Baby supplies on board?


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2006
DH, myself and our 7 month old baby boy are traveling on the Disney Dream in November. So excited! :yay:

Does anyone know if there are baby supplies to purchase on board? Basics like diapers, wipes, baby food, etc...

We will be putting in our order with Babies Travel Lite, but just wondering what they have on board in case we run out of something!
Probably diapers and wipes but they'll likely be triple of the price of on land. I would bring your own.
I would also suggest that if you find you are running low I would check at the next port before paying Disney prices for them. Any port other than CC should have them at semi-reasonable prices and in brands you recognize.
Also,c ame as surprise to me, that none of the shops on the ship can be open when you are at port. The only time you can get in the gift shops is if the ship is at sea.
We packed and brought onboard everything we needed from disposable bibs to babyfood and juice (we could only find apple juice on the classic ships at lunch). I do remember seeing rash cream, diapers, one kind of bottle and pacifier on board in one of the ships gift shops but they were expensive. We found items our 9 month old could eat at Topsiders like apple sauce, bananas, squash and yogurt and she had cheerios for the first time on the Magic!
You may need extra diapers especially if the little one will be in the water or sand. We tended to go through more diapers than usual on the cruise because we were changing into or out of bathing suits and they tend to change them on a schedule in the nursery. A front or sling carrier may also be handy as it is very hard to maneuver a stroller when in Cabanas/Topsiders or in the gift shops.
Great, thanks everybody for the info! :)

We'll definitely have our own baby supplies, but just wondering in case of emergency. Sounds like it'll be fine!
Be happy you are on a DCL cruise. The very first cruise we ever did, because it was free when we bought a car, was a Carnival Cruise. We had a 3 year old and 18 month old and didn't bring enough diapers. They don't have diapers for sale on a Carnival Cruise. I basically walked the ship and stopped anyone I saw with a child about the same size as ours if they would be willing to sell us some diapers. We were likely and found this wonderful woman who just gave us a whole pack - enough to complete the worst cruise we have ever been on. That woman was our only bright spot. Yet we tried cruising again when we got a free 7 day cruise on the Magic for buying DVC points. We've been hooked ever since. Even though my kids are all out of diapers I still feel compelled to check the store to see if they still sell them. But I digress, bring your own if you can since it is so much less expensive!
We started to run out of diapers on our Fantasy cruise (I left the second pack of diapers laying on the bed at home, oops!) and when I checked the gift shop they only had one size of diaper, I am thinking a 5, and they were Huggies. Our little guy was a 3 so that was not going to work, plus we prefer Pampers Cruisers. We were in St. Thomas the next day so we stopped in a grocery store at the shops near port and got our Cruisers. The price wasn't that bad, about what would you would expect if you had to purchase them at a grocery store in a tourist area.


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