Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

Good for you for not growing up! Who wants to do that?
"Hello, good sir. I am a stuffy and stodgy adult. Please be so kind as to not engage in any frivolity whatsoever."

No. Just... no.

One thing, though...

Last time... my ears rang for three straight days.
This time?
ear plugs.

Dang it. I am getting old!
oh man oh man... have you ever heard the saying "If it's too loud...." lol, hey I always listen to music way too loud. still do but yeah after the reel big fish show ours rung as well.
Okay. Got to take care of something over on my contest thread,
then I'll be back to put the finishing touches on the next chapter.
Hopefully I'll have it up in an hour or so.
wait I saw you have a contest thread? gasp where is it located at? (sweeps and contest are a hobby of mine)
We were about 4 rooms from your location the last time we stayed at ASMu! I do love that resort! 50's not so bad... I can't believe I'm 50 ... But it's not bad:rolleyes1
oh man where was this when we went a year ago and the gosh darn things were still new??? I would make that a tshirt for my next trip whenever that is. I have heard some rumblings that they may bring these out here. now that they have gotten them to work consistently that would be ok with me. once they got ours working right I really started to like them. nice to be able to just wave the wrist when hands are full to get into the room
oh man oh man... have you ever heard the saying "If it's too loud...." lol, hey I always listen to music way too loud. still do but yeah after the reel big fish show ours rung as well.

Yeah, I listen to my music too loud too.



wait I saw you have a contest thread? gasp where is it located at? (sweeps and contest are a hobby of mine)

It's over on the photography thread. It's the caption contest thread.
Only thing you win there is the chance to post the next picture.
But if you're interested, here's the link:

We were about 4 rooms from your location the last time we stayed at ASMu! I do love that resort! 50's not so bad... I can't believe I'm 50 ... But it's not bad:rolleyes1

Really? Why didn't you wave! :lmao:

It is a nice resort... as long as you're not in Country Fair.
We'd get back to the resort after a loooong day in the parks,
slog all the way to the back,
then Ruby would say, "Could you get me a refill of Diet Coke?"
Slog all the way back to Melody Hall... fill mug... slog allll the way back.

I almost died. True story.

I don't believe you're 50 either.
I'm betting you had Shan when your were 18. 20 tops.

oh man where was this when we went a year ago and the gosh darn things were still new??? I would make that a tshirt for my next trip whenever that is. I have heard some rumblings that they may bring these out here. now that they have gotten them to work consistently that would be ok with me. once they got ours working right I really started to like them. nice to be able to just wave the wrist when hands are full to get into the room

I won't be making that a tshirt since... wait for it.
I didn't have a single issue with my magic band.

Well, one little one that I'll describe in the next update,
but that was more operator error than anything else.

They are dangerous, though.
Makes it wayyyy too easy to spend money.
"Money? I'm not spending money! I'm just waving my wrist! See? <kaching$$$>"
great update/chapter now waiting for the next one. are you done yet? how bout now?.

Working on it. First rough draft is... oh... about 3/4 done?

(ETA. And I saw that you liked that post Carrie!)
LOL!!! Yes I did!!! You're not doing the whole day are you? Hey! you didn't tell us anything about dining yet! Or the contest!!! Come on mister!!!

No, they didn't tell me about the problems with the car. It cost $5100 so I guess that's not bad. Hopefully it lasts at least a year and a half to two years. It's still really nice to drive though. You know what I noticed the other day --- It doesn't have an antennae!!! That means all my mickey head antennaes will be unused!!! :guilty:
LOL!!! Yes I did!!! You're not doing the whole day are you

And believe me, I was worried about just that.
I was thinking. "Oh, boy. Shortest TR ever coming up! Four chapters and done!"
But I'm just finishing up the next update (at least I think I'm finishing it up) and it only covers the first morning.

Hey! you didn't tell us anything about dining yet! Or the contest!!! Come on mister!!!

You're right! I didn't!

No, they didn't tell me about the problems with the car. It cost $5100 so I guess that's not bad. Hopefully it lasts at least a year and a half to two years. It's still really nice to drive though. You know what I noticed the other day --- It doesn't have an antennae!!! That means all my mickey head antennaes will be unused!!! :guilty:

Well, as long as you're happy with it, that's all that really matters, right?
And if you think not having an antenna is bad...
I had to go four years.... four years!... with a Princess Mickey Head antenna ball.
The contest

I mentioned a contest and a few of you
(you know who you are)
have been clamoring for details.

I also mentioned that this TR would have "never before seen photos of Disney".
Well, I've never seen them before. And I don't think they're common subjects, so...
I suppose it's possible that somebody out there took similar shots, but...
well, we'll just have to go with what we've got, won't we?

So what do these two things have to do with each other?
Hey! I'm really glad you asked!

Shows initiative.

Originally, when I thought about doing a contest,
I thought about asking you which park you thought I would visit each day
and in which order.
There are sixty four possible answers for each day,
provided we restrict ourselves to just the four major parks.
Less, if you feel I wouldn't do four parks in a day.
And only sixteen possible answers if you figured I'd only do one or two parks in a day.
But... Boring!

At the end of each Disney day...
Note! I said End of each Disney day NOT the end of each chapter!
NOT the end of the TR!


At the end of each Disney day, I will post one picture that I will indicate is the contest picture.
The first person to correctly identify what and where the photo is will get points.
If you guess where, you get partial points.
Same thing for what.
If, after a reasonable amount of time (as determined by moi), no one can guess,
I'll throw out some hints until someone gets the answer.

Simple, right?

Plus, there'll be bonus points awarded on a totally random basis.
(i.e. I'm lazy and if I forget, or don't wanna... oh well.)

What's that?
You want to know what you're playing for?

Well, for fun!
And for pride!

Don't you want to win? Don't you want to be number one???

You don't care?
I promised prizes and you want stuff?
But isn't fun and pride enough?


The winner will also receive* some Canadiana.
Something Canadian, that even a Canadian would want. (Since I have Canadian readers, too)

What could that be...
Perhaps I could ship some snow?

No.... No Canadian would want more of that!!!
Plus anyone who'd be so foolish to want it would only receive water.
(Freebie for those who want snow. Stick your head in the freezer. You're welcome.)

So it's got to be something else.

A dictionary outlining a hundred and one uses of the word 'eh'?
Nah. Either we already know them, or you don't want to learn them, eh?

Hmmmm...... Ah.
Got it.

The winner will receive* some of....



That enough incentive for ya?
Thought so.

I'll include a little something else, as well. But I won't say what quite yet.
Don't get too excited, it's nothing big.
Just a little something I got in Disney, but I don't want to say what since it's in a later chapter, okay?

*Winner has to provide shipping details otherwise I won't know where to send the package.
Plus there are peanuts in those things. Those with allergies have been warned.

Here's a picture sample to get you started.
No points are being awarded for this one, but see if you can figure out what and where...


Easy, right? Right.
So, with that out of the way, shall I continue?

We last left our intrepid hero passing out cold promptly at two o'clock in the morning.
The alarm sounded at precisely seven a.m.

After being up for so long the day before and only getting five hours of sleep,
you'd think that I might have some difficulty waking up this early.

And you would be wrong.
Well, maybe 'wrong' is too strong a word here. You'd be mostly incorrect.
I was a bit fuzzy (well, more so than my usually fuzzy headed state), but it soon faded.
I was in Disney! My first full day in over five years!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

I may have danced a little jig. I'm not saying.
(Okay, I did. But don't tell anyone. It's embarrassing.)

I took a quick look in the mirror.
Yup. Still me.

Usually, I would probably write something like "I shaved, jumped into the shower, dressed and was on my way."
But, remember? Accessible room.

I shaved, then sashayed into the shower.
No jumping over tub ledges required.

I'm not sure why it struck me as so odd.
I mean, if you go to a gym, there are no tubs. Just showers.
Still, it just seemed so strange.

After I showered, I pulled back the shower curtain and there was water all over the floor of the bathroom.
(Can you still call it a bathroom when there's no bath?)
I felt like I'd been a bad houseguest.

You know the feeling?
When you have a shower and you accidentally put the shower curtain on the outside of the tub instead of the inside?
And all the water drains onto the floor instead of the tub?
Usually soaking the bath mat and/or towels or clothes?

There was a drain, right in the middle of the floor, so it was designed for just this use.
But I still felt like I'd done something wrong.

I had four more mornings and four more showers.
That feeling never went away the whole time.
Every morning.
Pull back shower curtain.
See water on floor.
Feel like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.
Remember that it was supposed to happen.
Still feel guilty.

I grabbed a pre-printed envelope, stuffed five bucks in it for mousekeeping,
put it on the bed and was ready to go.

I don't want to start a debate on how much (if anything) to tip mousekeeping.
But I learned something from these boards and I decided to apply it here.
I once read a comment that Smidgy made that when she goes to a restaurant,
the least she'll tip is five dollars.
Just the other day, Ruby and I went out for lunch and the bill came to twenty four dollars.
Twenty percent would be $4.80. So I left five.

I'd read a few threads on tipping mousekeeping and the most common answer
seemed to be one dollar per day per guest.
I just decided that one dollar just wouldn't cut it.
So... I left five bucks.
Feel free to do whatever you want to do.
That's what I did.

Oh. I got dressed, too. :blush:

I was out the door at seven forty five.
Well, sort of.
I had organized what I wanted to bring the night before.
Technically, I had done it earlier that morning.
I grabbed my stuff and had a niggling sensation that I was forgetting something.
I figured out pretty quickly what it was.


I always make sure I have my room key with me before I exit a hotel room.
(Not my home, since I use the key to lock the door.
There, I just sigh in exasperation, go back inside and get it.)

I laughed, since I was wearing my room key.
Indeed, I never took it off the whole time I was there.

I closed the room door, tried my magic band, just to reassure myself that it still worked
(it did)
laughed a little more then looked around.
I was the only one in sight.
I really didn't want to have to try to talk myself out of anything.
"Hello front desk? There's this guy standing in front of a room, laughing to himself.
No. He's all by himself. Very weird. Call security."

Five minutes later I was grabbing an OJ from the food court and making my way around the building to the bus stop.

For your information, I took careful notes of all the bus times during the trip.
Every time I used Disney transportation I would note the time I arrived at the bus stop
and the time until I boarded the bus.
I know that people have either lauded Disney transportation or railed against it.
I've heard complaints about the service during busy times, I've heard complaints about it during slow times.
I've heard praises during those times as well.
I've heard some people say how this resort's bus service is better or worse than that resort's.

I do believe that while your transportation experience may vary from ride to ride,
the biggest impact will be from your own attitude and/or familiarity with busses.

If you go into it stressed out and looking at your watch every three point two seconds,
then the time it takes for the bus to come will seem like an eternity.

Also, if you use the transit system where you live,
and you're used to the busses showing up every five minutes...
Then waiting ten or twenty minutes is going to feel like an eternity.

Winnipeg's transit system is.... how shall I put this?
In the kindest possible light, Winnipeg's transit system sucks.
Sucks, huge.

An example?
A few years ago, I brought my car into the shop for some repair work.
(I was told it would be several hours before the car was ready.)
Later in the afternoon, my car was ready to be picked up.
So I decided to hop on the bus.
The garage was (according to Google maps) 4.4 km or 2.7 miles away.
Yeah. I could've walked.
But I felt like taking the bus.
So I did.

There was no direct route, even though both my house and the garage were on main trunk roads.
So I had to transfer at about the halfway point.

It took an hour and a half.
An hour.
And a half.

I probably could've walked it in forty five minutes or so.

Granted, the city is trying to improve by introducing rapid transit corridors, but...


My point being (yes Virginia, there is a point) that waiting twenty minutes for a bus
is nothing if you're used to service like that!

Nevertheless, I recognize that there are those whose experiences differ from mine
and the only way to really describe the bus service is by sticking to a factual narrative.
So that's what I'm going to do.
Yes, I will occasionally make a comment such as "Wow! Great timing!" or "That was the longest I had to wait."
But I will endeavour to provide times whenever possible, okay?

Except for this time.
I know I got my OJ at 7:50 but I don't know exactly what time I sashayed up to the bus stop.
Call it 7:52 or 7:53. Close enough.

I rounded the corner, not knowing how many people would be in line for busses this time of day.


Not exactly an intimidating crowd, wouldn't you agree?

The bus came almost immediately.
This time I noted the time.
Virtually no wait!
And I was on my way to my first park of the trip!
Which one will it be? Guesses?

Here's the first photo I took.


I will say that I usually didn't bother to see how long it took to get to a park.
Even if I'd thought of it, I was too excited to actually do it! :laughing:
Besides the UOG has average commute times.
Go look it up if you want.
I do know that when I arrived, I had almost an hour to kill.

The first thing I did was go to an open ticket window.
I had purchased my ticket via Airmiles.
While it was free, there weren't too many options.
I had purchased a five day base ticket.
While I had no intention (nor any time) to visit a waterpark,
I was planning on park hopping at least one day.
So I added on a park hopper option.
I also grabbed a times guide while I was there.

I sashayed over to the entrance and was first in line at my particular queue.
Moments later, I glanced around and every queue had several people waiting.
Another moment later and the lines stretched out of sight.

Wow! This rope drop thing is really becoming a thing!
I'm glad I hadn't slept a little longer,
or spent the time to towel off the bathroom floor.

Shortly before nine o'clock, they let us in and, I'm ashamed to admit,
given all the research I'd done, I was THAT GUY.
You know the one.
You got there early, you scoped out all the possible entries.
You picked the one where there was only one person in front of you...
And he doesn't know how to use his magic band and finger print.

Oh, I knew the basics.
Hold up your magic band to be scanned.
Put your finger on the reader.
And off you go!

Yeah. But putting that into practice for the first time is a little unnerving.
Nobody told me that you had to wait for the light to start circling!
Or even that it would turn green!

The CM was very nice.
She obviously hadn't had to explain how the durned thing worked
eight thousand times already that day.
I got it figured out in only a couple of seconds, but still...
You know what it is?
Handing a ticket to someone, or even sliding it through a reader takes no conscious effort.
But lining up your magic band just right.
Watching for the light.
Putting your finger on the reader.. Don't press down!
Waiting for the green light.
You have to think about that stuff!

Does it sound like I'm complaining?

I thought it was cool.

I didn't have any fast passes for the morning...
(What? Why not! Oh, settle down. You'll see eventually.)
... so I relaxed and took in the sights and sounds of...

Yeah. No.

I booked it as fast as I could over to Expedition Everest!

I had my camera out, but I didn't stop for photos.
I'll take some, later. Right now, I've got a date with a Yeti!
(Any comments about how my wife feels about that
is automatically disqualified from the contest!)

Once I got to the ride, I quickly got into the queue.
It was one minute before nine.
I noticed a lost looking family talking to the CM. Looks like they had a fast pass for 9:10ish.
She was trying to tell them to just get in the regular line, it would be faster.
I swept by them in the mostly empty standby line.
Since there was no one in front of me, but people coming in behind me,
I didn't stop to take any pictures of the queue, which I had thought I would.
Well, I took one.


Disney does not scrimp on the details, I'll definitely give them that!

But right now, no dawdling!

Seconds later, I was at the boarding station.
I wasn't in the first car, or probably even the second.
But it was most likely the third and not much more than that.

I've ridden this ride before, but I noticed for the first time, that there was steam coming out of the engine.
I took one last picture before I put the camera away.
I love the look on the little girl's face in the foreground, bottom right.
Doesn't that look just epitomize what Disney's all about?
Love it!


And doesn't that lady in the first seat epitomize the look of ninety percent
of all parents of small children at Disney? :lmao:

I watched the train pull out of the station and something caught my eye.
Ow! That hurts!

Oh, okay.

Something attracted my attention and a broad smile creased my face.
I immediately thought of my friends Roni and Willow and
I pulled my iPod out of my pocket and took this snap.
If you've been reading Roni's TR, you'll know why.


No dancing Willow! :laughing:
I disobeyed! :rotfl:

Seconds later, the next train pulled into the station and I was boarding.
I wasn't just happy to be getting to ride EE again...
I was giddy as a schoolgirl!

Uh.... ignore that last comment.
I was as pleased as a manly he-man could possibly be while maintaining his dignity.

Within moments, we were lap-barred in and rolling!


Anyone ever notice the buildings in the top left corner?
I mean, it's obvious.. but I always just think "mountains".
Not buildings.


View of the construction going on in Discovery River.


(Mandatory picture taken by everyone who's ever ridden EE... ever.)


While the ride was just as much fun as I remembered...
Actually, more fun since I'd forgotten some of it.
I guess my previous long day, late night and early morning finally took their toll on me.
Yes. I admit it.
I was tired.
I'd been running around quite a bit,
so can you blame me for what happened when I finally got a chance to sit down???


Oh, well. At least the people in front of me seem to be having a good time.

Continued next post!
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Continued from previous post!

Since I'd fallen asleep, I decided that another ride was in order.
When I got off the ride, I saw that the single rider line was already open.
And it's really convenient, too.
The single rider line is right by the exit.
So instead of walking straight ahead and back over to the standby entrance,
you turn right and are right back at the loading platform.
I didn't time it, but I'd guess it took about two minutes to get off one car and get in another.
This time I stayed awake.
Man that's a fun ride!

I debated whether or not to ride again, I certainly could have, but decided against it.
I headed back the way I came. I had another ride I wanted to do.
Actually, there were only two rides I wanted to do in Animal Kingdom.
And only one show.

I approached the entrance and asked the CM there a question.
I don't even remember what I asked.
But her answer was something like. "Not for a young man like you."

She became my new favourite CM.

The ride?



I'd forgotten a lot of this one, but what I did remember was how jerky it was.
Actually, I must've remembered it wrong as it wasn't quite as bad as I feared.

I looked at my watch, and it was only 9:30.
The park had only been open for half an hour
and I'd already knocked off EE (twice!) and Dinosaur.
My show didn't start until 11:00 so I had time to kill.

Wow. That's never happened before!

I decided to sashay over towards Kilimanjaro Safaris and see what the wait time was.
Maybe I'll go for a ride and see some critters.

By the time I wandered over to the ride entrance, the crowd had noticeably increased.
I didn't actually notice the wait time, but went in anyway.
The queue was long... and virtually empty.
There were a few other people around, but we never had to break stride.
I got to the point where they split you up into either the first truck or the second.
I was directed left and didn't even have to stop before boarding the truck.
I wanted to be on the left side, but someone was ahead of me and got it.
Not a big deal, just a comment, really.

We set off and I resolved not to take pictures, since everyone's seen tons of animal pictures from the Safari.
Yeah, well. You're gonna see more.
So much for resolutions.

I got pretty excited, right off the bat, since I'd never seen hippos out of the water before.
At least not in person.
I took this picture thinking that I'd gotten a really rare photo...
Only to see almost the exact same photo just the other day on someone else's TR,
taken on a different day.

Ah well.


Cute, right?
Until they try to kill you, I mean.



Gotta admit. I was pretty pleased with this next one.
Cheetahs are one of my favourite animals.
Never seen one in real life before.
Made my day.
Well, more so than it already was!


We did see a lion, well the ears anyway.
That's all we could see.
But at least now I can claim to have actually seen one at AK.
Or at least claim that I've seen the top half of a lion's head at AK.

I must admit to a small annoyance, though.
I wanted to take a picture of some striped horses,
but these two big dogs got in the way.
Couldn't they put them in a kennel or something?
Oh, well.


Stupid dogs.

After not rescuing baby elephants from poachers,
I really didn't have any concrete plans for a bit.
My show was still a ways off.

See here's the thing.
Given a lot more time, I probably would've done more exploring.
But I'd already been on the Wildlife Express train and seen that area.
I'd already hiked the various trails.
I'd already been on Prime Evil Whirl... and don't ever intend to be caught on it again.
The only place I was remotely interested in eating at (Flame Tree) was closed.
And it was too cold for Kali.
I think it was closed, anyway.

So I just relaxed, took my time and wandered around,
taking photos of whatever grabbed my fancy.


I stopped to watch this gentleman for a while.
You can go to any amusement park in the world and buy souvenirs.
But how many have the actual artisans creating the wares right in front of you?

Disney. That's where.

Totally cool.


I wound up back at the front of the park in front of the Tree of Life.
I believe these roots were new?
Pretty sure I saw an article about them being unveiled recently.
Either way, they were pretty impressive.



I had to wait a while to get those shots.
Tourists kept walking up to them for selfies and Photopass shots.
Didn't they know that I'd paid a lot of money to be there?
Didn't they know I'd come a long way and spent a lot of time getting there???


Actually, I noticed something that kind of surprised me... but in a very good way.
I strongly believe that when you're taking pictures, you're the one who has to accommodate,
not the other way around.
If I couldn't get a shot because people were in the way,
I'd either wait, take the shot anyway or skip it.
I'd try to time my photos so not to bother other people.
But several times, I'd start to compose a shot,
fully realizing that people were about to walk in front of the camera... and prepared to wait...
and people would usually stop, so as not to be in my way.

Wow. In this day and age when everybody has a camera,
I was truly surprised, and pleased, that there are still people out there
willing to pause for a second so someone can take a picture.

I continued past the Tree of Life after taking my photos and deliberately turned left towards Asia,
since earlier I'd gone via Dinoland to EE.

I paused to consider a photo op when....
IT happened.
It's not something anyone wants to see.
It's a sight that strikes fear into a grown man's heart.
I was that grown man, but what I saw had me quaking in my shoes like a little boy.
I'm sure you've already figured out what IT was.
Oh, Gawd! The horror! The inhumanity! The depravity.


The Tour Group!!!!!!

I had one chance.
One chance only.
I had to take it or suffer the unspeakable cruelty that befalls all who become engulfed.

They were gathering.
Preparing for their onslaught.

I had to,
I must get in front of them before I am devoured whole!

So I sashayed by them and moseyed on my way.
No big deal really.
Never saw 'em again.

What? You thought they'd be a problem?
Whatever gave you that idea??? :confused3

I continued on my merry, unfettered way, pausing to eat the roses.
Smell! Smell the roses!
I might have been getting hungry by then.

I took this next pic and had a pleasant thought.


Wouldn't it be great to hop into one of those kayaks and tool around Discovery River?
It certainly would give you a different, and relaxing, perspective of the park, no?



One more pic and then I've got a show to catch.
By now you've either figured it out or at least narrowed it down, right?


So? Where am I off to?
Which show is it?
Bonus contest point to whoever guesses first.
(One guess per person, please. It's easy enough already.)

Coming up in the next update!
Just the first of two things that I was most looking forward to on the whole trip.

Thanks for reading!!

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I'm going to comment on everything later, but my show guess is FoLK. The EE pic tells me you were nearer Nemo, but I think it's FoLK anyway :)

And the pic- from the safari? Upside down trees (pretty sure that's the scientific name)

You're doing a lot of super manly sashaying Pecans! Lovin' it!
I will guess Flights of Wonder as the show you are going to see. I don't really like Wunderbars (can't really eat peanut butter anymore, makes me sick) but I'm exited about the small thing from WDW no matter what it is. Also the pride of winning!!!
How long did it take to walk from your room to the food court? I can't believe you didn't take any more resort pics!
I did think you were going to go to AK on this day. Should have said so before!
You mean you didn't want to to to Bug's Life? We always go!
You didn't eat breakfast? Just had OJ? Or were you saving yourself for Flame Tree?
So when do you think you'll go back to WDW? Next winter? I'd love to go during winter! I said as much to DH and he said that they had temps in the 30's down in Florida two days in a row one week. I said yeah but at least there wouldn't be snow!
Not sure if I'd do a solo trip. I'd be afraid I'd just lounge about the resort all day and not even make it to the parks because I'd want to just relax.
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Sounds like a great day so far, Ponzi.
My guess is Lion King (how could it not be?)
Fun contest with real prizes! I will enjoy playing along but when I do recognize something my answer usually sounds like, "that thing that is right in front of that other thing over by...." I'm giving you my translation in advance okay?

Your day is off to a good start! I'm going to guess Nemo is the show because you just can't pass up a good puppet show and you haven't seen it before
Loving your TR so far!!! Sadly yeah...RD really is a thing....sometimes I wish it weren't so lol...looks like a great day so far!
I'm guessing Finding Nemo for the show. And the pic is from near the Kilimanjaro Safari, just as you exit back into the park.
Love this picture! So beautiful. I loved another but I've just wasted a half an hour of my life trying to multi-quote and somehow failing miserably. lkdsfjlsadjladsfjladsjk. Anyway, glad I found it and will catch up.


I'm going to comment on everything later, but my show guess is FoLK. The EE pic tells me you were nearer Nemo, but I think it's FoLK anyway :)

I find it interesting that while you felt I was closer to Nemo, you went with FoLK anyway.
Wanna know if you're right????
Well, I'll tell ya!..... Later.

And the pic- from the safari? Upside down trees (pretty sure that's the scientific name)

I have no idea what they're called.
I actually thought people would focus on the lantern! :laughing:
Not on the safari, though.

You're doing a lot of super manly sashaying Pecans! Lovin' it!

I am nothing if not manly.
My sashaying has occasionally been mistaken for swaggering, fyi.

I will guess Flights of Wonder as the show you are going to see.

Ah! I believe there are four shows you could have picked from and I wondered if Wonder would be remembered.
Wonder if it's the right guess?

I don't really like Wunderbars (can't really eat peanut butter anymore, makes me sick) but I'm exited about the small thing from WDW no matter what it is. Also the pride of winning!!!

Tell you what, if you win, we'll negotiate a substitute prize for the Wunderbars.
There's no Cadbury chocolate at all in the States is there? Or is there?
I seem to recall reading that Cadbury chocolate from the UK was recently banned.
Unless they just use different chocolate and you still have Cadbury there?

How long did it take to walk from your room to the food court? I can't believe you didn't take any more resort pics!

I didn't time it, but going over the steps in my head, I timed it out to about one minute.
So I'd guess one minute plus or minus twenty seconds?
It was not long at all.

I did think you were going to go to AK on this day. Should have said so before!

No points for 20/20 hindsight!

You mean you didn't want to to to Bug's Life? We always go!

Whether I went or not remains to be seen...
Did I want to go? A la original plan?
No. Not really.
But then again, I hadn't planned on doing the Safari either, and look how that turned out!

You didn't eat breakfast? Just had OJ? Or were you saving yourself for Flame Tree?

You'll see.
It's part of the next chapter.

So when do you think you'll go back to WDW? Next winter? I'd love to go during winter! I said as much to DH and he said that they had temps in the 30's down in Florida two days in a row one week. I said yeah but at least there wouldn't be snow!

I hope to remember when I post the chapters, but in case I don't (it's not a secret.)
Mornings were cold, with temps down as low as (if memory serves) 46F.
But it would warm up by afternoon to temps around 70F.

But... No. Snow.


As for when? I'd like to go in January or February again,
but I'll have to talk to Ruby first for when it will have the least impact on her.

Not sure if I'd do a solo trip. I'd be afraid I'd just lounge about the resort all day and not even make it to the parks because I'd want to just relax.

At first I was going to say something like. "What's wrong with that?"
But... I'm sure you'll have purchased park tickets, so that's kind of wasting a chunk of cash.

But it is your vacation. You do what you want!
But me personally? I paid money to go to the parks, so the parks I shall go to.

Sounds like a great day so far, Ponzi.
My guess is Lion King (how could it not be?)

It was the start of a really great day, Marita!
I was probably walking around with a big smile on my face the whole time.
Which is okay, 'cause almost everybody else is too.

Sorry, but even if you're right, Shan beat ya to it.
Not saying which show I did, but not all of them have been picked yet.

Fun contest with real prizes! I will enjoy playing along but when I do recognize something my answer usually sounds like, "that thing that is right in front of that other thing over by...." I'm giving you my translation in advance okay?

You're so close! :lmao:
You'll probably have just as good a chance at it as anyone else. ;)

Your day is off to a good start! I'm going to guess Nemo is the show because you just can't pass up a good puppet show and you haven't seen it before

Someone's got a good memory! You're right, I hadn't seen it before.
But have I seen it now????

Loving your TR so far!!! Sadly yeah...RD really is a thing....sometimes I wish it weren't so lol...looks like a great day so far!

I was very surprised at the amount of people for rope drop.
I'm sure, when we were there last, we were there for rope drop and there weren't nearly as many people lined up.

And you're right.... so far? Great day!

I'm guessing Finding Nemo for the show. And the pic is from near the Kilimanjaro Safari, just as you exit back into the park.

Too late Marie, Tammie just beat you to the Nemo guess.
How ticked are you going to be if it turns out to be the show I went to???
Care to try again? There's still one show that nobody's guessed. (Although it's been mentioned.)

But very good guess on the location of the picture!
That's exactly where it was taken!

Love this picture! So beautiful. I loved another but I've just wasted a half an hour of my life trying to multi-quote and somehow failing miserably. lkdsfjlsadjladsfjladsjk. Anyway, glad I found it and will catch up.

Hi Lisa! :wave2: Glad you found us!
I saw you on another thread a little while ago and hoped you'd show up.

Thanks for the comment on the picture, I kind of like that one too! :)

I see you PMd me (or as they now call it started a conversation.)
I'm just about off my break right now (at work), but will answer you asap, okay?


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