Can you bring guests to SAB?


DIS Veteran
May 22, 2000
I've been getting conflicting information regarding bringing guests to SAB. We will be staying at BCV for the first time in August and would like our friends, who are staying onsite at a different resort, to be able to join us for the day at SAB.

Has anyone RECENTLY had any personal experience with having guests come to SAB?

I had this experience in February. We had friends staying at another hotel and they were able to join us at SAB. I asked at the front desk and double checked with the person handing out wrist bands. I also told her that the front desk said it was okay. It was not a problem at all. We all enjoyed the time together.

It wasn't as crowded last week, so they only asked for one room key for the family (one parent and two kids). Last year in July and August they asked for individual room keys for each person. The signs all say for the use by the guests of Yacht Club, Beach Club and Beach Club Villas, not the guests of the guests. You can try, but don't be disappointed if you can't do it.
My guess the allowance of guests of BC/YC/BCV being allowed to bring guests is based on current occupancy of the hotels. If occupancy is high, they will check EVERYONE for a room key and not allow outside guests to use the facilities. If occupancy is low, then they might allow someone to bring an outside guest. With the Fairytale package for this summer, occupancy is running at over 90% at all resorts. So, with that in mind, I'd say that most likely you won't be allowed to bring guests to SAB. As a DVC member you have pool hopping privledges, except to AKL, so you're free to swim with them at their hotel.
Thanks for the answers. I called the front desk and they said no, under no circumstances! :-(

I guess we'll wait and see when we're there (second week in August). Our friend's trip was a coincidence that it is the same as ours...if we had planned them together we all would have stayed at the same resort. Oh well...we were only spending a day or two at the pool anyway.

I believe the official word you will get at the front desk (and if you email WDW) is that the pool is for resort guests only and you will be given room keys for the official limit of people in your room, and that you need to have the room key to get into the pool.

However, having been told this during a slow time of the year, I walked out to the pool and asked a CM there if I could bring 3 of my own guests in without a room key and they said sure! The pool was very empty at the time. I just have the feeling that there are times when the answer is no - because of pool capacity - and times when the CMs are allowed to be flexible.

I would not count on it, but definately ask at the pool on the day they are there. If they can't get in, then I suggest pool-hopping to Boardwalk.
To my knowledge, there is no official policy. Just add them to your reservation and they will be official guests.
By the way, we went there late in the afternoon (early April, before the Spring break crowd) and did not get an wristband (they stopped handing them out after 4PM). Cast members did not ask for our room key (we were in room 544, had a great view of Epcot).
If they can't get in, then I suggest pool-hopping to Boardwalk.
The DVC members can pool hop to BWV pool but not their guests, unless they are also DVC members.
If you're not at capacity in your room, consider getting a couple of extra non-charging key cards for them to use. They COULD be staying with you if they wanted to, they just happen to go sleep at another resort.

(oops, should've read the rest of the responses! )

As others have said, I think it depends on the time of year and the CM giving out wristbands. I have been there when the asked for a room key for each person they gave a wristband to and I have been there when they told me 1 room key would do and asked how many wristbands I needed. As others have suggested, if your not at your occupancy limit, you can always add them to your room so they have a key without charging privledges.
If the resort is at capacity, they'll want a key for everyone getting a wristband, including children.
Yes Pam, at the time that they asked for a room key for each person in my party, they did ask for ones for the kids. When you check in they give you a key for everyone in your party, including the kids. You can have the kids keys with or without charging privledges and you can have the kids keys coded so they can work to open the door or they could be just dummy keys that don't work anything.
Just curious...what is to stop people from getting a wristband and then leaving and giving their keys to someone else so they can get a wristband? Or are the wristbands given for occupancy purposes and you still have to show the key?
We'll just play it by ear, then. Hopefully, SAB won't be too crowded that day.

Our friends are staying at All Stars...would we be able to use the pool there, then, if they can't come to SAB?

Thanks again for all the info!!!

Our friends are staying at All Stars...would we be able to use the pool there, then, if they can't come to SAB?


And I have never been asked for a room key or other DVC ID when pool-hopping to any other resort except SAB - and I've been to BWV, GF, Poly, CS and PO and one on the banned list which I won't mention......oops too late.....

(And yes, I already know what the rules are.......)
Just curious...what is to stop people from getting a wristband and then leaving and giving their keys to someone else so they can get a wristband? Or are the wristbands given for occupancy purposes and you still have to show the key?
Actually, this probably could be done. Once we have gotten our wrist bands at SAB we have never been asked to show our room cards again. I am in NO way saying this would be right to do but it could most likely be done.
Member Services told me that guests could join us at the pool if you check in at the front desk first...BUT.....if the pool was to capacity they would not be let in !

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