Bought in for first time @Poly

Jen and Ashwin

DIS Veteran
May 28, 2015
Hi everyone! I am brand new here and brand new to DVC as well. My fiance and I went to DW in February 2014. Though I have been there many times before, this was his first trip. On the second to last day, he asked me when we were going to come back again. I just knew then that Disney was going to be an ongoing trip for us. Since then I have been considering DVC, though it was more a sometime in the distant future kind of thing.

Well then I watched the Poly webcast and just knew this resort was right for us. Beautiful rooms, flexibility and monorail access. We love to travel and have many places on our bucket list. We are also pretty young and don't have children yet. We talked about how often we would want to visit Disney and settled on once every two years being perfect for us. But I didn't think we could afford the buy in yet, since we wouldn't want to finance it at all. But when our guide called us he said we could buy as few as 50 pts to start out. I was shocked that we could buy in with such a low number, since everywhere else I read said the minimum is 100 points.

So we just purchased 55 points at the Polynesian last night! We hope to add on another 25-30 pts next year after we have had some time to save up the additional money (after the wedding in August, things should get easier).

We are planning for our first trip during the Epcot Food and Wine Festival in 2016 (around my birthday!). The 110 pts from this year and next should get us a SV studio for 6 nights during that time. I am so excited and cannot wait!
Welcome to DIS. Welcome Home and Congratulations!!!! It has been 50 points minimum for a while now. Great way to get a taste of it and learn the ropes. Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!!
Congrats fellow Poly owner. We bought Poly points in March and are taking our first trip with a stay at Poly next month.

It's exciting!!!
Thanks to everyone for the welcome and well wishes. After reading a little more information I called our guide and had our Use Year changed before the contract was drafted. We were going to have a December Use Year, but I had them change it to a September Use Year, since I think that will better fit with our plans for fall, winter, early spring travel. This means that we will have to use our first year's points a little sooner than we thought. So we are now planning to book for February 2016 at the Poly! Then our second trip will either be October/November 2016 or October/November 2017 for the Food and Wine Festival!
Need to memorize all of these acronyms! PVB, UY, MNSSHP, F&W. I get them when I read them, but remembering them when typing, that is going to take a little time.
I didn't think you could change your uy. Guess it is too late now. We just purchased a couple weeks ago and have a December year. First trip in January! Congrats!
I didn't think you could change your uy. Guess it is too late now. We just purchased a couple weeks ago and have a December year. First trip in January! Congrats!

Depending on when you signed your paperwork, you may be able to get them to change it to a different UY. I forget the legal window, but think it's 7 days from signing (or maybe them receiving the contract) where you can cancel the contract.
For timeshares, it's common people buy while on vacation (signing paperwork), then change their mind when they get home.

If you are in the window, a contract can be cancelled and a new one issued. It requires the paperwork again, but it is something Disney does more often than people realize.

If you would prefer a different UY, I recommend calling your guide to see if you can change your UY. Disney may even allow a contract that has recently closed to be re-done. Only way to know for sure is to check with Disney and see what their policy is for your specific situation.
We go early in the year and want to go During Christmas at some point. So December appears to be good for Travel from Dec-May.
Depending on when you signed your paperwork, you may be able to get them to change it to a different UY. I forget the legal window, but think it's 7 days from signing (or maybe them receiving the contract) where you can cancel the contract.
For timeshares, it's common people buy while on vacation (signing paperwork), then change their mind when they get home.

If you are in the window, a contract can be cancelled and a new one issued. It requires the paperwork again, but it is something Disney does more often than people realize.

If you would prefer a different UY, I recommend calling your guide to see if you can change your UY. Disney may even allow a contract that has recently closed to be re-done. Only way to know for sure is to check with Disney and see what their policy is for your specific situation.
It's 10 days from signing the contract

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