Cam & Howard's Vow Renewal PJ -1/12/09 - WP&WH--p.98: TRIP REPORT BEGINS

We get both Cam and Howard now?!? That's awsome!! How exciting. :goodvibes Anyhow, I'm still here, reading and enjoying. Thanks for posting and sharing.
Hello there - just wanted to say that I love your story. It is so touching. Thank you so much for sharing your PJ with us. I look forward to your ideas & updates.

Congratulations! :yay:

I was wondering if you PM me and tell me how you started training for the WDW marathon. I don't want to tie up your PJ for your VR. I am currently losing weight and I think this is something I will be interested in a couple of years. I need at least a year to lose my weight plus maybe a year or two to train, I currently only walk on a treadmill. Thanks for your help.

Laura :flower3:

I was wondering if you PM me and tell me how you started training for the WDW marathon. I don't want to tie up your PJ for your VR. I am currently losing weight and I think this is something I will be interested in a couple of years. I need at least a year to lose my weight plus maybe a year or two to train, I currently only walk on a treadmill. Thanks for your help.

Laura :flower3:

PM sent! :hug: :goodvibes
Just wanted to stop in and say that I read your entire PJ today and love your story. Can't wait to read more.
Hi everyone! Thank you for the wonderful and sweet notes you have been leaving for Cam. She is wonderful and I am very lucky.

We had a nice and relaxing family vacation in Hilton Head, SC. We went out to a romantic dinner at a local restaurant with beautiful views overlooking Broad Creek. Unfortunately the weather that day wasn't perfect, but the company (Cam) and food were perfect.

I am looking forward to checking in from time to time. I am very happy you all are sharing the excitement with us and sharing your personal tips, views and stories.

Hi Judy & Kristen! :hug:

I hope you all have a very Happy and Safe New Year full of wishes and dreams fulfilled!



Hi Howard!

Glad to hear your time at HHI went well. We had a wonderful Christmas and are counting down the days until Christmas #2 and WDW!

Have a great 2008 -- see you real soon!


P.S. Who's that cutie over your right shoulder in your sig pic? :love: ;)
P.S. Who's that cutie over your right shoulder in your sig pic? :love: ;)

Kristen -- We are both married to some serious "eye candy", aren't we? ;)
Cannot wait to see all of you at marathon weekend!

Thank you to everyone who is visiting and posting in my PJ. :grouphug: You are all so sweet and generous! :love: I really appreciate being a part of this forum where no one thinks I am crazy, and where my compulsive planning and love for Disney and love for my sweet husband are all coming together on what will be one of the most wonderful days of our lives!

So, today, I decided that my excitement for the vow renewal will help to fuel my efforts to lose more weight this year. I am hoping friends of ours will come spend a weekend in March for my girlfriend and I to go dress browsing/shopping. I don't know how the marketing seasons work and am afraid that the dresses that I have seen and liked may not be available to be tried on if I wait too long, because they have long sleeves. I am determined to lose 11.9 pounds by the end of February to really enjoy the shopping expedition.

As Howard and I were out doing our marathon training today, I came across a couple more songs for our dessert party playlist -- "Every Time I Think of You" and "The Way You Look Tonight". We are hoping to hook up my ipod and mini ipod stereo speakers for music before WISHes starts during the dessert party. Figured that would be a fun way to play a collection of music that is very meaningful to us but not necessarily suited to the reception.

SO many things to start thinking about. I think I'll want to do save the date cards in March with some preliminary information on it because so many of our friends will be booking for marathon weekend and the VR and I want them to know about our room block in case it will make marathon weekend accommodations easier for them to deal with.

I am starting to gather a list of questions for when we meet with Joe in January, and since we've extended our trip an extra day, I'll feel less frazzled and can actually digest the information afterwards and organize my notes, etc. before having to run off to the airport to return home. It's so hard to believe that 2 weeks from today we will know if we got our requested venues and dates. How exciting!

So, I am trying to figure out how to get bride and groom ears home from marathon weekend undamaged. I just don't know that we'd have the chance to track them down and the ability to get them home from my May trip or our June-July family trip. So, I figure it is better to get them now and pack them away than to have to fit in getting them later.

I really, really want those castle/vellum invitations I was talking about earlier, but I think that only happens if I do them myself, and I am just not the least bit craft-y and I am so worried that the quality won't be great if I do them myself. I think I am going to try to gather some of the materials and try to put together a prototype and then decide whether I will make them or have invitations made. I am thinking of including our original wedding picture on the invitation somehow. Will have to give that some thought.

This year is going to bring so many wonderful opportunities to share happy times with friends and it will all culminate in this huge celebration in WDW in January 2009! We have so much to look forward to!

Happy 2008 everyone! :grouphug:
Cam you are more than welcome for me coming and posting to you PJ. I;m glad I have somewhere to go where no one thinks I am nuts about my disney obsession. I'm going to PM you again about the marathon, more questions.

Laura :flower3:
Our Countdown Date is: 01-12-2009

Our Countdown Time is 1 years, 0 months and 9 days.

Our Countdown is also exactly 375 days.

Our Countdown is also approximately 9,000 hours.

Our Countdown is also approximately 540,000 minutes.

Our Countdown is also approximately 32,400,000 seconds.

Tick Tock! :love: :cloud9: :flower3: :hug:
Our Countdown Date is: 01-12-2009

Our Countdown Time is 1 years, 0 months and 9 days.

Our Countdown is also exactly 375 days.

Our Countdown is also approximately 9,000 hours.

Our Countdown is also approximately 540,000 minutes.

Our Countdown is also approximately 32,400,000 seconds.

Tick Tock! :love: :cloud9: :flower3: :hug:

:eek: I have so much to do!! Oh, WAIT!! I can't do anything until we have a date and location! WHEW! I was getting worried for a minute there. ;)
So, my biggest worry of the moment is how much the castle weighs. No, not the real castle! ;) Our topper weighs 3 POUNDS!!! eek!!!! I am absolutely confident DFTW can make it work. Since that is something beyond my control, I'm not going to worry about it. If they can't make it work, we'll figure something out later. I figure I'll give them the weights, the measurements, and a tracing of the "footprint" and leave it to them to tell me if they can make it work.

Jenn and Andrew have been SOOO excited about being in the ceremony and they've been bragging to their friends about how beautiful and fun it will be. That is certainly one advantage of waiting this long to renew our vows. They can be involved in a really meaningful way. AND, :woohoo: Jenn texted me last night that she and her best friend (who is like another daughter to us) are going to train for and do the 2009 Disney 1/2 marathon to be even more a part of our weekend experience. How cool is that!

Another definite decision I've made (and I know Howard will love) is that I want to have the DJ play "My WISH" at the reception for Howard to dance with Jenn and me to dance with Andrew. First of all, I LOVE the words, which I'll post here and it's a song that captures my feelings for Jenn when she graduated high school. Second, it fits the theme of "All Our Wishes Have Come True" and emphasizes how much of the wish fulfillment is having 2 amazing kids that we are so outrageously proud of.

So,here are the words:

MY WISH (performed by Rascal Flatts)
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You
never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,

This is my wish
i hope you know somebody who loves you
may all you dreams stay big

The bolded lyrics remind me so much of Jenn. Our whole family is active with Special Olympics, but Jenn has taken it so much further, working with kids with learning disabilities and volunteering at a social facility for mentally retarded adults. She has the sweetest and gentlest heart and this HUGE smile that just warms your heart. This is the most recent picture I have at work to upload to photobucket. Her marching band was in a halloween parade in costume (I cut out the other people in the picture -- LOL!)

I wish I could figure out how to make the picture smaller. :confused:

I am really excited that there is a local bridal show today and Howard and I are going to go take a quick look. Maybe I should take off the band I wear with my gorgeous diamond ring (that Howard gave me for our 18th anniversary). I wonder whether vendors will talk to people who are doing a VR, rather than a wedding. :confused3
I just found your VR PJ and you can add me to the list of teary eyed women reading it. I love your story and love the fact your husband has joined in. I will be following along closely, as I want to plan a VR for 2010. I can't wait to see how it unfolds! You are going to make an even more beautiful bride this time around I think. Especially with your children by your side!

On a sidenote, I spied one of my good Disney Lovin Mom buddies, Stephanie in your WISH pic! Love her!
I just found your VR PJ and you can add me to the list of teary eyed women reading it. I love your story and love the fact your husband has joined in. I will be following along closely, as I want to plan a VR for 2010. I can't wait to see how it unfolds! You are going to make an even more beautiful bride this time around I think. Especially with your children by your side!

On a sidenote, I spied one of my good Disney Lovin Mom buddies, Stephanie in your WISH pic! Love her!

Thank you so much, and yes! Stephanie is one of the absolute SWEETEST people I have ever met! I am so happy I've gotten to know her through the WISH team!

Okay, I think I've found a perfect song for our first dance:

It’s Your Love (Performed by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill)

Dancin' in the dark middle of the night
Takin' your heart and holdin' it tight
Emotional touch touchin' my skin
And asking you to do what you've been doin' all over again

Oh it's a beautiful thing don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know what it is that won't let me go

It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under
Oh it's your love

Better than I was, more than I am
And all of this happened by taking your hand
And who I am now is who I wanted to be
And now that we're together,
I'm stronger than ever
I'm happy and free

Oh it's a beautiful thing,
Don't think I can keep it all in
If you asked me why I've changed,
All I gotta do is say your sweet name

It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under
Oh, it's your love

Baby, Oh oh, oh,

Oh it's a beautiful thing,
Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you konw what it is that won't let me go

It's your love
It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me
I can't get enough
And if you wonder
About the spell I'm under,
Oh it's your love
It's your love, it's your love, it's your love

I think the bolded text really speaks to who we are together. It may end up as a quote on our program.

Do you like it? If you've never heard the song performed, let me just tell you it is romantic and HOT all at once. ;)
i love everything cam!!! i think your cake topper will be fine. what cake are you planning on? the baker will probably just make a mini platform for it and put stakes in the cake so that the castle doesn't come crashing down!!!
I am getting all mushy with these plans!!! i am so excited for both of you.. and knowing you ... and seeing how much you two truly are "In Love" just makes your story all that more special. It gives hope to us single gals! LOL!! How are you possibly managing to handle the marathon excitement and the planning excitement at the same time!!??!?!?!?!?! You two are truly amazing humans!! I can't wait to see you both in just a few days... and.. I will have the Whips... (Ask Howard.. he'll explain!!) LOL!!! :lmao:

I can't wait to read along with your plans for the next year!!

Caryn -- We haven't given a whole lot of thought yet to the cake, but I am thinking I may want two large tiers, each a different flavor combination, and then have the entire cake cut, with one piece of each flavor on every plate. We don't need an anniversary tier, and I'd love for everyone to get a piece of both flavors. Also that makes the cake not too high and the tiers will be large enough to compliment the larger "footprint" of the topper. :)

Kathy -- It's so fun to see you here! I keep trying to tell myself that I can't focus on the VR until AFTER the marathon and AFTER we meet with Joe on the 15th. Look at this long NOVEL I've written already! :lmao: Can you imagine if I were actually in full planning mode? LOL!

Okay, here is the tally of plans so far as my WISH list goes:

THEME FOR THE WEEKEND: "All of Our Wishes Have Come True"
Color scheme: probably pink & gold

1/8/09 -- arrive MCO; party at Pleasure Island with friends
1/9/09 -- hook up with WISH team for pre-marathon weekend events
1/10/09 -- half-marathon with DD20, ADD20, best friend Jason, Aunt, Uncle & WISH team friends
1/11/09 -- cheer for WISH team marathoners; move to GF
1/11/09 afternoon -- rehearsal, dinner with family & a couple friends
1/11/09 evening -- WISHES! dessert party at GF

1/12/09 early a.m. -- hair, makeup, staged "first look"; Magic Kingdom portrait session (Disney photography)
10:00 VR ceremony at Wedding Pavillion (photography by Randy Chapman)
11:00 cocktail reception (location TBD)
12:00 - 3:00 reception (location TBD)

Details for ceremony:
Attendants - Jenn (20) and Andrew (15)
Best Friend, Jason, will walk me down the aisle
Music -- Wedding Pavillion Organ

Details for reception:
Music: DJ
First Dance -- "It's Your Love"
Cam's Dance with Andrew/Howard with Jenn -- "My Wish"
Cam's Dance with Jason -- "Find Out Who Your Friends Are" :)
Cake: TBD, with Lenox Cinderella Castle "topper"
Cake cutting: "I Love You Always, Forever"

I think that might be everything that I feel pretty strongly about right now. Some of this may be news to Howard (sorry, honey!) :lmao: but I think he'll like the ideas so far! :love:
Everything looks great! I think there may be a few suggestions, requests, and/or requirements from the groom also, those decisions are still pending. ;)

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