Celebrating 20 years at WDW - Bonus features, A few posts from May, Updated 9/11

No bites on the apartment yet.

Well, I just asked, but since you posted... How about now?

Several showings, but still no one ready to put down their money and move.

Come on people! Move your collective butts!

If Ruby kicks me out of the house, will you give me a discount?

I took this picture after we had spent about an hour packing them up. Both the top two shelves were packed full and the shelves on the 1st and 2nd layers you see here, were very much more full than you see now.

Whoa. That's a lot of heavy drinking.
I assume they were all full before you purchased them. Right?

As of Sunday, we have cleared the entire left side (top two shelves) and will begin on the right side the next time we get over there.

When you say "cleared". Do you mean packed or sold or ??

We put ads up on Craigslist for some of our stuff for free and people were clamoring to take it off our hands!


The park was fairly crowded as you can see.

Didn't look to bad in that first shot, but you can sure see it in the second.

Fran said she was feeling queasy and wasn't sure if she wanted to ride HM which was our next FP+.

Not ride HM!!!!! :faint:

(But I get it if she's not feeling well.)

I took this picture while I waited for her.

Pretty. Nice eye.

So I rode HM twice.


Lots of nice shots, but that one's really good. Tough capture.

Hey! It's you!

I’ll spare you both sets of pictures and just give you a “best of”.

Well, I know the interior shots are the hardest, but... I like this next one the best.

What is with Disney? Do they not want to make money off of merchandising?

Oh! You didn't hear? They're moving away from that. Actually, they may start just giving away the merchandise. Sort of as a thank you for coming. Also heard that hotel and ticket prices are going way down.

I could be wrong.

I like the angle on that one.

“Great, now it’s going to take another 10 minutes for us to get to “_______” on this free transportation that Disney is nice enough to offer us.

:sad2: Didn't we just talk about this?

But since we're so entitled to get everywhere without any hassle to *us*, I'm going to sneer at these folks and whisper behind their backs.

Disney needs a person to stand at each bus stop. Every time someone sneers at someone in an ECV, the person whacks them on the knee with a hammer. This forces them to have to use an ECV for the rest of the trip and see how fortunate they really were that they had two good legs to stand on.


I sort of wish Disney had a special section just for people on scooters to go for transport, but then people would complain about that. “Hey! They get private transportation service! Even though we don't have to give up our seats or wait for them to load on the bus, why can't I have private transportation service?” Sorry, rant over.

Yup. Why do they get their own bus? They should have two for us instead!


You're making me very annoyed. I wanna just smack people like that upside the head.

I will freely admit that when I'm in a rush, I don't want delays. I don't want ECVs to be in line... but I don't want anyone in line either! And I want the bus right now! And I want him to speed!

BTW there were plenty of seats on the bus and no one had to stand.

And those who could, should not complain that someone who can't is on the same bus.

Okay. Rant over for me too.

Now it was my turn to feel queasy. I took an antacid, drank some water, and laid down. Within minutes I was up and heaving, all the water and antacids. I'm not sure what happened but I didn't think it was a good idea to go running out the door to drink lots of rum.

Oh, no! Sorry to hear that Alison. Glad you felt better fairly quickly. any idea what it was?

I do all kinds of things in my sleep, fix her computer problems, sleepwalk all over the house, break up cat fights, you name it, I don't remember it, yet I do.

Hmmm.... how will we know if you're asleep or awake when we meet? I'll have to ask Fran, the next day.
All caught up again. All I can say is you sure do post a lot of POOH in your updates! :rolleyes1

Super pics inside 7DMT! I never get any good ones with my camera in there...........but I'll keep trying.

Hope all the issues with the gas and solar panels are clearing up. :thumbsup2
Hope you get somebody sign up for the apartment asap.

Me too. I just met someone there a little while ago. And took several calls today. Hopefully soon.

Great re the cabinet for your lovely shot glass collection!

Probably one more day there and we'll have it empried out. Now I've started on the wine cabinet. 180 bottles to go.

Sorry you both ended up sick. Maybe the heat? Nice to get HM twice. I dread the day I read this is getting some Spider-Man makerover..

I'm thinking dehydration perhaps. I didn't drink much water at breakfast, mostly Coffee and guava juice.

Yeah lovely photos of the 7DMT. Also the one of you ou


Hope you have fun later meeting Gill!

That's not until tomorrow now.

Wow... that's quite a collection. Just think how much liquor it would take to do a round of shots with all those glasses!

I'm glad you're able to make some progress with getting things moved.

Ha! None of those shot glasses ever had liquor in the! But yea it would have been a lot of liquor to fill them all!

Awesome! Double rides!


I don't know. Honestly, either in the parks or even in the online store it seems like more often than not when I find something I like they don't have it in XL. I've wanted to buy a shirt a few different times and ended up not getting one for that reason. I kind of get not wanting to over produce something, especially if it is dated or seasonal, but it's like they always underestimate the number of XL t-shirts they need to produce.

That and 2X shirts, they seem to run out of both and those are the sizes I can wear.

Don't you have any idea how much I paid to be here??? I shouldn't have to wait for anybody, anytime, under any circumstance!!!!

Pretty much how people think.

Oh no... that's never fun.

:sad2: No, it's not.


I'm glad you were feeling well enough to head out later.

Me too. I was looking forward to Trader Sams!
Hopefully soon.

Yes, I know you will be glad when your rentals are all clean and rented! and here's hoping you get good tenants. I used to have rental properties and they can be such a PItheA!

180 bottles to go.

180 bottles to go! You take one down and pass it around - 179 bottles to go! :goodvibes:

I'm thinking dehydration perhaps.

I think that's what happened to me the last time I saw you. I was too hot all day. Wore dark colors. Didn't drink enough. Then when I had an alcoholic drink, I was sick. :( :mad: I'm going to do something to try to make sure I drink more water when I go to DW in like 3 weeks!!! :hyper:
Sounds like some very good progress with the old house.

It comes in spurts. We did good up until last Wednesday and we haven't been back over since. I think the rain has something to do with it.

Hopefully a nice tenant shows themselves soon.

I showed it 4 times yesterday and the first two seemed really good. I just have yet to heat back from someone.

Breakfast at 1900 looks yummy as usual. Next time we're at VGF I'm putting my foot down and making a reservation. They always seem to get cancelled...

It's the one place Fran likes a lot so I make sure we go there.

Love love love Winnie the Pooh! I've had the newest movie on in the background the last couple hours.

I need to catch up on all the new Pooh movies!

Glad Fran didn't get sick, sorry you did though. Glad you were feeling better after a nap.

Yeah, it happens. I'm just glad I bounced back.

I'd love that!! But, I want to use fresh berries; those ripen in early-May- late-June. Remind me to get it when I"m there in March, so it doesn't get buried here. I'll lose it for sure!

I'm not sure fresh strawberries would give it the right consistency, but you can certainly try.

Another instance in which knowledge is power to make a Disney trip more smooth and fun. I can see where people who don't take the time to research stuff, get there, and just hate Disney simply because they didn't know even a little bit about how things work before going.

I like to be rather knowledgeable when I go someplace. I having a hard time with little to plan. Now I'm trying to micro manage my DL days!

You gals are crazy, awesome fun! I am getting super excited about getting to see you again in less than 2 months now!

I can't wait to hang out with you all as well! And it would be really nice if we were Done with the house by then too!

YAY!! Progress! Little by little... you'll get there.

Progress is slow, I'd rather get there in bigger strides....

Good call!

Riding HM twice? Better call!


Awww, isn't she a sweet little thing?

I'm just glad I never married her! :eek:

Uh oh!! And NO, rum on a queasy stomach is NOT a good idea. EEK!

Thanks for the confirmation Nurse Steppe!

You're not on Ambien are you?!

No, is that a side effect?

Can't wait!!!

Hopefully soon! The update is written, I just need to finish replies!
I'm not sure fresh strawberries would give it the right consistency, but you can certainly try.

HUH! I thought it WAS fresh. Frozen then, I assume.

I like to be rather knowledgeable when I go someplace. I having a hard time with little to plan. Now I'm trying to micro manage my DL days!

So me too!!! But oddly, for this trip, I have planned VERY little. I really need a spreadsheet for where I'm supposed to be when!!!!

I can't wait to hang out with you all as well! And it would be really nice if we were Done with the house by then too!

IT would be, but don't stress over it! HEY!!! I'd LOVE to spend a day helping you!! Working together is always more fun! We can play some 80s tunes, drink a little wine, and get stuff DONE!!! Then something yummy for dinner? Fondue?

Progress is slow, I'd rather get there in bigger strides....

I know. I know that feeling of an overwhelmingly huge project, and feeling like you'll never made progress.

I'm just glad I never married her! :eek:


Thanks for the confirmation Nurse Steppe!

HAHA! I learned that WAY before I was a nurse- this one is purely ummm.... accidental in learning. Eh hem.

No, is that a side effect?

Actually, yes, it is. Sleep walking, even shopping, etc... It is a hypotic/amnesiac, so weird $h1t happens. A lot. Best NEVER to take it alone.

Hopefully soon! The update is written, I just need to finish replies!

Why do you think it takes ME DAYS, sometimes WEEKS, to get an update up? It really does take time to do replies, then edit pix, then write, then post, and start all over again. Not to mention keeping up on others' threads.
Well, dagnabbit. Don't make me come out there and talk to these people.

Actually, on second thought, please do!:rotfl2:

You might want to wait a bit on that. We've been getting a lot of rain. I even had a friend give up on a DISmeet yesterday because of rain. But I did get to meet with Ellen!

Poor Fran. That's just no fun.

Yeah, but at least she knows her limits. Sometimes.

Hey, good for you. You have to pick up the slack. :laughing:

We wouldn't want a good FP to go to waste!

I love this shot.

Thanks! :goodvibes

Wow, they must have seriously underestimated demand!


Ugh. There are a lot of sources of frustration here. I'm sure it must be uncomfortable for you and Fran to feel like all eyes are on you. And there's nothing you can do about it--if you need the scooter, you need the scooter!

I always feel bad using it, especially because I *look* fine to anyone on the outside. Sure I could spend a day running around a park, but then I'd need to spend the next three or four days on pain meds and keeping my foot up. Even without doing a lot of walking, with all the rain that we have been getting I can feel the 5th metatarsal bone in my foot. It's kind of a dull ache, and makes me want to limp a bit, which then causes other parts of the body pain from walking poorly. Ya can't win.

I admit, like @Flossbolna , that I used to be one of those who got annoyed with the ECV loading procedure, for the same reason--it used to be SO inefficient. If you'd already been waiting for 20 minutes, and then an ECV showed up, you knew it would be at least another 10 minutes before you got on, and if you were trying to make it to an ADR, then you get stressed, etc., etc

Heck I used to be annoyed at the process when they have those giant lifts. It did take a long time to get strapped in and load. I have a real fun ECV story coming up in a couple days.

I also saw people clearly abusing the scooters, back when they could get to the front of the lines, etc. They would openly brag about it. So that left a sour taste in my mouth.

Yeah, that was not at all cool. I remember hearing about that.

A couple of things changed my stance: 1. the procedure seems to have gotten much better! I don't know if the buses are more capable of handling scooters, or the drivers are more experienced, or what, but it doesn't feel like the delay is nearly as bad now.

The ramps are much more efficient than the old lifts that they used to have.

2. We toured Disneyland with you! And I got to see firsthand how much it helped you to get around the park. That was an especially warm day when we were there, and you were able to spend most of the day with us only because you had the ride. So it just goes to show you, don't judge until you've experienced things from another perspective.

As I said above, I could have spent the day with you, without the scooter, but then I would have been laid up for the next few days. Even with spending about 5 hours with you having the scooter, I was still tired at the end of the day, but I could still walk!

We have a service like that in Delaware. The transit service that runs the bus system has a paratransit operation that does door-to-door rides for the disabled. The downside is that it's an expensive service to run. I think it could work at Disney, though, if it just used the same designated bus stops.

We have something similar here, but I'm not exactly sure how it works or how it is funded, whether it's a free to the public service or similar to a taxi.

Oh, yuck. Sounds like you got really dehydrated.

That's what I'm guessing...

:rotfl2::rotfl2: She must have some great stories!

I'm not sure how great they are, but it's always scary when I wake up and she asks, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Playing catch up before I run off to work... again... I've only had 5 days off this year, so far. I'm hoping I'll get my next set of three off. I know I won't work at least one of them since I'm moving MIL from her house to her new apartment then. Don't know if that actually qualifies as a day off

That sounds like cruel and inhuman punishment. Did you get your MIL moved?

mmmmm.... I'll take two.

Well, I do usually make them in pairs since English muffins get split in two before toasting. Maybe I should reward myself with some of those when I hit my next weight goal.

Yep. Although I've been fortunate enough not to see that yet.

True story. A friend, who has since passed, was borrowing my scooter since she was worse off than I am. We were preparing to leave the hotel room and her finger hit the wrong part of the tiller and she ran into Fran knocking her down. Fran was not hurt, but getting her up when she falls down is not pretty as she can't get up on her knees or pull herself up on her own. Just a fun fact for you. Don't call Disney if you have a minor mishap and want help, the only thing that they can do is call the Paramedics.

Interesting. I know a few Canadians that could use some Canadian blood.


Dang it!!! Well, don't I feel stupid.

You just don't have chocolate scenting skilz like @Steppesister 's kids!

Oh, you can do that any time you like.

Okay then!

Stop reading what I write!


I don't know if it was gas or electric. That was 12 years ago.

Well ever since I became a landlord, I remember every bit of every property, well except which year they built the fence at La Pasada....

Any luck on that yet?

No. :sad2: I had two gals yesterday who seemed like a good fit and they were really excited, but no call back.

Can I chose to love you instead?

Awww.... :blush:

So does that mean she always smiles?

:rotfl2: Hardly, she's more grumpy than smiley.

The feeling is mutual!
Phoenix? Meh.
Capybaras? Meh.
Universal? Okay.
Disneyland? All right.
Meeting you guys? Yay!!

I enjoy Disneyland, but what I enjoy even more is sharing what I know/can offer to my good friends who also share a love of Disney. There is nothing I enjoy more than meeting up with folks whom I've met on the DIS at my favorite place on earth and just having an all around good time!

BTW have you researched the QS restaurants to have an idea where we may be having lunch?
Well, I just asked, but since you posted... How about now?

Still no change. Actually, I typed that and then went on to reply to your other statements. Before I finished this multi quote answer, my phone rang and it was one of the two ladies whom I showed the apartment Monday morning. They were my best hopes so far! I have a 3PM to take their applications!

Come on people! Move your collective butts!

If Ruby kicks me out of the house, will you give me a discount?

Well, I'll let it slide for now, but there are several things that if they occur during a showing of the apartment are grounds for "You will not rent this apartment no matter how good you look on paper." Probably #1 is asking, "Is the rent negotiable?" I just added another one to the list, somewhat to my horror. Letting your kid pee in the toilet without even asking if it's OK to use it, and then not even closing the door when he does it! :eek: Now I realize who I am talking to and you will make the point that at least he used the toilet and not a corner, but still it's the principle of the matter! There are a few others, but they don't come to mind right now.

Whoa. That's a lot of heavy drinking.
I assume they were all full before you purchased them. Right?

Ha! How would you keep the liquor in them? and no, not one of these shots has ever been filled with anything, even liquor.

When you say "cleared". Do you mean packed or sold or ??

Packed in boxes.

Not ride HM!!!!! :faint:

(But I get it if she's not feeling well.)

And she has difficulty getting in and out of the ride vehicle. You'll get it when you meet her.

Pretty. Nice eye.

Thank you! :)

Lots of nice shots, but that one's really good. Tough capture.

I totally lucked out.

Hey! It's you!

And all the offending photobombers were removed! Did you know that photobomb was just added to the Merriam Webster dictionary this year? Today must have been a slow news day.

Well, I know the interior shots are the hardest, but... I like this next one the best.

Kind of gives you a feel for the action of the ride.

Oh! You didn't hear? They're moving away from that. Actually, they may start just giving away the merchandise. Sort of as a thank you for coming. Also heard that hotel and ticket prices are going way down.

I could be wrong.

Yeah, and next thing you know America will be great again....

I like the angle on that one.

Thanks. When you're short like me, you generally have to look up at everything.

:sad2: Didn't we just talk about this?

Yes I think we did.

Disney needs a person to stand at each bus stop. Every time someone sneers at someone in an ECV, the person whacks them on the knee with a hammer. This forces them to have to use an ECV for the rest of the trip and see how fortunate they really were that they had two good legs to stand on.


That is a very interesting concept. :scratchin

Yup. Why do they get their own bus? They should have two for us instead!


You're making me very annoyed. I wanna just smack people like that upside the head.

I will freely admit that when I'm in a rush, I don't want delays. I don't want ECVs to be in line... but I don't want anyone in line either! And I want the bus right now! And I want him to speed!

You will love Disneyland. No buses or anything. Once you pass security, you're on your own volition for everything.

And those who could, should not complain that someone who can't is on the same bus.

Okay. Rant over for me too.

OK, good. Does that feel better?

Oh, no! Sorry to hear that Alison. Glad you felt better fairly quickly. any idea what it was?

No idea. I'm going to go with dehydration.

Hmmm.... how will we know if you're asleep or awake when we meet? I'll have to ask Fran, the next day.

I asked her about this and she said that I have never sleepwalked during daylight hours. That's how you'll know.

All caught up again. All I can say is you sure do post a lot of POOH in your updates! :rolleyes1


Super pics inside 7DMT! I never get any good ones with my camera in there...........but I'll keep trying.

It's all about the aperture and shutter speed.

Hope all the issues with the gas and solar panels are clearing up. :thumbsup2

Nope. Not a thing has been done. And now we're having issues with the walk-in cooler.

Yes, I know you will be glad when your rentals are all clean and rented! and here's hoping you get good tenants. I used to have rental properties and they can be such a PItheA!

Well it is a pain, but when you have good tenants in there, it can be lucrative and easy. If you saw above, now I have an appointment to take an application later today. We got the keys on Monday from the other vacant apartment so I have to go check it out and see how bad it is. But first waiting for the cooler repairman.

180 bottles to go! You take one down and pass it around - 179 bottles to go! :goodvibes:

It's not quite that easy... :rolleyes1

I think that's what happened to me the last time I saw you. I was too hot all day. Wore dark colors. Didn't drink enough. Then when I had an alcoholic drink, I was sick. :( :mad: I'm going to do something to try to make sure I drink more water when I go to DW in like 3 weeks!!! :hyper:

I remember. Sorry you felt so lousy. We should plan to meet up at least for a little bit. We get to the Boardwalk on Saturday morning. Lunch at Chefs de France, so far nothing, but hoping to get a Paddlefish dinner reservation. Sunday we're having lunch at Art Smiths in DS and dinner at Via Napoli. Monday is our standard breakfast at 1900 PF. Then we catch the plane home.
HUH! I thought it WAS fresh. Frozen then, I assume.

I'll give you the recipe when you're down, but here it is here as well. I make it in the blender.

Strawberry Soup

2 ½ pounds frozen Strawberries
16 oz Heavy Cream
2 oz Sour Cream
3 oz plain Yogurt
½ pound fresh Strawberries

1) Mix Strawberries, heavy cream, sour cream and yogurt
2) Beat Slowly until well mixed and a smooth consistency
3) Chill, shake well before serving.
4) Garnish with fresh strawberry halves.

So me too!!! But oddly, for this trip, I have planned VERY little. I really need a spreadsheet for where I'm supposed to be when!!!!

Wednesday 10AM - City Hall
Thursday 1PM - New Orleans Square

That's all you need to know! Everything else will just lock into place.

IT would be, but don't stress over it! HEY!!! I'd LOVE to spend a day helping you!! Working together is always more fun! We can play some 80s tunes, drink a little wine, and get stuff DONE!!! Then something yummy for dinner? Fondue?

Fran would not be up for the drink a little wine part until the work was done...however, I am now available Friday during your visit to plan something. Saturday evening, I have a date with Guy. Along with probably 100 other people.

I know. I know that feeling of an overwhelmingly huge project, and feeling like you'll never made progress.

And I'm stuck at home (at least until 2:45) with a guy working on the walk in cooler.

HAHA! I learned that WAY before I was a nurse- this one is purely ummm.... accidental in learning. Eh hem.


Actually, yes, it is. Sleep walking, even shopping, etc... It is a hypotic/amnesiac, so weird $h1t happens. A lot. Best NEVER to take it alone.

Interesting. I usually don't have a problem falling asleep at night. I'm practically out before my head hits the pillow.

Why do you think it takes ME DAYS, sometimes WEEKS, to get an update up? It really does take time to do replies, then edit pix, then write, then post, and start all over again. Not to mention keeping up on others' threads.

Circle of life on the DIS.

Chocolate within a 4 mile radius? Yeah, you're gonna lose $20 in 4 seconds.

I'm glad my kids don't leave the house!

Might I throw out Cafe Orleans? The Pommes Frites are to DIE for!

Yes, they are, but we had talked about doing Quick Service on this day, since we have a big lunch on the second day.
On our way to the Polynesian, we decided it would be a good idea to have some food in our bellies before we started drinking rum. We stopped in Canada.

For some cheese soup

And a mushroom filet at the Canada kiosk.

They were both really good, but that was to be expected. Pretty much they always are. And I love the soup, nice to have it without having to make an ADR, or cook it at home which is what I normally do.

Then we stopped at Farm Fresh.

We got the Mac and Cheese with Neuske’s bacon, I thought this was just fabulous! Worth a repeat trip if we had time and room!

We also got the chicken and dumplings. These were good, but the dumplings were a little dense. Mine are much better!

Now that we had some food in our tummies it was time to head off to Trader Sam’s. We exited Epcot and took the elevator up to the departures platform. Just as we got off the elevator the doors to a monorail were closing. Oh well, we can catch the next one.

It wasn’t long before it showed up and we were boarded. I really didn’t mind the waits that much as it would give me a chance to keep up on updating the TR in Google documents. I discovered this before we left on the trip. It allows me to update TRs from my phone since I have less and less time on the computer every day it seems.

Pretty soon we were on the Monorail to the TTC. Instead of boarding a resort monorail we just hightailed it over to the Great Ceremonial House. Fran stopped in the gift shop while I went to get a pager. There was no wait! :eek: I went back to find her in the gift shop and luckily no one had snatched up the seats while I was gone. We were seated at the end of the bar in the middle of the room. I was amazed at how much better a view we had of what was going on this time since the last time we were here.

When you ordered a shrunken Zombie Head, this effect came on. Last time we were sitting right underneath it so it was hard to see.

Fran ordered a Nautilus with souvie glass. They make the room look like it’s underwater.

Then the server swims to your table to deliver your drink.

I got a shrunken zombie head as the one in DL is white and this one was black.

Then, I got a second zombie head and she got a HippopotoMaiTai.

Someone ordered a drink which woke up this goddess.

We got an order of chicken and lettuce cups.

We watched the effects happen as we ate our lettuce cups. This was for the pearl drink.

And some more storms happened.

Then we called it a night. We took the monorail to MK and caught a bus home, it was rather uneventful.
I hope this is working out.


Well now they moved it back to 5:30 because one of them had something come up at work. Normally I don't like meeting with folks after dark, but the next alternative was Sunday and I don't want to wait that long!

Until I have their first month's rent deposited in the bank, I am not at ease.
Fun events at Trader's Sam! I am starting to warm to the idea of an October WDW trip. Maybe I do want to try some of those food samples. The mac & cheese sounded wonderful. And it has been years since I had the Canada cheese soup... Sounds like you had a good afternoon!

And good luck on the rental process getting moved further towards a new tenant!
I'll give you the recipe when you're down, but here it is here as well. I make it in the blender.

Strawberry Soup

2 ½ pounds frozen Strawberries
16 oz Heavy Cream
2 oz Sour Cream
3 oz plain Yogurt
½ pound fresh Strawberries

1) Mix Strawberries, heavy cream, sour cream and yogurt
2) Beat Slowly until well mixed and a smooth consistency
3) Chill, shake well before serving.
4) Garnish with fresh strawberry halves.

Well, that's certainly easy enough! I could do that tomorrow. LOL! (and might)

Wednesday 10AM - City Hall
Thursday 1PM - New Orleans Square

That's all you need to know! Everything else will just lock into place.

Easy enough! That I can remember!

Fran would not be up for the drink a little wine part until the work was done...however, I am now available Friday during your visit to plan something. Saturday evening, I have a date with Guy. Along with probably 100 other people.

Then let's DO it !!! I'll be in touch...

And I'm stuck at home (at least until 2:45) with a guy working on the walk in cooler.

UGHHHHHHHHH. Just not fun. Nope.

Interesting. I usually don't have a problem falling asleep at night. I'm practically out before my head hits the pillow.

Then, no need for Ambien. It's for those of us who stress until 3:00AM with no relief.

Circle of life on the DIS.

Sigh.... Yet, we all still do it.

I'm glad my kids don't leave the house!

LOLOLOL!! I cracked up at that.

Yours get fresh cooked turkey though.

Yes, they are, but we had talked about doing Quick Service on this day, since we have a big lunch on the second day.

OH right. QS.... back to Allears...
Well, your last update will end up being almost identical to 2 of my upcoming ones. Same photos almost verpicturim. Both F&W and Trader Sam's.

The effects are SUPER UBER fun! I LOVE that bar!

Ok, yeah, loaded mac cheese? HOLY cheesaroni! I got it 3 times it was so good. Totally going to find the recipe and make it.
Found it! Must make!

  • Pepper Bacon Macaroni
  • 1 pound macaroni
  • 8 slices pepper bacon
  • 1/2 cup diced white onions
  • 1/2 cup diced green pepper
  • 1/2 cup diced red pepper
  • 3 small jalapeño peppers, seeded and diced

  • Cheese Sauce
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 pound (4 cups) shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 pound (1 cup) shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1/4 pound sliced American cheese
  • 2 ounces (1/2 cup) shredded Gruyere cheese

  • Topping
  • 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
  • 2 slices pepper bacon, cooked and chopped
  • 3 green onions, sliced
  • Coarse salt, freshly ground black pepper, to taste

  • For pepper bacon macaroni:
  • Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and set aside.
  • Cook pepper bacon until crisp. Chop and set aside. Reserve 2 tablespoons of grease.
  • Heat grease in a medium-skillet over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  • Add onion, green pepper, red pepper and jalapeño. Sauté for 3-5 minutes, until vegetables are warm, but still crisp. Set aside.

  • For cheese sauce:
  • Heat cream in large saucepan over medium heat. When it begins to simmer, slowly stir in all of cheese, mixing well to melt cheese.

  • To assemble and serve:
  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • Combine cooked pasta, vegetables and cheese sauce in a large bowl.
  • Pour into a 9- x 13-inch baking dish and top with breadcrumbs. Bake 15 minutes, or until breadcrumbs are golden brown.
  • Remove from oven and sprinkle with green onions and bacon. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.
What a fun update!!!

Food before rum; why would you do that? :blush: :lmao:

The Canada kiosk looks amazing!

Is WDW's Trader Sam's a joke in terms of seating like the TS at Disneyland? :scared:

Love the serving with the floatie swimming to you to serve the drinks!!!!!


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