Annual pass holder- discount- something I didn't know

evilqueenmindy said:
We spoke with the manager, he confirmed it is going away (maybe just at world of Disney? I can't find anything in print about it) they swipe your pass on the register, and it's coming up as not eligible. He gave us the discount (seriously it wasn't even about the 10% it was more about the CM)

I wouldn't believe the manager either. I'm a skeptic until there is insurmountable evidence. ;)
I think the point most are trying to make is that this rule does not benefit anyone at all, Disney, or the guest.

Enforcing this rule does nothing but create a situation that "could" result in a bad experience for a customer as pointed out over and over in this thread. Best case for Disney here is that the customer learns how to "get around the rule" next time so in the end there is no point in really enforcing it in its current state. But I think we are talking about a small % of CM that would make a big deal about it anyways.

I guess if Disney wanted to they could require that the AP holder charge back to the room, or a named credit card to get the discount. But again, this would just add to the problem.
Look. This is a matter of CMs being ******. Pure and simple. They don't have to scan the APs or anything of the sort. We're standing there as a family. My DD is seven, for Christ's sake. She doesn't have a job and she doesn't have any money. Where do you think she gets her money from? Mana from heaven? :lmao:

The CMs glance at the AP and ID (IF they bother to ask for it) and they choose to give the discount or not. Again, plain and simple. It's not like they had to retain any proof of why they allowed the discount. Any CM refusing my DD the discount in my scenario can... well, you can imagine what they can do.

I don't give a tinker's kitty why Disney developed the policy. If my DD is standing there to make a purchase and she meets the criteria for purchase, she is entitled to the discount, and I don't care if Jesus Himself descends from Heaven and hands her the money.

You can defend Disney and their policy until you're blue in the face. I don't care. I'm right and you're wrong. Look up consumer protection laws.
I think the rule is crazy..It's silly and really is a waste of time..I say this because it's a small discount, don't get me wrong I love being able to get my room discounted for having an AP, but in the same token, most the time I forget about using it for items while at Disney.
Disney doesn't have to count beans, we all know how over price each and every item is at Disney...

But I will tell you that they have let others use AP that is not their own AP...
As this happen pass fall, my daughter's boyfriend took my AP out of my wallet, while I was sleeping and he went to MK, he was able to buy my daughter a purse that was $250 in MK and he was able to get a discount with my AP.

I found out about it later on, when I woke up, he told me that they gave him a discount with my AP card. He said told them he was getting it for my daughter, who is also an AP holder, but that he wanted to surprise her with it..

They in turned let him use my AP.. Hello what is so fair about that?
Was he just lucky? Or Do they pick and choose who can have a discount?
Because the way I see it, my daughter's boyfriend shouldn't have been able to use my AP period.
But in the case of parents and a daughter or (Children) bringing up the key ring to a parent, Disney should be ashamed of themselves, because that is crazy...Children should always be able to bring up anything to their parents to buy for them and parents should always be able to get a discount.
Unless Disney is going to now have a new rule, that you have to be the one who is going to use the well as the one that has the AP..

Also I wonder if they will change the rule to and also start asking who are you buying the gift for next.. Since it's only to be used by AP holders.. then maybe the gift should also have to be used by AP holders too..
I'm shocked I have never had issue using my AP discount with my kttk or cc since 95% of time my Dh is carrying my wallet in his pocket since I don't have one or being a nice guy and carrying my backpack for me, I am using my Ap, My kktk, My cc from my wallet and showing my ID.
Bickering about the shoulds of the rule aside, I appreciate the heads up. It never would have crossed my mind that it would be a problem, but I have two trips coming up where DH will probably be holding my money (and my AP and my ID - if I don't have my 4yo I won't carry a bag/purse at all). It defies logic to think that a CM would see me retrieve my AP and DL from DH and then deny the purchase because I also get the money to pay for it from him.
Sometimes it is more of a hassle to use the AP discount than what it is worth.

I am now use to getting my ID out but if the purchase is over $50 I just use the discount you get with the Disney Visa card. And I never have to show ID ;)
We spoke with the manager, he confirmed it is going away (maybe just at world of Disney? I can't find anything in print about it) they swipe your pass on the register, and it's coming up as not eligible. He gave us the discount (seriously it wasn't even about the 10% it was more about the CM)

I don't recall them swiping my AP when I was shopping at DTD last week. I gave them my id and AP and they looked at the AP and entered something, but I don't recall them swiping it. Maybe they aren't doing it at all locations yet? :confused3 It would make sense to swipe it though, to eliminate the chance that someone would key in the wrong discount amount. I wasn't at World of Disney - I was at the Christmas store.

While I understand that certain policies need to be in place to prevent anyone but the AP holder from using the discount, there has to be some discretion on the part of the CM's as well. For someone to deny a discount over a loan of five cents or a child adding a keychain to a parent's purchase is beyond ridiculous. Someone said you should know if you have enough cash to cover your purchase before you get to the register, but sometimes you don't want to get back 95 cents in coins, if you can avoid it. But I totally get denying the discount if someone else is handing over all the cash at the register to the AP holder.

I do think that a policy change like this should at least be posted clearly on the passholder portion of the website with the shopping information. I don't think their wording as it is makes it clear what will happen at the register.
I would have done that too, most likely. But my point would be, that the CM is not trained properly, and by speaking to a manager, Disney would get feedback they need and the purchase could be handled properly. It isn't Disney policy to treat guests that poorly, it is a misguided cm. Same thing with story above about Florida residents discount. That was terrible customer service to claim Florida residents have been abusing the system for years.

All these stories are examples of a poorly trained CM caught in the middle of trying to avoid "fraudulent" use of AP and using common sense to maximize sales and customer satisfaction. As fignewton implies, all retail managers know to err on the side of customer satisfaction.

These stories are great. By knowing this happens in advance, people won't be caught off guard. I will be much more calm when/if this happens to me. When it does, I will be sharing my experience with a manager and Disney management.
In all do you know it's poor CM training??? I imagine that most CMs are adhering to the ruling...and that's the issue. There are many 'rules' at WDW that are open to CM interpretation. There is a lot of leeway so that CMs can make judgement calls. So, with that in mind, there are probably CMs out there that are not making judgement calls, but adhering to the letter of the rule, as they were trained. Does that make it right? Not always.
But here's the thing...many here are saying it's poor customer service, that, basically, the customer is always right, and that Disney should do whatever is needed to make that customer happy. So...where do they draw the line??? With the person in line behind you? Or the next day??
Sure, perhaps CMs need to be trained in making good judgement calls. But what happens if they allow you to go ahead with your transaction (allowing a family member to come up at the end and add several items, or have someone else pay for the goods) and then have a group, behind you in the line, with a massive amount of stuff, with several people all chipping in money as they get to the counter, while one person uses their AP for the discount?

Pretty soon, there will be no discount to complain about due to so much abuse.

Look. This is a matter of CMs being @$$h01%$. Pure and simple. They don't have to scan the APs or anything of the sort. We're standing there as a family. My DD is seven, for Christ's sake. She doesn't have a job and she doesn't have any money. Where do you think she gets her money from? Mana from heaven? :lmao:

The CMs glance at the AP and ID (IF they bother to ask for it) and they choose to give the discount or not. Again, plain and simple. It's not like they had to retain any proof of why they allowed the discount. Any CM refusing my DD the discount in my scenario can... well, you can imagine what they can do.

I don't give a tinker's kitty why Disney developed the policy. If my DD is standing there to make a purchase and she meets the criteria for purchase, she is entitled to the discount, and I don't care if Jesus Himself descends from Heaven and hands her the money.

You can defend Disney and their policy until you're blue in the face. I don't care. I'm right and you're wrong. Look up consumer protection laws.

Wow. Here's the thing. There are many perks for those with APs. And many of those perks are not usuable with a child's AP. I can't say with any authority if the shopping discount is one of those perks that would not be usuable for a child's AP.
I think the rule is crazy..It's silly and really is a waste of time..I say this because it's a small discount, don't get me wrong I love being able to get my room discounted for having an AP, but in the same token, most the time I forget about using it for items while at Disney.
Disney doesn't have to count beans, we all know how over price each and every item is at Disney...

But I will tell you that they have let others use AP that is not their own AP...
As this happen pass fall, my daughter's boyfriend took my AP out of my wallet, while I was sleeping and he went to MK, he was able to buy my daughter a purse that was $250 in MK and he was able to get a discount with my AP.

I found out about it later on, when I woke up, he told me that they gave him a discount with my AP card. He said told them he was getting it for my daughter, who is also an AP holder, but that he wanted to surprise her with it..

They in turned let him use my AP.. Hello what is so fair about that?
Was he just lucky? Or Do they pick and choose who can have a discount?
Because the way I see it, my daughter's boyfriend shouldn't have been able to use my AP period.
But in the case of parents and a daughter or (Children) bringing up the key ring to a parent, Disney should be ashamed of themselves, because that is crazy...Children should always be able to bring up anything to their parents to buy for them and parents should always be able to get a discount.
Unless Disney is going to now have a new rule, that you have to be the one who is going to use the well as the one that has the AP..

Also I wonder if they will change the rule to and also start asking who are you buying the gift for next.. Since it's only to be used by AP holders.. then maybe the gift should also have to be used by AP holders too..

I think he just got very VERY lucky in this situation that he received the discount! We had Premier AP's for a year, and were asked each and every time it was used for a discount to show ID. Talk about poorly trained CM's to allow that to happen...He basically stole your AP, same as if he had found it on the ground and walked in a store to make a purchase with it! I can't even imagine how angry I would be if I had been you in this situation! At least all he took was your AP...could have been worse!
khertz said:
At least all he took was your AP...could have been worse!

You simply MUST be kidding me. Are you implying this guy is a thief and might have robbed her blind while she slept?!
Well my AP was on the table in my waist belt or bag, What ever those thing are called. lol I was shocked that he even remember that we got discount with Ap. We had just been to Magic Kingdom the day before and my daughter pointed at the purse in the window and said that will be my next purse.. lol and we both laughed about it, I said with AP discount it would be $200.
I thought it was really sweet of him to buy it for her, as she would have never spend $200 for herself.
No matter what you think of the rule, just give the money to the passholder and let them make the purchase.

Also I wonder if they will change the rule to and also start asking who are you buying the gift for next.. Since it's only to be used by AP holders.. then maybe the gift should also have to be used by AP holders too..

This would only work if they hooked everyone up to a polygraph before they let them make an AP purchase.
You simply MUST be kidding me. Are you implying this guy is a thief and might have robbed her blind while she slept?!

So you would be okay with someone digging through your wallet while you were sleeping? Somehow I doubt that. It would have been entirely different had he ASKED to use the AP for the discount to buy her daughter the purse. He apparently thought it was appropriate to go through her wallet while she was asleep and take the AP, there's no reason he couldn't have also thought to take something else while he was in there. I don't think that's a huge leap, but I guess you do. All I was pointing out was that she had someone digging through her wallet as she slept, at least all he took was the AP instead of her cash or credit card number.
I am an AP holder but my mom isn't. She was buying Duffy outfits for my daughter so I went with her so I could use the AP discount. Mom said she'd pay for it and had cash. The cashier wouldn't take it from her so she handed it to me and I had to hand it to him lol.
I think the rule is crazy..It's silly and really is a waste of time..I say this because it's a small discount, don't get me wrong I love being able to get my room discounted for having an AP, but in the same token, most the time I forget about using it for items while at Disney.
Disney doesn't have to count beans, we all know how over price each and every item is at Disney...

But I will tell you that they have let others use AP that is not their own AP...
As this happen pass fall, my daughter's boyfriend took my AP out of my wallet, while I was sleeping and he went to MK, he was able to buy my daughter a purse that was $250 in MK and he was able to get a discount with my AP.

I found out about it later on, when I woke up, he told me that they gave him a discount with my AP card. He said told them he was getting it for my daughter, who is also an AP holder, but that he wanted to surprise her with it..

They in turned let him use my AP.. Hello what is so fair about that?
Was he just lucky? Or Do they pick and choose who can have a discount?
Because the way I see it, my daughter's boyfriend shouldn't have been able to use my AP period.
But in the case of parents and a daughter or (Children) bringing up the key ring to a parent, Disney should be ashamed of themselves, because that is crazy...Children should always be able to bring up anything to their parents to buy for them and parents should always be able to get a discount.
Unless Disney is going to now have a new rule, that you have to be the one who is going to use the well as the one that has the AP..

Also I wonder if they will change the rule to and also start asking who are you buying the gift for next.. Since it's only to be used by AP holders.. then maybe the gift should also have to be used by AP holders too..
He shouldn't have been allowed to use your AP...for any reason. He got lucky. But...I would be more concerned about this guy rummaging around in your purse/fanny pack than with Disney allowing him to use the AP. That would be a huge issue for me.
I think it is kind of strange that you all don't get it. When it is your pass and your discount you have to be the one with the money. You can't appear to take it from someone else. Appearances are everything, and it appears as if you are buying that item for someone else. Which is not allowed.

We have the same rule where I work. We get a discount. If we are seen taking money from someone and making a purchase, we are fired on the spot. Of course anyone with half a brain will either get the money before hand, or afterwards. Off of company property. It is all in what it appears to be.
I think it is kind of strange that you all don't get it. When it is your pass and your discount you have to be the one with the money. You can't appear to take it from someone else. Appearances are everything, and it appears as if you are buying that item for someone else. Which is not allowed.

We have the same rule where I work. We get a discount. If we are seen taking money from someone and making a purchase, we are fired on the spot. Of course anyone with half a brain will either get the money before hand, or afterwards. Off of company property. It is all in what it appears to be.

I think it's kinda strange that you don't get the difference.
OP, thanks for starting this thread... on one hand, I feel better knowing that I'm not alone in having had some wacky AP-discounted purchase experiences! On the other... WDW needs to get it together.

My favorite wacky AP purchase yet was actually my 10yo son's purchase. He had cash and his PAP for the discount. He was told he couldn't get the discount because he lacked ID. I explained that he's 10 and doesn't have ID. CM replied, "But this is an adult pass..." Yep, WDW did away with the child priced-AP and gave my 10yo an adult AP when we renewed. Eventually it was settled by using my ID. Not sure why that made it okay, but whatever. :rolleyes:
My little kids have to show their AP and their photo id to use their own money. That is also a bit ridiculous IMO.

I totally agree that kids having to show their ids is ridiculous. We were staying at Pop Century, and my son was buying something in the store. When we went to pay, I pulled out my son's annual pass and his wallet to hand the CM his money. She said that he couldn't use the discount because I was the one holding his pass and money. I nicely told her that that was crazy. He is only 8 years old! Why on earth would I let him carry around his own pass or his own money? I have a school ID for him, which I showed her, too. But I didn't bring it thinking I would need it for him to get his discount. I brought it in case he got lost, it was the easiest thing to pull out to show a CM. I have an annual pass, too, so I just showed her mine. But, I thought it was beyond ridiculous that she thought an 8 year old should be carrying his own money around. He is now 10, and this has never happened except that one time.


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