At what age did your kids stop napping?

Mine always napped or rested at least an hour in afternoon till school age. Even lower grade school the 1st couple weeks of school esp they would come in from school get their snack go to watch TV an fall asleep.
DS stopped taking daily naps just before his 3rd birthday. In fact, I noted how it exactly coincided with his potty training. Occasionally he still needs one, depending on that day's activities, or if he's ill etc. Heck I occasionally nap as well.
Wow, you have (mostly!) all been so lucky. My ds stopped taking naps when he was 1. He would literally sit or lay on the mat in preschool and just be there -- playing with a quiet toy to entertain himself. No naps in ds's full-day preK or K...
So many lucky ones with good nappers!

My older DD stopped napping when my second came along (lucky me)...she was 26 months. She was never really a big napper, anyway (about 45 min at a time, usually) and she still doesn't need as much sleep as many kids.

My younger DD stopped when she was about 3. It was somewhat selfish on my part...when she took a nap (any length) at that point, she'd end up awake until 10 at night!! It was just too we transitioned the nap away and she would go to bed at 7:30 and sleep until 7:30 (same AMOUNT of sleep as before, just all at once) took about a week of her being a bit grumpy by bedtime before she got used to it and then we never looked back!

My girls do still have downtime in the middle of the day (at 6 and 4), though. They don't fall asleep, but we do something very, color, that kind of thing....for about an hour after lunch.
My older daughter (now 3.5) stopped napping consistently about two weeks after her sister was born. Now, she probably naps 2-3x a week. Bedtime is definitely easier when she doesn't nap, but the hour and a half leading up to bedtime are usually horrible, so I love nap days.

My daughter stopped napping a few months before her 4th bday. My son will turn 4 next month and he is still napping. I don't see him stopping that any time soon. I LOVE naptime ;) Even when he stops napping he will have some quiet time everyday. We are home schoolers so nothing will change when he starts "school"
DD was 4 or 5, I think. DS always came home from morning kindergarten and ate his lunch and fell asleep on the couch. Out like a light for 3 hours. He always did take really long naps. In first grade he would come home and be exhausted and we would have to try and keep him awake til bedtime at 7:30. Man that kid can sleep! He's 9 now and still falls asleep in the car. :rotfl:
Both of mine quit napping around 2. :sad1:

I know my oldest was done napping when my youngest was born and they are 25 months apart and I'm think she was about the same age. Every once and awhile I might luck out and get them to take a nap if they are being really naughty, but if I do.. then they are up till 10-11pm and I don't like that either. I like them going to bed at 8pm and having ME time. :love:
My youngest is 4 and I work 3 days a week and while I'm at the office my mom keeps our girls. Every day my mom has our girls Madi takes a nap about 2:30pm for about an hour maybe a bit longer. But when I'm home with her during the week she rarely takes a nap and the only time we can get her to nap for any length of time on the weekends is in the car going to and from places.

In a few weeks she'll be starting all day Pre-K. I'm assuming they'll still have nap time for the kids.

I think it really depends on your child and if they need it or not. My DS still took 3 hour naps at 4 and went to bed at a reasonable time at night. By 5 I just had him go to his room for an hour or so and just have quiet time so that both of us had a chance to rejuvenate. My DD had to be cut off on the nap thing by 31/2 because she wouldn't go to bed at night. I would instead have her sit down at mid-day and watch a DVD so she would rest but not fall asleep.

If your kids still need the nap and you can still get them to bed at a good time at night I say keep it going, but if they are up late at night because they took a long nap in the afternoon then switch to quiet time instead.
We have two sons who are currently 3 and 4, but will be 4 and 5 in September and October and I was just wondering at what age did your kids stop napping?
I have friends who have children of the same age and their kids just stopped napping. Mine have not and I was wondering at what age this comes about. I figure that as soon as they are having full day school that they will most likely stop. But this year the oldest will be in Pre-K4 and the youngest in Pre-K3, and they will only be there for half a day.

Both DS8 and DS3 stopped napping right around their 2nd birthdays. DS5 will still nap if you give him half the chance; I've been trying to stop the napping thing for the last year with him since he starts K this year. He had full day pre-k and would fall asleep on the car ride home. DS8 will still sleep 12 hours at night if left to his own devices though, he usually only gets 10 though.
My 6 yr old still takes a nap like once a week - usually on Sundays after church in the car on the 45 min. ride home.

My 4 yr old never takes a nap. Ever! LOL

My 3 yr old naps probably 3-4 days a week for about an hour... usually right before or right after lunch.

My 1 year old naps almost daily - for about an hour or hour and a half..... right after lunch usually.
DD never took a nap. Not even when she was a baby. Day care finally gave up when she was about 1 and just gave her a bunch of quiet toys and told her she couldn't make noise but she didn't have to sleep. :lmao:

Now, me, I'm 46 and I'll STILL take a nap whenever I get a chance. Mom says I was a champion napper as a little one. :thumbsup2
my kids stopped napping by 18 and 21 months. On rare occasion my dd5 will still fall asleep in the car which dd9 has outgrown. DD5 will be going to full day kindergarten but kindergarten doesn't do rest time.
Our DD28mos. is giving up her naps now. We are going through he** with her! She is miserable. She really needs the naps but doesn't want to go to sleep. She'll pass out in the car, but fights even quiet time at home. She is also giving us a hard time going to bed (I think because she is so overtired). She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at 5:30/6am. We have never been able to make her sleep past 6:30am (tried putting her to bed later, etc.). On the days she doesn't nap, she falls asleep while I am reading to her (we go up to bed at 7pm on those days).

OOOOOOh how I hate the nap/no nap transition....
Daughter gave up her last nap, which was the mid afternoon nap, when she was 3.
DD is 2 now (25 months) and naps *MAYBE* twice a month. Yep, month. She was never a great napper, she went through a stretch between 15 and 19 months where she'd nap a few times a week, though. She sleeps through the night at usually 12-13 hours at a stretch, and this kid sleeps like a bear.

Me, on the other hand, would nap daily if I could!


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