Can I Come Back?

Thanks everyone! :)

I figured you would let me come back but I had to make sure. ;)

I think this break was a good thing for me. I did have a lot going on in my life and sometimes (as we all know) we just have to put doing things for ourselves on the back burner. In my case that includes WW. I really was struggling (I cannot imagine how people with chronic pain deal with it because it can be so debillatating and depressing) and honestly sometimes trying to stay on points can be stressful and I just didn't feel like I could handle any more stress.

The real hurdle however was making sure that my break did not last too long. I ended up taking off about 3 weeks which is not too long but it gave me a chance to get some other things settled and I was very pleased to see my weight yesterday and knowing that I was not back up 10 pounds. I was a little afraid to step on that scale. :eek: I really had not been doing too great but I guess overall it wasn't too bad and I really feel that it makes me think that perhaps maintenance will not be as bad as I feared. Maintenance still scares me (probably most of us) but as least I now I can go about 3 weeks. :)

In the end I think this break will end up jump-starting my metabolism again as well. I had been slowing down and my "break" may have shocked my system again. I think the bloat fairy had been lurking around my house the last week or so (why can't the bloat fairy leave you alone when you are on a break? :rolleyes: ). I was feeling like perhaps he left so I weighed this morning and it showed me down 2 pounds from yesterday. I think this means that I may have even lost a little bit of weight during that 3 weeks.

I had started to stall before my break so this could be a very good thing for me. :) From my past dieting experiences my body does tend to start stalling out at around 20-25 pounds lost and that is usually about the point when I just throw in the towel but this time I am back and I have my WISH buddies to thank for that. I really could not do it without each and every one of you here.

Well thanks for letting me ramble. :)
Becka, you never left here, your heart was always here, I know, I felt it.
I may not PM people , or respond to every single one of their threads, but that doesn't mean I don't think of them and wonder how they are, I knew you were having back problems and trying to deal with that and a young baby is not easy, I know from when I had a dislocated shoulder and a 1.5 yr old toddler, changing diapers became a real chore, and doing other stuff was just out of the question.
I'm glad you feel up to posting again and very happy to hear that you only gained .5 lbs, you have been in control and I'm very proud of you.
I have been in a stalled mode for like 3-4 weeks now, I think I got to the point where what I really need is more exercise and toning up my abs, but I know this is going to be a slow process after 2 c-sections, working on it though, and as long as I am not gaining, I'm happy with that.


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