Bold the truth.

01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.

52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod

12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict- sometimes
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart

39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen

75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me:goodvibes
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library card
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two

Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott--can be hot
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.

29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.

40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts. some
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.

77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type. used to
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.

84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.

89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.

108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus. (even less)
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.

44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals

51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing

94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two

Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe themTheres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.

84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat

that took so long.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka (sshhh) jk.
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression (probably)
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies

I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.

03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.

31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.

38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails

5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore

13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts

30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random

36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored

38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends

43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.

46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces

63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much

76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters

92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone

Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two

Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing

Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself

I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday

I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,

No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest

Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal

I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures

I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time

I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.

4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.

11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.

17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.

25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.

30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.

37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.

46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.

51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.

55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.

64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.

67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.

79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.

83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.

95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.

102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.

105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.

14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can. <--that should be WELL not GOOD
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.

35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.

52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music

74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing

94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30

Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food

I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest

Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite

I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it

Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from

Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.

22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.

28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.

44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.

55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.

61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.

77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.

79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.

84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.

107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist. it was for fun :]]
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug

60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violentye i'll admit
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing

Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills

Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons

I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood

Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it

Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy

I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.

5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.

77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
yet again i live there
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right

Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.

03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.

12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.

15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.

52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod

12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music

18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict

28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars

34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored

38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.

42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy

45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring

48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals

51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life

68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me

71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen

75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying

87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing

94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life

Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time

I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies

I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted

I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me

My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop

I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally

I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday

Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy

I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott

Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.

16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.

18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.

20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.

53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.

55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.

75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.

15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.

30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.

33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.

39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.

45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.

53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister.
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray

23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict

28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars

34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them

41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces

63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar freak. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth Unfortunately....
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing

Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness

I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two

Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me

My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it. lol jk!
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures

I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a #%#$%#$%..and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble

Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Legally Blonde!
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.

27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.

55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.

61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.

67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.

77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.

83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.

50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet

27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists

37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart

39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen

75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use the library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.

28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.

30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.

38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.

52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod

12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross

31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart

39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.

44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.

46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak

61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces

63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life

70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen

75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before

I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life

Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies

I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30

Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop

I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3

I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right

Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy

I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.

20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.

25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.

42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.

55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.

64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.

72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.

83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.

91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.

96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.

105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.

110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and GraceSpeaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer << Because of DD ;)
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my bossChocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to Disney World.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slowly in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I swear too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen because that's usually how it works
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusingto an extent
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
I'm constantly embarassing myself~more of getting myself into situations where most people would be embarassed...I don't embarass easily, it takes a lot.
I very rarely get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times~and nothing is worse that when someone tells you that something isn't funny when you're laughing (or when you know you really shouldn't) just makes me laugh a million times harder
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill~or at least seriously injure
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist~or somewhere on my person (pocket, etc.)
I'm the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade~I could really do without it
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen~I'm very good with's my perfected art
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.~That just makes me really *****y
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.~several
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show. ~That's close to it
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality. ~always
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. I've peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.~I live in Buffalo...of course I have
77. I have my future planned out.~for the most least what I can at this point
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who Fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.

42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.

98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I have dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.
03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.
23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.
30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist.
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.

52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person

21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet
27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.

46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad
67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing
94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan
I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything
Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong

I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before
I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire
I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting
Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time

I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness
I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies

I know a rich kid or two
Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home
I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,
No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow is
I love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at school
I always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble

Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.

25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality.
32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.

37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.

53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.
57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.
59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.
62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.

63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise.
68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.
71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.

78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.
80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.
88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.
101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.
01.I have a cell phone.
02.My locker is blue.

03.Math is my easiest and best subject.
04.I live in New Jersey.
05.I have an obsession with designers.
06.My name is Ashley.
07.I dont get mad easily.
08.Im actually kind of scared to express my emotions to people.
09.I have AIM.
10.My computer is really slow.
11.I have kissed a member of the opposite sex.
12.I get flashbacks all the time.
13.I go to a Public School.
14.My parents are divorced.
15.I cant read as good as other people can.
16.My Reading level is 3rd grade to 5th grade.
17.I can do a backflip.
18.I play softball.
19.Im in Gymnastics
20.Im listening to music right now.
21.I Have a myspace.
22.I Have over 150 people on my buddy list.

23.There are only about 15 people on my bus.
24.My ex-boyfriend doesnt go to my school.
25.I Hardly Study.
26.Whenever there is a test i always write the answers in my palm.
27.I get bad grades in literacy.
28.The people who sit near me in history are annoying.
29.I Hate school.

30.My phone number starts with a 4.
31.I have blonde hair.
32.I knew the bears wouldnt win the superbowl.
33.I have alot of friends.
34.My Birthday is in the winter.
35.I have full lips.
36.I have green eyes.
37.I have HUGE eyes.
38.People say i have the smallest ears they ever seen.
39.Right now my dog is barking.
40.I've seen the movie thirteen.
41.My purse is mostly full with notes.
42.My computer is in my room.
43.I Hate Britney with a passion.
44.I like The Simple Life.
45.I have a stalker.
46.Im tall.
47.I have really loud laugh.
48.I have myself on my buddylist
49.Im reading a book.
50.I go to the beach every year.
51.I've been to disney world.
52.I think Burberry and Paris Hilton Perfume smells good.
53.I have science first period.
54.My lunch period is 6th prd.
55.I just ate dinner
56.I HATE waking up early.
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I love South Park
7. I love root beer!
8. I just love beer.
9. Music = LOVE
10. I can eat with chopsticks
11. I have an iPod

12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister
14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music
18. I used to play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray
23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner
25. I have more than one friend
26. I have a pet

27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian
29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes gross
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars

34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I like surveys when I'm bored
38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds
40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them
41. I like to sing...even if I'm terrible.
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading.
44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love movies.
46. I believe in soul mates

47. My birthday is in the spring
48. I suck at playing flute
49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals
51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver
54. I cuss too much
55. I have 2 first names
56. I'd love to go to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends
58. Laughter is my drug

60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar *****. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists make me mad

67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics
69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me
71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen
75. I eat too much
76. I need to lose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before

81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth
83. Sometimes I'm terribly shy
84. I think I have ADD.
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying
87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing

94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends
96. There's too many random facts about me
97. I once brushed my hair using my house key
98. I'm violent
99. I wish I could fly
My mom is my biggest fan

I type better than I speak
I think IPODs are overrated
I believe for the sake of believing
I question everything

Nobody knows me better than my boyfriend
Spicy food is just wrong
I wonder how dumb chicks are able to defy natural selection
I've broken a bone before

I have no health insurance
Too many people = too many problems
I find politics amusing
Tasty lip balm is most excellent
I don't wish on stars, I do what I desire

I actually use my library
I know what's important in life
Fishing for compliments is one of my mad skills
Mornings are never good to me
I hate it when you don't prop me!
There's nothing more disgusting than grease
I actually know how quicksand works and it's not that interesting

Prince Charming bores me
I need more money
I've been to the best rock concert of all time
I throw away everything as much as possible
School is the stain on my happiness

I want a better phone
Nobody ticks me off quite like my boss
Chocolate is another form of heaven
It seems like nobody has time for me anymore
I know who Jack Sparrow is
I dig sharpies
I know a rich kid or two

Work is taking over my Friday nights
I'd rather go through traffic than another argument
I respect other people's opinions
It's okay to be a virgin at the age of 30
Most of my time is wasted
I hate fast food
I could use some help every now and then
Someone is probably thinking harsh things about me
My life is messier than my house
I go to the mall so much that I consider it my second home

I Hate Diet Pop
Its SODA not pop
I live in Illinois and I still say the S isnt silent
Go Cardinals
I wanna punch Justin Timberlake in the Genitals
Hey Ashlee Simpson... you're ugly and you can't sing
Im offended... I love Ashlee
I tYpE lYkE dIs SoO mUcH tHaT i 4GoT hOw 2 TyPe NoRmAl
If you bolded the last one, I hate you
Im constantly embarassing myself
I never get embarassed
I look so much like someone, that I'm always mistaken for them
I used to collect rocks
I loveeeee slippers
If I could, Id go to school in my PJs everyday
I have a bf/gf, But I like someone else
I'm a pirate...... no lie...
I download music illegally
I laugh at the most inappropriate times
I tell people I wish they would die all the time...not seriously,No, I'm serious when I say it.
I could easily think of a hit list that I would want to kill
I dont care if you think Im immature... Im never gonna stop watching cartoons
I always get my daily dose of Mancow
I dont know what mancow isI love R Kelly... Scandals and all
I am super concieted and I know it
People tell me Im pretty all the time but I honestly dont believe them
Theres alcoholism in my DNA
Im really really bad at schoolI always take the poptabs off of my popcans... Its a habit
I love a guy with a strong jawline
Im a great cook... You could say I taught Emeril everything he knows.... BAM
I never leave the house without a ponytail holder on my wrist
Im the most organized person you will ever meet
I voted for Pedro
Im a HUGE harry potterhead
And I think Dracos the hottest
Rons the hottest
Harry potter was sooo 5 years ago
I hate gatorade
Im a teenage drug 'abuser'...and I have a good time doing it
Michael Phelps is like YUM
People say Im stuck up till they get to know me
I know im a poser
Im always in a bad mood
Yellow is my favorite color.
Gossipgirl is my biggest addiction
and Blairs my Favorite
I never read....
Of all the books we read in english last year... I read about 1 and a half or less
Hot dogs are disgusting... Do you know whats in them?
I think pot should be legal
I loved the movie My Bosses Daughter
My sister thinks Im a different person then I really am
I think being a twin would be neat-o
Led Zeppelin= Love
My favorite movie of all time is a disney movie
I hate ankle socks
I drop an Fbomb every 5 minutes
I love getting the hiccups
I have more body hair than any one whos not a caveman should
It takes me forever to get jokes
I live in the smallest town ever... Theres nothing here but a gas station and a grocery store
Three cheers for the sims
I'm friends with a gay boy who reminds me of Jack off of Will and Grace
Speaking of Will and Grace... <3
I only like music thats on the radio
Im never online
Im a myspace girl
I take bunches of pictures
I like to watch dora the explorer
I hold a grudge like youve never seen
Drama...... I love it
Id let aladdin show me his whole new world anyday
Im dirt poor... but thats okay
I didn't know what an allowance was for the longest time, and when I found out, I was mad cuz I didnt get one
Once I called my mom a *****...and then I thought My life was over
I was right
Ive been grounded for a month before
Im never in trouble
Im spoiled like crazy
I hate my siblings... really
Crossfade is just like YESSSSSS
I think Hilary Duff should rot in hell
Fugly is in my daily vocab
I prefer crooked teeth to straight teeth.. Its more unique
A guys sense of humor is hott
Im a golddigger
Im a mooch
People always want to tell me their secrets
Im the biggest gossip in the world
I am fake... I admit it but oh well
I have no enemies
I think Bill Clinton is great
Im the worst driver in the world
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed
I know what movie that last line came from
Its past my bed time
I know sign language really really well
1. I hate it when people tell me to "calm down" when im already calm.
2. No matter what season, i seem to always have cold feet.
3. I've watched every episode of the first season of a show.
4. I'd like to change at least 2 things about me physically.
5. I'd rather it be pouring then it be sunny.
6. I have more guy friends then girls.
7. I've kissed on the first date before.
8. At least 2 of my friends are in a band.
9. I like school....for socializing.
10. I wear contacts/glasses.
11. I think teenage dating is dumb.
12. I've been cheated on.
13. I like cats more than dogs.
14. I've seen a movie none of my friends have heard of.
15. More people bother me than i could count.
16. I'm nice to people i know i shouldn't be.
17. Its hard for me to be myself.
18. I always find myself needing more double A batteries.
19. I've gotten into a fist fight.
20. I get along with my family well.
21. I trust all my friends.
22. i think ashlee simpson is 'punk'.
23. I've seen at least 3 episodes of the ashlee simpson show.
24. I loooove the color pink.
25. I've been on a skate board more than once....but i can't skate.
26. I love snapple.
27. My hair is it's natural color.
28. I'm good at some sports.
29. Laughing is the best.
30. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
31. I'm usually confident of my sexuality. 32. I've worn christmas clothes during june.
33. I like george bush, and am rooting for him.
34. I have a secret from everyone.
35. I got more than 5 things for my last birthday.
36. Rumors spread fast.
37. I have a friend in trouble.
38. I'm religous.
39. I have a certain color that looks good on me.
40. At least one of my family members has had cancer.
41. Ive peed outside before.
42. I'm afraid of the dark.
43. I can tie my own shoes.
44. I've gotten lost in a new school at least 10 times.
45. I think it's hott and shows confidence when guys wear pink.
46. I have a strange attraction to the color orange.
47. I've done things, and been copied off of within the hour.
48. I've spent at least 2 weeks away from home without my parents//siblings.
49. I dread school days.
50. I've had huge crushes on people, without ever talking to them.
51. My heart has been broken
52. I want to go to college.
53. I've worn pj's to public places before.
54. I've babysat alone before.
55. I have a steady job.
56. I love short skirts.57. I shop solely at one store for all my clothes.
58. I care what people think about me.59. Chocolate pudding is amazing.
60. I've seen the notebook.
61. I've been betrayed by someone i was close to.

62. I regret stupid things i've done in the past.
63. I've had someone head over heels for me.
64. I think old bridge is ignorant and dirty.
65. My hair is straight naturally.
66. I wish i had natural curls.
67. I exercise. 68. I have a biting fetish.
69. I speak/read a different language.
70. I've seen someone walk into a tree, unpurposly, before.71. A family member of mine is in the hospital.
72. I have at least 5 piercings.
73. I think I know what love is.
74. I can forgive, but I'll never forget.
75. I have a favorite number for no exact reason.
76. Ive been out of the country.
77. I have my future planned out.
78. I think about the future often.
79. I wish I could erase some things in my past.

80. I can play an instrument of some type.
81. I have nail polish on.
82. I like compliments.
83. I have undone homework sitting around.
84. I think chad micheal murray is the most gorgeous man ever
85. I bring a c.d. player to school.
86. I've smoked before.
87. Someone currently likes me.

88. My room has a theme.
89. I have a live animal in my room.
88. I watch cartoons
90. I drink more water than people would think.
91. I read peoples away messages when they go away.
92. I have plans for the weekend all the time.
93. I think I have a life.
94. I've painted a room before.
95. I go to camp.
96. I wish I could sing well.
97. I've been in a school play.
98. I couldn't tell you who fabio is.
99. It bothers me that i'm so relient on my parents.101. I've been given a corsage by a member of the opposite sex.
102. I'm there for my friends, no matter what.
103. I've been to Europe.
140. I type correctly.
105. I think Johnny Depp is hot.
106. I own more then 20 pairs of shoes.
107. I go on vacation every year.
108. I've snuck out & been caught.
109. I have step-siblings.
110. I own a boat.


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