An Inconvenient Truth: happyhaunt Style! (New... pg. 113!)

Shelby5514 said:
Great job with the pics this time! But did I spy a (fanny pack) in that first pic? You DO know that the FPPD patrol around these parts, right?

Since this is the 1000th post to your trippie I think it calls for a....

Wooooo Hoooooty!

Dancin' fruit and all!!!!!!!!!!:banana:

Thanks for that!

I didn't realize it! Until I saw yer post.

BTW... that was more likely my fanny. Than a fanny-pack.

It was a belt.

A real belt.

Not a skirtbelt.

Cheers, M. :moped:
Melll. I think I'm with Jami, about NEVER trying the Biergarten, now. But we do love to dance, so perhaps they would let us in for some dancing, but not make us eat all of those pork products?

Keep rockin' -- just like your report -- and have a great week-end.
1000thhappyhaunt said:

Another rabid fan. I see.

Well, my friend, you aren't being paid to read this. Are you?

If I were you... I wouldn't bother with the first one, either. TFI.

Thanks for your imput, tho.

And have yourself a Magical Day! :thumbsup2

Cheers, Mel.

Yes, it is true that reading a report is a voluntary act. However, your actual one-line title was the tasteless joke that had nothing to do with your trip report, and so even without going in to the report, we can't avoid seeing it. I think there's a community board for discussing anything and everything.

Perhaps nothing awful has ever befallen your precious children, and that has inured you to the suffering of others. But one's own callousness is something to struggle against, not embrace.
mcreste said:
Yes, it is true that reading a report is a voluntary act. However, your actual one-line title was the tasteless joke that had nothing to do with your trip report, and so even without going in to the report, we can't avoid seeing it. I think there's a community board for discussing anything and everything.

Perhaps nothing awful has ever befallen your precious children, and that has inured you to the suffering of others. But one's own callousness is something to struggle against, not embrace.

I have just PM'd you. About this.

In my PM I explained that the "joke" was not about the horrible murder of a child. Nothing is further from funny. To me. Or any other parent.

I have three children. Whom I would die for. Do you really think I would joke about something like that?

Come on.

Clearly you HAVEN'T read my TR. Because I think you would know me a little better.

The joke was on John Karr. Who appears to have FALSELY confessed to that crime. For attention. Or whatever. He is disturbed. The joke was about all the other things, which he couldn't possibly be involved in. That he might own up to.

It was about HIM. Get it?

Again... I have PM'd you about this. Please feel free to respond.


Love your style!

I usually forget something major too so I'll get a free shopping spree!

Yadda, yadda, yadda, GREAT job! Again!
mcreste said:
Yes, it is true that reading a report is a voluntary act. However, your actual one-line title was the tasteless joke that had nothing to do with your trip report, and so even without going in to the report, we can't avoid seeing it. I think there's a community board for discussing anything and everything.

Perhaps nothing awful has ever befallen your precious children, and that has inured you to the suffering of others. But one's own callousness is something to struggle against, not embrace.
JeeZ!!! IT WAS A jOkE!!!!!! :sad2:
1000thhappyhaunt said:
We blew right by one CM who was trying to wave us down.

He threw his hands up in the air. And then made a gesture towards our disappearing back bumper. With one hand.

Actually... with one finger.

It was not "OK! Have a Magical Day!" TFI.

Perhaps he was just signaling the international (o.k., Canadian) sign for "Table for 1". Or, you know, perhaps not. Nice installment. And, nice restraint on your more recent responses -- not sure I could've been so ... nice.

Chapter 11 said:
Perhaps he was just signaling the international (o.k., Canadian) sign for "Table for 1". Or, you know, perhaps not. Nice installment. And, nice restraint on your more recent responses -- not sure I could've been so ... nice.

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Hey buddy.
I hope all is well.

Great installment Mel
1000thhappyhaunt said:
Actually, there weren't many good smells. At all. TFI.

I had awoken just after midnight to the smell of something fairly unpleasant.

I'm sure it was five happyhaunts processing 73 pounds of pork sausage, wienerschnitzel and pickled cabbage. From the Biergarten. Whew! Gotta love those moments of family closeness. All together. In one room.

Ahh yes the Biergarten strikes again.

1000thhappyhaunt said:
And now... I'm off. For an extended long weekend.

Ahhh mee too a longgggish weekend in the white mountains. Have Fun!
Mel -

You are a class act.

Even if the bowel habits of you and your family are discussed in every installment of your TR.

You are still a class act. And a funny one, at that. :thumbsup2

mcreste said:
This was the heading of this trip report yesterday, admittedly one that often seems more of a treatise on a child's bowel habits or a psychoanalysis of a mother/daughter relationship than a tale of a trip to Walt Disney World.

In most places, a joke involving a pedophile and a case in which a child was brutally murdered would be understood to be in poor taste and inappropriate.

Why do the moderators allow such a title on the Trip Reports board?

Mel - loved this installment (as usual).
Mel said:
I got up and limped to the mirror. I looked at myself... and asked myself with my eyes. Just my eyes... "Why would you wear flipflops to Disney?" I also asked myself "Why would you wear high-heeled sandals to whoop it up at the Biergarten?"

After seeing that picture of you wearing those cute shoes on the dance floor at The Biergarten, I was asking you the same question.

With just my eyes.

This installment really made me laugh hard. But then again, all of them do. Or else they make me cry. That's happened before. A time or two. But isn't that why we all keep coming back? To parlay off what ZZUB sad awhile back, it's because it's real. You tell your story from the heart. Maybe not everybody will think all of your jokes are funny and everybody may not feel a tug on their heartstrings when you talk about your awesome relationship with your beautiful daughter. But that's okay. Different strokes for different folks and all. But the thing we all need to keep in mind is that this is your story to tell. In the entertaining, funny, sweet, crazy way that only Mel Happyhaunt can.


And the other thing we also need to all keep in mind is that sometimes a joke is just a joke.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Keep it up Melly. You're doing a bang up job.

:moped: :moped: :moped: :moped: :moped:

1000thhappyhaunt said:
I was just glad we weren't in a igloo.
Besides being smelly. We would have been cold.

You could have lit a match...wait, that would have been bad.

Reedy Creek Fire does get to the hotels fairly quickly, though. They also have the cool Disney nameplates, even though they're officially not part of Disney World. Yeah, right. :firefight
And we love you.

That being said (or sad), a comment regarding your choice of footwear: Maybe next time you need to get the Croc flip flops. Ask Jami. She says they are really comfy, and great for park touring. I'm about to order some myself!!!

Keep 'em comin. Oh, after your twelve-teenth vacation of the summer, that is. Have fun camping. AGAIN! Don't eat too much dried fruit. Not as bad as weiner salad, but still.
Oh Mel, you crack me up! I don't even know where to start -- you guys are all too quick for me! But, I do have a couple of things to add.

It turns out that the salad you enjoyed so much at the Biergarten is commonly referred to as the "Wurst Salad": I think Weiner Salad is funnier, but Wurst Salad has a few jokes in it as well!

Yours and Zzub's titles are cracking me up, no matter what anyone says -- they are hysterically funny and nothing else. Keep up the good work!

And, since you were kind enough to post pictures of your Chicken Little, here is me with my Chicken Little! We were there the same week as the happyHaunts!

I haven't seen myself in the background of any pictures yet, but I'll keep checking if you keep posting! Thanks for all the fun!

a trip is just not a trip unless you get blisters for the sake of good looking shoes.

Of course an 8.5 is my size as well so perhaps that's where they all were. While I don't imagine ever owning five teen bikini's I do indeed own more than five teen shoes.

None of which have ever gone camping.

Great report!

I would have been here sooner.


I was on a quest.

The Great Dishwasher Escape.

It takes 8 hrs.


And then.


Any hoo.

I KNEW SHELL-BEE was wrong.

And that was a belt.



Shell-bee, what is wrong with you???!!!!!!
:lmao: as always Mel!!!!!!!

BTW - That one post (well 2) don't let it getya down. Some people really just don't get it :rolleyes:

Can't wait till the next installment :thumbsup2
Hi Me(l)
I will attempt again to respond to your last trip report.
Although I am thought of as "somewhat humerous" here at home, I don't hold a Candle on the Water to you...........Loved your last installment,Bodily functions and, your lovely bride and your beloved children,,yes WE know you love them,,,can vacation with us anytime,,Smell and all,,,,and I think it really is an important part of your TR..Kinda adds a little"suspense"
Anyhow,,,that being said (sad), I would love to know if you read my response to your Biergarten report and found anything somewhat funny....You know, having to do with the Oompa Band!!!!
10 days and counting..............the return of the Goof to Disney........ :Pinkbounc


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