Any other Republicans not like John McCain?

If McCain gets the nomination then it pretty much guarantees that either Hillary or Obama will be our next president. How could Rudy have screwed up his campaign so bad? :headache:

Ohhh, I so agree with this!!!

I am not a McCain basher... I do have respect for the man. And, I do NOT think that he is as close as you can get to liberal without putting a 'D' after one's name. I can respect a man who can espouse his own convictions instead of always, at all times, towing a party line... But, with that being said, I have no inclination to want to vote for the man.

Now, Romney, on the otherhand. I just do not like, at all... I am no expert, but when I look at him, and hear some of the things I have heard about him, and know that he hails from Mass., which is the strongest Liberal stronghold on this earth... (which is the ONLY place that he could be considered conservative...) And knowing that he was born to a 'politician' with that silver spoon in his mouth... GAGGGGGG!!!!!! I simply can't stand looking at him no matter how good looking and well polished his appearance. Sooo, he has his billions... My vote is not for sale.

One early poster here mentioned McCain's speech last night.. And, they were right..... It SUCKED!!! I actually made comments about how bad it was to my DH, and then proceeded to not really watch the last of his comments, cause, seeing that this may be the man who wins the nomination was like watching a train wreck.. just painful.

It truly is stomach turning to see the state of politcal affairs and the offerings being presented by the powers-that-be in our major political parties....

That being said, I will push ANY republican button over Hillary.
She truly is the most sickening possibility of all.
Want to talk about being lost in ones own mind with ones own political ideology... She truly does not even see, or know, basic reality.
All the above and amend the constitution so that children born here aren't automatically American citizens. I think we're one of the few countries that still does this. It's like sending out an engraved invitation to them.

And anytime any illegal alien breaks the law in this country, they earn a free ticket home.

Maybe if more of them stayed home, they'd figure out a way to fix the problems in their own country.

I strongly disagree with changing or amending the constitution because I have heard this line of argument before when it comes to my right to bear arms. I respectfully tell you what I told them, when it comes to amending the constitution to fit any one's particular needs/views.

Enforce the laws you have on the books and strengthen the penalties for breaking the laws. Once you start down the path of changing the document to fit the framework of some group's desire, then where does it stop?

If someone is born on American soil, then that person is an American and I will "go to the mat" in fighting for their rights. A lot of people in this country became citizens this way, besides the recent flood of illegal Mexican immigrants. You name the various ethnic groups in the history of this country, you will find that not everyone made their legal way here. That's a historical fact, not my opinion.

We need to accept the fact that there's no way to round up 12 million illegals most of whom now have children that are American citizens. I'm only speaking for myself, but no way could I bust into someones house as a government agent, arrest the parents and separate frightened families. That's not what America is about and there has to be a better solution than that.

I said it before and it's worth repeating. Open a few military bases along the border in strategic areas and use them to supplement our border security. The illegal drug trade that pours across the border will be hurt in the process as well. That and severally fine companies that hire illegals. We can pressure Mexico to issue reforms, but lets be honest here, Mexico is a mess and has been for quite sometime. We as Americans have to move beyond rhetoric that has no chance to see the light of day and find sane, working solutions.

I agree - however I think there needs to be some kind of system other than taking the benefits that I have worked so hard for and giving them away to illegal aliens who have not paid any taxes.
I agree - however I think there needs to be some kind of system other than taking the benefits that I have worked so hard for and giving them away to illegal aliens who have not paid any taxes.

Actually, illegals do pay taxes. They pay sales tax, property tax (American citizenship is not a requirement for purchasing homes in the US) through homeownership or rent, and the same payroll and income taxes you pay are taken out of their checks each week. I think most people believe that all illegals are paid cash under the table, live in parks and under bridges, and send all their earning back to their home countries. That simply isn't the case.
Having just voted in Florida, I will give MY (& mine alone) take on the primary here............

1. Romney just PLASTERED the airwaves here. It was the same commercial over&over%over&over............................

Where he said that family is important (agreed), marriage MUST come before children (didn't specify what he would do when that did not happen.........), marriage is between a man & woman (personally I think MARRIAGE is a religious issue, but I'm ok w/"civil unions" at the STATE'S discretion), etc., etc.

He really hammered the "family values" issues home.

But, said absolutely nothing about how he would govern the country.

2. He launched some pretty snippy attacks through interviews & the print media.

3. Huckabee did not really campaign here. I think he's putting his efforts to super Tuesday.

4. McCain did not advertise as heavily, maybe because he did not have his own $$ to put forth. I think it was reported that Romney played TEN commercials for every ONE of McCain. His ads were more of a "this is who I am" style. Not much on what he would do other than make the Congressional approved GWB tax cuts permanent. He also said that many mistakes have been made in Iraq (duh!), perhaps distancing himself from the President on that one while not screaming "Withdraw!"

I don't care for McCain as he is a RINO.

Just an aside, the word is "Rhino". And as has been proven in the past, age does not have to be a factor in one's effectiveness as a leader. There are a ton of smart, intelligent older folks in Government, just as there are a ton of young morons.

BTW, I voted for McCain. I do not agree with him 100% (esp. on the immigration thing), but considering the alternatives on the Florida ballot :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: , he was, IMHO, the best choice yesterday.

BTW, for the Floridians out there, do you think that maybe Charlie Crist is angling for a VP slot should McCain get the nomination?

Enforce the laws you have on the books and strengthen the penalties for breaking the laws. Once you start down the path of changing the document to fit the framework of some group's desire, then where does it stop?

Some group's desire? :rolleyes: Hardly. There is a framework for amending the constitution, it's been done some sixteen times since the Bill of Rights was passed. The founders put the amendment process in there for a reason. It's not easy to do, it takes a super majority of both houses, and then something like ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures. There's also the Constitutional amendment process, but I don't think that's ever been successful.

All that being said, I think there would be plenty of support for this amendment.
Just an aside, the word is "Rhino". And as has been proven in the past, age does not have to be a factor in one's effectiveness as a leader. There are a ton of smart, intelligent older folks in Government, just as there are a ton of young morons.

No - the term IS RINO as in


Ahhhhhh, didn't know that one.

I stand corrected. Thought you were referring to his age. My Bad.
BTW, Just an Aside, I am waiting for a Republican who is running to categorically state that it is not the business of the Republican Party to continually stick it's nose in how I live my personal life & that it is not the business of the Republican Party to keep trying to look behind the drapes of my bedroom.

A TRUE (IMHO) conservative lets people lead their own life and accept the consequences thereof.

The Government (once again, IMHO) needs to be concerned with defense, education, infrastructure & not much else.

And I have made a GRAVE error & started posting on a political thread. Run Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I strongly disagree with changing or amending the constitution because I have heard this line of argument before when it comes to my right to bear arms. I respectfully tell you what I told them, when it comes to amending the constitution to fit any one's particular needs/views.

Actually, I don't agree here. I too am sensitive about ammendments to the constitution (e.g., gay marriage, flag burning, etc.), but I seriously think the citizen if born in the US thing is no longer beneficial or necesary for this country. When we were trying to expand the country and draw peolple here in the country's infancy, sure it made sense. But now, with the world's resources strained, it does not benefit the country in any way. Limiting it to children born of at least one US citizen is the only thing that makes sense, and encourages people to integrate into the country and become citizens in the first place.
BTW, Just an Aside, I am waiting for a Republican who is running to categorically state that it is not the business of the Republican Party to continually stick it's nose in how I live my personal life & that it is not the business of the Republican Party to keep trying to look behind the drapes of my bedroom.

A TRUE (IMHO) conservative lets people lead their own life and accept the consequences thereof.

The Government (once again, IMHO) needs to be concerned with defense, education, infrastructure & not much else.

And I have made a GRAVE error & started posting on a political thread. Run Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree. I would never call myself a liberal :scared1: but some people think my views on personal issues would fall there.

I am prolife, but do not want abortion outlawed. I think we need to be working to reduce unwanted pregnancies before they occur, therefore reducing the need for abortions. Abstinence only does not work! I was a good little Southern Baptist girl, too...:rolleyes1

I believe strongly in civil unions (for **** or heterosexual couples-lots of people don't believe in "marriage" but live their lives as couples. Their rights need to be protected).

And I am 100% for separation of church and state! Religious views shouldn't be force fed!

I promise I really am a moderate/conservative:)

But since there are no "perfect" presidential candidates, I'll deal with what we have. I think McCain and Obama are the closest we've got.
I do agree with these points as well, my issue comes from what to do about the illegals we have already allowed in this country. Absolutely close the border, stop providing social services, and stop the automatic citizenship if born here. My problem lies in the "kick them out" attitude, proposing the deportation of millions of people which isn't realistic or moral. Create and enforce a documented guest worker program, give the employers and illegal immigrints a year or two to comply, and give them a path to citizenship if they want it. After this grace period, kick out any illegals who haven't been documented and punish the snot out of the companies who continue to hire them. Call it amnesty if you want, but its the only rational way of moving forward,

ITA, and have not heard one realistic plan from any other candidate. McCain seems to be the only one willing to have a true dialogue.

I would rather hope that a McCain presidency would loosen the extremist stranglehold on the country from both the far left and far right elements, paving the way for years of a more rational, moderate, and less partisan government. But that's just me.

I have big reservations about some of McCain's policies too. Hillary NO WAY. Obama; I would consider the possibility if it wasn't for the fact that a democratic president along with the far left views in Congress scares the heck out of me.
Ahhhhhh, didn't know that one.

I stand corrected. Thought you were referring to his age. My Bad.

No, if anyone was referring to his age, he would be a in saur!;) Although he is that too.
There is not a single "true" conservative left in this race, that left with Fred Thompson. I disagree with McCain on many issues, but at least I know where he stands. He is not a panderer of the ilk of Willard and Hillary. Romney has shown himself to say whatever he has to to get a vote. Whether that's promising subsidies to farmers in Iowa, or autoworkers in Michigan, being an adamant advocate of gay rights and abortion on demand in Massachusetts, or being the "family values" candidate in Florida. I think the man has the authenticity of Hillary Clinton.

I am a long time listener of El Rushbo, Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc, and I am being sick of being told that Romney is a conservative and the McCain is not. I actually agree with McCain on the environment, and somewhat on immigration. I don't support his positions on the Bush tax cuts, or campaign finance reform, but again I'd much rather vote for an honest man I disagree with than a pandering political sellout like Romney or Hillary.

John McCain is no liberal. He is a conservative, and more conservative than Huckabee. I can't say that he is more conservative than Romney with any certainty, because I believe Romney will take any position that makes him more "electable." McCain is the anti-Bush in that he works hard to control spending. He is consistently pro-life, he is pro 2nd amendment, supports privatizing social security, supports school vouchers, supports making the Bush tax cuts permanent, supports free trade, and is by far the strongest candidate we have on the most pressing issue of our time, the war on terror.

I am glad that in addition to his multitude of conservative traits, that he is willing to break party ranks to take stands which may not be wise political moves. Romney on the other hand, would not dream of rocking the boat in such a manner. I think it's awesome that just like Teddy Roosevelt, McCain sees our environment as a national treasure that needs to be protected in a much more stringent manner. He is a realist on immigration, there's no way we're ever getting rid of 12,000,000 people living in our country illegally. Why not collect taxes and payments from these people? And though I disagree with him adamantly on a few issues, I'd vote for him any day over someone who takes no unpopular stands. His position on a troop surge is something Romney would never dare to do. He knew that it could further ruin his campaign, but he believed it to be the right decision, so he did what was right, regardless of political trends. McCain is the man simply put.
In this day and age is 72 really that old? :confused3 I just don't think so. He is only 5 yrs older than my father, and I don't consider that ancient.
72 is not ancient these days. The man is no spring chicken, but a dinosaur?:confused3


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