Celebrating 20 years at WDW - Bonus features, A few posts from May, Updated 9/11

Way behind Alison, as usual. Just wanted to come on and tell you how beautiful it was to see your relationship in pictures. I was really taken with the picture of you and Fran playing Christmas carols at your parents. Beauty in simple moments. Just lovely. Thank you.
No idea. Haven't looked yet. I was thinking... a couple of weeks.

That would certainly be enough. I did it once on the way home from my parents, we caught Hwy 1 in Santa Cruz and took it to Ventura (I think). At the time I lived in the San Fernando Valley. Several times Fran and I have gone to Laguna Beach (for the Crazy Shirts store and lunch) and then driven back home up Hwy 1, it's an interesting drive.

Not demanding anything! Honest!

No! I don't think you are. I would love to show my home off, but we really need the carpets cleaned. Since I live in it, I don't notice, but let's just say the less desirable aspects of the cats have become more evident. When we came home from our Alaska trip I realized how bad it had become.

But not so much when it comes to Star Tours.

Probably not.

Except, here you find the leak fast... Die from kaboom or die from freezing.

See we're lucky. The water heater has it's own shut off valve and the problem has something to do with the pilot light and the water heater. Plus we have two different water heaters. One for the south half of the house and one for the north half of the house. We have hot water in our bedroom, just not in the kitchen, laundry or Olga's (guest room). We don't need hot water for laundry as we wash everything in cold (so it doesn't shrink), the dryer still has a working gas feed, the stove has gas, and the heaters in both wings of the house still work. So even if it got down to freezing here, we wouldn't freeze.
overpriced clothing for skinny chicks

OMG. :rotfl::rotfl2::rotfl:


Disney Springs, where if you need any kind of luggage, we have it!

I was thrilled to find out that they had my favorite oysters, Malpeques.

Alison, has a favourite type of oysters. Alison knows there are different types of oysters. What a catch. :laughing:

I also got my favorite Martini, a Belvedere Gibson Up.

Repeat and rinse. :rotfl:
On our way to dinner, we stopped at the Boardwalk Bakery for some “Breakfast treats” according to Fran. I wondered what the bacon and eggs, corn flakes, yogurt and muffin mix were considered. :confused3

Love Alison. Love. :laughing:

Well probably taken for granted love but still LOVE. ;)


And speaking of love --- LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of Fran (I have to steal pictures from your photobucket like a stalker - I can't seem to get the pictures to go to reply form as usual. Grrr. Driving me nuts.)

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Here is one thing that really stunned me. When we did a similar event in 2005, Fran and I were the conference chairs. For the band, we had programmed a piece that was written for the kids at Columbine HS, and there was an opening part to be sang by a 4-part choir. We had planned for the kids from the choir at the school to perform this portion, but when the parents got wind of the fact that the group was made up of gays and lesbians, the parents put the kabash on it real quick. So fast forward to 2016, the kids and parents of the band had donated their time and effort to cook us a meal of baked rigatoni, salad and garlic bread, and they even served it to us! It wasn't fancy, but they made they with their hearts. I was pleased to see what changes were made with the passing of a decade and a new generation of parents. Unfortunately I was still so full from my lunch that I ate some salad and a few bites of the pasta and I was done.


No other words. Wow in that "oh yeah I forgot" mode. And wow in what a beautiful world it is. It makes me think about all the people that cherish "the good ol' days".
:lmao: Did I strike a chord there?


Lord. :drinking1


Beautiful shot Alison ---

Well that's it for the night. Halfway through, wasn't too hard as apparently I've lost my brain somewhere. I realized while reading that I've read part of this TR. Sigh to me. Smiling to you.
Once we got to AK I decided to drive the scooter off the bus though our driver offered to move them for us. I wasn't sure if he would do more harm than good, thus the decision. Of course he felt the need to direct my every move as I rolled off the bus. It was really annoying.
Well, given my track record of experience with scooter drivers, I can understand the bus driver's skepticism on some level. He's probably had some kind of traumatic experience with one of these half braindead idiot drivers.

The Cheetah were the most active I've ever seen!
That really is impressive. I think I've only been able to even see them once and even then they were using their camouflage well.

Fran decided on the sausage fried in a curried corn batter, she said it was OK, but a little dry.
That's disappointing. This looks like it could be so good, but every review seems to be of the "meh" variety.

Our dinner reservation was at the Boathouse. Last trip we skipped out on it in lieu of drinking at Trader Sam's, so I was determined to make this reservation.
I'm glad you got to try out Boathouse, although I can't really say I wouldn't rather go to Trader Sam's. Your dinner looks like it was good though and I'm glad you got to try it out!
Great safari shots of the hippos and cheetahs.

The Boathouse is one of many newer Disney Springs restaurants on my to-eat list....and they keep adding more!
Sounds like a nice relaxed day (minus waking up too early and the Springs panic attack). Looks like you enjoyed the Boathouse. We were there in December and when I saw the oyster menu, I had to think of you! We really loved our meal there. Did you check out the boats? They have an amazing collection of historic boats.
This would require us to wake up around 6:15

That sounds almost painful on vacation.

Our FP+ for the safari had just opened so we went directly there.

That was perfect timing.

Not the best picture, but these people are on the Wild Africa Trek, maybe someday.

This looks like fun.

I had checked out some of the menus and new since the last time we ate at AK was the Harambe market. They had a couple things that I thought might work for us.

I like the look of this menu.

I was rather disappointed that these stores now carry hardly any unique merchandise related to AK.

That is a real shame.

So just as we were supposed to be thinking about getting up she was laying down for her nap. You can see where I am going with this...

That does not sound good.

As soon as we got there I started having a major panic attack, not sure why.

I know that Graham described wandering around Disney Springs as like having his soul sucked out by dementors.

Our dinner reservation was at the Boathouse.

I loved that place.

I crawled into bed and fell asleep immediately. I don't even think it was 10:00 yet!

You must have needed this.

That is so neat to be able to see the floats up close and take pictures of it. I rarely watch the Rose Parade and it was neat to see them up close with your pictures.

Glad that you were able to ride KS and EE at AK. I would assume that you used your all in one lens on KS. Those are nice pics.

Boathouse meal looks good.
I understand your panic at Disney Springs, I got completely turned around and had the hardest time finding the Lego store. And the map didn't help AT ALL.

Dinner looked scrumptious!

Well done getting up so early for AK. You must have needed the rest, glad you were able to go back for a nap. I was worried that you were going to miss dinner when you said Fran started her nap late.
so I started them cooking as well as the bacon. It appears that I did not take any pictures of this breakfast. It was very good!

How could it not be?


I decided the moment he started to tell me how to drive I just got off the thing and told him he could do it since he knew better than me. Instead of letting us ride to the AK on the scooters we both took up extra seats on the bus because our driver knew better than us. God forbid we get the chance to park our own scooters and then stay on them to free up seats for others. But I can see his point.

I've never understood the policy of having scooter riders transfer to seats? Maybe someone could enlighten me. Seriously. Don't get this. Safety thing? They're strapped in with about 400 belts and locked and turned off... and... and... Lost here.

It was really annoying.

Well... yeah. :rolleyes:

We had fun checking out the aviary. These little yellow birds were busily engaged in making nests.

I could spend HOURS in that aviary. Thoroughly LOVE it!



Then we went over to Zuri’s sweet shop. They definitely had some unique treats there.

OH yes. The place my kids discovered how to spend $20 in 3 minutes on fudge. And the pandora's box of MB spending was opened.

So just as we were supposed to be thinking about getting up she was laying down for her nap. You can see where I am going with this...

Oh dear. Yes, I sure do. EEK!

As soon as we got there I started having a major panic attack, not sure why. They had moved the bus stop, there was all sorts of new construction that had been completed, and I totally lost my bearings. I had no idea where we were and I felt like I was in some kind of futuristic movie thriller. I think it had something to do with the towering and glowing new Coke building. It was kind of tripping me out.

:scared::scared: Not a good feeling!

Once upon a time I told you if we ever met up, I'd try one just to see if I could do it, and who knows, maybe I'd like them. Hmmm....?

And I KNOW I'll be having one of these with you! I suspect I'll enjoy it FAR more than those ^^. Then again after one of these, maybe raw oysters will be amazing. :teeth:
Way behind Alison, as usual. Just wanted to come on and tell you how beautiful it was to see your relationship in pictures. I was really taken with the picture of you and Fran playing Christmas carols at your parents. Beauty in simple moments. Just lovely. Thank you.

LISA!!!!!!! :welcome: So glad to see you drop by!

What a gorgeous shot! :love:


Liked that one huh?

Disney Springs, where if you need any kind of luggage, we have it!

:rotfl2: :rotfl:

Alison, has a favourite type of oysters. Alison knows there are different types of oysters. What a catch. :laughing:

Of course there are different kinds of oysters!

Repeat and rinse. :rotfl:


Now I only have 16 pages to catch up on. :goodvibes

Well you better get reading!

Blasphemous behaviour. ;)


Love Alison. Love. :laughing:

Well probably taken for granted love but still LOVE. ;)

This next trip, I'm not getting food delivered. We can just go right to the bakery and get her what she wants!

And speaking of love --- LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of Fran (I have to steal pictures from your photobucket like a stalker - I can't seem to get the pictures to go to reply form as usual. Grrr. Driving me nuts.)

It looks like she is just humoring me....


No other words. Wow in that "oh yeah I forgot" mode. And wow in what a beautiful world it is. It makes me think about all the people that cherish "the good ol' days".

Well it's nice to read this on today of all days.

Beautiful shot Alison ---


Well that's it for the night. Halfway through, wasn't too hard as apparently I've lost my brain somewhere. I realized while reading that I've read part of this TR. Sigh to me. Smiling to you.

Looking forward to the next time you stop by!!!!!! Someday I still owe you a meal cooked in the room!
How nice you did have time to cook muffins for breakfast in the end!

I love the safari goad you made it on time. But I tire of the scooter predujuice. People acting like you are on a live bull totally out all control.

i have never seen the cheetahs on their feet great photos!

funny of you on EE. lunch looked nice. mmm chicken tikka masala. i love that store sorry to hear they no longer carry the nice unique AK items anymore.

how nice to have dinner at the Boathouse. i can't believe how much Disney Springs has changed. yes too many expensive designer stores now. dinner looked lovely!

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