calling all teachers and parents

In our state they test the kids to tell if they need the IEP and help it is not based on grades. Even if the child/teen gets all A's they still get help and only the retesting that is done every three years can disqualify them if they test high enough showing they are now on a level with their peers. If a child is getting help in math and has an IEP he gets the help as stated in his IEP. They can get A's and B's because of their needs being met so they understand the work and the teachers are not allowed to feed them answers. If you are concerned just call the teacher or stop in and ask them if because he is getting high grades does that mean he is doing better this year and keeping up with the others. Then ask if because he is getting such good grades will it disqualify him from having an IEP. I really don't think they can do that legally in any state.

Absolutely - the grades should be separate, not used to determine if he still needs services. Your district is doing a grave diservice to students if it is using grades to determine eligibility. Are you sure that is how services will be determined? It is great is a child with disabilities can earn A's and B;s WITH SUPPORT. That does not mean the child does not still need support!! What is the point of an IEP and modifications if the child will still struggle to earn C's and D's?? I hope this is a misunderstanding on your part and not how things are truly operating in your district.

I think that's the question to approach the teachers with. Let them know you are happy with his grades, but when you work with him at home, you can clearly see his difficulties. Then ask, point blank, whether or not his grades will impact his eligibility for services. Let them know you know he definitely still needs services. They should be able to clarify that for you, and hopefully it's a misunderstanding.
Posted byIrishSharon: What I am trying to say is that I think he is being given to much help on his math tests, almost to the point of being given the answers.I want the grades on his math tests to reflect what he really knows.Also I never once said anything about cheating.I mentioned the bonus work and test retaking only to point out these end up boosting low test scores.He will take the state test in the spring and I hope his score shows he really has improved as much as these current tests imply

I would ask what type of help they give your son during his class tests then.
Again there is no way they can just take the help away from him if he has an IEP even if he gets straight A's.

Typically all they do to help kids who need test help is read the tests to the kids but not work directly with them unless they are a scribe and then they would simply write exactly what the child says. Even when a kid asks for help they should simply tell them to try their hardest and if need be skip it an come back to it when they finish everything else.

I am not sure where you live but here the kids getting good test scores in class do not boost any test scores it just shows if the kids understood what they were taught. The only tests that a teacher would want boosted would be the state exams at year end because those do reflect upon the school and teachers.

Your using the wording of taking the tests for them, giving bonus work, and retesting to boost test scores is where I got cheating from your post because that is what that type of behavior is.

Also bonus work and test retaking don't reflect upon the teacher or boost test scores. Again, tests in class are given to see if the students understand what they are taught because if the whole class fails, even if a few pass, that means they did not understand material they need to understand. So the teacher needs to find another way to teach what they need to know. Bonus work helps reinforce skills already learned for kids who may not get it. It doesn't benefit a teacher to just hand out A's and B's if at the end of the year the kids fail the state tests and the following year they can not keep up. If a teacher does that I would hope the school principal would address the issue simply because the kids are not learning.
I also have a son in 5th grade with math delays, he gets A's in almost everything else. I'm moved from LI a year ago and know the system. I saw you already retested his A tests so you pretty much know what's going on. I would go to the Director of special ed in your district and express your concerns. Cutbacks in districts are immense, as you know & as a parent I would be afraid that they were trying to mainstream him and it is so important that he gets the real help that he needs before math gets so complicated in the upcoming grades. Hope this helps, teachers are paid real well there, I'm sure your taxes are as crazy as mine on our house up there and your son deserves all the help he is entitled to. I would defiantly contact someone higher up than the teacher ASAP so they know you won't let your son move to a non inclusion class before he is really ready. Good luck!
You do have a reason to be concerned. When I taught special education, we were very clear on what level the assessment was and not giving any accommodations other than reading the questions or printing the problems larger. I would just clarify with the teacher what the accommodations for the tests are. Then if you are on the same page, bring forth your concerns of discrepancy with what you see at home and what he is able to do at school on the test. He may have an aide that is unknowingly giving too much help on the test without the teacher's knowledge. Once you are all on the same page, you should hopefully see more consistency with his skills at home and school.

If the problem persists, you may need to talk to the special education supervisor with your concerns. Make sure you document:) Best wishes in getting this resolved.


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