Ahem this just in and now the picture is included.


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
Lilo and Stitch pin inserts for the build-a-pin series now available.

I just built my I conquered the world completer pin with a Stitch insert... its sooooooo cool looking.:p

<A href=http://members.aol.com/raulandpinboy/pictures/stitch.jpg>
<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="http://members.aol.com/raulandpinboy/pictures/stitch.jpg" WIDTH=250><BR>
</A><BR><FONT face="arial,helvetica" color=blue size=4>Click to Enlarge</FONT>
Where's the picture? I want to see a picture. I want to see how cool it is.
I am so excited!!! When I arrive on the 19th, the first thing I am doing is going to DD to have lots of pins made with lilo & stitch. I just hope I get to my CC bill before my fiancee. I don't want him dying of a heart attack.

But pooooor Raul is down right now w/ that nasty flu, and as soon as he gets his butt..errr I mean as soon as he feels better I will get him to post the pic..it is sooooo cute...I got one two..( I know..copy cat)
I got one too...I got one too!!! :p

I luv mine!!!



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