Biggest Loser Fall Challenge!

QOTD: I would say yes tracking is important. I find that when I track I am more aware of what I'm eating. Sometimes when I am wanting to eat something and then I look at the nutritional info and decide that it is probably not the best choice for me.

QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

I think it depends on the person and it depends on your progress. I was eating healthfully but unsuccessful at losing weight for almost a year before I started tracking habitually, and then I had immediate success. That having been said, when I don't track, this often leads to a feeling that I'm "off plan", which shouldn't be the case, so in some sense I over-rely on the tracking to help guide my choices. So I can see how people with different mentalities might have different success. But I would recommend tracking at least for a couple weeks for anyone that is at a plateau and can't quite seem to make any progress.

For me, tracking consistently until I reach my goal weight is definitely part of my plan. If I take a day or two off of tracking and I don't lose weight that week, I know I've got no one to blame but myself. Sometimes you need to track to remind yourself how much a couple of splurge meals can undo all the hard work you've done the rest of the week. :rolleyes:

I think food tracking depends on the person. I know it works for a lot of people, but it doesn't work for me. I get entirely too obsessive about calorie counting and tracking. I can't think about anything else which makes me burn out quickly.

This is definitely what made me double-think my answer to say it depends on the person, because I've had similar experiences with tracking--my personality is very all or nothing and I get very easily discouraged if I go off plan and have to track it. I think tracking is a tool in your toolbox, and just like sometimes it's time to use a hammer, then sometimes it's time to use pliers, sometimes there are other tools that you need to use to achieve success. I agree that the way that food makes me feel is a huge motivator, as well, and sometimes switching to thinking about food in that way is a good way to get over another hump in the road, and if you reach a plateau it might be time to switch it up and use another tool.

Hi my name is Cindy. I am Penguin1102's mom. I live in Southern California. I am very excited about joining my first challenge and getting to make some great friends along the way. Here is to a successful challenge to all!!

Welcome Cindy! It's great to have you here. :cheer2:

To add to Lisa's journalling and for those who choice different options.

This is the image from

I know a lot of us have crazy schedules with kids sports banquets and weekend adventures. When you can't control what is being prepared, use this chart as a guide. I try to fill 1/2 my plate with veggies first, then fill the rest.


Thanks for sharing this image. It's a great idea to start with the veggies when you're filling your plate. I think when you're eating somewhere where you don't have a lot of control it's easy to get thrown off by worrying what things are cooked in, etc.., but even if the broccoli has oil or butter on it it's still broccoli, and it would really have to be DRENCHED in fat to have more calories than a similar volume of the carb at the table. I try to just do the best I can in those situations and try to not let the uncertainty throw me off my plan.
QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

For me, I definitely think tracking is an important part of my weight loss. I am a member of WW, so when I track I see how much more I can eat that day. It helps me to plan accordingly. :)
I think tracking depends on the person. I know that when we had a healthy habit challenge to track for a week I did better. But I refuse to be OCD over it (because I could so easily become that way! ;)) and therefore I don't track.

It's a quiet day around my house. I finally got the kitchen floor mopped! :cool1: The dog and I went for a walk this morning, and since I forgot to do sit ups last night I did them this morning. I will do them again tonight. Another thing I am starting with this challenge: situps on the exercise ball every night. I'd like to do a wee bit of jumping rope each day but it would mean a change of undergarment support and that just seems like so much trouble! :upsidedow
Evening all! Just taking a moment to say hello. Busy day that started early for DD's open water dives (part 1 of 2), plus a long drive. Then home to chores, dinner, and yard work! I'm wiped out, so not taking the time to read and reply for now. Will try to get more time on here tomorrow evening ! Hope you all are well. TTYL..........P
Hi! I'm a little bit late so I hope it is okay to join in on the fall challenge. I'm Karen but just K is fine too! So here are my answers to the QOTD!

QOTD-intorduce yourself.....
I live in Upstate NY where the only thing I battle more than the snow, is my weight! I've battled my weight for most of my life and after I had my kids I tackled it, lost 75 pounds in one year, and kept it off for a looooong time. About 7 years ago I started having some health issues, had 3 surgeries in 3 1/2 years and gained back 55 pounds! :crazy2: Because of my health problems and the pain it caused, it has been a long road back to being me but I am determined to get as close back to who I know I am supposed to be as I can.

I'm back down 35 pounds and really need to just finish this and get the last 20 off. I used to run just for fun and as I've gotten older I've realized that other than one 5K I've never really done a race so I would really like to do the Disney 1/2 just once in my life before my body says "nope!" so that is my long-term goal....Disney 1/2 Marathon for 2014. are you going to do this
As far as how I plan to do it, I'm going to continue doing a combination of the HCG program (yes I know it is controversial!), work outs at my gym, and running while we still have good weather. Not surprisingly, the walking/jogging/running gets easier as the weight comes off but I haven't run in over 3 weeks now so I need to be here and be accountable!

I'm ready.....
6ofus2 said:
QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

For me, I definitely think tracking is an important part of my weight loss. I am a member of WW, so when I track I see how much more I can eat that day. It helps me to plan accordingly. :)

I do so much better when I track what I eat.....otherwise my "mental" tracking always seems to be off :) I really need to get back on the wagon and make better choices. Might be a little difficult this next week while in Aneheim but am going to try as I HATE everything I have tried on to pack :(
Which brings me to the QOTD.

QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

Have a great Saturday! ::MickeyMo

Personally, tracking food is key to my weight loss. When I track everything for long periods of time, I lose weight. When I do not track, I either maintain or gain. That is one reason I joined weight watchers. I need accountability to kick these last few pounds. In fact, I really slacked tracking the last couple of weeks and really need to get back on track asap!!


I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend so far. I went to Pittsburgh with my mom and met my college roommate at the casino (hehe). We had such a fun time!

I came home and took the dog for a walk, so I squeezed in a little exercise. Unfortuneately, I didn't eat real healthy today. I have to make better choices. As I mentioned above, I haven't been tracking my food, and I need to.

I also caught a bit of a cold. I have a scratchy throat and runny nose. I also have some achiness. I hope this is as bad as it gets, but after church and grocery shopping tomorrow, I plan to relax and watch some football.

During the spring challenge, I set mini goals for myself with rewards when I hit those goals. I think I'll try that again this challenge. I am itching to book a WDW trip for next year, so maybe that will be my ultimate reward if I reach my goal weight. DH is keeping me from booking since he finishes school in Jan and doesn't know if/when he will find a job in his new field. I have to think of some other ideas for mini rewards along the way.

Anyhow, I'm just rambling now, so I am off to make a menu for the week and a grocery list.

lisah0711 said:
Let's continue our journeys to the Happiest Place on Earth.

Which brings me to the QOTD.

QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

Have a great Saturday! ::MickeyMo

Of course its necessary!! I can tell huge difference when I track vs. when I don't- weeks I track, I lose. Weeks I don't track, I gain! I think its definitely the key to permanent loss.

Sorry this entry is so short and sweet, I'm actually posting from my phone :-)
QOTD - Yes, I think tracking matters, whether you track calories, or track types of food (like a Paleo or clean lifestyle) because if you are still putting more in than you are working off, you will never get anywhere.

Quick Intro - Hi, I'm Heather, a 39 year old engineer/runner with a great DH and DD. We live in the Finger Lakes NY state region. I started running 2 1/2 years ago and am training for the Tower of Terror 10 Miler this year and the Princess Half next year!!
lisah0711 said:
QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

Oh yes I think it's so important! I always do much better when I'm tracking what I eat. Right now, I'm using MyFitnessPal for that.
Hey everyone! Interesting to see the takes on the QOTD. I do think an understanding of calories is important, but for myself I couldn't keep counting them long term. I lost 40 pounds a few years ago on Weight Watchers and I was only able to keep it off for a year. It was just too tedious for me. Surrounding myself with food choices that I know are nutritious and not too hard on my waistline seems to be the trick for dieting without feeling like I am.

Today was a great day, food wise, which was actually made a little easier by a very busy day. I took my foster dog to a pet adoption event all morning. This afternoon I had some shopping to do, and then I met my mom on the beach for a nice long walk. Even though I run, walking muscles are a little different and the sand is good for getting my feet geared up for Disney! Today is a non-running day for me, but I did not manage to fit in any body resistance exercises.

Tomorrow we're going to a local waterpark, so I spent the night getting some foods ready to take with us. I made my own crudite box full of tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, and carrots, and I also cut up a cantaloupe. We have a nice healthy egg salad too. That's the good. The bad... I also mixed up a batch of margaritas to bring. I so very rarely drink, and it's the weekend! We made them from scratch, so I know everything that's in the mix. I used agave nectar instead of sugar. I took a little sip and they are so, so good. I don't know if it's the long drought making me feel this way, or just that I rarely have fresh margaritas, but that little sip was delicious. I just hope climbing waterslide stairs tomorrow will counteract my badness.

I also edited a bunch of pictures of my foster puppies to help them get adopted. We have a litter here right now, cute as teensy buttons. Here they are if you want to see: Warning, it's cute overload in there.

Figure skating! Figure skating is like my yoga on ice. That's how I explain it to people. I started as an adult so I'm not competitive or anything-- just with the other people in my class! ;) Just like the race coming up, getting better and improving my skating is a good motivator for getting stronger and remembering to stretch.


See, I told you that we would try some new and exciting things on this Disney trip! And what could be more new and exciting that Disney's latest E ticket ride Radiator Springs Racers in Disney's California Adventure? (Rumored to be coming to DHS). So let's talk a little about winning . . .

Doc Hudson says it takes more than new tires to win a race . . . .

Here is an excerpt from an article on sparkpeople called 7 Things that Separate Weight-Loss Winners & Losers.

Whether youre focusing on your diet or hitting the gym, the commitment to long-term weight loss takes the mindset and mental stamina of a champion. Youve got to have a supportive team and a great playbook to get on a winning streak. In this head-to-head match that lasts a lifetime, its all about preparation. Your success will be determined by how well you set your strategy and play the game.

Here are the winning strategies you'll need!

Winners Set Small Goals

Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts

Winners Are Proud of Themselves

Winners Take On New Challenges

Winners Keep Score

Winners Are Part of a Team

Winners Make It Fun

Here is a link to the entire article if you are interested

Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

BRB with replies and my own answer. :car:
Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

Here are the winning strategies you'll need!

Winners Set Small Goals ........YES....overall goal 10%lost but have small goals to help me get there including 3 gym visits each week

Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts.......Need to work on this one, often icing take a break, I fail to get back in the game

Winners Are Proud of Themselves......YES....I am proud of my accomplishments and look forward to the feeling of pride I expect when I get to my goal

Winners Take On New Challenges.......YES..... I have done stance races before but keys a a walker. This time I am learning to run.

Winners Keep Score......YES.....I am always keeping charts and counters to show my progress

Winners Are Part of a Team.....YES.....this is why I like these challenges....the TEAM!

Winners Make It Fun........trying, but it does get tiring and monotonous at times, so I need to look for more ways to get the fun into my program

9/9 Quote of the day

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

Steve Prefontaine - the running legend held the American record in seven distance track events from the 2000 meters to the 10,000 meters.
And my DS16's running hero.

Winners give it their all
You don't have to come in first place but to be a winner you have to leave it all on the course/court/gym room floor. We tell DS16 this all the time. Finish with nothing left.
It's been fun to read everyone's thoughts on tracking. It may not be something that you do every day but keep it in mind for those times that you need a little something extra to push you out of a plateau. And don't let it become something that is a worry more than a help. :flower3:

I'm gonna go in the minority here and say it depends on the person. I did tracking calories for a while and nearly drove myself crazy trying to keep track of every bite. I do however research and read nutritional values on what I eat before I eat something different. Plus I usually don't eat back my calories when I workout and when I do, it's something I know the calories of already. So while I don't track every bite, I'm mindful of how much I'm putting in.

This is a good point, Ashley, about not eating back your workout calories. :thumbsup2

QOTD: I would say yes tracking is important. I find that when I track I am more aware of what I'm eating. Sometimes when I am wanting to eat something and then I look at the nutritional info and decide that it is probably not the best choice for me.

This is a good point, too, to be aware of what you are eating is a big plus. :hippie:

For me, tracking consistently until I reach my goal weight is definitely part of my plan. If I take a day or two off of tracking and I don't lose weight that week, I know I've got no one to blame but myself. Sometimes you need to track to remind yourself how much a couple of splurge meals can undo all the hard work you've done the rest of the week. :rolleyes:

Yes, Samantha, it is amazing how quickly we can undo our hardwork by just a little straying off plan. :scared:

For me, I definitely think tracking is an important part of my weight loss. I am a member of WW, so when I track I see how much more I can eat that day. It helps me to plan accordingly.

Excellent point about tracking relating to planning! :teeth:

It's a quiet day around my house. I finally got the kitchen floor mopped! :cool1: The dog and I went for a walk this morning, and since I forgot to do sit ups last night I did them this morning. I will do them again tonight. Another thing I am starting with this challenge: situps on the exercise ball every night. I'd like to do a wee bit of jumping rope each day but it would mean a change of undergarment support and that just seems like so much trouble! :upsidedow

I personally think that mopping should count as exercise, Linda, it's not my favorite chore. :rotfl:

Evening all! Just taking a moment to say hello. Busy day that started early for DD's open water dives (part 1 of 2), plus a long drive. Then home to chores, dinner, and yard work! I'm wiped out, so not taking the time to read and reply for now. Will try to get more time on here tomorrow evening ! Hope you all are well. TTYL..........P

Hi Pamela! Nice to see you passing through! :moped:

Hi! I'm a little bit late so I hope it is okay to join in on the fall challenge. I'm Karen but just K is fine too! So here are my answers to the QOTD!

QOTD-intorduce yourself.....
I live in Upstate NY where the only thing I battle more than the snow, is my weight! I've battled my weight for most of my life and after I had my kids I tackled it, lost 75 pounds in one year, and kept it off for a looooong time. About 7 years ago I started having some health issues, had 3 surgeries in 3 1/2 years and gained back 55 pounds! :crazy2: Because of my health problems and the pain it caused, it has been a long road back to being me but I am determined to get as close back to who I know I am supposed to be as I can.

I'm back down 35 pounds and really need to just finish this and get the last 20 off. I used to run just for fun and as I've gotten older I've realized that other than one 5K I've never really done a race so I would really like to do the Disney 1/2 just once in my life before my body says "nope!" so that is my long-term goal....Disney 1/2 Marathon for 2014. are you going to do this
As far as how I plan to do it, I'm going to continue doing a combination of the HCG program (yes I know it is controversial!), work outs at my gym, and running while we still have good weather. Not surprisingly, the walking/jogging/running gets easier as the weight comes off but I haven't run in over 3 weeks now so I need to be here and be accountable!

I'm ready.....

:welcome: Karen! It's never to late to join a BL challenge! Please be sure and PM Octoberbride03 to join and send your starting weight to Kollerbear, if you haven't already.

I do so much better when I track what I eat.....otherwise my "mental" tracking always seems to be off :) I really need to get back on the wagon and make better choices. Might be a little difficult this next week while in Aneheim but am going to try as I HATE everything I have tried on to pack :(

Ugh, Jen, I hate that clothes don't feel right thing. :hug: Have a wonderful time at my favorite park this week! Can't wait to hear all about it! :smickey:

Bummer about the cold, Jill, hope that you are feeling better soon! :flower3:

Sorry this entry is so short and sweet, I'm actually posting from my phone :-)

Watch out for whacky autocorrecting! ;)

QOTD - Yes, I think tracking matters, whether you track calories, or track types of food (like a Paleo or clean lifestyle) because if you are still putting more in than you are working off, you will never get anywhere.

Quick Intro - Hi, I'm Heather, a 39 year old engineer/runner with a great DH and DD. We live in the Finger Lakes NY state region. I started running 2 1/2 years ago and am training for the Tower of Terror 10 Miler this year and the Princess Half next year!!

:welcome: Heather! Good luck with the Tower of Terror race! :yay:

Oh yes I think it's so important! I always do much better when I'm tracking what I eat. Right now, I'm using MyFitnessPal for that.

I use MyFitnessPal, too, they have a great database and it's fun to scan your food with your phone. :teeth:

Today was a great day, food wise, which was actually made a little easier by a very busy day. I took my foster dog to a pet adoption event all morning. This afternoon I had some shopping to do, and then I met my mom on the beach for a nice long walk. Even though I run, walking muscles are a little different and the sand is good for getting my feet geared up for Disney! Today is a non-running day for me, but I did not manage to fit in any body resistance exercises.

Hoo! Running on sand is great exercise! :beach: You were right about your sweet little foster puppies -- so cute! :dog:

Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

I need a bit of tweaking in the break taking and keeping score departments. I haven't done as well keeping score, which is why I was pretty much stuck this summer. I also need to work on getting back on track right away when taking a break as far as my food plan is concerned and try to enjoy my taper this week a bit more before my race. :car:

Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

Here are the winning strategies you'll need!

Winners Set Small Goals ........YES....overall goal 10%lost but have small goals to help me get there including 3 gym visits each week

Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts.......Need to work on this one, often icing take a break, I fail to get back in the game

Winners Are Proud of Themselves......YES....I am proud of my accomplishments and look forward to the feeling of pride I expect when I get to my goal

Winners Take On New Challenges.......YES..... I have done stance races before but keys a a walker. This time I am learning to run.

Winners Keep Score......YES.....I am always keeping charts and counters to show my progress

Winners Are Part of a Team.....YES.....this is why I like these challenges....the TEAM!

Winners Make It Fun........trying, but it does get tiring and monotonous at times, so I need to look for more ways to get the fun into my program


I think you do have the winning strategies covered, Christopher! :thumbsup2

Have a great Sunday all!
Here are the winning strategies you'll need!

Winners Set Small Goals
Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts
Winners Are Proud of Themselves
Winners Take On New Challenges
Winners Keep Score
Winners Are Part of a Team
Winners Make It Fun

Here is a link to the entire article if you are interested

Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

Well...I'm going to address these from a diet perspective and an exercise perspective since we have recently changed both!

  • Winners Set Small Goals--I think that I have set a modest goal, not a small goal of getting to the gym 4 days a week.

    We've also made a blanket decision to cut out breads, pastas, refined sugars drastically cut artificial sweeteners. (I was living off of Diet Mountain Dew!) At first, I thought that the food goals were giant sweeping changes, but they have turned out to be smaller goals than I had anticipated.

  • Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts---The 4 days a week gives me just enough time to give myself a break so I don't get burned out!

    We've also identified "safe" places to go out to eat so I don't have to feel chained to the kitchen nightly.

  • Winners Are Proud of Themselves--I am VERY proud of myself for making a diet change last month and sticking with it.

    I am also quite proud that I did make it to the gym so many times last week.

  • Winners Take On New Challenges--Cooking for our new lifestyle has been quite the challenge. I've actually enjoyed it quite a bit! To the point that I've started creating dishes on my own when we have a mish mash of stuff leftover at the end of the week. Some have been successful (chard/spinach/kale/green bean/bell pepper/chicken/halloumi stir-fry turned out FANTASTIC. And I used up all the perishables!) and some have not (Italian Beef soup, I'm looking at you).

    On the exercise front, I'm training for a 5K! :) It's definitely a new challenge for me!

  • Winners Keep Score--I am totally keeping track of everything I eat, how much I weigh, and how often I am exercising! I can't "win" unless I see that the numbers are in my favor.

  • Winners Are Part of a Team--Well...My DH and I have tried dieting separately in the past. Do you think it worked? Oh no it didn't. We've both had moderate success, but once we deviated from our own plans, we gained it all back. We are doing this together. We have decided to work as a team. I make lunch and dinners and since he gets up earlier than I do, he cooks breakfast meat for my daughter and me. It's worked out well for us because I would skip breakfast otherwise. We are also trying to get to the grocery store/farmers' market together at least once a week to look at the fresh produce.

  • Winners Make It Fun--We're trying, but it's hard! I did go out and buy a few more cute workout outfits (including socks). My boring workout clothes were not motivating me! :)

    We also got an small ice cream maker. Yup. You read that correctly. We started a diet and bought an ice cream maker! I've been making Paelo Ice Creams from coconut milk and fresh fruits. So far, Apple Coconut Ice Cream is our favorite!

Sorry I wrote a book!
We also got an small ice cream maker. Yup. You read that correctly. We started a diet and bought an ice cream maker! I've been making Paelo Ice Creams from coconut milk and fresh fruits. So far, Apple Coconut Ice Cream is our favorite!

Do you have a recipe? I wanna try that!
Do you have a recipe? I wanna try that!


1 Can Coconut Milk (We use regular, not lite)
2 Fuji Apples (more if you like it sweeter)
Cinnamon and Vanilla to taste.

Blend apples and coconut milk until they are pureed.

Pour in ice cream maker.

No lie, that's all we did. I've done blueberry/coconut too...though it was super tart. I may toss blueberries in the next time we do apple though.
QOTD Saturday, September 8, 2012 2012: Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?
* Yes, definitely
* Maybe, it depends on the person
* No, I don't think it's necessary

Which brings me to the QOTD for Sunday, September 9, 2012: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

I definitely think that tracking is incredibly important. Without nutritional tracking, it's just way to easy to convince myself that I didn't eat "that much" Seeing my nutrition in black and white allows me to change what isn't working and make healthier choices. Without fitness tracking (I wear a Fitbit) it was just too easy to convince myself I was moving much more than i actually was.

Winners Set Small Goals - I started with a LOT of weight to lose. Breaking things down into small goals has been one of the ways I keep motivated. I set up an Excel chart to track pounds lost goals, % lost goals and BMI goals.

Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts- i do try really hard NOT to take breaks from low-carb eating because of how over-indulging affects my blood sugar. That said, it happens and then I do try really hard NOT to play the Blame Game. Can't change the past!

Winners Are Proud of Themselves - I am proud of what has been accomplished.

Winners Take On New Challenges- I do well on the food front...Pinterest keeps me supplied with tone of new and tasty ideas. Exercise can be a bit more of a struggle. I think about doing something along the lines of C25K, but haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. Still plenty of time though...the rest of my life :cool1:

Winners Keep Score- Absolutely! I am a huge fan of charts and graphs!

Winners Are Part of a Team- Yep, this is my 3rd BL Challenge and I try to participate actively on MFP as well.

Winners Make It Fun-I try to! This is the first weight loss effort I've made where my husband is also on board and willingly participating, so hopefully, I'm succeeding!


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