Bendy-Friendies V.3 - Food & Booze Lovers Unite!!!

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Yup... she hasn't even "got" there yet and she's gonna be drinking...

Might I suggest filling a small water bottle and tell everyone you are lactose defficient and need this special mix to help you out???'s official... my Xmas cards will be Epiphany Cards (which is what you'll get when you finally get it...)

I ventured out to have a burger at Olivers...(very good) and Claudia gave me soup to bring home...:goodvibes but I've spent the last several hours in bed recovering from my journey so I don't know if I will make it out again...
our department is leaving the office tomorrow at 12:30 for an extended lunch since our budget was eviscerated and weren't able to have our usual holiday dinner. The six of us are going to a seafood place and I have already announced my intention of ordering at least one expensive drink, maybe two! The bank owes me at least that much for the past twelve months of cussedness. :laughing:

So, the bank closes at 3PM tomorrow but the credit department closes at 12:30. Actually, I find that many of the financial statements I review look better after a drink or two. ;)

Feel better Michelle ... you don't want to turn into a morlock. :flower3:
And what the hell is a Zsu Zsu pet. I would imagine it's not some kind of critter with piled up blond hair and a Hungarian accent or it'd be a Zsa Zsa pet. Or if it's a Zhou Zhou pet it's probably Chinese and can quote Zhou-en-lai.

Zsa Zsa pets - slaps across the face are included free!

apparently the booze has killed some brain cells because the scale was a REALLY bad idea :upsidedow

It really was: different, interesting & good :thumbsup2 The smokey & saltiness of the bacon was soooo good with the apple & peanut butter! They used 2 slices of granny smith apple on each 1/2 of the sandwich. I would add more apple and maybe a little less peanut butter. The cinnamon raisin bread was good too :goodvibes

Mmmm. That sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! I have alwasy been a fan of sliced apples and cream cheese over nut bread....tasty!

Almost everything I ordered in the last two weeks showed up today! :thumbsup2

I'm in the process of washing the dishes and wrapping up a few more last minute gifties and then I have to finish putting pics together for the digital picture frame we got for X&Y. It was a heck of a lot easier than me trying to put together a photobook for them. I may be able to write but anything else of an artistic or crafty nature is beyond me and actually ends up pi$$ing me off because I can see something really cool in my head but what I end up with is usually a sad little mushroom that looks like a wee little winky. :lmao:

And I've made my milk punch. And I'm drinking some before I go to work tomorrow.

So there! :laughing:

Toasting you with my diet coke this morning!

our department is leaving the office tomorrow at 12:30 for an extended lunch since our budget was eviscerated and weren't able to have our usual holiday dinner. The six of us are going to a seafood place and I have already announced my intention of ordering at least one expensive drink, maybe two! The bank owes me at least that much for the past twelve months of cussedness. :laughing:

So, the bank closes at 3PM tomorrow but the credit department closes at 12:30. Actually, I find that many of the financial statements I review look better after a drink or two. ;)

Feel better Michelle ... you don't want to turn into a morlock. :flower3:

Get the fanciest cocktails you can! And enjoy!


HE'S OFF!!!!

NORAD'S TRACKING SANTA!!!! :santa::santa::santa:

(he's over the Pacific right now!!!)

Whooo-Hooooo! Meanwhile, I am up at 5.45, wrapping a few gifts and packing as we leave for Austin directly from least we get out at 3pm today, but no long boozy lunch for me!

Have a great day, Friendies! (Ooooh - got some hand crafted truffles for Mom and Sloan White - remind me to give you the details of them when we get back!)
Michelle, hope you feel better soon :hug:

Brenda, enjoy your lunch ( and drinks ):thumbsup2

Santa's next stop is Palikir, Micronesia :)

I work 1/2 day today then off til Monday. :woohoo: Tonight's dinner will be steamed crab and shrimp, red potatoes and a spinach salad. Tomorrow honey baked ham, potato salad and steamed veggies. Plus too many cookies, goodies, drinks etc. ;)

Hope all the friendies have a spectacular Christmas !:goodvibes
Happy Chrimble to all the fabulous friendies, both posting and non-posting. :grouphug: Be safe and have a lovely holiday and take lots of great food porn!!! :thumbsup2

Am waiting for croissants to come out of the oven ... I ordered them from Sonoma ... I do not make pastry. :laughing:

Jay and I don't really have any official meal planned for tonight - it's snacking city while we get some of our holiday cooking done and finish cleaning and decorating. :goodvibes
Wow! I thought I was the only one having to work today. The Market closes at 1pm today so we usually can leave pretty much after that.
And I've made my milk punch. And I'm drinking some before I go to work tomorrow.

So there! :laughing:

Yup... she hasn't even "got" there yet and she's gonna be drinking...

Might I suggest filling a small water bottle and tell everyone you are lactose defficient and need this special mix to help you out???

Hey, my dad had a girlfriend that whenever they went out she insisted that she had to have a scotch & milk before she ate as it would settle her stomach. She told him that her doctor told her to do it. :rotfl: It's funny, though, she was never without one of these drinks!!

I have to try that milk punch, sounds good.

Oh, we had gone to Total Wine and I bought a box of Brandy Beans. I tried one last night because I couldn't wait until Christmas, so glad I did. They are wonderful. They are dark chocolate filled with a small shot of brandy. I was going to bring them to my MIL's tomorrow, but I decided to keep them for myself. ;)
Wow! I thought I was the only one having to work today. The Market closes at 1pm today so we usually can leave pretty much after that.

Jay has to work 6AM - 3PM; I work 8AM - 3PM (officially). The wonderful world of finance. ;) Meh, it pays the bills and lets us travel! :thumbsup2
Hey, my dad had a girlfriend that whenever they went out she insisted that she had to have a scotch & milk before she ate as it would settle her stomach. She told him that her doctor told her to do it. :rotfl: It's funny, though, she was never without one of these drinks!!

I have to try that milk punch, sounds good.

Oh, we had gone to Total Wine and I bought a box of Brandy Beans. I tried one last night because I couldn't wait until Christmas, so glad I did. They are wonderful. They are dark chocolate filled with a small shot of brandy. I was going to bring them to my MIL's tomorrow, but I decided to keep them for myself. ;)

Not sure about scotch and milk, but I guess it's not too far from there to milk punch. Milk punch is one of our favorite holiday drinks ... yum! And if you like brandy I think you will like this just fine.

Those brandy beans sound great - I would have kept them too! :lmao:
Resurrected in honor of the morning beverage ...

Bendy's Ode to Milk Punch

Oh, cool and creamy beverage,
sprinkled with nutmeg,
cubes clinking merrily;
face-numbing nectar of the gods -
the pitcher empties far too soon ...
and we are out of brandy.


You should, with Catherine's permission, post the "12 Days of Epcot" on here. That is too hysterical. And, it really works to the rythmn of the song.

I printed it out and wanted to show it to Marcel last night. He laughed. :rotfl: He also looked at me and said I'm nuts. I asked why and he said not only did I print it out for him to see, but that I actually SANG the whole song to him!! :lmao:

I hope everyone gets what they have dreamed for this year!!
that's a great idea - I think I will do so right now.

And I sang it to Jason last night! :lmao: Great minds! :goodvibes


You should, with Catherine's permission, post the "12 Days of Epcot" on here. That is too hysterical. And, it really works to the rythmn of the song.

I printed it out and wanted to show it to Marcel last night. He laughed. :rotfl: He also looked at me and said I'm nuts. I asked why and he said not only did I print it out for him to see, but that I actually SANG the whole song to him!! :lmao:
The Twelve Days of Epcot by Catherine, who is brilliant! :thumbsup2

On the first day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
A limoncello shot from Italy

On the second day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the third day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the fourth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the fifth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the sixth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the seventh day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the eighth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Eight pints o’ Guinness
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the ninth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Nine happy Lychees
Eight pints o' Guinness
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the tenth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Ten mugs of Gluhwein
Nine happy Lychees
Eight pints o' Guinness
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the eleventh day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Eleven filtered sakes
Ten mugs of Gluhwein
Nine Happy Lychees
Eight pints o' Guinness
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy

On the twelfth day at Epcot
Somebody poured for me
Twelve ice wines
Eleven filtered sakes
Ten mugs of Gluhwein
Nine Happy Lychees
Eight pints o' Guinness
Seven French cuvees
Six Rosa Regales
Five Scotches, neat
Four Welsh Dragons
Three Naranja Rojas
Two Pinot Noirs
And a limoncello shot from Italy
The Twelve Days of Epcot by Catherine, who is brilliant! :thumbsup2

I do not love my mood today..what is wrong with me!?? Shouldn't i be all merry and bright!?First married Christmas and all!?? But no, i am rather sullen and tired and overwhelmed with all the festive foo-foo I still have to do. :lmao: I love Christmas so I hope this passes..I think once they cut me loose from work..which I am HOPING will be at noon..I will feel much better..sighhhhhhhhhh...Brenda..hit me up with some of that Milk Punch..I think I should have spiked my coffee with that this morning!
I am rather looking forward to my trip to Target later to get some misc. items..the adrenaline should get me going anyway :rolleyes:
Ok who ordered the snow for Dallas???? :confused3
Snow and winds of up to 50 miles per hour this afternoon = blowing snow!
Grrr... and we have to drive to Ft Worth for my family Christmas this afternoon.
70 degrees yesterday and a wind chill of 0 today..What the heck????:scared1:

If I can just get on the plane to Houston tomorrow and then on to San Juan it will be all right.. :beach: get to Houston...Ohmmmmm... Just get to Houston....Ohmmm. (I think this is the first time my DH is actually looking forward to going to Houston).

In case I don't get back on here before we leave - Wishing all the friendies a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay safe, eat well, love all.

Merry Christmas Eve to all of the friendies! This is my absolute favorite day of the me it feels so hopeful and holy and full of promise.

Thanks for the Norad link, Tink! I was going to go search for it after checking in here, so you've saved me some work! Emma just loves tracking Santa throughout the day.

Sending everyone who is traveling wishes for a safe and quick journey, and a wonderful time while you are gone. And for those of you were are staying snug at home like me, I hope you all enjoy your evening plans!

I do have to make one last trip to the grocery store today....I managed to forget a few things from yesterday's trip, of course! I don't have to spend too much time in the kitchen this year....tonight's dinner is ordered from a local Italian market so all we have to do is pull together a salad to go with it. But I can't resist baking a little today, so I think I am going to make some gingerbread cake with lemon sauce to take over to the in-laws for tonight and tomorrow. And tomorrow I just have to make a broccoli in bechamel sauce casserole for the big dinner. Alas, there will be no milk punch for us....since one side of the margarita machine is still full from the party last weekend, I believe that will be our drink of choice this holiday!
And I've made my milk punch. And I'm drinking some before I go to work tomorrow.

So there! :laughing:

I have already announced my intention of ordering at least one expensive drink, maybe two! The bank owes me at least that much for the past twelve months of cussedness. :laughing:


HE'S OFF!!!!

NORAD'S TRACKING SANTA!!!! :santa::santa::santa:

(he's over the Pacific right now!!!)

Wohoo! Going to show the kiddos now!

Happy Chrimble to all the fabulous friendies, both posting and non-posting. :grouphug: Be safe and have a lovely holiday and take lots of great food porn!!! :thumbsup2

Am waiting for croissants to come out of the oven ... I ordered them from Sonoma ... I do not make pastry. :laughing:

Jay and I don't really have any official meal planned for tonight - it's snacking city while we get some of our holiday cooking done and finish cleaning and decorating. :goodvibes


I hope everyone gets what they have dreamed for this year!!

Ok who ordered the snow for Dallas???? :confused3
Snow and winds of up to 50 miles per hour this afternoon = blowing snow!
Grrr... and we have to drive to Ft Worth for my family Christmas this afternoon.
70 degrees yesterday and a wind chill of 0 today..What the heck????:scared1:

If I can just get on the plane to Houston tomorrow and then on to San Juan it will be all right.. :beach: get to Houston...Ohmmmmm... Just get to Houston....Ohmmm. (I think this is the first time my DH is actually looking forward to going to Houston).

In case I don't get back on here before we leave - Wishing all the friendies a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay safe, eat well, love all.


Merry Christmas to all! It is dumping snow here in Texas (as Cathy said):scared1::scared1:

I told my stepdad he should have made a beer run yesterday.:headache:

Oh well. Hot buttered Rum, Gluwhein, Wine wine, Pomtinis, Baileys...I guess we'll be fine.:rotfl:
I am here till 12:30, the government is more lenient than the bank. Although it's been kinda nuts here trying to clear up and I could use more hours. Not that I will ask for them. All this stuff will still be here Tuesday.

As soon as I get home on the train I must get in the car and get to my brother's for church (the kids asked me to go with them) and then drive to my parents' and THEN I can start drinking - there's a lovely bottle of fortified wine from a local winery there that my parents bought me for my birthday and nobody's touched yet - they call it SNORT rather then Port so tonight when I get out there I will get a snort of SNORT.

Then I can try tracking Santa on my Ipod because my parents have working wireless internet and I don't.

Thanks for the cards and the compliments on the Epcot song. We will all have to sing it at the Ditch in October 2010.

I keep thinking of the Adventurers Club annual reading of the Night Before Christmas when each character would take turns reading and they'd leave off in strategic points for the next character to take over, like "Away to the window he flew like a flash, tore open the cupboard and threw up..."

Long pause. Next character turns page in book and reads:

"The sash."

(I know I was lucky that I got to see that once)

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night..
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