Anyone successful with LA weight loss ?


Earning My Ears
Jul 5, 2005
just wondering because I was considering it but of course all of the information that they give you at the center and all of the commercials look like the program works, but I wanted to hear from a "real" person. Just wondering if anyone here has tried this? It is alot of money but I am committed and really want to try something new other than weight watchers, I need the the one on one consultation, I think. Thanks for the info..
My mom did it for about 6 months and lost 25 pds. She has thyroid issues and has tried every diet and LA worked. But just like every other diet, she gained her weight back when she stopped going to it
Andy Reid the Eagles coach has lost 50lbs so far!
Most of the weight-loss programs you hear about can work, at least temporarily. Each program seems to appeal to different people in different ways, so what might not work well for someone else might work well for you. Beyond that, what seems to be a more significant indicator of long-term success is the individual and their commitment to losing weight and keeping it off. So I would ask you what is it about LAWL that specifically appeals to you? What about the program has got you asking about the program? From that answer, you can probably tell, yourself, whether the program is something worth pursuing for you.
A friend of mine is on LA weight loss. She started the diet sometime last winter and did lose approx.30lbs. in a few months. She loves the diet. She eats the foods that she wants and says she's rarely hungry. She does go out to eat often and found that the diet is good for that. She knows what to order from the menu and no one can tell she's on a diet because she orders and eats what she wants, only in portions. She follows it to a "t" and it really does work for her. Good luck...
bump bump Thanks for all of the info so far but just trying to get this at the top for the daytime people....
I tried it for about 6 months and lost 15 lbs out of a target of 30.

What I didn't like was the expense as well as 'reporting' 3 times a week to weight.
I can give you the scoop on the LA in the town I used to live in....

You pay a lot of money to join.....They then want you to come in and get weighed and check on your menus. (ie what your eating).... Their counselors take your blood pressure and I thought hey I must be doing good. However they only use a reg size cuff which my MEDICAL doctor says will give false low readings for larger people. The counselors are NOT nutritionists and are only sales people who will tell you what you want to hear cause your giving them money....

They also want you to purchase all kinds of supplements. (Yucky tasting supplement bars (more $) and vitamins with caffiene overdose for optimal results.)

When I joined, they would scream at you if you ate anything off their list. (by the way the list constantly changes as too what is/isn't allowed)

I did lose 40 lbs in about 4-5 months but I think it had more to do with me upping my exercise (i was walking 3 miles a day at lunch 3-4x's a week) than their program.

It was really inconvient for me to get to their office so I quit....

I would say if you want one-on-one go to a professional nutritionist who at least has an education...... Many hospitals offer hourly rates to see someone.
I have no personal experiance with them, but I've never heard anything good about them, either (posts in this thread aside). I lost 30 pounds with Weight Watchers and have kept most of it off for about 18 months (gained back 5 pounds). I like WW because it teaches you how to eat for the rest of your life, both by portion control and by making healthier choices. It makes you read lables and makes you use portion control, but at the same time you can eat ANYTHING you want. It's a point system, you get so many points a day, and differant foods are worth differant points. You can eat any combo of foods that equals your points for the day, and you can save un-used points for a treat later in the week. You can do this program online only (that's how I did it) or you can do it by going to a meeting once a week. Over all, online is cheaper but many people like or need the accountability of the group meetings once a week. Either way, it's cheaper than just about any other diet program like LA Weight Loss or Jenny Craig.

If you want more info, feel free to PM me!


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