Amanda & Jeff 12/7/15 - YCG/Marina/Ariel's/France - Update 10/25: Napa Rose Chefs Counter!

Popping in to say that your photos are beautiful! You look lovely. Can't wait to hear more!
You made me laugh at the thought of you tapping on corey's shoulder..that would be funny! Also at the sweatpants comment.

You remembered so many details on the wedding day. I swear, it is a big blur for me.

Also, i don't even think half of my family knew two of the cameras were video. Corey's dad didn't even realize until the following friday, hah!

I'm trying to remember as much as I can and write it all down before it starts to fade. I remember bits and pieces at different times and then try to keep them in mind for when I get to that part of the trip report. We had to keep telling our families over and over who was photo and who was video, so they wouldn't have eyes on all different cameras!

Popping in to say that your photos are beautiful! You look lovely. Can't wait to hear more!

Thank you! :goodvibes
December 7th - Wedding Day! - Part 5

Warning: Very long post ahead!

Inside the hallway of the Yacht Club, we were all lining up getting ready to head out to our wedding ceremony! Meanwhile, our violinist was playing for our guests.

And for some reason, my grandma was still with us even though she wasn’t part of the ceremony. So my dad left the group quickly to bring her to her seat and then returned to us in the hallway.

First, Leah entered to give her introduction and to tell people not to use their cameras and phones.

(A note: I obviously don’t have our video yet, so I’m going to copy the ceremony wording based on the script Leah read from. It should be basically the same as what was actually said.)

Leah: As Walt Disney once said, “To all who come to this happy place, welcome.” We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Amanda and Jeffrey. During the ceremony, the bride and groom invite you to be truly present. Please, turn off your cell phones and put down your cameras. The professionals will capture how this moment looks - I encourage you all to capture how it feels with your hearts, without the distraction of technology. As Shakespeare once said, “Put your phones away.” Thank you.

Then, “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone began to play.

Jeff said that his mom started singing while they were walking down the aisle, but he told her to stopped because he was mic’d.

After Jeff got to the gazebo, Jon and then Jay followed.

It bothers me that the boys didn’t smile. SIGH.

Then “Princess Diaries Waltz” started to play (shoutout to @elphie101 for the idea for this song).

My girls smiled!

While this was all happening, I was in the hallway of the Yacht Club bouncing up and down. My parents kept telling me to relax, but I was mainly focused on keeping my energy at a reasonable level and trying not to faint. I have stage fright and sometimes feel lightheaded in front of a crowd. Fainting during the ceremony was my biggest wedding fear. So I kept bouncing around because it made me feel better.

Soon, Janice came to get us. As we walked outside, I could see Samantha reaching the gazebo, and I remember thinking that I was glad that both Haley and Samantha were able to walk all the way down before the song ended.

Then there was a pause, and “Spectromagic Instrumental” began to play.

Leah: Please stand.

I could barely believe that it was really happening. I had imagined this moment hundreds of times, and now that it was real, it felt like a dream. Janice set us up in position, made sure my dress was laying flat, had us wait a moment for anticipation, and then sent us down the aisle.

I remember seeing my one friend and her daughter among our guests, and for some reason it made me really emotional and I teared up a little. Also, my dad stepped on my dress, so I made him move farther away from me.

I also want to note that even though Leah had literally just told people not to take pictures, I did see my aunt and uncle taking photos with their phones from the back row. At least you can’t tell in the pictures.

Jeff approached me like we had rehearsed, but he forgot what to do next. I motioned for him to kiss my mom, and then I kissed her. Then he shook hands with my dad, and I kissed my dad. Jeff and I entered the gazebo, Spectromagic ended, and we all ended up where we were supposed to be. Success!

Leah: Please be seated.

Leah: Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, and of family. From the bottom of their hearts, both Amanda and Jeff would like to thank each and every one of you for traveling from near and far to celebrate with them today, and for offering them your love, support, and encouragement at the beginning of this next chapter in their lives.

Let me use this moment to say that during the ceremony, even though we were SPECIFICALLY TOLD to make sure that we look at each other, Jeff spent the entire time looking at Leah’s script. I guess he was nervous, so he wanted to read along with what she was reading. But basically the whole ceremony, I was looking at him looking down. A few times, I looked over to the groomsmen, and Jon was actually looking at me. So later, I joked that maybe I actually married Jon since he was the only one I actually made eye contact with.

Leah: You don't have to have a ceremony to have a marriage, and no ceremony can create your marriage. Only you can do that – through love and patience; through dedication and listening; through supporting and believing in each other. What this ceremony can do is to witness and affirm the choice you make to stand together. This ceremony is a time to pause, look back, and smile at all the moments that brought you here. And a time to look ahead at all the moments that are still to come. I’m here - we’re all here - to support you, to be proud of you, and to remind you that love isn't happily ever after, love is the experience of writing your story. It's not one moment — not even this moment. It's every moment.

Leah: In Robert Fulghum’s book “True Love,” he says, “We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” I am here, presiding over this wedding, because I do believe that Jeff and Amanda are mutually weird.

You fell in that mutual weirdness by chance, but you're here today because you're making a choice. You are both choosing each other. You've chosen to be with someone who enhances you, who makes you think, makes you smile, and makes every day brighter.

Leah: You're about to make promises to each other that you intend to keep. You're going to vow to take care of each other, to stand up for one another, and find happiness in the other. There's a simple premise to each of these promises: you're vowing to be there. You're teaming up and saying to each other, "Every experience I am going to have, I want you to be a part of."

Leah: So I ask you… Do you, Amanda, promise to keep Jeffrey as your favorite person — to laugh with him, go on adventures with him, support him through life's tough moments, be proud of him, grow old with him, and find new reasons to love him every day?

Amanda: I do.

Leah: Do you, Jeffrey, promise to keep Amanda as your favorite person — to laugh with her, go on adventures with her, support her through life's tough moments, be proud of her, grow old with her, and find new reasons to love her every day?

Jeff: I do.

Leah: Today, Amanda and Jeff have opted to share their own vows with each other. Before we begin, I ask the two of you to look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another: friends, companions, partners. Now you shall say a few words, and things will never quite be the same. For after these vows, you shall say to the world, this is my husband, this is my wife. Now, Amanda will read her vows first.

Amanda: Jeff, you are my best friend, and I love you. I can’t believe that after all the stress and the planning, that we are finally here. When people would ask me if I was nervous for the wedding, I always said the same thing: “I am nervous about the wedding, but not about getting married.” Throughout everything, I was not nervous. If there was anything I was sure about, it was you.

I found a quote from Winnie the Pooh recently: “Any day spent with you is my favorite day, so today is my new favorite day.” Today I am marrying you. Today is my favorite day. But tomorrow will be my new favorite day. I promise that every day with you will be my new favorite day. When things are hard, we will struggle together. But it will still be my new favorite day. Any day spent with you is my favorite day.

Amanda: Jeff, you are so passionate and excited about every single thing you love. I’m honored that I am one of those things. I promise to share in that passion and excitement. I promise to share in the deep love that you have for me. I promise to try to be everything you need from me, and I promise that when I can’t, we will work and learn and grow together.

I promise to always be there, and I promise to always love you. I love you, Jeff. I love you and I like you.

Leah: Jeff?

Jeff: Amanda, you are many things to me. You’re my friend, my love, my co-cat parent, and my clean boo. I am so excited for this moment in our lives because we will be together forever, and we get to share that with our closest family and friends. You are my favorite person, and I will spend the rest of my life working to be the best person for you.

Jeff: Thank you, Amanda, for loving me as much as I love you. I promise to make the rest of our days together just as exciting and fun as the ones before.

Leah: Jon, may I have the rings please?

Maybe I should have expected this, but at this point, Jon pulls out a ring box, opens it, and I see that it’s empty. Then he quickly said, “Oh, not this one,” and pulled out the real ring box. Everyone laughed. Later, Jon told me that he waited until he saw the terror in my eyes but he made sure to pull out the real ring box before the terror spread to the rest of my face. I guess he was breaking me into the having a brother thing right away.

Leah: You’ve both chosen to wear rings as a reminder of your promises to each other. So now, Amanda, I ask you to take this ring, place it on Jeff’s finger, and repeat after me: Jeff, I love you with all my heart.

Amanda: Jeff, I love you with all my heart.

Leah: And with this ring, I take you to be my husband.

Amanda: And with this ring, I take you to be my husband.

Leah: Now Jeff, I ask you to take this ring, place it on Amanda’s finger, and repeat after me: Amanda, I love you with all my heart.

Jeff: Amanda, I love you with all my heart.

Leah: And with this ring, I take you to be my wife.

Jeff: And with this ring, I take you to be my wife.

Leah: Amanda, may I have your engagement ring? This engagement ring is a symbol of promise and intention. Now today, the intention is realized and the promise is fulfilled. So Jeff, would you please place the engagement ring back on Amanda’s finger, over her wedding band, symbolizing that the love that brought you together will protect and sustain you.

(Definitely stole that wording from @elphie101!)

Leah: Amanda and Jeffrey, before each other and your friends and family, you have declared your love by exchanging your vows, and you have symbolized your commitment by exchanging rings. And now, by the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church, I pronounce you husband and wife.

Jeff and Amanda, you may now kiss.

Leah: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, for the first time as a married couple: Jeff and Amanda!

Per Janice's instruction, we stood at the entrance to the gazebo for a few seconds, so our media team could get photo and video. Then we were escorted to a stairwell while everyone else did their recessional, and the wedding assistants set up our staged petal toss exit.

I’ll stop the update here, with one note. It might be strange, but my favorite part of the day was when we were in that stairwell, waiting to be released for our staged exit. It was just Jeff and I in the stairwell, and we had just gotten married. I kept saying, “Oh my god, we’re married,” over and over. It was an amazing moment to spend, just the two of us, right after we were married. Unfortunately, the moment had to happen in a stairwell. But it’s still my favorite.

Oh and also, I have this lovely picture of these people watching our wedding from their balcony. Apparently before the wedding started, they were talking loudly about how they got married several decades prior and were celebrating their anniversary. Thankfully, they didn’t talk during the wedding. Also, a former roommate of mine works at the Beach Club and watched our wedding from a balcony as well! But she didn’t loudly comment about it like this couple! :rotfl:

I may have been humming Spectromagic under my breath while I read this (even if yes, it was only your entrance!)

Eeee the engagement ring text!! That was kind of my favorite (scripted) part of our ceremony! The wording is so perfect. And yay to Princess Diaries Waltz, it will forever be amazing.

Your ceremony was just wonderful and it seems like it was such a true reflection of the two of you as a couple, especially your vows. Yay married!!!
I love your ceremony so much! Brought a tear to my eye. Also might have to steal some if your ceremony text because it's pretty perfect!
I may have been humming Spectromagic under my breath while I read this (even if yes, it was only your entrance!)

Eeee the engagement ring text!! That was kind of my favorite (scripted) part of our ceremony! The wording is so perfect. And yay to Princess Diaries Waltz, it will forever be amazing.

Your ceremony was just wonderful and it seems like it was such a true reflection of the two of you as a couple, especially your vows. Yay married!!!

Loooooove Spectromagic! And thank you for letting me steal what was basically entire portions of your wedding. We loved the ceremony, but I couldn't believe how quickly it went!

I love your ceremony so much! Brought a tear to my eye. Also might have to steal some if your ceremony text because it's pretty perfect!

Feel free to steal! I definitely took bits and pieces from all over the internet to create the ceremony we ended up with.
December 7th - Wedding Day! - Part 6

While we were in the stairwell, Kristina came and took one of Jeff’s mics, and then Disney’s AV guy came and took his other mic. Then Janice came and set us up for our staged petal toss exit. I hope that everyone thought the petal toss was as fun as I did because I loved it.

Jon and Jay did a Daniel Bryan “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant for us.

After the petal toss, Jeff and I walked back through everyone, to get back to the gazebo for pictures, and everyone high fived us and said “good game” as if we just finished some kind of school sporting event.

Our wedding party stayed with us to take a couple more portraits, while the rest of our guests headed to the marina for the pre-reception.


Gazebo, post wedding.

Leah and Jeff being themselves.

Then our wedding party headed off to the pre-reception as well. Janice asked Jeff and I if we wanted to go to the pre-reception, but I was still so wound up from the ceremony. I wanted some quiet time before we headed to the reception itself. I asked if we could get a plate of food though, and Janice said she’d be right back.

After just a minute or two, Janice had set a small table up for Jeff and I to eat and relax for a bit before getting more portraits done.

Empanadas, potstickers, and Caprese skewers, yum!

Enjoying our first few minutes of married life. This is also around the time that we updated our Facebook status to married! And Jeff took a selfie and made it his profile picture.

While we ate, the Roots got this photo of my bouquet! Miss you, bouquet. <3


Meanwhile, our violinist was at our pre-reception, playing for our guests at the marina.

The violinist got rave reviews! Apparently he was going to the different tables asking for requests. They had him playing everything from "Let it Go" to "Devil Went Down To Georgia." At one point, one of our guests asked him to play a song he didn't know, so he Googled it, listened to it for a minute, and then started to play it! They were all very impressed.

View from the marina. It was such a beautiful day!

We paid for literally zero decor for the pre-reception, but Disney made it look nice!

They served our signature cocktail at the pre-reception as well as the reception. I love this little sign they made up!


I had just a few bites of each of our hors d'oeuvres (ugh, thanks a lot, nerves), and I’m pretty sure Jeff ate his whole plate. Soon we were done, and it was time to get more photos with the Roots!

In the next update: post-ceremony portraits!
Aww that was beautiful! :lovestruc Made me well up at my desk at work haha. Can't wait for more!
December 7th - Wedding Day! - Part 7

After we ate our little plate of hors d'oeuvres, we went around the Yacht Club taking photos!

As we walked throughout the resort in between photo locations, David was video taping us walking. It was a little awkward because he told us to look cute and loving while we walked, but it was weird to be on camera that whole time. I wonder if he ended up getting any good walking footage of us.

We were taking some lovely photos near these windows in the Yacht Club when everyone started laughing.

“What?” I said.

Nate’s answer? “You’ll see when you get your photos.”

So there’s that.

I also remember asking the Roots and Trinity when I should take off my veil. They let me know that most brides usually take theirs off after the toasts. I was very happy to have wedding professionals with me to help me when I didn't know wedding stuff!

After we finished taking photos, we got to see Ariel’s before the rest of our guests. And it was PERFECT.

Everything was even more beautiful than I had imagined.

And I loved our details!

Our favors.

Our table names.

Our linens.

Our cake.

Crystal cake topper.

And I’ll end this update with a story that is probably TMI. Before any of our guests got to the reception, I really had to pee, but it was just Jeff and me, Janice, the Roots, and Trinity there. That’s when Jensey took one for the team and offered to hold my dress while I peed. Thankfully, she is pretty experienced with this apparently. I had no idea how to use the bathroom in a ball gown, but she helped me lift all the layers of my dress and hold it while I peed, with the stall door open and Janice guarding the door. I am SO glad that Jensey was there because then I knew how to tell my sister to hold my dress when I needed to use the bathroom later on in the night!

In the next update: the reception begins!
December 7th - Wedding Day! - Part 8

After I returned from my bathroom break, we were told that our guests were on their way to the reception from the cocktail hour. We “hid” in Martha’s Vineyard and watched our guests file into Ariel’s, get their chocolate escort cards, and find their tables. There was a wedding assistant there to supervise, in case any of our guests had questions.

While we were in Martha’s Vineyard, we chatted with DJ Elliot a little bit. Also, one of our guests (my high school/college ex-boyfriend, actually) came up to me to tell me that he told my mom during the cocktail hour that he didn’t like her?!?! :eek: I had a small panic moment until my mom came up to tell me that she had a GREAT conversation with him where he told her that she was always right about everything. So I guess that was a complete miscommunication between them, but it worked out in my favor!

Once our guests were seated, Elliot wrangled our wedding party for our grand entrances, and then we entered Ariel's. I can’t for the life of me remember what song he used for the grand entrance. Maybe it’ll be in our video, and I’ll remember!

My parents

Jeff’s parents

Jay and Haley

Jon and Samantha

And then us! I was very particular about wanting to be announced as “Amanda and Jeff,” since I’m not changing my name.

Then we took to the dance floor for our first dance. We danced to “Define Dancing” from Wall-E.

I love the set-up of Ariel’s, especially how everyone can watch the special dances from the raised up area.

After the first dance, we headed to sit at our sweetheart table, and Jon came up to stand by us for his speech.

Jon did a bit about how he lost his notes but then said that he never actually wrote notes to begin with. He told me later that he actually did have notes and actually did lose them! Luckily, his speech was still really good without them!

Jon told a story about how when they were kids, he and Jeff would get baseball caps signed by all the characters when they visited Disney World. To continue this tradition, Jon brought a white Disney hat for all of our wedding guests to sign!

Then my sister came up to do her speech.

She talked about how her favorite couple was “Jeff and Amanda… and me.”

Both Jon’s and Samantha’s speeches were so sweet! I obviously knew that our siblings approved of our marriage since we all get along so well, but it was still so nice to hear about how they are both really embracing their sibling’s spouse as part of their family.

And after the speeches, it was time to eat! Jeff and I each had a server to make our plates, so we wouldn’t accidentally get food on ourselves.

Here was our menu...

Build your own Cobb salad, with choice of vinaigrette, ranch, or bleu cheese dressing:

Purple Peruvian potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and truffle macaroni and cheese action station with this assortment of toppings. If I can identify them correctly, there is butter, pancetta, bacon bits, broccoli, scallions, candied walnuts, cheese, breadcrumbs, sour cream, brown sugar, and peas. There was also a heated pan that's not pictures that had the braised beef short ribs... yum!

Assorted seasonal vegetables:

Angus filet with choice of drunken cherry sauce or horseradish:

Parmesan crusted chicken with choice of marinara or alfredo sauce:

I asked for everything on my plate except for the chicken and the sweet potatoes.

Note the bowl of walnuts behind the table sign. During our menu tasting, Jeff said he wished he could eat a whole bowl of the candied walnuts from the topping bar. Kristie remembered this and had a bowl put on our table! She wasn’t even there, but she still made it happen!

Then we had some time to eat. I think I mentioned this in my glad I did/wish I had post, but I had only one bite of everything except for zucchini. A few minutes into dinner, I realized that the only thing I could stomach was the zucchini, so I had one of the servers bring me a plate of just that to eat. I do wish I could go back in time and eat more. But I was just too nervous and my dress was too squeezy for me to feel hungry.

In the next update: parent dances and more reception!
I hated the feeling of not being able to eat anymore, especially with all that yummy food! So nice that you didn't have a bustle! Your linens do look spectacular!
Did you have Mr. Kerr for your violinist. He was on the Wedding Podcast as a vender/musician review. I enjoyed that segment.

OMG I have 2 LONG months to wait until I can call it my gazebo for a day! And I'm totally stealing your welcome verbage. I get goosebumps every time I hear that saying, and even more when I hear it in Walt's voice.
I just hope Rev Tim will use it.
Oh my goodness. I'm sitting here at work tearing up over your ceremony! I love the intro and I too noted @elphie101's ceremony language about the engagement ring to steal for my ceremony!

I also love your themed Land table name cards. So fun! I'm being adamant about being introduced by our first names, too, since I'm not planning on changing my name either.
I love your pictures!!! What a beautiful day :) :) Congrats!

Thank you! :)

I hated the feeling of not being able to eat anymore, especially with all that yummy food! So nice that you didn't have a bustle! Your linens do look spectacular!

It was sooo nice not to have a bustle. I'm so glad I got the train cut off of my dress! And thank you, I was totally in love with the linens!

Did you have Mr. Kerr for your violinist. He was on the Wedding Podcast as a vender/musician review. I enjoyed that segment.

OMG I have 2 LONG months to wait until I can call it my gazebo for a day! And I'm totally stealing your welcome verbage. I get goosebumps every time I hear that saying, and even more when I hear it in Walt's voice.
I just hope Rev Tim will use it.

I'm not sure who our violinist was. Since he played before our ceremony and during the cocktail hour, we actually never got to hear him play. Our guests loved him though! And please steal away from our ceremony! I borrowed a lot from other people's to create ours.

Oh my goodness. I'm sitting here at work tearing up over your ceremony! I love the intro and I too noted @elphie101's ceremony language about the engagement ring to steal for my ceremony!

I also love your themed Land table name cards. So fun! I'm being adamant about being introduced by our first names, too, since I'm not planning on changing my name either.

Aww thank you! It took us forever to decide what we wanted to use for table names. When we decided on lands, Kristie told us that we could get them to use the official land artwork for no additional cost. So of course we did!
December 7th - Wedding Day! - Part 9

After enough time for the people who were eating more than just zucchini to eat a sufficient amount of food, DJ Elliot asked if I was ready to start the parent dances. I agreed, and Elliot gave my dad a microphone to make a little speech. In which my dad called us Mr. and Mrs. Reisdorf, even though he knows I’m not taking Jeff’s name, but that’s besides the point. At the end of his speech, he asked me to dance (An adorable wedding tip from DJ Elliot... have your dad officially ask you to dance. It looks adorable to your guests.)

We danced to “In My Life” by the Beatles. And I had to keep telling my dad not to step on my dress.

After the song, my mom came down and we hugged.

Then Jeff and his mom danced to “Lullabye” by Billy Joel.

Jeff’s grandma wasn’t able to make it to the wedding, so his friends were holding a phone with her on Skype.

After the parent dances, the partying began! There are a TON of photos from the reception. I’ll try to pick just a few to share here.

This is one of the few times Jeff and I actually danced together. We spent most of the time dancing with other people!

Then our siblings came to dance with us.

Then we switched, and Samantha danced with Jeff while I danced with Jon.

And then, although we don’t seem to have a picture of it, we switched again, and I was back with Jeff while Samantha and Jon danced.

Again, I can’t stress enough how perfect a venue Ariel’s was for us. The dance floor was a perfect size for our group of 40. It felt full, but not too full, even though there were so few of us. Also, those that didn’t want to dance could watch everything from above. And there is that bench area for when people got tired but didn’t want to stray too far from the party.

We had exactly one child at the wedding, the daughter of a friend of mine, and it was perfect. One of my other friends came up to me after the wedding to tell me that she found out the secret to a great wedding: exactly one child. Everyone loved her and kept making sure that she was having a good time. Plus she’s adorable in pictures.

Note: the person in this photo literally did not know this kid until the day of our wedding. We just literally all fell in love with her because she such a sweet kid, and everyone wanted to hang out with her.

We are all terrible at the Wobble.

Unfortunately there are no pictures of my face when DJ Elliot told me that he spoke to some friends at Hollywood Studios, and they heard I might want to hear some songs from them. At first I was confused, until he started playing it. He had a recording of the Beatles set from Mulch, Sweat, and Shears! My friend and I used to watch Mulch, Sweat, and Shears at Hollywood Studios all the time when we first moved to Florida, and my favorite set that they played was the Beatles. My face was complete shock, surprise, and amazement. I still don’t know how Elliot knew that I loved that set so much. And everyone else enjoyed the Beatles songs, even if they didn’t understand the significance.

I think this is from when DJ Elliot played Feliz Navidad and then mixed it into the Cupid Shuffle.

I love the action shots from the Roots!

DJ Elliot working his magic.

At one point, there was a conga line to a song from Captain EO? I was in the bathroom during all of this, but that’s what I am told.

Then soon it was time to cut the cake! But that's a lot of photos for one post, so I'll show the cake cutting in the next update!


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