Are you resolving to go GREEN on this EARTH DAY?


DIS Veteran
Jan 15, 2001
We switched to CFL's a few months back, I have a canvas tote for the grocery store (though I don't use it like I should), and I buy a lot of used (clothing, furniture, etc.). I limit gas consumption, although I really should have purchased a higher MPG vehicle when we bought last August.

Today in honor of Earth Day I'm going to add in recycling of aluminum cans. We don't live in city limits, so I don't have a recycle center I can go to, but I'll figure something out. How about you? Are you going to beef up your green effort?
Our grass hasn't started greening up yet, so in honor of earth day I'm going to take a big can of spray paint outside and paint the lawn lime green!
I've resolved to go green. Here are some of the things we do:
1. Recycle - municipal provides recycling of plastics, cans, bottles, paper and cardboard. Our garbage can is usually less than full when it's at the curb (family of 4) and our two recycle bins are very full.
2. CFLs - every light, every room.
3. HE washer & dryer- I try to only use the dryer for 1/2 the time and hang it up for the remaining time, if I have to use the dryer at all. I've cut back my use of fabric softener by using dryer balls. Next will be vinegar instead of fabric softener.
4. Hybrid car - traded in the SUV about 1.5 years ago for a hybrid Camry. I LOVE IT! I'm currently getting 42 mpg on regular gas, much better than the 16-18 mpg on premium gas I was getting!
5. Cloth napkins - I just started using these, I need to get more.
6. Cloth shopping bags - love em!
7. Toaster oven - use this instead of regular oven whenever possible (less electric).
8. Smart strips - put one in the entertainment center to shut it all off when the tv is off.
9. Computers - started shutting them off when not in use, then I shut off the power strip.
10. Automatic thermostat - makes saving easy!

Things I will be doing when we move to new house in a few weeks
11. Trying out a new, low flow shower head (1.59 gpm).
12. Composting and container point in starting it here when we'll be moving to a different state soon.
13. There's a thing that Ed Begley featured on his HGTV show last year as an add-on to the AC unit. If I remember I think it's called a Cool-n-Save (?). Anyway, it's supposed to make your AC work less so I'm going to look into that.
14. Putting solar film on the windows (did it here on selected windows for privacy, but it really does help with temperature and fading)
15. Electric mower - our new home has a pathetically small lot. An electric mower should do the trick, plus I won't be paying someone to mow anymore:yay: !

If I think of anything else, I'll post it...
We're pretty green already (my friends nicknamed me "Crunchy,") but each year I try to find one thing more that I can do and work on it through the year until I get a "system" down pat. Last year it was making my own cleaners and I've finally eliminated everything but laundry soap (just can't get a recipe that works for me, but I'm still experimenting). I also got into the cloth napkin thing and haven't bought any paper napkins since last year sometime.

This year it's reusable bags. I've been using them for awhile, but am looking for sturdier ones, better sizes, etc. that will really keep me in the habit. I started a thread on that and got a lot of great help from people here.

This year I'm also working on my garden and lawn. We don't use a lot of pesticides as it is, but I'm looking for better alternatives to what we do use and looking into organic fertilizer and doing some xeriscaping.

In general I'm being more conscious of my choices. Buying things w/less packaging, for example, or buying recycled products, or buying from companies with proven environmental track records. They're all little things, but they add up.

It seems like each year I make a little more effort to find just "one more thing" that I can do. And it never ceases to amaze me that I can always find "one more thing" and that most of them, once I get "the system" down that works for me, don't cause me any more inconvenience or expense than the regular way.

When I die, the planet may not be a lot better off than it is now, but I can die knowing that I tried to do my part to improve things. That's my goal. To keep working at being greener so that I can die knowing I tried and did my part.
Oh, and I also make some of my own cleaners. I want to do more of this once I finish up all the stuff I have laying around.
Today in honor of Earth Day I'm going to add in recycling of aluminum cans. We don't live in city limits, so I don't have a recycle center I can go to, but I'll figure something out. How about you? Are you going to beef up your green effort?
Thank you for reminding me! I've been meaning to call to have recycling service added to our trash collection and never remember. Now I just did - thanks!
Oh yeah, I forgot about using vinegar for cleaning!! And I use vinegar and baking soda in the toilet to clean it. Keep 'em coming!
:thumbsup2 got a sigg bottle!! i want to know what you use for cleaners. i have been using method products,but i would love to make my own:rotfl:
:thumbsup2 got a sigg bottle!! i want to know what you use for cleaners. i have been using method products,but i would love to make my own:rotfl:

Where can I get a sigg bottle?

I have no special recipe. I just use about 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar in a spray bottle for windows, mirrors, etc. (DON'T ever use vinegar on natural stone) I just pour some vinegar and baking soda in the toilet, and stir w/ a brush. I use straight vinegar on hard water spots, let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes and wipe away. I buy the vinegar by the gallon at Sams.
I watched an Oprah episode the other day about how much people waste. I kinda took that to heart and we are trying not to watch tv as much, eat at home, and trying to conserve energy. We are also not trying to use the computer as much.:rolleyes1
1. Driving no more than 5 miles over the speed limit – to save gas.
2. Changed to CFL & LED lights.
3. Wash only in cold water.
4. Only air dry the dishes in the dishwasher.
5. Use reusable bags when we go to the grocery store.
6. Collect soda cans to cash in and make more money for Disney.
7. Don’t buy bottled water – use same water bottle – not a #7 plastic bottle.
8. Shred and recycle waste paper by putting it on the garden to hold down weeds and cut down on watering.
9. Compost veggie waste.
10. Use toaster oven or microwave instead of regular oven whenever possible.
11. Use programmable thermostat.
12. Changed to low flow shower heads.
13. Recycling cut grass by mulching the trees with it instead of bagging it.
14. Don’t use any antibacterial soaps or hand soaps.
15. Turn off computer printer except when needed.
16. Turn off computer monitor when not in use.
17. Only run A/C in the house when it gets really hot.
18. Turn lights out in rooms when there’s nobody in them.
19. Using both sides of the computer paper when I print.

My DD is going to a college that the students are required to print on both the front and back of the computer paper to save paper.
my workplace was "celebrating" Earth Day today.

So at each desk on my floor (all 480) we each had a memo telling us it was Earth Day, what they were doing to celebrate, and two pink tickets for a raffle. Then in the break room they had MORE memos, MORE colored tickets, and ( this really got me!) a HUGE display of styrofoam cups, placed together to show us how wasteful they are.

Then they bused us all 20 minutes away for a 1 hour meeting.

uummmm, did someone not tell them Earth Day is about SAVING the earth, not adding to the trash????:confused3
Being green gets easier as you go along. What we've done for quite awhile:
1) CSA (community supported agriculture)

2) Recycle: All cans, paper, plastic where we can

3) Compost

4) Turn off lights

5) Wash clothes in cold water and dry like weight clothes (jeans with jeans, t-shirts with t-shirts, etc.)

6) Turn OFF the computer when not in use instead of putting it on standby.

7) Turn off power strips at night.

8) Solar outside lighting for walkways, etc.

9) Buy organic clothing/products when possible AND

10) Buy less

11) Use natural cleaners and non-toxic cleaners like baking soda and Mrs. Myers products.

What we're working on

1) Cutting back on fuel consumption...I'm trying to "piggy back" errands and such, although I'm not perfect at this

2) Bring by own bag to the store. Again, I have them, but it's so easy for me to forget

3) Looking for a new car as my 12 year old car has given almost all it has to give and gets CRAP gas milage.

4) Trying to kick my bleach. I use it sparingly, but there are times I feel the need. It's the only toxic cleaner I have left.

Anybody have other ideas???????
We've been recycling for years, although we are now being extra committed to recycling everything possible and choosing items that recycle best. I just learned that the lower the number (preferrably 1 or 2), the easier the item recycles and breaks down; the higher the number, the longer it takes. My dad uses little plastic cups for juice to take his medications; tonight I looked and they are marked with a 6! So, we won't be buying more of those; I'll be looking for a small washable one he can use instead.

After watching a couple of shows this week, I am now going to stop refilling my plastic water bottles as the bottles break down and you injest all the chemicals :sick: , so I'm heading out this week to find a couple of stainless steel ones.

I also tried a "baby shower" tonight - basically you get wet, turn off the water, shampoo and soap up, then turn the water back on to rinse. This didn't save much, just about a minute, but it was something.

We already use the energy-efficient lightbulbs, unplug kitchen appliances when not in use, use power strips, turn off lights when not in use, and live in a concrete home (which saves a ton on energy bills!).
Love hearing all the ideas. I also use the clothes line in temps 60+. I'm going to investigate the tankless water heater when our gas water heater gives out.
I've been "living green" for years. It's great to see this thread. :hippie:

Some other ideas:

* Buy local. I shop at local farmer's markets and I use Oh, and I also stop at farm stands when I can.

* I teach my children and our Girl Scout troop how to make art pieces and useful items recycling what they have in the house. Things like pen jars out of containers, egg cartons for jewelry boxes, unique sculptures, and things like that.

* I also participate in our city parks adopt a spot and other environmental clean up events, like Clean the Bay. I make this a family and Girl Scout troop event.
I've been doing better the last six months.

1) I use vineager and baking powder to clean just about everything, no more toxic cleaners. The stuff really works, too!

2) Facet mount water filter instead of bottled water. Saves money and the planet!

3) Florecent light bulbs, check!

4) Buying more ogranics. Not 100% there, they are still hard to find around here. Can't wait for Whole Foods to open two towns over. Trader Joe's only takes me so far.

5) Insulating the house as we rehab, and using more enviro freindly materials where possible.

6) I recycle as much as I can, my city makes it easy, we get two cans provided by the city that we must use, one for trash and one equally large (64 gallon I think) for recycling and we don't even have to sort it! :) The recycle bin is usually fuller than the trash bin.

7) Cut back on soda consumption, and went from cans to 2 litters. I'd like to cut out soda completely but it's hard to do, I get tired of milk and water, I hate tea, and fruit juice has too many calories.

8) DH takes my car instead of his truck to work, saves big bucks on gas. I work from home now, not my choice but just an oprotunity that fell in my lap!

9) Cook at home more vs. geting drive through. Think about how much waste is generated by a meal from McD's. Fry box/bag, sandwich wraper/box, drink cup w/lid and straw, paper napkin(s), condoment packet(s) and gas to/from the restaurant. It's also good for the waste line and pocket book!

10) Consume less overall. I don't see shoping at the mall every weekend as a hobby anymore. I buy very little, including clothing. Working at home REALLY helps with clothing, DH wears a uniform at work and is "fashion challenged" at home. I don't think he's spent more than $100 in clothing total since I met him 5 years ago.

Things I want to do:

I still need to get canvase totes for shoping. I keep putting it off because I don't want to be the "crunchy green weirdo lady" at the store. But I really need to get over what other people think. I do reuse the plastic bags from the stores as much as possible, I use them to line bathroom trash cans and to pick up my dog's poop when I walk her, so at least they have a second use before they wind up in land fill.

I also saw Oprah's "Green" show today, I want to switch to organic and natural beauty products. Unfortunaly I've got a six month suply of Pantine I just stocked up on at Costco. Maybe I can sell the unopened ones on ebay or something. Or see if I can donate it to a shelter perhaps.
Thanks for all of the great info! I am just learning all of this. I had a baby 5 months ago, and it really makes me look at the world differently. I wish I could make all of the changes right now, but I guess sometimes it takes time, and every bit helps! I have gotten rid of toxic cleaners, try to buy most things used, only drive when I need to, and then try to find a way to do everything in one trip. Will try to buy what I can at farmers markets this summer. It has all also cut my bills! I am amazed at the consumption in my own home, and then look at the people in other countries faced with food shortages. I have to do something!
I've been using reusable bags when shopping for quite a while.

I clean mostly with vinegar and baking soda.

I use a natural laundry detergent.

My allergies are awful so I can't really leave the windows open so we run our air conditioner a lot. But last summer we installed a thermostat with a timmer so I set it not to kick on when we are going to be out of the house.

I can't stand being hot but don't mind being cold so this past winter I lowered our thermostat 1 degree during the day and 2 at night.

As our lightbulbs burn out we have been replacing them with flourcent (sp?).

DD's school recycles all forms of paper as a fund raiser so I have been recycling all junk mail, magazines, catalogs etc that come throught the house.

We do recycle along with our garbage pickup.

When my DD's were in diapers we used cloth.

We have 3 cars. 1 OLD SUV, a mini van and a Toyota Corolla. I used to use the mini van every time I took the girls out because the huge stroller we had wouldn't fit into the Corolla and just drive the Corolla to work. But DD#2 is now 3 and not in the stroller much anymore so I drive the Corolla lots more and it gets much better gas mileage.

I don't know if this is really "green" but leaching plastic concerned me a bit so I made the switch to glass for left overs.

We use wrap-n-mats instead of plastic baggies for packing sandwhiches for lunches and outings to the zoo, park etc.

I donate all donatable items to AmVets or GoodWill. Things that I'm not sure would sell at GoodWill get listed on freecycle. I feel better that someone is possibly able to use stuff that I would otherwise have to throw away.

I'm always looking for more ideas. I'll have to keep an eye on this thread for suggestions I haven't thought of.

Oh I just thought of another. On a recent trip to the zoo I got a "green" book and it recommended paying bills on line to save the paper for the check. I have paid bills online for as long as I could remember but never really thought about it being green, just a quicker way to pay bills. But they gave a number of trees that would be saved if 100 people started paying 5 bills a month online. So I guess that just goes to show that small changes can really add up.

I get direct deposit at work and no longer have the check stub mailed to me by my work. I work for an investment company and they manage my 401K as well as the girls 529's and I elected not to get monthly/quarterly statements for any of them. I just get any necessary end of the year tax papers.

I signed up online somewhere (can't remember the website off the top of my head) to have catalogs stopped. There is also another place you can sign up to stop junk mail and credit card applications.


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