Buy all at BLT or split with AKL?


Aug 13, 2007
Just trying to decide whether I should buy all at BLT as I know I want to stay there but its points heavy. The ideal would be a split holiday between BLT studio and an AKL value studio.

Is it easy to get an AKL value studio at 7th months during the last 2 weeks of August or do I need to buy there to stretch my points.

Thanks, Donna x
Not sure that the last two weeks of August are heavy DVC months at AKL.

December is, and it takes an early bird to do the 7 month switch there.
Don't fall into the trap of only buying at a resort that is currently being highlighted by Disney. You should buy where you love to stay.

Take your time, you might be making a purchase that lasts for 50 years or more.

:earsboy: Bill
I would rather stay at BLT due to its location, I like the AKV theme but due to its location would definitely want a split stay rather than stay there for a whole trip. I'm in the UK so would be staying for around 14 nights.

Thanks for replies, food for thought.

Donna x
I would rather stay at BLT due to its location, I like the AKV theme but due to its location would definitely want a split stay rather than stay there for a whole trip. I'm in the UK so would be staying for around 14 nights.

Thanks for replies, food for thought.

Donna x

I'm confused.:confused3

Are you asking where to stay while on vacation or are you wanting to become a DVC Member and purchase a contract?

:earsboy: Bill
I'm hoping to buy into DVC and am trying to decide which resort to buy into.

My holiday pattern would preferably be a split stay between BLT and AKV over the last 2 weeks of August every other year. I am asking whether I should buy into both to make this possible or if availibility in AKV studios during August is usually good I could buy all into BLT and book BLT at 11 months and AKV value studio for some of the stay at 7 months.

Sorry for confusing you.
I'm hoping to buy into DVC and am trying to decide which resort to buy into.

My holiday pattern would preferably be a split stay between BLT and AKV over the last 2 weeks of August every other year. I am asking whether I should buy into both to make this possible or if availibility in AKV studios during August is usually good I could buy all into BLT and book BLT at 11 months and AKV value studio for some of the stay at 7 months.

Sorry for confusing you.

I'm easily confused. :goodvibes

Sounds like you have made up your mind where to buy.

We have 26 contracts at 5 resorts, and I have learned to buy where you love to stay. Things can a do change so my recommendation is that you guarantee a 11 month booking advantage.

:earsboy: Bill
We own at both BLT and AKV as we prefer to be able to book our resorts at the 11 month mark. We really want to be sure we get the dates we want, no matter when we travel.

Looking at the DISboards availability thread (which is strictly voluntary and may be inaccurate), it appears that even two months out there are still rooms available for August at AKV. I know that August is less crowded and reservations are easier to get.

So it appears you could buy all of your points at BLT and hope that at the 7 month mark you could get a reservation at AKV as well. However, since BLT is really expensive, I would consider buying my initial contract at BLT. And then do a resale add-on for AKV. AKV sells for resale in the $80 - $84 range but if you buy AKV Direct from Disney it's in the $97 to $104 per point depending on how many points you purchase (the direct buy figures for AKV are according to the DVC news). There aren't many resales for BLT as yet and none are really bargains (and those that are seem to get ROFRd).

Hope this post isn't too confusing. Good luck.
If you are planning on a VALUE studio at AKV, then yes, you DO need to own there. AKV has a very limited number of value studios available (less than 20) so if you are planning on booking one for an entire week on a regular basis, then you WILL need to own there.

If you know that you want a week at AKV and a week at BLT, then I would recommend buying points at both. That way, you have the 11-month window at both and your chance of getting what you want is greatly increased.

Good Luck!
I'd have to say that if you definitely have to have a Value studio at AKV then you should own points there. But if you are willing to accept that sometimes you may have to stay in a standard or savannah view if the value isn't available then I don't think you'll have much trouble getting something at AKV in late August if you book right at 7 months.
we are also debating about purchasing points in both. Our children are 7 and 13 and one married that most likely will joins us in most of our travels as she is a teacher and will be able to travel also during spring break and summer months. I visited AKV this past April and loved it and I think that have a lot more for the kids to do then BLT would. That being said, I know that we can only travel by bus while staying there. We stayed at The French Q when we went and really loved being able to take the boat down town at times. If we stay at the BLT some nights we will really enjoy the boat tides to the Wilderness and also just walking to MK or taking the monorail to it or Epcot, also to different restaurants as we want to get the dinnig plan when we go back. I think that we want to have the 11 months window for both so we can try to get for instance a week at a 2 bedroom at AKV and at studio for 3 -4 nights at BLT. We called our guide and he gaves us all the different prices if we split the points and if we don't. My younger children will really enjoy AKV and my oldest will for sure like BLT. We are also going to ask to split the contracts into smaller ones just in case we have to see later( you never know).
after writting all this down I think that we pretty much are going to do that! :goodvibes
Good luck!
I would buy in at both if you know that what you want to do is split your stay between AKV and BLT.

While the last two weeks in August is not a heavy DVC time right now, you never know what might happen in years to come.

And, if you want to conserve points while at AKV and book the value, then I would say the 11 month window is an advantage. While not impossible to get one at 7 months (as nothing is impossible), it is much more likely that you will get what you want if you can call at 11 months.

If you buy all at BLT, then at the 11 month mark, you will only be able to book BLT, which may or may not be all your nights due to the point cost. If that is the case, you will have to wait until 7 months to complete your vacation. Owning at both will ensure you can book the entire trip at 11 months out.

Just be sure to figure out what you would need at each resort in case you can't get the cheapest views (SV at BLT or Value at AKV) so that you are covered.

Good luck!
Just trying to decide whether I should buy all at BLT as I know I want to stay there but its points heavy.

Thanks, Donna x

Just FYI, if you are able to book in a standard view at BLT, it is not any more points heavy than the other DVC resorts. However, standard views are quite dear, and in most situations you would have to book at the 11 month mark to get one.

In terms of whether to buy all at BLT or split your points, I would say that from a convenience side, I would recommend getting all of your points at one resort. While you may want split stays now, in 10-20-30-40-50 years of vacationing, my guess is that your vacations habits are going to change quite drastically, and what works for you now, might not work for you even in a year or two. Also, when you factor in the lower maintenance fees at BLT (versus AKV), I think that would convince you to to definitely keep all your points at BLT. But, the great thing about DVC is that you can customize your contracts to suit your needs so if buying at both works for you, go for it! :goodvibes
In terms of whether to buy all at BLT or split your points, I would say that from a convenience side, I would recommend getting all of your points at one resort. :goodvibes

That's what I was thinking too. We have 3 contracts across 2 resorts (BWV + AKV). It is a lot more work for us to cross compare point charts and available contract points to book vs. reference a set of points at one resort. Having said that, having multiple home resorts is still a good problem to have.

Buy where you want to stay. You won't be disappointed if it's the only place that has openings. If you are hoping to transfer, those won't always come through at 7 months or less.
:) I was just thinking a good choice for you might be VWL.....good location and great theming. :confused3 :rotfl: I know you will make the right decision for your family. :thumbsup2

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