"Beat the Heat" Show

Dr. David Q. Dawson

Jun 1, 2005
I'm enjoying the shows today (as always)... But I have to be honest, after listening to the "Beat the Heat" show today - I don't think I will EVER go to WDW in the Summer... it sounds MISERABLE!! Anyone else??

More January trips for me I think.
We moved to WA from NC a couple of years ago. It's amazing how quickly you can grow intolerant of the heat! We went to WDW in October 09 during a heat wave and promised we wouldn't return unless it was winter!

Weather is one of the top reasons why i love Disneyland so much! Can't beat California weather!
We are headed to Orlando August 21. It seriously cannot be worse than New York in August. (And yes, we're on a school schedule)
If you are on school schedule, formost people, summer is it.
Personally, it would not be my choice. I will gladly trade shorter park hours for coller temperatures.
We go the last couple of weeks in August every year. We actually like it. Would we prefer April or May, yes but with my DH being a teacher we are limited and the major school vacations are out because flights are so expensive.

We have our tricks on beating the heat but we truly love the parks at night. it's our favorite time to go to them. Plus with young kids it's an easy excuse to head back to the hotel during the day for naps and rest time.
After being in sweat shirts and jeans for 2 years in a row in December, summer is looking good to me. The last two years we were there for xmas break the weather was awful.
We are headed to Orlando August 21. It seriously cannot be worse than New York in August. (And yes, we're on a school schedule)

Yep, that is the week we usually go. It is a little less crowded as not all schools are off, and there has been free dining in the past as well. It is hot, but we do fine. However, AK is surface of the sun hot, and we don't spend much time there unless it is evening EMH.
Bring on the heat and humidity, we love it!! We always remember that 4 short months later it will be cold and snowy.
I went in June last year, as as long as you plan smart, take naps and have boundaries (I have a no touching me rule when I'm overheated- it feels like someone is electroshocking me), it can be done. I never waited in a line longer than 20 minutes!
As a teacher, I can only go to WDW for long trips when school is out. I have gone during the summer before including, most recently, last summer. I hate the heat and have a difficult time dealing with it. However, one of the perks of going during the summer is the extraordinarily long Extra Magic Hours at night. By attending them (MK is open until 3 a.m.), I get an entire park done in three hours and can relax during the day when it is super hot. :)

We moved to WA from NC a couple of years ago. It's amazing how quickly you can grow intolerant of the heat! We went to WDW in October 09 during a heat wave and promised we wouldn't return unless it was winter!

Weather is one of the top reasons why i love Disneyland so much! Can't beat California weather!

Agreed! Hands down! :thumbsup2
I went in June last year, as as long as you plan smart, take naps and have boundaries (I have a no touching me rule when I'm overheated- it feels like someone is electroshocking me), it can be done. I never waited in a line longer than 20 minutes!

i was there at the same time Kate (and where are you this year??? we need you to organize a meet!!!)..
i thought i was going to melt last year....
the moment i got to orlando, i called DH and told him to shoot me if i ever suggest going to WDW in the summer again...
yeah....right...as if...
guess where all 6 of us will be this august? i'll give you two guesses, but you're only going to need one...
yes,....i've completely lost my mind and decided to walk around in a frigging sauna for 14 days straight...

nothing like that thick sheen of sweat covering my body....mmmmm....such fun....

well...on the bright side, maybe i'll lose a little weight from all that sweating?
No one believes me, but I swear to you, I would not go to Disney in the summer if was free. Hot, humid and crowded??? No way.

In 1998 my mom and I went to Disney the 1st week of October, I can't even tell you how hot and muggy it was. We were dripping by the time we got 5 feet out of our hotel room, it was awful and there were no crowds, I mean "shoot a canon down Main Street and not hit anybody" no crowds and it was still bad because of the heat and humidity, I can't imagine that and summer crowds. I don't mind hot, but not humid. We go mid-November through 1st week of May now and that's it. Dripping through Disney is just not enjoyable or worth it to me.
We are headed to Orlando August 21. It seriously cannot be worse than New York in August. (And yes, we're on a school schedule)

We will be there then, too!

I live in VA, and it is just as hot and humid here in August. THere is just so much to do that is inside in WDW. You don't have to be out in the sun for too long at one time. Honestly, when I go to Kings Dominion and Bush Gardens here , it seems so much hotter. I swear I ask myself why I can do Orlando in August, but VA in June wipes me out? I think that most of the attractions in the parks up here, and their queues, are outside, so it is harder to escape the heat while enjoying the park. At WDW, we can usually move from inside attraction to inside attraction pretty easily.

Yes, our January trips were much easier, but they are out of the question now with school schedules, so we make the best of it when we can go!
We are headed to Orlando August 21. It seriously cannot be worse than New York in August. (And yes, we're on a school schedule)

I am only saying anything to make sure you are prepared but Orlando is way worse than NYC in Aug. Seriously! I worked in NYC for many years, the subway in Aug. is a treat compared to Orlando in Aug. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced, even my dad who worked outside everyday for 40 years and does not believe in air conditioning was shocked how miserable it was and still talks about it almost 2yrs later. Like someone else said and I completely agree and stated myself that someone could give me a free trip in Aug. and I would turn it down. Just please make sure you plan for the heat. Please be careful.
We're a family with two students and a teacher, so we are strictly stuck to the school schedule, so August is the only time we can go down to WDW. Yes it is insanely hot but there are so many ways that you can work to keep cool that it is tolerable. Plus we are always so wrapped up in the magic and just being there that the heat isn't as noticeable. :goodvibes
My family is headed down to Orlando Aug. 13-20. This will be our second August trip. Our vacation times are dictated by the congressional calendar (for me) and the school calendar (for my daughter and my wife--a teacher), so that really limits when we can vacation.

While it's very hot in August, like scjoe68, I don't find it to be any more hot or humid than Virginia. Back when I was in graduate school, I had to spend one summer conducting archaeology field work in Williamsburg. Walking around WDW is a joy in comparison.
We went for our very first trip August 22 - 29th, 2000.

We had a really cool and wet summer here. It was refreshing to have some hot weather.

I burn... so I always have sun screen on. I was putting it on every hour and my shoulders still burnt. With the heat I didn't want to wear a shirt with sleeves. I remember it well.

My daughter was 5 at the time and ran in every fountain their was, I have so many photos of these. We never were in the parks in the afternoon, instead taking that time to swim at our resort and rest, then we would head out again around dinner time.

We toured at our leisure, instead of running. We bought those fans with spray bottles.

Though it was hot, I don't remember saying it's too hot to be here. I do remember that all my dd wanted to do was swim, and at one point I wondered why we spent so much money on this trip for her to swim. :rotfl:

I have fond memories of that time. We prefer to go in the winter months now, but at that time of the year swimming is not as nice. We haven't been to the water parks since 2000, which is sad as I loved them.
I am only saying anything to make sure you are prepared but Orlando is way worse than NYC in Aug. Seriously! I worked in NYC for many years, the subway in Aug. is a treat compared to Orlando in Aug. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced, even my dad who worked outside everyday for 40 years and does not believe in air conditioning was shocked how miserable it was and still talks about it almost 2yrs later. Like someone else said and I completely agree and stated myself that someone could give me a free trip in Aug. and I would turn it down. Just please make sure you plan for the heat. Please be careful.

Interesting. I dunno, though. I went out for a 4 mile run in 87 degrees last night, and that was pretty miserable. If I can do that, I think we'll be OK.
I found this topic of interest because we are planning to go to WDW for the first time in 2014 for our 25th anniversay. We are both teachers so obviously summer would be easier for us, we'd have more time. However, I've always thought I would go in Nov. Heat, I don't mind. Humidity is another matter though and we don't have that here. Still trying to weigh the two but it did make it sound hopeful that maybe we could do a summer with so many indoor attractions. :confused3
Interesting. I dunno, though. I went out for a 4 mile run in 87 degrees last night, and that was pretty miserable. If I can do that, I think we'll be OK.

not the same..

it's the humidity in orlando that kills you....sure lots of place have non-stop 95+ weather....but not as many have non-stop 100% humidity....that's what makes it so difficult....the humidity....
and while lots of places get high humidity in the summer, 100% is what separates the men from the boys....

it's the humidity that makes it so unpleasant.....


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