty on-point for someone who has watched Simpsons in passing a few times. Or was it because the facade of London loomed in the distance?

That dragon tail still taunts me to this day.

Yeah, might've been London. But I got closer later so I might as well snap a few Springfield shots.

And we had arrived!

Yet another Universal ride that didn't take kindly to extra baggage. We stopped quickly at the locker area to go stow my bags and anything else not worth bringing on that would just add extra weight. It took a bit longer since apparently there were a lot more people with bags who wanted to ride Men in Black. Weird.

The normal wait for Men in Black was rather long and looked as such so we hopped into single rider, which again had the worst little queue area. Seriously, these hallways they set aside for single rider are the most claustrophobic things I have ever seen. I know Disney has a lot less single rider than Universal, but at least they don't just shove it in the most convenient space and leave room for it, especially since you tend to wait there awhile until they finally start sending in a huge chunk of the line to be available for adding in extra people.

Anyways, we waited, we got to the ride loading area and... Nate and I were put in the same vehicle and same row! It was the best and we were put with this really awesome group of girls who were totally into the game. They were super friendly and we had a nice pregame chat. I love when you get put with an awesome bunch of people.

The ride itself was actually pretty fun. I can go other way with the shooting game rides. I love TSMM, but am iffy on Buzz, although I'm slowly warming up to it as I get more of a grip on it. Men in Black definitely falls into one I really enjoyed. I wasn't best in vehicle unfortunately, but I was winning in the first half and kept up with Nate most of the time. Unfortunately, I can be a sore winner (it doesn't happen often, what can I say?) and then it bites me in the butt when someone else just sneaks in and gets the better of my flaunting. In the end (which is a lot more disorienting than the pre-show lets you in on), I didn't win, but I realized I can be pretty dang good at this stuff.

We headed out and went straight to the lockers where I totally blanked on which locker I chose. I knew the area, but not the locker. Probably should've let that lady find her locker at Forbidden Journey so this karma wouldn't happen. We found it eventually, got my stuff and started heading towards the new London/Diagon Alley area. I was crossing my fingers that maybe... by some happy chance... we'd be there for a surprise soft opening and for a moment, I thought I saw some Universal Team Members letting people into King's Cross...


Continued Here
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How did I manage to miss these many updates???

Seuss landing is so cute!!! HOW???

I'm so sorry Popeye left you soaking wet. That stinks when you don't want to get wet :(

Superhero island looks freaking awesome, man.

omg I have so many flashbacks from your Minion Mayhem photos. Basically when my family rode Despicable Me, we got off the ride and Grace (little sis) wanted a minion and there were a bunch of other people buying minions and the woman at the cashier gave each minion a name and gave all of the kids instructions on how to care for them it was great. AND THEN we took a photo with Vektor and the blonde girl with the pink hat (Edith?), and it turns out that the following September I was in a show with the voice actor for Edith(?). Crazy times man.

Aww, it looks like ET had somewhat of a sentimental value to you and I'm so glad you had a good time!!!

I'm a Simpsons fan and honestly I don't like the section of the park. Once you get past the great theming, it's so cheesy and carnival-like. You were right to stroll on past it :rolleyes1

Sorry about the Men in Black single rider line... that's always gross, being in a tight space when it's so hot outside.

OH MY GOSH SUSPENSE!!!! Can't wait!!!


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