Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

See? Easy!
And I'm not an axe murderer... well, not today, anyway.
Wait. What time is it? Is it after midnight?

Ha! but we still don't know if you're an axe murderer!

My point. If I like something, I'll comment instead.

Oh, so you'll comment? Maybe I'll start to post things. I just have to find something inane enough to post about because I refuse to post real stuff on FB. Those people don't deserve to know about my real life. They need to be on the DIS for THAT. Either that or actually know me. Novel concept.

Now if you'll excuse me... going back to typing.
About 3/4 done, I think.

Cool, just in time for me to get back to real life and have no time again! :rolleyes1

Taking the evening off. To harass you.

And have fun conversations about feeding the fish on my TR!
:rolleyes1 I may say you're a dreamer
But I'm not the only one....

So who else (other than yourself) is dreaming about me?

Nope. Had me enough real life studying taking care of 2 patients all by myself for 14 hours today.

Whoa. Long day!

Taking the evening off. To harass you.

And I'm okay with that.

Ha! but we still don't know if you're an axe murderer!

That's because I like to sneak up on you all unsuspecting.

Oh, so you'll comment? Maybe I'll start to post things.

Slow down there missy! I comment... about once every other day that I'm on...
which is once every other day as it is.

I just have to find something inane enough to post about because I refuse to post real stuff on FB. Those people don't deserve to know about my real life. They need to be on the DIS for THAT. Either that or actually know me. Novel concept.


And that's one reason I don't post... at all.

Cool, just in time for me to get back to real life and have no time again! :rolleyes1

All done.
Just proofing and spell checking and formatting.

And have fun conversations about feeding the fish on my TR!

I know you have an update.
Wanted to finish this first.

I'm glad we had some time to yuck it up a bit! Starting to feel like the "old times" around here again.

Slow down there missy! I comment... about once every other day that I'm on...
which is once every other day as it is.

Please don't call me Missy. But I never know when I will post something.


And that's one reason I don't post... at all.

So many people I know have half their life out there on FB. I know that the DIS has no privacy filters whereas I only let friends see my posts, but still, I don't like to tell people, and now I'm on my way to .... Here were are in...on vacation.... come rob our house!

Also I don't want to let people know that we just paid our property taxes or turned on solar power, I mean like anyone cares about that! I'll occasionally post a great view at a meal or a ride photo from Disney, but mostly I'm pretty boring and no one really cares. Now the Harbesons, they have it going on!

All done.
Just proofing and spell checking and formatting.

See now that's one of the things I enjoy about you, concern for grammer, spilling, and propr syntx, in your posts! Im glad that u don't skimp on ur use of languaguage.

I know you have an update.
Wanted to finish this first.

That's OK, I'm getting in as many as I can while I'm at the folks because once I get back home, I'm under scrutiny of "use of my time", and when I'm caught DISing, I tend to get in trouble!
Please don't call me Missy. But I never know when I will post something.

Sorry Alison, my apologies. No offense meant, just in jest.

How's "Toots"?


(I'm in trouble now, aren't I?)

So many people I know have half their life out there on FB. I know that the DIS has no privacy filters whereas I only let friends see my posts, but still, I don't like to tell people, and now I'm on my way to .... Here were are in...on vacation.... come rob our house!

I hear ya.

See now that's one of the things I enjoy about you, concern for grammer, spilling, and propr syntx, in your posts! Im glad that u don't skimp on ur use of languaguage.



That's OK, I'm getting in as many as I can while I'm at the folks because once I get back home, I'm under scrutiny of "use of my time", and when I'm caught DISing, I tend to get in trouble!

I'll probably wander over tomorrow or the next day.

Hmmmm.... this could get to be a sticky situation...

Oh, no. I shower.

Oh! "Sticky"! I thought you said "stinky".
Okay.... I'm tired.
I can't re-read that thing one more time.
Let the chips fall where they may.

Here it comes.
In Your Face!

Let's see... where were we...
Eaten at BOG?



Not revisited my meal on Tea Cups?



Saw a soused mermaid?



We still had plenty of time to kill before our 7DMT FP time.
But we did have something coming up that day that I had to keep an eye on.

We were having a DISmeet sometime today.
I knew we were meeting in MK... just not when... or where.
Considering how my first attempts at email on the last meet
didn't go so well, I was a tad concerned.

Luckily, right around then, just after 2pm, I got an email:
"Going to arrive at MK right around 3:30!
Let me know a convenient place to come say hi!"
I replied that I'd email back around 3:00 and say where we were.

Yes! We have communication!

Which is a good thing, since plan B involved me setting fire to something
and sending out smoke signals.

I suspect... could be wrong... but I suspect Disney frowns on
guests setting fire to their property.
Sometimes I think Disney is a little too fussy about stuff like that.

So with emails flying liberally to and fro,
I determined that we had some time to do a ride or two while we waited.

Just for the heck of it, we wove our way towards Space Mountain.
I had no illusions that the wait time would probably be too long,
but you never know, right?
Well, those of you checking ride wait times on your phones do.
But I was right there, so let's just go over and check, shall we?

The good news? There was no wait whatsoever!
The bad news? There was no wait because the ride was down.

I asked a CM tasked with shooing people away
how long he thought it might be down.
He didn't really know, but he did have an excellent suggestion.

"If you ride the PeopleMover." He said.
"You can see Space Mountain with the lights on."

I looked at Kay, she looked at me... "Let's go!" We said in unison.

We raced over to the WEDway Peoplemover.
Yes. I know it might be known to you as
the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover.
And that's just wrong.
I don't care what it says on the brochure.
It was originally the WEDway Peoplemover.
While I'm not overly averse to change,
taking Walt's initials out is definitely not the right way to go!
If you're going to change it,
possibly because people don't know what WED stands for,
then name it the Walter Elias Disney Peoplemover!

We climbed up to the platform...
The treadmill was broken, so yes, we climbed.
Got settled into our car and headed out.
But first (of course... one must do what one must do)


Okay. Now that we're chillin' n' stylin',
let's take a short tour of Tomorrowland, shall we?





And then the piece de resistance.
(And yes, I'm sure you've seen photos like this before...
but it was still cool to see it in person.)


Doesn't really look like a coaster, does it?
Looks more like some kind of widgets factory.

Okay, one more pic before we get off of the ride.
And is it a ride? A diversion? A transportation?
Whatever. Here's another picture.


It wasn't three o'clock yet, so I suggested taking a spin on COP.
Kay was game.... I told her it was air conditioned.

While we were discovering how life's changed over the last century,
I received another email.
"Entering MK now, stopping at Starbucks!"
I clicked off a quick reply "On COP right now. Christmas scene."

"I'll head over!" Came the reply.

We exited COP and started looking around.
Hmmm.... No sign yet...

And did I mention it was hot?
I was starting to melt, so I suggested we stand in the shade
of the WEDway elevated track.
And then we saw her!


Even though it was hot, we're smiling.
Probably because she has her hand on my bum.
Well, you can't see her other hand, can you? So...
It could be there.

Okay. She didn't. But it would explain the smiles...


Courtney!! (aka @courtneybelle on the DIS)
I've followed Courtney for a little while now
(Wow! Does that ever sound stalkerish!)
and really grew to like her enthusiasm for Disney.

And seriously, how can you not like someone with a smile like that???

We exchanged hellos and I suggested
(It might have been more of a whining beg)
that we go find some place air conditioned and grab a drink.

And you want to know the weird thing?
It's only now as I type this that it suddenly occurs to me.
She said she was stopping at Starbucks...
Where's her drink?

Courtney, if you're reading this, you'll have to clear up that little mystery.

Courtney led us over to Cosmic Rays where we sat and sipped and chatted.
My only regret was that she had to work and didn't have much time.
Courtney is in the College Program and works at Splash.
How cool is that?
She also swings a baton and cracks heads for crowd control at parades.
I believe she said she actually prefers the latter,
because it gives her more chances to interact with guests.

Courtney, next time you have to let us take you out to dinner.
That was way too short!

So before it was really begun, our short little DISmeet was over
and we parted ways.

Any time we were in Frontierland or near Splash,
Kay and I would look for her, just to say "Hi", but we never saw her again.

Well, the show must go on,
or in this case, the assault on MK.
And lo and behold... Space Mountain was open!
With a one hour wait!

That is definitely not going to happen!

Well, our 7DMT FP was coming up in a bit.
Might as well mosey over there.
On the way we passed the Cheshire Café.
I paused briefly, but it wasn't that long ago that we'd eaten,
plus we had a schwack of food on the horizon.
We passed.

We arrived at 7DMT a few minutes early,
so to kill time, and get out of the heat,
we popped into Hundred Acre Goods.

Kay spotted something and just had to have it.
Stuffed animal? No.
Keychain? Nope.
Pin? Nada.

No, Kay wanted a yard stick full of coloured sugar.
You know why?
Because it's a yard stick full of sugar.
There was a contraption that dispensed different flavours of powder.
Basically drink mixes without the hydration.
Makes sense. We were both hot so why get something liquid?

With her sugar in tow, we headed back over to the 7DMT FP entrance.

What can I say about 7DMT.
It's a coaster... so that's a good thing.
But sometimes it's more like a dark ride,
reminiscent of the old Snow White's Scary Adventure.
And that's okay... but I'd prefer full coaster.
And as a coaster... well, it's pretty tame.
Don't get me wrong.
I rode it. Had fun.
But it's not a priority.
BTMRR. That's a priority!



Those guys up on the posts look familiar?
They used to be inside the aforementioned Snow White ride.
Glad they kept 'em.

And try as I might, I still haven't gotten a decent picture from inside the ride!
Oh, well, here's what I did manage.




I think either the ride has to stand still or the dwarves do.
Everybody just stop moving for one second!....

After exiting the ride, we could now pick up an extra Fastpass.
The closest kiosk that I knew of was over by Mickey's PhilharMagic,
so we headed over that way.
Getting the FP took just a second and since we were already there...
we popped into PhilharMagic.
I enjoyed watching it again and Kay did too.
For some reason, she didn't reach up and try to grab the gems
like she did when she was four.
Wonder why not?

It seemed like it wasn't that long ago we had lunch,
but now it was time for dinner.


Kay had said she wanted a buffet meal
and I didn't know for sure if we'd be done with MK yet or not
(I guessed correctly. Points for me! Say Yay! and you'll get points!)
So that's how we wound up with an ADR for Crystal Palace.

Now I'm not big into characters (gasp!)
and neither is Kay (double gasp!)
So when a handler came over and asked if we wanted to meet Tigger...
We said no. (triple gasp!)

Okay, take a moment to catch your breath.

I will admit, that if a character interacts with me,
I won't run from them.
I'll even play along.
But I'm trying to eat here, okay?
You want to interact with pkondz?
Get a FP.

Oh, and for those of you who are looking for the food porn shot.
I did take the all important one:


I'm on vacation! Calories don't count!
Unfortunately, at a buffet, while the calories might not count,
a sugar overload is a definite possibility.
It's a slippery slope from "I'll just have one..."
to "I'll just have one of each..."
to "I'll just take each tray."

Pace yourself, or you'll be sliding down that sugar mountain in no time.


After supper, it was time for our next Fastpass.
And well, since Kay suggested it...
Practically forced me to do it, really...
We headed off to meet a very special someone.

Ahhhhh..... My princess.
Ariel. Complete with fish tail, of course.

We got back to her grotto in just a few minutes and scanned our bands.
There were a few people ahead of us in the FP line, but it moved fairly quickly.
Not at all like the standby line we had stood in.
I stress the "stood" since we certainly didn't move anywhere.

Soon we were heading in to meet.... HER.

I was really anxious to meet her.
I mean, this wouldn't be my first time...
I'd met her once before when the girls were little.
But that time I was the "stand off to the side" Dad.
This time, I was gonna get some one on one time with her.

And wouldn't you know it.
Kay just had to try and butt in!
I mean... what the heck? This is my princess!
Get your own!

I gently tried to explain to her that I just needed some alone time,
but... well, you know kids.
They just can't take a hint, can they?
It's really a wonder after that first one, that any more are ever reproduced.

So I had to "explain" it to her a little more clearly.
I gently showed her the error of her ways
and Ariel and I were able to gaze deeply into each other’s eyes.


Notice how Ariel's hand is possessively clutching my arm?
It's obvious, isn't it?
We were meant to be.

The photographer didn't seem thrilled with the picture,
so he made us take a more "traditional" shot.



Too soon, the photographer was shooing us out of the grotto.
Ariel didn't want me to leave and may have cried at my departure.
I had to be strong, for both of us.

It was not easy.

Back outside, we grabbed some FPs for Buzz and headed over.
As we entered, the CM gave me a red card.
I handed it to Kay, who was thrilled.
She'd been wanting one ever since our ride on EE the day before.


I'm not sure if the picture is blurry because she took the shot too close,
or if her hands were shaking too much from excitement.

I didn't catch our Buzz scores, because I wasn't fast enough,
but suffice to say.... they were horrible.
I mean, really, really bad.
I'm pretty sure that if a gun was stuck in "shoot" mode
and pointing at the ceiling it would've beat us.

We did not save the Galaxy.

I leave that task to @TheLittleKatie and Jamie.

After failing miserably at Buzz, we have a bit of time left in the park
before we have to head out for our last ADR.

Check the standby time for Space... 90 minutes.
Ha! Not gonna happen!

So what to do?
HM of course!
So we zipped over and rode, with no wait at all.
We then popped into Memento Mori to check it out.
Kay was pushing for me to get my photo done,
but there were people ahead of us and it would've
eaten up half an hour.
Maybe next time.

Oh, one more little tidbit.
Earlier in the day, Kay had noticed
(as does everyone) that there were horseshoe prints
set into the concrete in Liberty Square.
But she also noticed (I did not) that they weren't just
They were Maximus' shoe prints (from Tangled.)


Dang that girl is observant!
She always has been.
I just felt that I had to get a photo.
So I did.

Okay. We've got just over an hour left.
How about Splash? Sure!

Pop over to Splash and.... 25 minutes wait?
Oh, we can do that! Easy!
Except it wasn't.
It took twice that time.
50 minutes in line for Splash!
At least the sun was gone so it wasn't quite as unbearable as earlier.

We kept looking for Courtney, but we never saw her.

When we were close to the loading area,
Kay asked if there was going to be a storm.
She pointed to the roof where they had some strobes occasionally flashing.
I had a good laugh at her expense.
I mean Disney does a great job with special effects,
and even I thought it was pretty realistic...
But since we were inside, well... she sure is gullible!

We got in our log and got ready to sail off.
I looked up again at the roof and "lightning".

It was right about then, that I noticed, for the first time,
that the loading area is open to the sky.

Yep. That was real lightning.

I never said I was smart.
A smart-a... uh... smart-alec, sure.

No fancy schmancy ride photo this time.
We just enjoyed ourselves and hoped the rain would hold off.

What wouldn't hold off though, was the nine o'clock parade.
Standing in line for so long at Splash had put us behind schedule.
I knew that it was going to be a bit tougher getting out,
but thankfully, I knew a couple of shortcuts.

The parade was starting at the MK entrance,
so it hadn't reached Frontierland or Liberty Square yet.
We were able to zip down to LTT where we swung right
and made a bee line towards Crystal Palace.
We kept going and ducked into Casey's as the parade went by.
Cutting through the shops, we were able to bypass the onlookers.
We exited at the Emporium and crossed the street.
There we were held for a couple of minutes until a CM
let us cross the street at a gap in the parade.
We passed under the train station and were out.

Now we just had to see how long it was going to take for a bus.
This time of night, during the parade, before Wishes...
I figured a minimum 20 minute wait.

We arrived at the bus stop at 9:17pm.
Of course a bus was already waiting there for us.
Once we boarded, the driver waited another few seconds for
another family to board... then promptly stalled the engine.
He couldn't figure out how to start it up again,
so another driver (or supervisor... dunno) came and started it.

While all this was going on, the bus kept filling.
Kay and I were seated near the front.
When a mother with toddler came on, I gave her my seat.
I knew Kay's feet were getting really sore, so I didn't want
and didn't expect her to stand.

But when we got to our destination,
I made sure to tell her to always give up your seat for those more in need.
I just wanted to make sure I was doing my job as a parent.
But she thought I was scolding her.
Meh. She was tired, so I let her be a bit cranky.
I told her that I knew she was sore, so not to worry.
I was more worried that I hadn't told her this before.
Apparently I had (yay me!) but she was just too sore to stand.

This will come into play a few days later.

Around 9:51pm, we arrive at the Beach Club.
Our ADR was for 10pm. We were cutting it close.
Plus I didn't know exactly where it was.
I knew from looking at the map that if we went straight through
the Beach Club, turned right and followed the pool we'd find it.
And that's what we did.



Beaches and Cream!
This had been a looooong time on my Disney wish list.
I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure it was #1 on the list.
And finally I made it!
With Kay! My ice cream eating comrade in arms!
(Ruby's not a fan, Elle doesn't ask for it very often)

When I told Kay about this place and showed her a picture
of the Kitchen Sink, this became a priority for her too.
But it wasn't easy finding an open ADR time for this.
The only time in our entire stay, was now.
(Shortly before we came, another one opened up for later in the week)

So we came knowing we were going to order the Kitchen Sink.
And now that we were here!!!!
We just weren't feeling it.

Let me just refresh your memories here.
BOG with Master's cupcake.
CP with buffet table of desserts.
Nope. Just not feeling like trying to eat a dessert meant for six.

So we turned and left.


Kay ordered the Fudge Mudslide while I had the No Way Jose.
Which (after the Sink) was #1 on my list.


OMG... Soooooo good!!!!!!!
We did not come close to finishing them.
And I do not regret having it over the Kitchen Sink one bit.
Besides... gotta keep some things for next time, right?

After eating as much frozen heaven as we possibly could,
we waddled out to the hotel entrance.
I had given some thought as to how we'd get back to POP.
At first I thought of going through Epcot and catching a bus there.
But it was too late.
Ah, heck with it. Let's just grab a cab.
How much could it be?

I asked the CM at the valet stand to call us a cab
and it arrived fairly quickly.
(I did not note the time... because this was not Disney transportation)
It only took a few minutes to get from Beach Club to Pop.
The total cab fare was $9.00. Not bad at all.
Especially considering the convenience.
I handed the driver a twenty and told him to give me $10 back.

He didn't have any change.
Is it just me? Or is that weird? For a cab driver?
I did happen to have a five and four singles on me, though.
But that was it.
I apologized for not being able to leave a tip, but what can you do?

We stumbled up to our room
and in a very (very!) short time
were in our beds and drifting off to sleep.

While outside, a torrential rain began to fall.


Disney Transportation Wait Time to date (6 busses): 5 minutes

DizzneyDi - 48 (-10 pts)
cinderkelly - 60 (-10 pts)
afwdwfan - 63.5 (-10 pts)
Mac Brew - 69 (-10 pts)
TheLittleKatie - 70 (-10 pts)
Mrs T 2009 - 75 (-10 pts)
DonnaBeeGood - 94 (-10 pts)
franandaj - 97 (-10pts)
jandlinz - 101 (-10pts)
ForeverDance - 105
SnowWhiteOz - 123
Gracefulskinny - 155 (-10 pts)
Thumper_Man - 170
chookie94 - 172
irene_dsc - 175
SimplyGoofy - 180 (-10 pts)
Terra Nova guy - 204
Saturn23 - 205
ougrad86 - 210
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 221
Tracy161 - 224
orangecats2 - 230
DisneyAndrew - 232
Steppesister - 238
Captain_Oblivious - 240
TGM - 240
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 247
Kiren - 256
Mr. lncredible - 270
Kiotzu - 273
Backstage_Gal - 310
queenbetsey - 315
TruLovesKiss - 323
BibbitybobityLu - 358
Curiouser&curiouser! - 363
Susan R - 600

Feel free to change your guesses if you wish.
You may do so up to and including the August 25th update.

Bonus question and answer:
Just say you're in awe! Easy!
I'm giving you these things! 4 free bonus points to the following:

GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes, jandlinz, Kiotzu, DonnaBeeGood,
SnowWhiteOz, Curiouser&curiouser!, irene_dsc,
orangecats2, franandaj, Captain_Oblivious,
TheLittleKatie, Saturn23, DISNEYMOON10121991,
TruLovesKiss, Terra Nova guy, ForeverDance,
DizzneyDi, Steppesister

Bonus questions, point values and answers from last round.

1. What ride did we try to ride, but it's closed?
Answer: Space Mountain. (4 points)
(I'm giving 2 points to anyone who said POTC was closed.
Kay did want to ride it and it was closed.)

2. What ride do we go on instead
Answer: WEDway Peoplemover (2 points)

3. Do we get a FP for Ariel?
Answer: Yep! (2 points)

4. Next two ADRs?
Answer: Crystal Palace (2 points) and Beaches & Cream (4 points)

5. Do we stay for Wishes?
Answer: Nope! (2 points)
Some of you said I watched from elsewhere... so we didn't "stay",
so it counts.

Get 'em all right I'll throw in a free pair of points!

You're guesses and points won:
Gracefulskinny - SM, WEDway, no, Plaza, Ohana, no - 8 points
MAGICFOR2 - JC, POTC, no, Plaza, Beaches, no - 6 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - POTC, JC, no, Plaza, Beaches, no - 8 points
Mrs T 2009 - POTC, Aladdin, yes, Plaza, Wave, no - 6 points
jandlinz - POTC, JC, yes, Plaza, Beaches, no - 10 points
Kiotzu - POTC, JC, no, Plaza, Wave, no - 4 points
DonnaBeeGood - JC, POTC, no, Tony's, Wave, no - 2 points
SnowWhiteOz - SM, COP, yes, Plaza, Beaches, no - 12 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - SM, WEDway, yes, CP, Beaches, yes - 14 points (so close!)
irene_dsc - POTC, JC, yes, Plaza, Beaches, no - 10 points
SimplyGoofy - 7DMT, SM, yes, CRT, Beaches, no - 8 points
queenbetsey - COP, Buzz, no, Tony's, 1900, yes - 0 points (sorry!)
afwdwfan - POTC, JC, no, Plaza, Ohana, no - 4 points
cinderkelly - POTC, no, Tony's, Beaches, no - 8 points
franandaj - SM, COP, yes, Plaza, Ohana, no - 8 points
Captain_Oblivious - POTC, JC, no, Plaza, Ohana, yes - 2 points
TheLittleKatie - SM, Wedway, yes, Plaza, Beaches - 12 points
Mr. lncredible - COP, Buzz, yes, Plaza, Ohana, no - 4 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 - POTC, JC yes, Tony's, Beaches, no - 10 points
TruLovesKiss - POTC, JC, yes, Tony's, Beaches, no - 10 points
Terra Nova guy - Buzz, WEDway, yes, Plaza, Ohana, no - 6 points
misssullyinc - POTC, JC, no, CP, Beaches - 8 points.
ForeverDance - 7DMT, SM, no, CP, Beaches, no - 8 points
DizzneyDi - POTC, JC, no, CP, Beaches, yes - 8 points
Saturn23 - 7DMT, JC, yes, Plaza, Beaches, no - 8 points
orangecats2 - COP, WEDway, yes, Tony's, Beaches, no - 10 points
Steppesister - POTC, JC, no, Plaza, CG, no - 4 points
vrajewski10513 - POTC, Carpets, no, Tony's, Ohana, no - 4 points

Flattery points (aka suck-up points)
jandlinz - Thinks I'm perfect. 3 points. I complete her. 2 points.
SnowWhiteOz - Knows she likes me. 2 points.
queenbetsey - Calendar. Nuff said. - 4 points.
cinderkelly - Thinks I'm stunning - 3 points.
Saturn23 - Knows what to read - 6 points. Knows I have skilz - 2 points.
TheLittleKatie - Thinks I'm incredible - 2 points and amazing - 3 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - She loves me - 2 points.
DizzneyDi - Thinks I'm perfect - 3 points.
Steppesister – Knows I'm the king - 2 points.

Miscellaneous bonus points
Gracefulskinny - 2 points for paying attention in class.
MAGICFOR2 - 2 epic points. 4 points for guessing No Way Jose.
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 2 points for memory. 2 brownie points.
jandlinz - 3 points because she's a hot and spicy (albeit tired) momma.
2 points for pumpkin pics.
DizzneyDi - 3 points for sharing.
DonnaBeeGood - 2 indignancy points.
SnowWhiteOz - 2 points for throwing a mean party. 2 points for flame retarding.
Curiouser&curiouser! - 2 points for knowing her priorities.
irene_dsc - 2 points 'cause she likes it spicy.
KathyM2 - 2 points for puking.
SimplyGoofy - 4 points for drooling.
afwdwfan - 2 points because he knows. 2 points for totally knowing.
cinderkelly - 2 points for astonishing resemblances.
Kiotzu - 2 points for thriving.
franandaj - 2 points to get her dad a trident.
Captain_Oblivious - 2 points for money bags, 2 points for being uncanny.
TheLittleKatie - 2 points for bingeing. 3 points for merit.
4 points for saving the children.
4 points for stairing. 2 honesty points. 2 points for being green.
4 points for frozen goats.
4 points because I make her drool. 3 points for pausing.
And 3 points because you crack me up.
BibbitybobityLu - 3 points for somersaulting without a skirt.
2 points for likes to be on top or bottom.
MHSweb79 - 2 points for pumpkin pic.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 3 points for the effort.
orangecats2 - 2 points for making the Point.
TruLovesKiss - 2 points for bursting, 6 points for costumes.
Terra Nova guy - 6 points for all the memories
ForeverDance - 2 points for telling me so. 1 point for SM.
DizzneyDi - 2 points for got goat? 4 points for good ideas.
Steppesister - 2 points because she knows how it goes.

Points standings:

DISNEYMOON10121991 – 74 points
jandlinz – 67 points
franandaj - 64 points
Saturn23 – 64 points
ForeverDance – 63 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes – 63 points
Steppesister – 57 points
SnowWhiteOz – 55 points
orangecats2 – 54 points
TruLovesKiss – 53 points
DizzneyDi – 52 points
TheLittleKatie - 52 points
Gracefulskinny – 49 points
queenbetsey – 47 points
DonnaBeeGood – 46 points
irene_dsc - 46 points
cinderkelly – 43 points
Mrs T 2009 – 43 points
MAGICFOR2 – 42 points
chookie94 – 40 points
Terra Nova guy - 39 points
Captain_Oblivious – 38 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 38 points
Mac Brew – 35 points
afwdwfan – 34 points
Mr. lncredible – 32 points
Kiotzu - 30 points
DisneyAndrew – 28 points
Susan R – 23 points
TGM - 22 points
SimplyGoofy - 20 points
Dentam - 14 points
ougrad86 – 13 points
Backstage_Gal – 11 points
misssullyinc - 8 points
pookersmom - 7 points
BibbitybobityLu – 6 points
Kiren – 5 points
vrajewski10513 - 4 points
Dreamer & Wisher - 3 points
KathyM2 - 2 points
MHSweb79 - 2 points
Tracy161 - 2 points

Still lots of points available in future updates!

Bonus questions, round 6!
We're off to the last park we haven't seen yet!

What time does Kay wake up?
Hint: It ain't early.

What ride do we go on that costs us time
because we FP'd it?

What drink has been on my list for ages...
And I finally drink (for the first time.)

We have park hoppers.
Do we use them today?

And finally... lots of choices here.
Where's our Dinner ADR for?

Good luck!

Last edited:
Sorry Alison, my apologies. No offense meant, just in jest.

How's "Toots"?


(I'm in trouble now, aren't I?)

Hey "Toots" is fine! I didn't have an ex girlfriend named toots so I'm good with that! In fact since I play a horn that's what I do, "toot my horn!" "Missy" kills me every time someone says that I think of that depressing....well you don't need to know about that, I'm WAY beyond it, with a wonderful life and all. Call me Toots, if you must, but AJ is fine as well.
Hey "Toots" is fine! I didn't have an ex girlfriend named toots so I'm good with that! In fact since I play a horn that's what I do, "toot my horn!" "Missy" kills me every time someone says that I think of that depressing....well you don't need to know about that, I'm WAY beyond it, with a wonderful life and all. Call me Toots, if you must, but AJ is fine as well.

I prefer Alison, actually. :goodvibes

You play the horn? Which one?

Lol! This reminded me of one of those "what this situation would really look like" articles...



Just for the heck of it, we wove our way towards Space Mountain.

The good news? There was no wait whatsoever!
The bad news? There was no wait because the ride was down.


"If you ride the PeopleMover." He said.
"You can see Space Mountain with the lights on."

I looked at Kay, she looked at me... "Let's go!" We said in unison.


We raced over to the WEDway Peoplemover.

I love that you call it the WEDway Peoplemover :lovestruc It's sad that they're getting rid of Walt's name everywhere you look... You just don't see it very often anymore which is a real shame... That's why I really like that he's in Celebrate the Magic :goodvibes

Oh of course. Converse and sports shoes on the Peoplemover. What a great sight.



Courtney is in the College Program and works at Splash.
How cool is that?

Just the coolest.

She also swings a baton and cracks heads for crowd control at parades.
I believe she said she actually prefers the latter,
because it gives her more chances to interact with guests.

I bet she didn't prefer crowd control the night I saw her working it! It was chaos :laughing:

Ok, how do you make a photo of a moving coaster look so professional? :thumbsup2

And try as I might, I still haven't gotten a decent picture from inside the ride!


Although these are actually very good :goodvibes

Getting the FP took just a second and since we were already there...
we popped into PhilharMagic.
I enjoyed watching it again and Kay did too.
For some reason, she didn't reach up and try to grab the gems
like she did when she was four.
Wonder why not?

Aww :goodvibes

It seemed like it wasn't that long ago we had lunch,
but now it was time for dinner.


Oww mannn, I got this question wrong. But I love Crystal Palace! I've never had dinner there though, only breakfast.

(I guessed correctly. Points for me! Say Yay! and you'll get points!)


:lovestruc What was the best dessert?!

I'm on vacation! Calories don't count!

My motto :thumbsup2

Unfortunately, at a buffet, while the calories might not count,
a sugar overload is a definite possibility.

Oh yes, of course. But I prefer to call it an "energy boost" - it sounds healthier :rotfl:

After supper, it was time for our next Fastpass.
And well, since Kay suggested it...
Practically forced me to do it, really...
We headed off to meet a very special someone.

Ahhhhh..... My princess.
Ariel. Complete with fish tail, of course.


I love this! You guys come up with some hilarious photos :rotfl2:

Notice how Ariel's hand is possessively clutching my arm?
It's obvious, isn't it?
We were meant to be.

We actually noticed that the female characters will put their arm around me (/girls) and will link arms with Jamie (/guys)... As also demonstrated by the photo below

I wonder why?! Is that just a regal princess thing? Or maybe some men have been a little... inappropriate?!?!? :laughing:

We did not save the Galaxy.

I leave that task to @TheLittleKatie and Jamie.

OMG a shoutout!!! I feel so honoured :jumping1: Yes don't worry, we'll take care of it :thumbsup2

Oh, one more little tidbit.
Earlier in the day, Kay had noticed
(as does everyone) that there were horseshoe prints
set into the concrete in Liberty Square.
But she also noticed (I did not) that they weren't just
They were Maximus' shoe prints (from Tangled.)


Did not know this! That's awesome, thanks Kay!

How about Splash? Sure!


When we were close to the loading area,
Kay asked if there was going to be a storm.
She pointed to the roof where they had some strobes occasionally flashing.
I had a good laugh at her expense.
I mean Disney does a great job with special effects,
and even I thought it was pretty realistic...
But since we were inside, well... she sure is gullible!

I was like "ummmm... pkondzy....."

It was right about then, that I noticed, for the first time,
that the loading area is open to the sky.


What wouldn't hold off though, was the nine o'clock parade.
Standing in line for so long at Splash had put us behind schedule.
I knew that it was going to be a bit tougher getting out,
but thankfully, I knew a couple of shortcuts.

Oh God, we had this experience a couple of times this trip... Jamie was really impressed that one minute the parade is going past us, then three shortcuts later we're ahead of it and heading out the park :thumbsup2

Once we boarded, the driver waited another few seconds for
another family to board... then promptly stalled the engine.
He couldn't figure out how to start it up again,
so another driver (or supervisor... dunno) came and started it.

How can you be a bus driver and not know how to start the engine?! :rotfl: It must be more complicated than I'm imagining.

While all this was going on, the bus kept filling.
Kay and I were seated near the front.
When a mother with toddler came on, I gave her my seat.
I knew Kay's feet were getting really sore, so I didn't want
and didn't expect her to stand.

Aww good job my friend :goodvibes

Beaches and Cream!

Yessssssssss (omg apart from Crystal Palace I nailed this round!!!)

Kay ordered the Fudge Mudslide while I had the No Way Jose.
Which (after the Sink) was #1 on my list.

That No Way Jose looks SO GOOD. There is peanut butter EVERYWHERE. I've had that Fudge Mud Slide, but I need to try the No Way Jose. Unfortunately Jamie doesn't like peanut butter (WHAT) so he's not been willing to share it with me :sad2: These pictures are convincing me to just get one all to myself next time :thumbsup2

Bonus question and answer:
Just say you're in awe! Easy!
I'm giving you these things! 4 free bonus points to the following:

GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes, jandlinz, Kiotzu, DonnaBeeGood,
SnowWhiteOz, Curiouser&curiouser!, irene_dsc,
orangecats2, franandaj, Captain_Oblivious,
TheLittleKatie, Saturn23, DISNEYMOON10121991,
TruLovesKiss, Terra Nova guy, ForeverDance,
DizzneyDi, Steppesister

1. What ride did we try to ride, but it's closed?
Answer: Space Mountain. (4 points)

2. What ride do we go on instead
Answer: WEDway Peoplemover (2 points)

3. Do we get a FP for Ariel?
Answer: Yep! (2 points)

4. Next two ADRs?
Answer: Crystal Palace (2 points) and Beaches & Cream (4 points)


5. Do we stay for Wishes?
Answer: Nope! (2 points)
Some of you said I watched from elsewhere... so we didn't "stay",
so it counts.

Did I somehow miss a question!?!?

TheLittleKatie - SM, Wedway, yes, Plaza, Beaches - 12 points

TheLittleKatie - Thinks I'm incredible - 2 points and amazing - 3 points.

Woo!! :woohoo:

TheLittleKatie - 2 points for bingeing. 3 points for merit.

Lol I read this and was like oooh yay, then I noticed the rest of it:

TheLittleKatie - 2 points for bingeing. 3 points for merit.
4 points for saving the children.
4 points for stairing. 2 honesty points. 2 points for being green.
4 points for frozen goats.
4 points because I make her drool. 3 points for pausing.
And 3 points because you crack me up.

WOOOO!!! Thank you!

TheLittleKatie - 52 points

HOW did this happen :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: :jumping1:

Bonus questions, round 6!
We're off to the last park we haven't seen yet!

What time does Kay wake up?
Hint: It ain't early.

What ride do we go on that costs us time
because we FP'd it?

What drink has been on my list for ages...
And I finally drink (for the first time.)

We have park hoppers.
Do we use them today?

And finally... lots of choices here.
Where's our Dinner ADR for?


Mission Space!

Forgive me for not being able to remember if you've had one before, but I'll go with the Grey Goose Slush drink from France :thumbsup2

I think you DID NOT park hop today! (Because IllumiNations)

Hmm my intuition is telling me either Coral Reef of Via Napoli........ I'll go with Coral Reef..... :goodvibes

Great update!
Whew! You've been busy over here and just trying to get caught up lol

Yes! We have communication!

I found communication in MK to be difficult...the reception wasn't always good and sometimes text messages took forever...a bit annoying at times.

"If you ride the PeopleMover." He said.
"You can see Space Mountain with the lights on."

This is the coolest thing!!

Doesn't really look like a coaster, does it?

No but actually I wish I could see that - might actually make me not too chicken to go on the ride!!!

They were Maximus' shoe prints (from Tangled.)

That's really the Disney details!

Kay ordered the Fudge Mudslide while I had the No Way Jose.

Yummm That looks so good. I'm a sucker for some peanut butter sauce on ice cream.
Another update when I truly needed a great laugh. Your timing is impeccable. Well our sickness spread to all the kids and our baby, 13 months old, has been in the hard part of it the last two days. Reading your report at the wee hours at night has kept me sane. I even got to the point to put him in the car and do a couple laps around the block at 12:30 at night (don't judge, works like a charm). While driving a deer dashed across the street playing kamakozi. Luckily I was only going 15 mph and saw him in time, but still. Anyways, have you ever felt like a human tissue? I think we're over the hard part. I got four straight hours of sleep last night. Thanks for brightening my day with your sarcastic sunshine!:rainbow:

Saw a soused mermaid?
:rotfl2: Great gif.

Which is a good thing, since plan B involved me setting fire to something
and sending out smoke signals.

The good news? There was no wait whatsoever!
The bad news? There was no wait because the ride was down.

If you ride the PeopleMover." He said.
"You can see Space Mountain with the lights on."
This is so cool. I always wanted to see Space Mountain with the lights on.

taking Walt's initials out is definitely not the right way to go!
Yes, I totally agree. Who made that terrible decision?

(And yes, I'm sure you've seen photos like this before...
but it was still cool to see it in person.)
It really is interesting!

And did I mention it was hot?


Wow! Does that ever sound stalkerish!)
Nah! It's perfectly normal to follow someone on the Internet and hunt them down to meet them!

How cool is that?
So cool!

Because it's a yard stick full of sugar.
Lucky girl. My mom is a dental hygienist. We were never allowed stuff like that growing up. I'm so deprived.

BTMRR. That's a priority!
Absolutely agree oh wise Ponzi.:thumbsup2

And try as I might, I still haven't gotten a decent picture from inside the ride!
The pictures are great! Your photo taking skills while on a moving coaster are amazing!

I guessed correctly. Points for me! Say Yay! and you'll get points!)

Okay, take a moment to catch your breath.
It took longer than a moment... Bbbbbbbbut Tigger.:sad: I have a song for my DS2 that I made up using Tigger's song.

You want to interact with pkondz?
Get a FP.
Can you show me where the kiosk is?

Pace yourself, or you'll be sliding down that sugar mountain in no time.
That gif was too funny. Poor kitty. I hope he is ok.

Practically forced me to do it, really...

So I had to "explain" it to her a little more clearly.
I gently showed her the error of her ways
and Ariel and I were able to gaze deeply into each other’s eyes.
You really do have a connection. Love at first sight. Poor Prince Eric won't know how to handle the breakup. I wonder if Ruby would help him feel better.:stir:

Dang that girl is observan
She really is. I don't think I would have looked that closely.

We did not save the Galaxy.
Oh no. The galaxy is in danger.

I leave that task to @TheLittleKatie and Jamie.
After I read Katie's trip report about there being secret spots to get more points I looked it up on you tube. My older boys are so excited to beat Daddy and Papa next time we go. I know my DH won't know how it happened. Sneaky, sneaky.:rolleyes1

So we zipped over and rode, with no wait at all.

But since we were inside, well... she sure is gullible!
This reminded me of a time my family was at Fantasia Mini Golf. My twin sister hit the ball so hard it bounced in the pond. My dad magically retrieved it without her seeing and it bounced perfectly back on the course and into the hole. She literally thought it was Disney Magic. I guess you had to be there, but it is still something we talk about today. Her face and reaction was priceless. We all had a good laugh at her expense.:laughing:

Yep. That was real lightning.
I was just thinking I thought the loading area was open.

Of course a bus was already waiting there for us.
Of course. Can I change my bus answer again or will I be deducted another 10 points?

I made sure to tell her to always give up your seat for those more in need.
I just wanted to make sure I was doing my job as a parent.
You are doing a good job as a parent. I think it's very good to teach chilvary. When I take the kids to swimming sometimes if I don't get there early enough there are no seats. It's amazing how no one gets up to offer seats anymore. I had a newborn last year and I would walk in with all five kids and the men would look at me and then put their heads down and focus on their phones. It's nice to hear that chivalry is not dead. It's also great that you lead by example. I'm sure you might not have noticed, but there may have been a few older kids on the bus that saw you do that and you taught them a lesson on kindness.:flower1:

Beaches and Cream!
Let's scream for ice cream!

So we turned and left.


Kay ordered the Fudge Mudslide while I had the No Way Jose.
Which (after the Sink) was #1
Yummy! My mouth is watering!

He didn't have any change.
Is it just me? Or is that weird? For a cab driver?
Really weird.o_O

What time does Kay wake up?
Hint: It ain't early.
10:30. Poor thing is plum tuckered out.

What ride do we go on that costs us time
because we FP'd it?
Test Track. The single rider line would go so much quicker and Kay really wanted to design a car.

What drink has been on my list for ages...
And I finally drink (for the first time.)
Grey Goose Slush from France because it's HOT!

We have park hoppers.
Do we use them today?
Yes. You take the boat to Studios from the back of Epcot. I know that was on your must do's last time. Any points for remembering?

And finally... lots of choices here.
ADR: Via Napoli. PIZZA!


Lol! This reminded me of one of those "what this situation would really look like" articles...


Ha! That does seem more likely.
Except... get rid of the lipstick (Who wears lipstick while swimming?)
And that photoshopped impossibly skinny waist has got to go.



Oh, you're liking that are you?

I love that you call it the WEDway Peoplemover :lovestruc It's sad that they're getting rid of Walt's name everywhere you look... You just don't see it very often anymore which is a real shame... That's why I really like that he's in Celebrate the Magic :goodvibes

::yes:: It's almost like they're:
"Well, the park's named after him and there's a statue. That should be good."

Oh of course. Converse and sports shoes on the Peoplemover. What a great sight.


It's what all the cool kids are wearing these days.
And me too, apparently.



I bet she didn't prefer crowd control the night I saw her working it! It was chaos :laughing:

Oh. Was she inundated?

Ok, how do you make a photo of a moving coaster look so professional? :thumbsup2

Easy! Take about 100 pictures.
Throw out the 99 pictures of the back of peoples heads, blurry walls and sky shots...
And voila.

Although these are actually very good :goodvibes

Meh. I wasn't happy with them.
But thanks anyway!

Oww mannn, I got this question wrong. But I love Crystal Palace! I've never had dinner there though, only breakfast.

One of the few you missed.
With free dining, we pretty much use our credits for lunch and dinner only.
So that means either no breakfast, or just something small.

Maybe next time, I'll do "brunch" there.


:laughing: Noted!

:lovestruc What was the best dessert?!

The lemon one, of course.
Anything lemon is always the best.

Oh yes, of course. But I prefer to call it an "energy boost" - it sounds healthier :rotfl:

Ah. Yes. That does sound a little better.
I'll have to remember that in the future.

I love this! You guys come up with some hilarious photos :rotfl2:

:laughing: Thanks! And coming from you, that's quite the compliment.

We actually noticed that the female characters will put their arm around me (/girls) and will link arms with Jamie (/guys)... As also demonstrated by the photo below

I wonder why?! Is that just a regal princess thing? Or maybe some men have been a little... inappropriate?!?!? :laughing:

I have a bad feeling that it's the latter.
I'm sure some boys have put their arms around her
and "accidentally" had the hand go up a little too high.
You'll notice that while she has her hand on my arm,
I'm taking great care to not actually touch her.

OMG a shoutout!!! I feel so honoured :jumping1: Yes don't worry, we'll take care of it :thumbsup2

:laughing: You're welcome! And I have no doubt that you'll save the Galaxy.

None. Nada. Zip.

Did not know this! That's awesome, thanks Kay!

She's brilliant, isn't she?

I was like "ummmm... pkondzy....."

:sad2: I know... I know!
For some reason, I guess I just never looked up there.
I always just assumed it was closed in like POTC or SM.
At least at the loading platform, that is.

How can you be a bus driver and not know how to start the engine?! :rotfl: It must be more complicated than I'm imagining.

Well, it did involve pushing a button, so...

Yessssssssss (omg apart from Crystal Palace I nailed this round!!!)

You really did!
I was laughing when you last posted and then wrote how
you were wondering how you'd do with just guessing.

You did pretty darned good!

That No Way Jose looks SO GOOD. There is peanut butter EVERYWHERE. I've had that Fudge Mud Slide, but I need to try the No Way Jose. Unfortunately Jamie doesn't like peanut butter (WHAT) so he's not been willing to share it with me :sad2: These pictures are convincing me to just get one all to myself next time :thumbsup2

Oh, I encourage you to get one for yourself!
Even if you can't finish it.
(And if you can... I'll be shocked and amazed.)

I think that they'd be quite used to desserts coming back
half eaten (or less.)

Did I somehow miss a question!?!?

Yeah... you did.
I was yelling at the screen "Katieeeee!!!!! You missed one!!!!"

But I've taken the position where I don't do that.
I will give out a subtle nudge if someone's answering the wrong question.
But that's it.

Lol I read this and was like oooh yay, then I noticed the rest of it:

WOOOO!!! Thank you!

:laughing: Well, you did answer all the other posts!
(Which blew me away, btw.)

HOW did this happen :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: :jumping1:

See above! :laughing:


Mission Space!

Forgive me for not being able to remember if you've had one before, but I'll go with the Grey Goose Slush drink from France :thumbsup2

I think you DID NOT park hop today! (Because IllumiNations)

Hmm my intuition is telling me either Coral Reef of Via Napoli........ I'll go with Coral Reef..... :goodvibes

Great update!



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