Can points change UY?


Home is just where you stay when not at WDW
Jan 19, 2013
If Disney reacquires points (ROFR, Foreclosure) can they put them into a different UY to fill a wait list, or are the points in the UY the are in until the end of days?
No. Those points are tied to a specific unit that has a UY month assigned to it.
pretty sure the UY is fixed.

(they can adjust the number of pts available to sell, and sell a 150 pt contract as 3 50 pt contracts...but i don't think they have any leeway on UY.)
If Disney reacquires points (ROFR, Foreclosure) can they put them into a different UY to fill a wait list, or are the points in the UY the are in until the end of days?

The use year is fixed, they don't change them and they won't combine contracts.

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