Best thing about getting old

I LOVE this time of my life! Wouldn't trade it to be 20 again for NOTHING!! I have two great grown kids, a grandson to cuddle and my husband and I love the time we get to spend together! I'd trade the grays in my hair in if I could, but since I can't, I just pay the hairdresser, lol!
Yeah, I know it's better than being dead and there are things I enjoy but dang, no, I really don't enjoy getting older. I'm not embracing it and the benefits don't outweigh the things I hate. I hate getting older, the ways my looks are changing, the time going by, that news from friends has become more illness related, and deaths of older relatives, etc.
I cannot believe how much people complain about getting older (I am 47). The ONLY bad thing I can think of is the increase in health issues. Now granted, that is significant, but to me there is NOTHING else bad about getting older. I am freer, wealthier, smarter, self confident and at peace than I ever was in my 20s. What's not to love about this?
I have a much better grasp on reality than I used to, I don't always feel the need to prove myself, and I'm learning to be kinder to myself.
Feeling smug about my music preferences compared to the crap these kids are listening to.
Being more likely to get off with a warning should I ever get busted with... "plant matter."


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