All that walking...

No prep. We get about 25k a day at WDW. At home i average 10-12k. Now going in summer and the heat is a different animal.
Also make sure you have hydration. Carry a bottle or something. It's been an early hot already down here (I live in Sarasota) & I can feel I am not acclimating well right now. Trying to keep the fluids going all day has been a challenge lately.
Each trip we average around 17,000 steps per day for our trip to Disneyworld. Around the 90-day mark before our trip, we have a family challenge to try and get in shape to handle all that walking.

I am interested to hear what do others do (if anything) to get into shape for your Disney Trip?
Yoga -- Every single morning at 5:00 a.m. My yoga practice focuses on stretching, flexibility and balance. I have done power yoga and some poses for flexibility and balance will require similar power yoga poses, but my focus is not on strength building with my yoga practice.

Strength training with fee weights 3 sessions / week for 20-25 minutes / session.

Walking 20-60 minutes / day.

This is all at home. No gyms. And, I have never had an issue with getting around WDW or DLR.
My wife got us collapsible buckets to soak our feet in warm/hot water with Epsom Salt for 5-10 minutes each night before bed. That helped and I was registering 25-32K steps per day.
I've never done anything to get "in shape" for a Disney trip and I've never had any problems. For reference, I'm in my 40s and do not have any kind of regular exercise regimen. Most of my day job is spent at a desk. Unless there are physical issues, I don't think average people need to do anything to prepare for a trip to WDW.
I read this post last night so today I felt inspired to start getting some extra steps in. I usually do 6-8k a day but I’m going to aim for between 12-15k a day until I leave (6 weeks today woohoo). Also need to start taking my turmeric supplement again, it’s good for joints.

I take about 1000 mg of tumeric daily. It has done wonders for my knees.

I second those that say good shoes are a must. My Keens sandals are my go to for the parks. Excellent arch support.

I can't say I specifically do extra to get into shape for a trip but I take the pup for a 4 mile hike in the woods multiple times a week so that helps.
I naturally walk everywhere so I’m usually good. Except sometimes my shoes aren’t up for it. In my last two trips I was good, but now my feet are more blister than foot, lol.
I walk 10,000 steps everyday and am 70 years old.
I go slow there and do take breaks, but I get everything done I want to
Yoga -- Every single morning at 5:00 a.m. My yoga practice focuses on stretching, flexibility and balance. I have done power yoga and some poses for flexibility and balance will require similar power yoga poses, but my focus is not on strength building with my yoga practice.

Strength training with fee weights 3 sessions / week for 20-25 minutes / session.

Walking 20-60 minutes / day.

This is all at home. No gyms. And, I have never had an issue with getting around WDW or DLR.
You are obviously the person who gets up to buy Genie+ and make the LL and ILL arrangements in the morning!!
We are pretty sedentary at home (sadly - need to do better there) but we get by at Disney with Keens, hydration, proactively staying on top of Ibuprofen on park days, and park planning that emphasizes not retracing steps by always eating wherever we happen to be and generally avoiding reservations that we can't predictably plan around. We also split EPCOT and MK into two days, so we don't ever cover those whole parks in one day. Also moleskin is a godsend.
Each trip we average around 17,000 steps per day for our trip to Disneyworld. Around the 90-day mark before our trip, we have a family challenge to try and get in shape to handle all that walking.

I am interested to hear what do others do (if anything) to get into shape for your Disney Trip?
Absolutely nothing. Take fewer strips and soak it all in.
We average 30-40k on a busy, all day park day. About 20k for our rest days. We just wear VERY comfortable shoes lol
We found shoes that work for us (Keens!) and go for walks almost daily throughout the year, so no extra prep really needed for our annual trip on that front. However, we go in July, so for the last bit of time before each trip we go for walks regularly during the hottest parts of the day just to get used to that again. We live in Texas, so we have ample opportunity to practice tolerating heat.
I have never prepped and live a pretty sedentary life. The max we did in one day was around 14 miles so over 30k steps for me. You just have to let that Disney adrenaline take over 😂

Lots of good advice here but I would add:
  • Good socks - highly recommend some with arch support built in.
  • A small backpack with a small refillable water bottle (too much weight is no good, take the time to stop for refills rather than pack a big bottle)
  • Moleskin and/or New skin liquid bandage and/or blister pads (although I personally have never needed them, sometimes the kids do)
  • Rather than Epsom salts get a magnesium foam like Theraworx Muscle cramp foam. Much easier to carry and use and is the exact same ingredient.
  • Bring or buy some electrolyte replenishment drink mix like propel or ultima.
  • Compression socks are great for recovery at night!
When the kids were younger I would drag them with me on my daily walks to prep them. The youngest was 4 on our first trip and we never used a stroller and rarely carried. I am still walking daily and the kids, all grown up, join me on their own. Currently walking with DD for our Halloween trip. 🎃 we don't want to waste a minute of it so good shoes, socks on our feet and blister pads in the park bag.
Our daily routine is that I walk (fast) two miles on treadmill every morning. My husband runs 5 miles every morning and does weight training every other day. Then we do a 3 mile walk after dinner.

So we don't do anything else to prepare for Disney to be honest. Maybe we will eat fast food once or twice before we leave to prepare our stomachs! 😄

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