

<font color=purple>Please stand clear of the doors
Apr 24, 2009
heyy :-)

well i went to see my orthodontist about a retainer, and she told me that i need top and bottom braces.

i am clueless as to what it will be like as i will be the first person in my year to have a full set...

any help is appreciated :cutie: thanks :-) x
I got my braces 5 months ago they don't hurt putting them on. Your a little sore for awhile, but after awhile things are back to normal.
I have had mine since september last year... I just got mine tightend about an hour or so ago. They hurt badly after! When they out them on not so much.
They only hurt after they tighten them, and only for about 1 or 2 days (hopefully)
But eventually you will get used to the tightening and it will not hurt.

I had braces for about two and half years. When you first get them put on your mouth will be sore for the first couple days so defiently take tylenol or whatever pain killer you usually take. Also, make sure you eat soft foods for the first couple days, so don't like try to eat chicken tenders and fries. Anyways, you will be fine I have been going to the Orthodontist since I was seven for numerous applicanes and all you have to do is follow their instructions and you'll be on the road to perfect teeth!
I got mine taken off 2 years ago.
Putting them on takes about 2 hours, maybe longer. My ortho. took 3 hours and he has a flat screen tv in his room and I watched harry potter and the chamber of secrets while he put them in. I think I fell asleep a little, too.

You will be a little sore and it may feel weird when you bite, like you have a loose tooth or something. When you eat the first few weeks/months, food is going to get stuck in it. I advice buying a water pick [it sprays water at a speed in your mouth and food comes out of your teeth]
but after a few months you will become used to it. Also, at school or something, when eating food, I would eat on one side of your mouth. With sandwhiches, I tear pieces off and eat it on the right side of my mouth so I don't have to clean both sides :thumbsup2

I got my braces when I was 12 years old and got them off when I was 14.

I started with a palet expander. My mom had to turn it with a little key each night. Then I got the braces and headgear. The process of having braces is painful, but you deal with it. I now have to wear a retainer each night, probably like forever. Your teeth will be beautiful, and it will all be worth it.
When I got my braces on, it felt wierd and a little sore, but not to bad. As many other posters have said, the hurt after they're tightened for a couple days (maybe less...) but overall are okay.

I hope this helps!:hippie:
Putting my braces on took like 50 minutes lol.
It's the taking them off that took forever, simply because they need to take the glue off your teeth, file your teeth, take pictures/xrays, and take impressions.
That took a very long time and most of that experience was terrible.

Getting them on isn't bad other than the glue stuff can run down the back of your throat. That is possibly the worst tasting thing I've ever had in my mouth. It's like salty and vile. And because my tongue was obviously being held out of the way I couldn't like swallow or try anything to remove it from there.
Yes I agree with other posters.When you first get your braces you think something might be soft enough be it really isn't. Also take tylenol or something before your next appoinment so it won't hurt. Oh and my orthodontist gave me floss threaders and I didn't like them. It would take to long to floss all my teeth. So I went to Walmart and found Superfloss and I love it. It is so much easier to floss now.
When i got mine on it didnt hurt i got them on the the morning i took a nap about 2pm and when i woke up they where killing me i took pain killer and they where only sore for a few days

They didnt put the top and bottom on at the same time because if they did the top and bottom at the same time the top would have messed up or broken the other teeth or something like that
I never flossed with my braces...
And never had a single problem.
It's too much of an effort. I keep telling myself now that I have to, because I have a permanent retainer on the top and bottom (they're wires on the back of my teeth) and if I don't I won't know if they came unglued, and I'll end up with bad teeth again.
But it's hard.
Braces aren't that bad! They only hurt a bit for a few weeks or so after you get them on, but they worked MIRACLES for MY teeth. I have the most pretty smile now... :)

I hate my permanent retainer. It's a pain, but you get used to it. Good luck with your braces!! :goodvibes


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