Aug 14th 2004 - Anyone coming with us?

Just bumping us up again!

Laura - hope your week goes really quickly! I know you're going to have a fantastic time at WL - get the pixie dust working for the rest of us! :sunny:

I'm driving DH nuts now coz I keep saying things like "this time in three weeks we'll be having lunch in Topsiders/getting ready for our first dinner onboard/arriving in Key West, etc, etc"! Can't help it - it's an addiction! ::yes::

Looking forward to seeing you all real soon!


Here come the bouncy guys again!!!!!!!!!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Sending us up again...can't go to page 2!

Anyone else packing away??

:earsboy: :Pinkbounc
I know what you mean by saying what we will be doing at this time soon, I'm sitting at work thinking this time in 2 weeks we will be taking off, once the flight is over I can relax. We are going to Captiva Island for 5 days before, really looking forward to that instead of the hetic parks this year. I am not packing, but I am getting some things ready and putting in the spare bedroom, soon time to close the door getting to look really bad. Hope everyone has a safe trip to the port, we have great weather, and everyone has a great time!
It's July 27 - 17 days to go. Now my normal dysfunctional mind has me saying to myself "Self - we are going to show up at the ship and Disney will have lost our reservation, and we won't be able to board". OK - not realistic I know, but.....Diane, you received your docs a few weeks ago. I have read that others have question.....WHERE ARE MINE?!?!?!:confused3

Back to reality - when should I start to worry that my docs haven't arrived?

I would be starting to worry, I would call and inquire if they were sent just to make sure. If they were lost in the mail you still have time to have new ones sent, if you have to pick up at the port you will spend time filling out. Good Luck!
We just got our docs yesterday and so did my Parents but the rest of our group didn't so far. I would give it till Friday and then call. I also got it thru DHL not regular mail.

See you guys soon

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: just love these guys!!!!!
Mike - I wouldn't hit the panic button just yet. Have heard that a lot of folks don't get their docs until about 2 weeks before so I'd second PJ&Jakesmom - call Friday if they haven't arrived by then.

I've started my packing list, shopped til I dropped, put my itinerary onto a spreadsheet, made my PS's, booked car hire and found a temporary home for the hamster! All I need to do now is find a hotel room near La Guardia that doesn't cost almost as much as a month's mortgage payment for one night!

Happy packing, everyone! :wave2:

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Hey, for about $150 you can get a nice room overlooking the Grand Central Parkway - what a deal!!! (Note - that was supposed to sound sarcastic).
:thewave: :thewave:

Just wanted to say " THANKS and GOOD BYE " :) (for now) to all of you !!!!!!

DH and I will be leaving on Friday morning (Thursday night U.S. time): about 8 hours of flight ... we hope to sleep and dream MAGIC dreams !!!!!!:crazy:
We are staying at WDW ... till our cruise starts !!!

I'll be sure to SEND TONS OF PIXIEDUST your way !!!
Wish each of you and your loved ones a wonderful August ... till we meet !!!!!

Good luck to those who "try" to pack : I ended up with ONLY 2 big suitcases plus my carry-on and DH videocamera !! NOT BAD, huh ?:rotfl: :rotfl:

I want to send a giant HUG to Tartanfan - who started all this:
see you there, Diane !!:Pinkbounc :bounce:

Skyhawk: do not panic !!! Your docs will arrive ...
if not ... you can ALWAYS join DH & I ... we are doing PIER-PICK UP ... so there will be lots of US without docs ... at that pier !!!! wanting to board !!!! (just joking !!!!)
You WILL get your docs !!!

Well ... what else can I do ... rather than jump up and down ??

EACH of you : HAVE MAGICAL August days ... till you will be boarding !!!!
::yes:: Yes, we hope to be boarding too !!!

CIAO, Laura & Marco :wave: :wave:
Not to beat a dead horse (no I'm not a sadistic equinal necropheliac), but I was wondering....I booked as part of a large group, and it seems nobody in the group has their docs yet. Would they be sent out to each individual, or would they be sent to the TA that coordinated for the group, or to the "group leader"? :confused3
Mickey's Dreamers, Don't know if you will look one more time at the message board or not. See your countdown is a little more than one day. How exciting! Hope you have a great trip and look forwarding to seeing you on the big ship. (it is a ship, not a boat,right?) I think I have all the little things I need to pack (you know the toothpaste, the new toothbrushes, shampoo, the extra glasses). I am still waiting on the documents to get here. Of course we called and changed our dinner seating yesterday, so maybe we caused them some problems ? I decided after reading all the messages on dinner seating that it made sense to have the later dinner so my daughter will be awake during the shows and if she wants to skip the late dinner, she can go to the lab.

Need to keep us on the front page during these last remaining day. :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Check this out!

I think I've now got everything organised so I'm now dreaming about being there! Hope everyone else is getting ready and looking forward to our sailaway!

Laura and Marco (Mickeys Dreamers) should now be at WL, we leave Aug 11th (got my LGA hotel - $138 for 7 hrs sleep!) and will be at AKL for 2 nights. Anyone else getting in early?

Hope the next 10 days go quickly!

See you all soooooooooooon!!!

Think we need the bouncy guys again!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
In exactly 1 week our plane will be taking off, leaving 8/9 at 6:30 am and spending the time before the cruise at Captiva Island. I was getting things ready all weekend, now only have to organize into suitcases, and maybe go shopping. I had 9 pairs of long pants for DH, but only 2 fit, he was not too happy. Now he has to try on his shorts, hopefully he will have enough that fit, says I must be shrinking his things in the wash! Wasn't in the mood for him to try on his suit pants, if they are too tight he can just keep his coat buttoned. It was really funny watching his face when one after the other didn't fit. Everyone have a safe trip to Florida, enjoy the Animal Kingdom Lodge it is really pretty.
Hope there's room here for a 'last-minute-Louie'... ;)

I've been lurking on the DisBoard for awhile, but never checked in this forum until now. I figure this is a great place for a first post!

We'll also be on the 8/14 Magic, and I see my buddy SJCSuzy already has us included in the count! :hyper: It will be me, DH, DD12 and DS7 all going on our first cruise with my best friend and her family. I can't believe how close it is now and how much packing I have to do. :eek: We're all getting so excited that it's about all we think about now. Can't wait to get on the ship and maybe bump into some of the wonderful, helpful people from the board! :wave2:
Hi Gail - always glad to welcome more cruisers aboard our thread! I've edited the cruise list and put you on. We have a DD12 with us also - I'm sure they'll meet up in the Lab!

js'smom - I'm sure you're going to do great with late dining. We changed too and have requested APL rotation but not really fussed if we don't get it.

Skyhawk - got those docs yet or have you joined equine necrophileacs anonymous?!?!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

I think I'm just about there with the organising. DD and I have the "girlie" stuff on Saturday - nail appointments in the morning, hair in the afternoon. Last laundry load then packing on Sunday. We're going to look pretty funny wearing winter clothes though for two days coz everything else will be packed :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Getting some tartan ribbon to make myself a lanyard. Look out for it port side (that's on the left, Skyhawk!) bandstand at the Goofy pool! (another unashamed plug for a DISmeet!)

I usually read the cruise discussions, but I am up late tonight and I just found this thread. We have three staterooms booked for the August 14, 2004 cruise:

me (age 40), DH (40) and DD (7 1/2).

Also traveling with us:

My grandma (93), mom (she might be mad if I posted her age!), my cousin, her husband and her three children DD (14), DS (12) and DS (7 1/2). Her daughter's friend (14) is also joining us.

We did a three day last year and we are lookikng forward to this seven day.

My cousin's kids are usually more interested in the arcade than the lab. My DD (7 1/2) is interested in going to the lab to make flubber and going to the club for goofy's giggle gala. She also loves to swim.

We booked the 10:00 am stingray snorkle and island tour for Grand Cayman.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 14th!

Hi Kathy and welcome! The more the merrier, I always say!

I've edited the cruise list on page 10 of the thread with everyone that I know of. Very respectable turnout, if I may say so!

We'll all be in single digits tomorrow!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Thanks for your concern. I called my travel agent...seems HE was on vacation last week. He had my docs and "didn't get around" to sending them to me (he's in CA and I'm in NY). He promised me he was going to send them out, and I should get them today (Wednesday).
At least you are going to get them...but that doesn't seem to be a very good answer!

Single Digits!!


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