Big Apple, Boardwalk, and Beach - Bullies and Wrap-up (The End!) (pg 44)

Haven't spent that much time around the DIS lately, but I saw your thread and some updates, so no way I could pass up some Glennbo family travels.

Thanks for checking in Marv!

Definitely a real "sweets" shop. Pat and I had a caramel apple from there on a previous trip that was decorated like a monkey. They even sliced it for us so we could enjoy it without so much of the sticky mess all over your face.

Now that's customer service! I might go for one if they do that.

Yep, definitely still there!

That's good. I always liked that shrine.

They look pretty good to me!!! :thumbsup2

Gee thanks.

Okay Wolfman............. Yes, no way you can NOT post that one, howls or not! What a fantastic expression!!! :lmao:

I love that picture!

Ba dum dum!

Hey, I liked it.

Looks like the locals were very interested in your clan that traveled so many miles to reach their village. :goodvibes

Yes, we were quite a sight for them, I'm sure.

Des Moines? You were a mere 240 miles from me... (wow that's actually further away than I thought it would be...I don't venture much past the quad cities)

Hi Tanya! Yeah, I guess it seems close compared to the east coast, but still quite a ways to drive.
Harambe Market

It was now time for lunch and I was excited to try out the Harambe Market, which had only been open for a short time before our trip.

We walked into the market area and it was pretty busy. We were able to find some seats, but not under an umbrella, unfortunately.


Judy waited for us while I took some pictures of the food station area and the kids decided on what they’d get. There are separate stations for the different types of entrees. For example, Kitamu Grill pictured below, is where you would get the chicken skewers or ground beef flatbread.


Having separate stations is consistent with the theming that this is a marketplace, where you would have to go to different vendors for different foods. Since my kids are older and I can send them (with charging privileges on their Magic Bands) to get their own food, I like it. But I pity the poor dad of a young family who is sent off to bring back one chicken skewer, one corn dog, and one order of ribs. That would require 3 different stops.

Here’s a look back across the stations. At least the lines weren’t long.


There are a bunch of cool sayings on the walls in the area, but it looks like I only captured this one that reminded me to “Have a Fine Day”.


When we got in line to order, a cast member came along handing out menus. I asked about gluten-free options and he said he’d send someone over. I said that I didn’t need it myself, but I directed him to where Judy was sitting. James and I agreed that we’d tell her that it was her Magic Band that told Disney of her food restriction and when we met back up with her she was already wondering if that was the case, so we went with it. It was great – these Magic Bands are amazing! ;)

James got the ground beef flatbread.


Judy and I got the chicken skewers. Unfortunately, I can’t remember if they had to do anything special to make hers a gluten-free meal, like eliminate spices or anything. But the far one does look a little more plain, doesn’t it?


The girls got the corn dogs.


And we got a milk tart to split for dessert, just to get a taste.


Here’s our little spot along the wall.


Oh, I see that James is wearing one of his favorite shirts -- his Scott Sterling jersey. If you're not familiar with Scott Sterling, you probably don't have a teenager who watches YouTube videos all day long. He's a character in a couple of comedy videos who wins sporting events by accident, with his face. You probably have to see them to understand. Scott Sterling - Soccer; Scott Sterling - Volleyball

Back to our review...everyone loved their food. The only criticism we had is that the broccoli/tomato salad had a little too much onion and vinegar for our tastes. Now when I look at the menu online I see that a black-eyed pea salad and a green papaya slaw are served with the entrees instead of this salad, so maybe we weren’t the only ones who weren’t crazy about it. Anyway, I would definitely eat here again. In fact, I could eat here day after day after day, just going through the different choices and then starting over again. Unless some new eatery pops up in Avatarland that I feel I need to try, this is where I’ll be planning to go for lunch on our next trip, for sure.

Oh wait, let’s not get ahead of ourselves – we haven’t had dessert yet. How about that milk tart?

It may be hard to decipher the look on James’ face, but it’s saying something like, “Oh yeah. This thing is the bomb.”


It’s a hit with the girls as well.


One last shot of this basket-vendor part of the theming before we leave.


As we left, there were some crowds in Africa, enjoying the music.


And I’ll end this chapter with the Tree of Life, because hey, it’s the park icon.


Up next: Animal Kingdom afternoon
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Hey an update! Fun! Harambe Market turned out really cool! I think it was coming together when we were there but it wasn't all open. What was the milk tart? It looks interesting. Happy to read your post!
But I pity the poor dad of a young family who is sent off to bring back one chicken skewer, one corn dog, and one order of ribs. That would require 3 different stops.
I'm not too worried about it. I don't think my kids would like anything they have there anyway. I'm sure I'll try it out one of these days.

James and I agreed that we’d tell her that it was her Magic Band that told Disney of her food restriction and when we met back up with her she was already wondering if that was the case, so we went with it. It was great – these Magic Bands are amazing! ;)
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well played. :thumbsup2

Oh, I see that James is wearing one of his favorite shirts -- his Scott Sterling jersey. If you're not familiar with Scott Sterling, you probably don't have a teenager who watches YouTube videos all day long. He's a character in a couple of comedy videos who wins sporting events by accident, with his face. You probably have to see them to understand. Scott Sterling - Soccer; Scott Sterling - Volleyball
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Ok, I've actually seen that before. I never paid enough attention to remember his name, nor did I know he was selling jerseys. Funny videos.

It may be hard to decipher the look on James’ face, but it’s saying something like, “Oh yeah. This thing is the bomb.”
Really? Because it looks more like "I think I'm gonna cry."
Hello, I'm back from the dead! Or, more accurately my password is, so here I am! After a crazy year I have finally got round to reactivating my account, and the first thing I did was as always to see if you had any new updates. Boy have I missed out on a lot! Looks like I have some catching up to do, can't say I'm not happy about that though. Looking forwards to reading through your posts so far :)

Oh, and when I go back to the big swamp in September I'll have to try and get animal pics that are half as good as yours... Excellent images as always!
But I pity the poor dad of a young family who is sent off to bring back one chicken skewer, one corn dog, and one order of ribs. That would require 3 different stops.

I'm already getting the shivers just thinking about it.

James and I agreed that we’d tell her that it was her Magic Band that told Disney of her food restriction and when we met back up with her she was already wondering if that was the case, so we went with it. It was great – these Magic Bands are amazing! ;)

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Well done. Did you ever let her in on the joke?

Oh, I see that James is wearing one of his favorite shirts -- his Scott Sterling jersey. If you're not familiar with Scott Sterling, you probably don't have a teenager who watches YouTube videos all day long. He's a character in a couple of comedy videos who wins sporting events by accident, with his face. You probably have to see them to understand. Scott Sterling - Soccer; Scott Sterling - Volleyball

I haven't seen this, and will need to watch them at home. But it sounds up my alley!

Now when I look at the menu online I see that a black-eyed pea salad and a green papaya slaw are served with the entrees instead of this salad, so maybe we weren’t the only ones who weren’t crazy about it.

Those don't sound like improvements to me.:rolleyes1

Anyway, I would definitely eat here again. In fact, I could eat here day after day after day, just going through the different choices and then starting over again. Unless some new eatery pops up in Avatarland that I feel I need to try, this is where I’ll be planning to go for lunch on our next trip, for sure.

Wow, that's high praise. I don't see anything that would make me give up Flame Tree BBQ, though.

It may be hard to decipher the look on James’ face, but it’s saying something like, “Oh yeah. This thing is the bomb.”

I'll take your word for it. I thought it was a frown!

And I’ll end this chapter with the Tree of Life, because hey, it’s the park icon.

Can't argue with that.
Hey an update!

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Fun! Harambe Market turned out really cool! I think it was coming together when we were there but it wasn't all open.

I thought it was great, and a good location too -- they needed something back in that part of the park.

What was the milk tart? It looks interesting. Happy to read your post!

It was like a custard in a pie shell, with a little chocolate drizzled on top. Really good.

I'm not too worried about it. I don't think my kids would like anything they have there anyway. I'm sure I'll try it out one of these days.

Well that may be true. I'm sure you could at least swing through there and grab a chicken skewer or something.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well played. :thumbsup2

Sometimes the stars just align for you!
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Ok, I've actually seen that before. I never paid enough attention to remember his name, nor did I know he was selling jerseys. Funny videos.

I don't know that I ever would've seen them if it weren't for him showing them to me. But I have to admit they're pretty good.

Really? Because it looks more like "I think I'm gonna cry."

I know, that's why I had to explain his true intention in the text of the chapter!
Hello, I'm back from the dead! Or, more accurately my password is, so here I am! After a crazy year I have finally got round to reactivating my account, and the first thing I did was as always to see if you had any new updates.

Squidgy!! :welcome: back!!

Boy have I missed out on a lot!

Well since you were gone so long it may seem like that, but some would say that we've been moving rather slow around here. This report is already a year and a half old! Yikes!

Looks like I have some catching up to do, can't say I'm not happy about that though. Looking forwards to reading through your posts so far :)

You'll be caught up in no time.

Oh, and when I go back to the big swamp in September I'll have to try and get animal pics that are half as good as yours... Excellent images as always!

I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Hey, weren't you going to give us a report on Malta? :teeth: popcorn::
I'm already getting the shivers just thinking about it.

Ehh, you've got one or two now who are old enough that they could help out. It would probably be more of an issue for a family with younger kids...but Andy makes a good point, they're probably not eating here!

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Well done. Did you ever let her in on the joke?

I don't remember doing it, but we probably did. Just to brag!

I haven't seen this, and will need to watch them at home. But it sounds up my alley!

I think so. If you like slapstick comedy that goes to the point of unconsciousness (all acting, of course).

Those don't sound like improvements to me.:rolleyes1

They should've wrapped some bacon around something, I know.

Wow, that's high praise. I don't see anything that would make me give up Flame Tree BBQ, though.

I guess I'm figuring that you can get barbecue just about anywhere. This was one of my favorite meals of the trip and we still have Sanaa and Cali Grill coming up. I guess I'd put it like this: for the money, it was easily one of the best meals we had, in my opinion.

I'll take your word for it. I thought it was a frown!

I know, I know. Take my word for it, he liked it.

Can't argue with that.

Good, 'cause I can't deal with conflict. ;)

Maybe AC on a hot day... but that's about it.

Definitely no AC in Harambe Market!

I just can't take green papaya slaw over pulled pork. I'll just get an extra-large drink.

Hey, not fair comparing a side dish with an entree. Is the cole slaw any good at Flame Tree? I think we've talked before that I've always thought if the deli departments of our grocery stores could make a decent cole slaw and/or potato salad they'd make a killing. Nobody makes a decent one.
I just can't take green papaya slaw over pulled pork. I'll just get an extra-large drink.

Definitely no AC in Harambe Market!
Nope, no AC in either of these. I was just saying that as a Flame Tree fan like Mark, I might be tempted to go elsewhere on a hot day. You know, someplace with AC if that would meet the description of a new counter service place in Pandora.
Yes, it'll be interesting to see what they serve there. Something with a Pandora-flair, whatever that is!
Hey, not fair comparing a side dish with an entree. Is the cole slaw any good at Flame Tree? I think we've talked before that I've always thought if the deli departments of our grocery stores could make a decent cole slaw and/or potato salad they'd make a killing. Nobody makes a decent one.

Yeah, that was an unfair comparison. I do get your point about getting stuff you can't get in other places. But that BBQ tastes so good...hard to pass that up.
We walked into the market area and it was pretty busy. We were able to find some seats, but not under an umbrella, unfortunately.

Ah yes during the heat of the day it gets HOT !!! I think we had a table with an umbrella - or it was pouring or both. :rotfl2:

I think I had the chicken skewer and it was good. The veggies I totally agree too much onion, but I am so limited on what I can eat so I munched just on the broccoli.

:lmao:Funny about the allergy and the Magic Band. Might be nice if it could do that. :laughing:
It was now time for lunch and I was excited to try out the Harambe Market, which had only been open for a short time before our trip.

It was your hearty recommendation that led me to try Harambe. Glad we did.

. But I pity the poor dad of a young family who is sent off to bring back one chicken skewer, one corn dog, and one order of ribs. That would require 3 different stops.

Yeah, that would be tough!

James and I agreed that we’d tell her that it was her Magic Band that told Disney of her food restriction and when we met back up with her she was already wondering if that was the case, so we went with it. It was great – these Magic Bands are amazing! ;)


Too funny!!

Still loving Judy's hat!! So pretty!
As we left, there were some crowds in Africa, enjoying the music.

What's not to love about Tam Tam? They are awesome!!
I think your review is only the second I have seen of Harambe Market. And I read them both after my trip so I didn't know about this area and we only went on the path between Africa and Asia so we didn't notice it all. Food looks really good and the newer side items sound good to me!

Beautiful picture of the Tree of Life!

Hi! I just binge-read your TR and I got to say I'm loving it!

My Mom and I love going to NYC and I definitely jotted down some of the places you ate at for the future! One of our favorites (that we just discovered on our last trip) is Candle 79 - walked here from The MET and it's SO. GOOD. Everything is vegan/GF... I bet Judy would love it... I don't have nay dietary restrictions but I fully enjoyed myself there so I'm sure the rest of the family would too!

I do feel a little bad posting this, but it is just too good of a picture not to. The look on her face is just awesome!! When I saw that picture, I just howled. I love it!

THIS. IS. HILARIOUS. Do not feel bad at all! :rotfl2: I rode EE once... and once only. I can relate to the way that little chicken felt lol!!
Yeah, that was an unfair comparison. I do get your point about getting stuff you can't get in other places. But that BBQ tastes so good...hard to pass that up.

That is true.

Ah yes during the heat of the day it gets HOT !!! I think we had a table with an umbrella - or it was pouring or both. :rotfl2:

I was a little disappointed that we weren't able to get a better spot than that, but that's the luck of the draw.

I think I had the chicken skewer and it was good. The veggies I totally agree too much onion, but I am so limited on what I can eat so I munched just on the broccoli.

I'm not sure what they were going for with those veggies. I wonder how the new version has worked out.

:lmao:Funny about the allergy and the Magic Band. Might be nice if it could do that. :laughing:

I'm sure they could do that if they wanted to. I see in today's news that when you enter the park as a DVC member you'll get a different color scheme when you use your magic band at the turnstile.

It was your hearty recommendation that led me to try Harambe. Glad we did.

Oh good -- I'm glad I didn't steer you wrong!


Too funny!!


Still loving Judy's hat!! So pretty!

It hasn't seen much action since the trip. But then, oh never mind...

What's not to love about Tam Tam? They are awesome!!

Not to be confused with tsum tsum! They're good, but unfortunately we just enjoyed them while flying past.

I think your review is only the second I have seen of Harambe Market. And I read them both after my trip so I didn't know about this area and we only went on the path between Africa and Asia so we didn't notice it all. Food looks really good and the newer side items sound good to me!

I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more airplay. It's really good, and counter service! Sorry you missed it, but that's what "next time"'s are for!

Beautiful picture of the Tree of Life!


Thanks Dee!
Hi! I just binge-read your TR and I got to say I'm loving it!

Yay! :welcome: iheartbelle87!! I am loving that you're reading along!

My Mom and I love going to NYC and I definitely jotted down some of the places you ate at for the future! One of our favorites (that we just discovered on our last trip) is Candle 79 - walked here from The MET and it's SO. GOOD. Everything is vegan/GF... I bet Judy would love it... I don't have nay dietary restrictions but I fully enjoyed myself there so I'm sure the rest of the family would too!

Thanks for the recommendation. I looked that place up, and it is literally 3 blocks away from the place we got food from after our visit to the Met. (The food that was not so great.) Wish we'd have tried Candle 79 instead. But I see on Yelp that they have "$$$" indicated, so I probably filtered them out of consideration! You get what you pay for though, right?!

THIS. IS. HILARIOUS. Do not feel bad at all! :rotfl2:

I know, I had to post it. Hands-down the best photo ever. I was just honored to have shared the ride with her. She's a star.

I rode EE once... and once only. I can relate to the way that little chicken felt lol!!

Aw, it's not that bad. The backwards portion is definitely intense. For sheer fun, I like Rockin' Roller Coaster better.


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