Anyone else sailing 2/2/02??

I'm with you, Gina, I get claustrophobic in crowds. I will enjoy deck 10 looking down myself. I like the hot tub or pin trading meet ideas too. Well, just had a few minutes here to get my DIS fix, still recovering from losing the boards all week!! Talk to you all later. We will set up an alternate meet so no one has to miss anything. Happy thoughts to all!!!

I didn't know you could see or hear what was going on down below--- maybe it would be better to be on Deck 10 looking down-- the kids might be able to see even more that way!
What do you think? Is that true? This is all new to me-- open for advice!

I looked at Coral world-- looks great-- I think DH would love it--- looks like we will be going there-- I told Dh it's up to him-- as long as I get my message at the Spa ---I'll be open for anything--- well-- almost!

Better watch out about being open for anything or you might end up with a "souvenier" like on the new DCL commercial!;)
Tell me about the commercial....I either haven't seen it or they're not showing it here yet. I see a Club Med commercial all the time and some other cruise line but not the DCL one yet. What is the souvenir??
3 degrees here and I'm counting down the days until we are enjoying a nice cool drink on a nice hot deck!! I thought I was going to die walking Ds to the bus stop today! I just kept repeating 2 more weeks 2 more weeks!! Northsouth I haven't seen the Disney commercial yet here either but I have heard about it. It is something about a little girl talking about her Disney Cruise and how her mom and dad got to take a mud bath, then she says something about a younger sibling and that her parents call him the little souvenir. That's the general idea. I read a thread somewhere about it, may have been on cruise critic. I checked that sight out for the first time while the boards were down. I posted just before the boards went down but it must have been deleted. Kathy V I think I read somewhere that Disney has strollers available on board, give them a call and ask to make sure. Also I called Disney and they will be showing the Super Bowl on Sunday. How do you think this will affect formal night? If they show the Super Bowl live it is going to be right in the middle of dinner. We will also be going to Coral World. The admission for a family is $52.00 much cheaper than Disney. My DH and I snorkled at Coki beach back in 1991 and it was great, I don't think we will be able to snorkle this time because of the kids but I am sure we will still enjoy the beach! Anything is better than Wisconsin in the winter:p :p My Fil brought over the luggage but I haven't done much more than look at it:rolleyes: I admit I am notorious for doing things at the last minute. I may wash some of the boys clothes and get them packed tomorrow but I am not holding my breath. I am sure DH will pack at 4:30am on Friday morning, he's even more last minute than I am!! Catch you all later~Tracy
BAck again! Glad to see everyone is catching up and checking in!
I fill like we know each other-- how cool is that?

I haven' seen the comercial yet-- but that is funny---I am really thinking about # 4-- so that would be funny! You know how it goes with the drinks and the moon light....
I read about those Mudd baths-- DH refuses to go with me-- I think it would be alittle wild-- but it was worth a shot--- no luck he said NO WAY!-- Oh well! Looks like I get to book 2 spa treatments-- right girls?

Who do you call to find out about stollers? I would like too!

I have looked over the kids clothes to pack-- I am getting there-gina!

What about formal wear? For me --- What's everyones advice on that?

Okay-- Off to scrapbook-- I am behind and I want to catch up before the 15 rolls of DCL pictures come back!

Talk to you all tomorrow!
Enjoy your weekend!
Luvmy2boyz I hear ya!! I'm kind of glad for the cold weather coz now we will appreciate the warm weather even more!! (and warm to me right now would be anything over 50!!) That was my idea for booking in February, is having something to look forward to and getting away from these bitter winters, and maybe even gloating a little about it!!! Just never thought SuperBowl would get rescheduled like it did so that is such a relief that DH can still watch it. Thanks for checking that out.

And I don't know how that will affect formal night... wanted us to get family photos made that night, so that's a priority. I can't imagine they can fit all the Superbowl watchers in ESPN so they must show it in more than one location I would hope. Don't know how that will work. Also I don't want to miss the Captain's cocktail party if that is on drinks!!! but I think that is early like 5pm. I'll have to check the navigator. (checked, looks lke formal portraits start at 5pm, Captain's party at 545pm for late seating diners).

Speaking of navigators, I was checking out the "new" December ones on and it shows the sailaway party at 430pm. So 445pm on Deck 10 I think is still a good time for me, but wanted to mention this.

Gina M, sounds like formalwear can be as dressy or not as you want. My DH is bringing a suit and tie and I have 2 velvety type dresses I got on after-Christmas clearance, then skirts for other nights. Some people wear "business dressy" or "Sunday school dressy" and that is fine too. Even pants with a dressy top is fine I hear.
And some people might wear evening gowns and tuxes, it is all up to you.

I am usually a last minute packer but this trip I have been anticipating for so long that I am pretty organized this time. My teen daughter is making fun of me for having ziploc bags for a lot of stuff, and says she will pack 30 minutes before we leave for the airport. Such a brat!! Gina, she even made fun of my Downy Wrinkle Reducer!!! Actually she is a sweet daughter but my family likes to kid me about bringing too much stuff...little do they know that I am trying to be a light packer for this trip clotheswise, and I think I will surprise them how much I can get into only 3-4 bags (for 4 of us)!!!
Here are inkkognito's pics of the surial bath if anyone hasn't seen them. We were going to book it but I decided to just do Rainforest instead (DH says he'll go along with whatever I decide which is unusual for him). And I'm thinking of getting a haircut and style as there have been favorable comments about that. My hair is just impossible so I have been letting it go wild, hope I don't scare anyone!!

Anyone else going to try St John on their own?? That has been my plan but I am having second thoughts about it. Coki Beach sounds great too and would be a lot easier.

Well, that's all for now, just think where we'll be in 2 WEEKS!!!
Where is everyone today?? Watching football I bet, like DH is.
At least you better not have left already on the cruise without me LOL!!!

I went to the Disney Store today and did they ever have a lot of cute pins!! Yes, I bought some too. Also had a huge sale; up to 75% off some items. I wanted to get DH a shirt with Grumpy on it but I know he won't wear it.
g.m.m. you can call Disney at 1-877-566-0976 they should be able to answer your stroller question. As for formal wear Dh has a suit and I will be wearing a dress that I bought for a wedding a few years ago, that is if I can fit into it! If not I will be buying a new one, not too fancy though, I'd like to be able to wear it again. As for the other nights I have a couple casual dresses and a skirt, maybe a pair of capris, Dh has a pair of khakies and some polos he will wear. Nice to hear from a fellow scrap booker!! I also have been trying to catch up before the Cruise pictures start coming in.

Northsouth I agree anything above 50 and I'd be in heaven!! We also plan our vacation to break up the winter blues. I figure by the time we get back Feb. is such a short month and we're into March and before you know it Spring is here:) We've always been meaning to try St. John's but with the kids we will head to Coral World. I have heard great things about St. John and hope to get there in the future. Hmm that means I'll have to plan another cruise. Sounds good to me. :p
g.m.m. Please let me know what they say about strollers.
It snowed about 6 inches last night and I can't wait to have a "foofy" drink in the hot sun!! I haven't seen the commercial yet either. I don't think they're showing it here. Is everyone still meeting on Deck 10? If so, I thought maybe I would try to come up after the Goofy Deck Party if possible. - Kathy

Okay-- Now we are really getting closer! I am getting nervous-- I have never "cruised" before-- all my vacations are laid out in advance -- I plan each day, dinner, activity and clothing.... I think Dh likes that I don't know what goes on the DCL-- It'll catch me off gaurd and he'll be able to relax alittle!
Northsouth- I did see some great sales at the mall in the Disney store! 75% off-- that's almost FREE in my book!

Luvysboyz-- Thanks for the phone number! I will call tonight-- hopefully have the stoller question answered!
And thanks for the clothing advice-- My mind is going 1,000,000 miles an hour!
I love scrapbooking-- I even became a Creative Memories consultant because I was using all of their products and loved them! It's easy to have classes when you really love and believe in something!

KathyV- I'll let you know about the stoller --- and I like the new word "foofy"--- I might just have to have 1 or a dozen "foofy" drinks my self!
How is the Potty Training going?

Also-- My TA said that when she was on the Magic in October some of the kids (mostly girls) got dressed up in their princess dresses for some of the dinners--- My Dd is a "princess" all the way! She picked out a few to bring-- I can only imagine that they will make a big fuss over little kids that dress up for dinner!
Although she did say she saw a few boys in Hook and Pan outfits too!--- FYI-- They sell the costumes on the ship-- however with Disnay Store having such a great sale--- It might be good to buy it and bring them along-- with the other 1,000 things you have to bring!

Okay-- I said my share!
Good bye for now!
Hi y'all!! Whew, thought I'd *never* get a chance to sit down and post this weekend! My weekends are always so packed with errand-running and stuff I never have time to do during the week, and it dawned on me that I only had 2 weekends left before the trip, so I was doubling up on to-do stuff. Went to Dollar Tree today, and they had the Banana Boat kids' sunscreen -- the spray-on, colored, waterproof kind -- that normally runs about $7 a bottle! I was so excited!! That is the exact kind that I use on DS, and was worried that I didn't have enough left for the whole cruise, and figured that even $7 would be cheap compared to what I'd find on the ship. Well $1 is even better!! :D

Tyler Dean (DS) and I watched the DCL video again tonight while eating dinner. I know we've watched it at least a dozen times already, but tonight it struck me that we would be on that big, beautiful ship in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS, and I just got this big ole' lump in my throat. I just can't believe we're going to be standing there on that ship!!

Kendall -- You'll have the last laugh with your daughter and the wrinkle spray -- you know she'll just wad all her clothes up in the suitcase and they'll be all wrinkled. Then you can make her beg to use your spray. ;) I didn't want to carry that big bottle in my suitcase, so I found a smaller spray bottle to pour some into at Dollar Tree today. Oh man, I love dollar stores! :D

About that commercial -- I hope those of y'all who haven't gotten to see it, get to see it. It's hysterical!!

Well, time for me to get the T-Man into bed... talk to y'all later!!

Gina, I got online early this morning, had an email that you had posted to our thread (I was worried about you!! no posts in 3 days!!) but couldn't get on the board..."server busy" (looks like they did some updates to the board). I am getting so obsessed now, DH and I both are literally DREAMING of it now. I spent early Sunday morning in bed dreaming I was on a beach, I AM THERE!! Then DH said he dreamed that the ship allowed dogs and cats (he's weird) so we were both dreaming of the cruise.

That's so funny you went to Dollar Tree this weekend, I did too!! But I was looking for those cheap blowup beach rafts and didn't find any. So since my New Years resolution is to not buy stuff that isn't on my "list" I didn't buy anything even though they had a lot of nifty things I could bring on the trip but didn't buy them, since they didn't have what I went there for.

I have actually started really packing now, not just throwing stuff in bags, and I can see my "packing light" is getting doubtful, but I still I think I am doing really well for me. I'm down to the part where you lay out all your clothes and put half of them back in the drawer. That is so hard to do!! I am rationalizing that I don't want to do laundry so I can pack more.

gmm, do bring a princess outfit if DD has one, this is the place to wear it!! there was a new link to a trip report, I'll look for it and post it here if you didn't see it. they had a 3 YO DD who was a princess and danced with Mickey too I think.
Here is the link (then there is another link to the trip report):

and KathyV we will be on Deck 10 so come up there if you get a chance. We'll try to think up a Sunday alternate meet also just in case. I think at 2pm Sunday there is a party of some sort at Goofy's pool, according to the December navigators, maybe that would work (or is it naptime??)

Well, it won't be long now!!! See ya soon everyone!!
Hi Gina,
My husband and I will be cruising with you on 02/02/02. We will be with our daughter Gina (age 5), and three other couples from our neighborhood. They have 6 children ages 6 to 12. We are very excited. I hope we will meet you.

Hi Stacy!! Good to see another cruiser with us. You must have really fun neighbors!! We are having an informal DIS meet on Saturday (sailaway time) around 5pm on Deck 10 starboard near the ESPN lounge area if you're interested. Also I have a 12 year old daughter the 12 year old a girl or boy?? So far I haven't seen many older kids going on our cruise (at least not on the DIS board). I also have 3 teen girls going. Hope to see you there!!
Hi Stacy!! So glad you found us! That is just too cool that we have not only another 5 year old along, but her name is Gina! :) That's at least 3 Gina's on the ship at the same time -- what are the odds?? I think I've known exactly 3 other Gina's my whole life! I hope y'all can come to our mini-meet at the sailaway party! If not, maybe another time?

Kendall -- Bravo on your restraint!! You're better than me, my friend. LOL!! Although I did only spend $9 at Dollar Tree, and half of that was on rawhide bones for The Moose and badly needed new dish towels. ;) And bravo also for trying to pack light -- I'm trying, but I don't think it's working. :rolleyes:

I pretty much now have everything packed, except for fancy clothes and last-minute items. I'm ready to just go sit at the airport and wait. ;)

GinaM -- I think it would be SO cute if your daughter dressed in a princess costume!! I bet the staff would just eat it up. :)

I noticed something today... there aren't too many other "are you sailing xx-xx-xx?" posts. There are a few, but aside from the 1/19 group who are sailing now, no others have been as long-lasting and snowballing as ours! I think the inaugural Western sailing thread is the only other one with staying power. What I'm trying to say is, I think we're collectively going to have an AWESOME time!!! :) :) :) I think that there are going to be some really neat friendships forged on this ship, and I think that's pretty darn cool. :)

Hi Stacy welcome to our group! I will be traveling with 6 kids ages 3-8. Two of them are almost 6yr. olds, seems we have alot of kids in this group in that age category. Glad you found the board I know you'll get alot of good info. from it!

Northsouth and Gina, I am determined to get to the dollar store this weekend. I am so lazy, it's all the way across town and I don't want to drive that far! Since we moved to the "Burbs" I hate driving into the city! But you two have motivated me with talk of all the good deals! I hope they have sunscreen here, but since it's the middle of winter I'll probably have to wait until Florida. If I was a planner I would have bought it at the end of the season but being the last minute person that I am I will pay the big bucks;)

So, I've been talking about going through the kids clothes and I finally did it. They are all washed and packed:) Can't believe less than 2 weeks to go:D :D :D

g.m.m. just went to a Creative Memories class last week. I've got a brand new album and some great new ideas, so I'm all set!

So, I'm off to try on my swimsuit. Maybe I should have done that this morning. Don't they say you weigh the least right when you wake up. ;)
Hi Everyone!

Welcome Stacy! So glad you found our group! I think this is going to be an awesome vacation-- everyone here seems so friendly---- just wait until we get a few "foofy" (KathyV's word-- but I loved it) drinks and we'll be so chatty! My Dh knows he's in trouble when that starts! Oh well! Also I have a Dd that is 5 right now-- but on Feb 8th (Friday night on the ship) she will turn 6
:( ! I am glad it's on the ship--- but I am sad that my 1st one is getting so old! But --It will be a blast!

Lovemy2boyz-- You are making me look bad! All I have been doing is wondering the malls looking for something I need to pack for vacation! I have a CM workshop tomorrow-- after that my focus will be on packing! I hope! So glad to hear you are a scrapper! CM has the BEST tools for that! Enjoy it! Your family will Thank you in time!

Gina-- How funny is this-- so many Gina's on one ship--- we can call the 5 year old little Gina--- However -- I have a problem being called Big Gina---LOL-- don't you! We'll have to come up with something else! HAHA -- And I think you are so right-- seems like everyone is getting along so great--- I think we are going to have a great time!

KathyV- I called about the strollers-- NO strollers on board to rent-- nor on the islands! Also-- if anyone has any special food requests-- they were very helpful-- My Ds (almost 3 ) has had some problems with a bacteria in his colon--sounds gross--sorry--- He's all better but he is having a hard time switching back to Reg milk-- Right now he is on Soy or Lactose-free--- so they wrote that down on the list---- That was just an FYI

And Rachael is going to wear her princess dresses on the ship! Even shoes to match! That is the theme of her "friend " party-- I have been making the invites all night-- little "glass slippers" with the invite on it! They are starting to look cute!

Okay-- Gotta get to bed-- and dream about packing-- that's a start!:D
Glad to see the board is back in action, I started mini-withdrawal again yesterday!

Went shopping yesterday, found some cute stuff for my DD but "nothing" for Mom. I am having the hardest time finding something lime green for the sailaway meet! If I don't, I'll just have to post a picture or something. If all else fails, I'll just look for you guys.

So many Ginas, how funny!!

I'm semi-packed. I spent about an hour on Saturday getting stuff together in a big pile in my bedroom and hanging clothes together in my closet. I even filled out all the forms in the document package!

My DD is talking about this trip almost non-stop now. Only 10 days until we leave!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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