Bad Trip


DIS Veteran
Jan 31, 2012
Does anyone ever just have a bad trip? A bad trip that is in no way Disney's fault, but where your husband gets a speeding ticket, your windshield gets cracked, it rains ever day the week you are there, your family gets cranky, and on and on and on?

Such a shame. Alllllll that planning and anticipation, and I get home and I'm like what just happened? I want a do-over! No trip is ever perfect, but this one was unusually BAD!
Spring 2011
DD2's graduation gift from us was a weekend at WDW. *her choice*

The drive down and the first day were good.

Not only did it rain heavily the 2nd day we were there, there was hail and tornados.

The dog was not happy in the kennels--she came out smelling like pee, shaking and cringing, hadn't touched her food at all. We couldn't make it over to her the day it stormed, due to the weather because the car had a flat (ran over a board with nails on it when parking at POFQ--this was during the remodel) and DH wasn't about to change a flat during that storm. He finally got it changed on the morning of the 3rd day, just in time to go home, because....

DH got food poisoning (confirmed by labwork) at POFQ--he thinks it was the burger with the shrimp on it that did him in. The way home was awful for him. DS cut his hand open on a trash can in Magic Kingdom, and it got infected (went to first aid and got it cleaned and bandaged but I guess not good enough)--he had to go on antibiotics.

Oh, and we almost died on the highway. Thanks Midas. I had had the brakes "done" about 3 weeks before. They were still squeaking, and everytime I went back to the mechanic, they said it was normal, just brake dust from the new rotors and pads settling in. Mind you, I paid for new rotors for both front and back, along with pads, fluid, etc.

Well, it turns out that they had only done the front brakes, not front and rear as I requested. They also hadn't replaced the rotors, but "resurfaced" them. (and rather poorly at that, plus the brake pads weren't replaced.) The back brakes had no fluid and no pads, and the squealing was from them constantly trying to lock up.

On I-10, we lost all braking. During rush hour--5pm. Luckily DH was able to use the emergency brake to slow us down, and some rather kind people let us cut over to the off ramp (which was backed up) and down the off ramp on the edge, so we could stop in a safe area.

Then I spent almost 4 hours on the phone, between the original mechanic's corporate office, another $75 for the tow (which should have been free, as I have towing on my insurance, but because the mechanic called the tow truck, I had to pay), and then 4 hours at a Tire Kingdom (who had to search around for the right parts, have the parts store stay open late to get the part delivered, and the mechanic and shop manager who stayed well after closing to fix this for us.

The original mechanic paid for the parts and labor (overtime for both the mechanic and shop manager :cheer2:) and refunded me the cost of the original brake job and the tow. Couldn't do anything about no one eating dinner that night, or the kids sleeping in the lobby of the Tire Kingdom or me sitting outside on the phone holding the dog's leash in a sketchy neighborhood at 2am.

Yeah, it was a bad weekend. I think we should be able to get a redo.
Yes, on one of our trips we ended up with more families then we had planned, UV indexes were near record breaking levels, we were wet from humidity, we almost missed our flight out due to security back ups and we lost our card holder with our park tickets in it. When asked if we had a fun trip we answered, “It’s good to be home.” But a week later we wanted a do-over. :crazy2:
Jedana~ wow, that IS a bad trip. I'm sorry it was so bad~it makes my bad trip actually look wonderful.
Good to know I'm not alone! I didn't even want to get on Disboards once we got home! We were there from 6/6-6/16 so it was a long trip. My husband got the speeding ticket in Louisiana - don't speed there! This was on our way to Florida. About five minutes later a rock hits our windshield. Of course that chip cracked all the way across by the time we were in the Florida sun. Then on our way back home here comes another rock. My two cracks have almost met now.

The rain was horrible. We had just gotten our good at Flame Tree BBQ, and gotten to our table when the bottom fell out. So I tell everyone to just take their time and enjoy. We were at one of the lower sections. About half way through the meal I was telling everyone to hold their feet up because all of the water was rushing down, and we were sitting in about two or three inches of water.

Again, none of it was Disney's fault but I think we may give universal a shot next summer. ;)

My family was so cranky, and we were traveling with extended family. I do believe we were all over the trip before we ever made it to Orlando!
We only had one bad incident at WDW. DD8 and I drove up from Miami for the weekend after taking off Friday mid-am. We got settled in, went to MK, and I went to the ATM machine. I was gung-ho about using a debit card and not risking losing a large amount of cash. My CC had a low credit max and I had used most of the available credit.

At the ATM machine, my debit card wouldn't work! Demagnetized. OMG!! No money for food, souvenirs, parking (off-site), gasoline, anything. I was in complete panic. Lucky for us, my bank had a branch in Kissimmee. I raced down there, bank was open late bc it was Friday, and they were able to get cash from my savings acct and order a new debit card sent to my home. But if it was any other day of the week, or any later time, we would have had to double back to Miami and cancel the weekend. Now I always carry a back-up CC with lots of available credit, just for emergencies.

Only other bad trip at WDW was when I sipped Disney-Nescafe coffee. Man, that always gave me a Bad Trip!
Yes had a bad trip once in June.

On the way down, everything was okay until about 3 hours from Orlando, the air conditioning in the car stopped working. We made it to Orlando fine, just a little sweaty, thank goodness it was night and not the middle of the day.

Called our local repair shop back home, they had completely replaced all the AC parts in the car less than 2 years earlier (over $2000). Told us everything was under warranty, but had to be fixed at our local repair shop. We decided to tough it out with no air on the way back and by in-car fans.

On way back, stopped at Panda Express. Getting ready to get back on the road, car wouldn't start, thought it might be dead battery. We used jumpbox to start car, it finally started and we watched as smoke came out and the serpentine belt burned in half. Local repair shop failed to tell us that if AC wasn't fixed the compressor could lock up and cause this, fortunately we weren't on the highway when this happened because a lot of things go wrong when this happens and you're driving.

Call local repair shop to complain they didn't warn us. They also tell us that we were given bad information the first time and we actually had a nation-wide warranty that could be fixed anywhere. Had to book a night in this random town and pay to have car towed to repair shop. Finally got fixed the next day after about 8 hours and fortunately our local repair shop made it up to us by paying for everything. However, it was one huge headache!
Yep...had one of those. Family was at each other's throats by the start of our second day and by the middle of day 3 I was sobbing uncontrollably on a sidewalk in Universal Studios.
We've had incredible trips where all of the stars seemed to be aligned in our favor, and then we've had those trips where everything went wrong and you wondered what you possibly could have done to make karma so mad.

Luckily as time goes on, we start to remember that we did actually have some fun, and after more time goes by, we start to laugh at the things that went wrong. It probably helps that I start planning the do-over trip! :)
I can laugh about it now but we had one back in '02. We were visiting family in Miami and a blizzard hit back home the day we were supposed to leave. We rented a car and drove up to CBR. Less then 10 minutes from the hotel the skies opened and didn't stop for 3 straight night. We were as far away from the main building as you could be, so any trip there was miserable. There was no reason to bother going to a park, and the lead story on the news every night was the ongoing trial of a CM Tigger accused of groping (He was acquitted). I think we went to the movies a few times and finally went to a park on the last day because we felt we had to. Only made it worse by getting soaked.
Yup. Been there. December trip a few years ago.
1. It was cold - really cold. Like *buy blankets and hats for the kids in a gift shop* cold.
2. DS got sick after 3 days in. Really sick. Emergency room trip, 4 days in the room, postpone our flight, pay the extra for a few more days in the room, finally get him well enough to fly home.
Definitely couldn't wait for our *do-over* trip.
We've had a couple of trips where, while nothing terrible happened, we just felt a let down, like we just hadn't had a great time and wish we'd stayed home in the first place. Once when we traveled with my sister, we realized we weren't having OUR vacation, we were having HER vacation. We were sharing a condo, sharing a car, and pretty much did what she and her kids wanted, on their schedule. DD and I couldn't care less if we ever went in a hotel pool, yet every day we were waiting around so "the girls" could get some swimming in (these are kids whose dad worked at Disney as well as being a flight attendant, so they were monthly park visitors). Car was in my sister's name (because of the terrific discount her DH qualified for) so we were pretty much held hostage to their whims. It certainly wasn't a terrible vacation, but when DD and I got home we realized that there were things we would have liked to have done but didn't, or things we would have done differently, and at the price of airfare and park tickets, that was a bit depressing. That was the last time we traveled with my sister, I believe.

There have been other less than exciting experiences, like the time I got food poisoning. We'd been traveling with my sis, bil, and niece, and they'd gone home early that morning. DD and I had a marvelous time at AK, and went to 1900PF for supper with Cinderella, in preparation for our last day at the parks, "girls day" at MK. I should have skipped the seafood newburg. By midnight I was in the bathroom, all night long. DD was young, maybe 10, and was worried about me, and although she was a trooper about missing the last day in MK, she was good about it. We were staying at the Nikki Bird (is it even there anymore?) and they were great; once housekeeping realized I was sick, they sent up a manager who checked on me, got me pepto and immodium, sent up juice, soup, and ginger ale for me, meals for DD- all at no additional charge. We struggled through, I ate the anti-diarrheal, and managed to get on the plane home the following day. NOT our best last day of a trip, for sure!
Two trips ago...we always do tutto italia for lunch as soon as arriving. Say down to eat, DH gets sick (stomach bug), get to the room DD gets it, later that night I get it . The next day my DS who was only 6 mos old gets it. Had to rent a baby swing just to get him to sleep, and after a few days was escorted by ambulance to the ER for dehydration. By our last full day there, we all were better and enjoyed the parks...but I was scared to go back after that trip fearing that they all would be like that. We went back this past November , trip was awesome with no one getting ill!
Well sort of. But it was at the end of the trip both times. The first time ds who was 6 at the time came down with a high fever and a sore stomach on our second last day. We gave him some medicine, rested for the morning and went to the quiet pool in the afternoon. We had initially thought it was a virus but I remember looking at him sitting on the side of the pool and hearing that mom voice in my head "this child is not right". We carried him to the front lobby and Centracare came and picked us up. There was a huge wait, but I asked them to take his temp while we waited and they did and then all of the hush hush voices and rushing started.:( The "stomach ache" had radiated to the lower left quadrant and his temp was 104. They called an ambulance.
Long story short we spent the last two days of the trip at the hospital. It was determined it was an infection in his appendix but that it didn't need to come out. After IV antibiotics for those two days they cleared us just in time to make our flight home.
Fast forward exactly one year later ( I mean the same week and everything) ds comes down with a fever and says he feels nauseous. We make it to the airport (because surely it's a virus and we couldn't have another infection in his appendix). He throws up just as he is handing his passport over in the airport. After cleaning him up I enquired about what to do and they said we could take our flight. He seemed better. He slept all the way home.
And that night. And then in the morning I tried to wake him and he was lethargic and not very responsive.:( . Sat him up and he screamed.
Long story short, it was appendicitis. He had it removed within an hour of getting to the hospital as it had already ruptured. We spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital on antibiotic therapy.
Before you all think I am horrible mom.. my kids have had the stomach flu so many times.. it seemed like that's what it was.:(
Didn't ruin our trips but made for horrible frightening endings.
our trip wasnt "bad" but DD11 at the time got food poisoning from the POFQ food court - ugh that in a hotel room is NOT a pretty sight.
Our bad trip was this May. DH got bit (we think) by something as we were walking to the pool at CSR. Low grade fever and rash ensued. DD that was two days away from turning 10 fell at AKL in the gift shop (got her foot caught on a display when she turned around). We thought it was sprained so finished the trip, got home and found out her foot was chipped. Three weeks in a foot boot. DH was still feeling miserable so took him to multiple docs only to find out they had no clue what it was. (I told him he had German measles) with as sick as he was and as much bad pixie dust we had he swore we would not go back for at least three years. Well........he changed his mind, flying back down on July 18th. :). Made for two happy girls and a happy momma. :)
Start off by saying sorry for being so long. :flower3:

Our last two road trips have been horrible headaches for us so our next trip we are planning to fly.

In 2011 my DH and I drove to Port Canaveral for a cruise and we are from MO. DH was able to get off work early so we had a 5 hour head start. Two hours into the trip I realized that DH had not placed our formal clothing in the car. Had to turn around and my parents where nice enough to met us half way. Fast forward to about 11:00 p.m. and the car starts swaying from side to side. We are in West Memphis, TN and had to pull over in a train yard only to discover that the cords in our tire had exploded. Found a Wal-Mart but the tire shop was closed so we took the chance and drove on a doughnut. We arrived in Cottondale, FL around 7:00 a.m. and right on the corner was a used tire shop opening up! :worship: We are fixed up and ready to go! Around noon we get to experience FL rain down pour. Fun! :faint: Finally arrive at our hotel, eat dinner, and was getting ready for bed when the lights and power go out. Found out later that a hotel down the road and caught on fire. :scared1: At this point we had been awake for almost 36 hours and was beyond tired. The cruise was awesome just not the road trip down!

In May 2013 we did a big family trip with my DH, DS12, DS7, and me. We were going to drive down with hotel breaks, spend three days in Universal, and then drive to Miami for an 8 day cruise. This would be the first time for the boys to go on a cruise or visit Universal. The day before we leave our house air conditioner stop working. Nothing we could do about it and the family that was going to house and pet sit for us said they could handle it. Second day of our trip our car air conditioner did the same thing as MattRyan (I feel you pain :headache:) except ours never did freeze up. We arrive to hotel and start calling repair shops. I had a friend that lived in Orlando and she recommended her repair guy but he would not call back. The places that would call back wanted anywhere from $1000 to $1500 to fix. :furious: Right across the street from our hotel was a tire shop (the irony right?) and DH stop and asked them for help and they fixed it for $500 and it has a warranty that works in our hometown! :cool1:

So we leave Orlando and drive to Miami the day before the cruise and check into our hotel. The first room they placed in guess what we found.......yep the air conditioner was not working. At this point all I could do was :rotfl:. They move us to another room that had dried blood on the bathroom wall. :crazy2: It was only for one night and no one took a shower. The next morning we ate at the hotel provided breakfast. DS7 and I tried the hard boil eggs and after the first bite it taste off and we spit it out. Yea we had a touch of food poison the next day. After that the rest of the trip was great.

I do not want another do over on these road trips I just do not want to try another road trip to FL for a long time.


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