April 6 Magic


Earning My Ears
Jul 2, 2001

Now, don't flame me, but I wanted to tell you about our trip which I guess I would grade a B-. Much of what happened we had no control over, which I'm the first to admit, but as this newsgroup tends to tell all good, you need to hear some truth that might be bad, too.

It was me (who has gotten sea sick in past), my husband, and DD5 and DD7. We had a midship cat 4 which was great and spacious for a family of 4.

We travelled to Cocoa Beach on Friday and got in about 1 to the RAddison which was great and that rate was spectacular (the FALL one). It was windy and a little cool, which should have been a warning. WE were able to go to Cape Canaveral and got on the last tour bus at 2:45 (remember this if you had planned late afternoon trips.). Had a great time there as husband is aero engineer. Girls liked it OK..probably would have been better a couple of years older and boys. Started taking my bonine that day as I read here it makes a big difference.

Had dinner at a crab place about 2miles down toward Cocoa on left which was pretty good, but a little pricey for the dumpy place (old gas station). The next a.m. went to Ron Jon's which is amazingly huge for a windbreaker for hubby (good thing we got it!), and hit Win Dixie after across the street for pop beer. We didn't really drink much of it as hubby decided mixed drinks were more his spped on boat and I didn't drink much pop. I mainly did coffee for free and drank sodas at lunch/dinner.

We got on board like 4th family and walked around and went to Parrot Cay for lunch. Let me tell you, food was really pretty great. That was one of the best parts for us. WEnt to deck party which was fun..new one which is related to kid's club stuff. Got my ressies for brunch Sun at Palo's and dinner Wed, and a massage Mon for me and couples on Castaway Cay. It was cutting it close to make lunch and leave around 12:30-40 to get the ressies, but I ate quickly. I actually was first in line at palo's and 3rd at spa, so managed to get all and make it back for dessert for lunch. We had APL dining, so went to animator's for dinner which is when the rocking started. The rocking was pretty awful (13-20 ft seas) until about Tues at St. Martin. I did eat dinner Fri, but was sick (nausea) at BF Sun, and then by Palo's brunch didn't eat but 3 things and made a deposit in their toilet (sorry to be so graphic). My husband loved brunch, and it all looked wonderful, but there was no way I could eat which crushed me. Missed the Dis meet and greet b/c of being sick. sunday night was just as bad, I spent most of Mon in bed, except for the massage. My girls had no problems and hung out at the pool and in the kids' club. DH was great and basically took over kid care. My kids are in daycare/school aftercare, and get along well with other kids. The 5yo loved the kid's club, the 7yo really didn't like it well. We took them the first night and they made friends, but I thnk she was a little bored. There are basically 2 big activities per day and a bunch of otherwise busy work. There were only certain times to play on the computer too, which DD7 would have done in the more boring times if it was available. They actually mentioned weather several times in the first 3 days and changed our course b/c of the weather. Staff members who I don't think were supposed to discuss it (several were pretty funny avoiding the subject when asked) finally said, "yes, this is pretty bad, but it's been worse..it's too bad b/c the previous weeks have been great." That just made me sad and mad! What can you do, though?

Skip to Tues...I'm feeling better We decided to do the Orient Bay. Got a van with several others and made it half way across the very sad island when they get a radio report, don't got there's sand blasting!! So they take us down a rickety road to Cocoanut grove beach which was in the middle of nowhere, and said, don't worry we'll be back. I looked at DH and said, "no way, we're going to Great Bay where we can at least see the boat." The water was murky from all the storms which they had had, and weather was sunny but not really warm. Got the girls' hair braided...dickered down to $20 per head for head band style. Got a del sol t-shirt for all and a nice crepe lunch at a little cafe off the beaten path. Lumieres dinner was nice and I finally ate. OUr servers were Andrej from Croatia and Karl from Jamaica. Very nice guys who did a good job. Does everyone know these guys make no salary and it's all commission from tips? Make sure you tip them well. Same for our cabin guy Geritch who was very sweet and helpful. The head server basically came over and introduced himself, but did not much except sing happy birthday to people as far as I could see. Saw HErcules which we all enjoyed.

St. Thomas was fun...much nicer island as all said. We went to Magen's Bay which truly is beautiful, but again the water not so clear due to bad weather there too. Managed 2 hrs of fun, and then complete down pour around 12:30, so back to the ship in wet clothes! I was beginning to feel like the Griswalds. Went to their shopping district which was nicer than St. Martin's for souvenirs/gifts.

Wed was Palo's for dinner which was wonderful...Kita was our server and she was GREAT. Portabella mushroom and chocolate souffle...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. PRobably the best night of all for us. Thurs mainly sitting around pool. Funny thing...pool got evacuated drained b/c "code Winnie the Pooh." (figure it out?) Went to Disney Dreams at 2:30. OUr "little girl" was a short adult...is it the same for everyone? It was fun figuring out who was whom in Hercules from Disney Dreams.

Friday was Castaway Cay which was a lot of fun. We did the massage at 12:30 which was great as all week b/c of weather we were late getting into ports. The people who had 10 o'clocks were in trouble b/c we didn't get off the ship until 10:30. DD7 was finally enjoying the Kid's club (after we read her the riot act and told her to try to find fun stuff to do....which she did, of course), and really enjoyed it on the island. I liked the adult only beach as there weren't tons of people there. We quickly came back after massages, though and spent the rest of the day with the girls. This was there favorite place. The massages were very good but pricey...I live in ATlanta where they go for 50-75$..on the ship, it was 89$ plus tip and on the Cay...115$ each! Anna was great at the Spa. Couldn't talk hubby into Surial. What a dummy! Finally saw "the Rookie" Friday by taking the girls who fell asleep. We enjoyed it.

Saturday we were back and had early BF, so got out the ship about 8:30. The only problem we had was the Raddison/Avis shuttle had no rhyme or reason as to who got on first. There was a line, but the vans came to the end of the line and the end of the line guys got on first! I finally said, "we were next." after it happened twice, and made the people who snuck in get out of the van. They didn't look happy, but got out b/c they knew they were wrong. There was a Disney guy there who really didn't make people behave.

So, overall....crapppy weather...nothing I can do about that which lead to me being sick (no one else got sick, luckily).

Great food/great service/great ship.

Kid's club a little overcrowded b/c of spring break..600 kids on ship, and not for all kids...be warned.

Islands were OK..also mainly weather related.

Would I do a cruise again..probably not, but I think we had as much fun as we could with the situations that arose.

This is just one person's opinion, and I thought it was important for all who are thinking about it to read all different scenarios as this is a very expensive vacation. Maybe just flying to the islands might be better for those like me who tend to get sea sick.

That's all
I'm sorry you had such lousy weather. Obviously makes all the world of difference in how enjoyable the experience is. We were lucky to have mild weather on our trip... and what mild motion sickness I felt at the start of our journey was quickly taken care of with one dramamine. Sounds like you had much more to contend with.
Hi, we were on your cruise. The weather was rough, we did not get sick thanks to Dramamine non-drowsy and ginger. Ginger is my new best friend. Got sick last year, not this year, thank you ginger. We enjoyed the dis meet Sunday and glad that we went, sorry you missed it. It was nice to have more friends onboard, besides our great dining new friends. We can't wait to go again, Western next time.
My girls are 8 and 6 and will be in the 2 separate clubs. Were yours separated? What are some tips you might have or fun activities that they should participate in? They know they will be split up and like you, I told them that's just the way it is so be prepared to try to make friends, participate, have fun, etc.. If they truly do not like it, at least they've tried. I think they both probably will love it, though. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't the over-the-top experience most people seem to have. We're going in May and after much planning and excitement, I'm trying to tell myself to lower my expectations some.
I was also on your cruise and I agree with you, I don't think dh & I will go on another cruise for a very long time. First off let me say, dh & I are very positive, happy people and rarely complain about anything. The weather was out of Disney's control, but it was bad enough to keep us away from cruising for a long while. We actually spoke to several people who worked on the ship and they were very open in telling us that the seas were pretty much as bad as they get. We also spoke to Donna, the on-board cruise sales rep, who said that since DCL started in 1998, it has only been that bad 1 other time that she recalls. Our bad luck I guess. But luckily dh & I didn't make "deposits in any toilets" (as you put it), but we definitely got very motion sick. And when we took Bonine we couldn't keep our eyes open - we slept through meals, shows, movies, activities, etc. That was disappointing. :(

We didn't eat half as much as we expected, mainly because we didn't feel well. Apparently there were MANY people on our cruise who got sick. We agree with you, Palo was magnificent! We had dinner, brunch & high tea there. You could really feel the ship rocking from up there, but the food was incredible! But we preferred Pluto's Hot Dogs & Pinocchio's Pizzeria to the buffets. We didn't care much for the buffets or the dining room meals. The chicken tenders at Pluto's were every bit as delicious as I read about. Also, we had very pleasant experiences with room service the entire trip, despite what I've read.

It's also true what people say about lounge chairs being reserved very early in the day. Only once were we able to get lounge chairs near Goofy's pool, but an hour later it started pouring down rain. We laughed! We tried laying out on Deck 10 a couple of times, but it was far too windy. Our shoes were even getting blown away.

We also agree with you regarding the islands. St. Martin we didn't care for, but St. Thomas / St. John were truly tropical paradises! But by far Castaway Cay was definitely the highlight of the trip! We got a great spot at Serenity Bay and loved every minute of it! We also had the cabana massages that we feel were worth every penny.

We don't have any children yet, so I can't comment on the children's activities. But our tablemates found that their children always wanted to be at the kids club rather than with them. Speaking of our tablemates, they were wonderful! Our table started out with only 5 of us, but we had 2 more couples join us by the end of the trip. They were all so much fun and we all laughed the entire time we were together!

Wow, I didn't mean for this to turn into a trip report, but it kind of did. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in feeling how you do about probably not wanting to cruise again. We're right there with you. The weather was really an unfortunate experience for us, but it sounds like we both tried to make the best of our circumstances.

Thanks for your report! :)
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

After the 4/6 Magic Cruise, we set aside a few days to go to WDW.

We made 1 park, did a little swimming, some pin trading and crashed.

The Cruise was great.

We will try to wip a trip report together in the near future.

Has anybody ever gone to the Mouse's House for a rest, besides us ??????????????????

john59 & Shirley 38

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Hi John and Shirley,
Enjoyed meeting you and all our other new freinds at the dis meet. We enjoyed our cruise very much. Hope you had fun at WDW. Did you get any great pins?
cj -- I'm sorry the weather was lousy on your trip. We cruised on the 3/23 Magic. I definitely felt the ship moving the first two nights (on the way to St. Maarten), but it was very smooth after that. We felt fine the whole time -- which was a relief! Our servers were Karl and Andrej as well. They were so nice!

Thanks for taking the time to post an honest report! As you said, Disney can't control the weather, but it can have such a big impact on a cruise vacation. :)
I too was on the 04/06 trip with my wife and 2 girls ages 5 and 8. The 2 girls were queezy for about a day and then pretty much got over it. My wife was sick for about 3 days before she settled down. Myself....I made it a point to watch "The Perfect Storm" a bunch of times before the trip so I had NO problem at all. When I was little ('50's and '60's) I used to travel on the old ocean liners with my parents (United States Lines...Leonardo da Vinci..Christofo Colombo and some of the French Liners). This was my 1st ever cruise (last ship I traveled on was Delta Lines up the coast of South America around 1968). I was a little apprehensive...but I must say...the Disney Magic is a beautiful and Classy ship and the service was 1st class. Even the embarkation and disembarkation went smoother than I could have thought. Rough as the seas were for the 1st few days, it was a great trip and I will certainly do it again. AAA+++


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